The Importance of Transcending the 7th Chakra

Written by Deidre Madsen.

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⏱️ 9.5 Minute Read | Also see Chakras & Chakra Meditation | Physical Proof of Ascension | Ascension Symptoms | Quantum Consciousness | Balancing the Hemispheres

In peace I will lie down and sleep,
for you alone, LORD,
make me dwell in safety.
- Psalm 4:8

In this day and age of awakening spirituality and finding one's self, we are inundated with a variety of holistic healing modalities. True enough many of them work wonders in helping us release the issues from our body, clear our minds, and open our hearts. And all too often we work within our physical body's lower seven chakras (spinning wheels of light/energy - or portals). These seven chakras are the main ones to work with indeed; however, did you know that we are really in need of going beyond these seven chakras? And, in order to ascend this local reality we also need to transcend these seven chakras? What lies beyond these seven? How do we do this? And after we transcend them what happens next? This Isn't About Anyone But You.

The Importance of Transcending the 7th ChakraWhat lies beyond is a great mystery many have tried to understand and few have succeeded. For each and every one of us, this is a personal journey. The title reminds us that in the end, this is truly all about us and the reality we choose to co-create for ourselves. Supporting this theme, my understands and teachings draw from the richness of phenomenology, depth psychology, archetypal psychology as well as analytical psychology.

By looking at our outer world as a reflection of our inner world - thus we must truly look within for our healing. We are learning how to rise above the lower seven chakras through the following understandings of what lies beyond, how to get there, how to pass through the seventh chakra, and what we can expect to experience in our lives.  Remember, when the inner YOUniverse is balanced our outer world is transformed to reflect the same environment. Therefore, following are my insights, suggestions and support to help you transcend your seventh chakra.

Trinity Concepts - A Third Choice

An opening thought is that everything feels so black and white in life. When we break it down, life breaks down to choice anyway. Either we are 'on' the fence or we are 'off'. And when we are on the fence it feels like an expanded gray area of our lives. Off the fence it looks rather black or white in our reality. On or off. Fear or love. Throughout the coming years we will see (and have begun to really see) the pulling together of and distinct uniqueness of each of the three pillars in the Kabbalastic Tree of Life (Hebrew: lit. "receiving").

The Importance of Transcending the 7th Chakra sacred geometry aquatic flower of life Moving Into Right Mind

The pillar of severity represents the masculine, structured left brain, the pillar of mercy represents the feminine, unstructured right brain, and the space be'tween is the central pillar connecting the seven chakras and beyond.

We Always Have the Third Option in Life

Whenever we think we can only chose between this or that, yes or no, in or out, up or down, etc. we must remember we are infinite beings of Light and potential with the divine recorder cell within our HUman blueprint guiding and pointing the way for us. We always have a third choice that goes beyond the two choices available to us. All we need is a little creative imagination and can tap right into the perfect situation for ourselves allowing the YOUniverse to support us and our goals, dreams and desires.

As in the movie The 10th Kingdom where the magical frog tells Virginia, Wolf and Virginia's father, Tony Lewis (played by John Laroquette), "One door is the way out and one door leads to ruin." Tony's follow-up question is really important here ... he asks the magic frog, "What does that achieve?!"

What Does Only Having Two Options Achieve?!

Truly, this is a great question. Who would answer this but a pragmatist and focuses solely on cause and effect which to some degree is true but eliminates a greater potential for our innate ability to transcend the proverbial hamster wheel of life and ascend out of this local universe.

Sat Nam = Truth is My Identity

When we stay in the truest state of our Divine Nature as HUman-kind we naturally achieve a state of 'as above, so below' through our very breath, our choice point. Choosing to breathe in or not. And yet if you follow the breath, it is unabridged, it is complete and whole in and of itself. And it is self intelligent, as we ourselves are self-intelligent whole beings of Light. hA!

To add to the flavor of the love byte that is put forth through the bio-computer dynamic that we are, I have found a study expressing the third option which ties into the Kabbalah, our spinal columns and toroidal spiraling DNA [see below].

Toroidal DNA as an Antennae for Subtle Energy


THE SHAPE OF TIME ... Replace the lines with beads composed of the spheres [of Light] depicted in the Loxodrome figure (left). And not only this, but when the beads composing the lines are analyzed, their lines are created in the same Loxodromic way - ad infinitum. The Shape of Time is herewith defined as an infinitely spiraled fractal, conical loxodrome.

The hypothesis presented ... about the function of toroidal DNA has not been considered by the molecular biology community. It is proposed here that the toroidal shape of DNA functions as an antennae to allow DNA to sense subtle energies in the environment In addition the hypothesis states that toroidal DNA acts as a transducer converting subtle energy into conventional EM [electromagnetic] energy which is then radiated from the DNA to Toroidproduce a variety of intracellular events at the biochemical level. As mentioned above, experimental evidence already exists indicating DNA emits EM fields in the form of coherent photons (Rattemeyer, 1981).

If the above hypotheses are true then as we move through the interior of the tube torus / Iron Age / we are moving through the narrowest and tightest part of the torus spherical movement. Often the analogy of feeling like a honed sword comes to mind as we experience the deeper more subtle energy systems affecting our axiatonal lines.

The time we are in currently is all about completion and fulfillment of evolutionary processes that have been going on from the beginning of time and led the world to what it is today. The higher highs and lower lows than 2009 fed us, continue to march forward into 2010. Marching ... clearly and distinctively different from schlepping. The fence most of us have been sitting on around our deepest and most undeniable parts within has just become razor-thin and sharp provoking us to quickly scurrying off its painful place on our proverbial patootie. Ouch! Just don't go there girlfriend! Extreme Spirituality, a term defining last year becomes more of a newfound mantra for many of the dogmatically positioned who are (and have been) soon-to-be displaced from that same fence.

Tags: Kabbalah Rosary seventh chakra chakras transcendence third option tree of life toroidal DNA infinity symbol sacred heart exercise holy of holies

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