Articles Tagged ‘seventh chakra’

The Importance of Transcending the 7th Chakra

⏱️ 9.5 Minute Read | Also see Chakras & Chakra Meditation | Physical Proof of Ascension | Ascension Symptoms | Quantum Consciousness | Balancing the Hemispheres

In peace I will lie down and sleep,
for you alone, LORD,
make me dwell in safety.
- Psalm 4:8

In this day and age of awakening spirituality and finding one's self, we are inundated with a variety of holistic healing modalities. True enough many of them work wonders in helping us release the issues from our body, clear our minds, and open our hearts. And all too often we work within our physical body's lower seven chakras (spinning wheels of light/energy - or portals). These seven chakras are the main ones to work with indeed; however, did you know that we are really in need of going beyond these seven chakras? And, in order to ascend this local reality we also need to transcend these seven chakras? What lies beyond these seven? How do we do this? And after we transcend them what happens next? This Isn't About Anyone But You.

The Importance of Transcending the 7th ChakraWhat lies beyond is a great mystery many have tried to understand and few have succeeded. For each and every one of us, this is a personal journey. The title reminds us that in the end, this is truly all about us and the reality we choose to co-create for ourselves. Supporting this theme, my understands and teachings draw from the richness of phenomenology, depth psychology, archetypal psychology as well as analytical psychology.

By looking at our outer world as a reflection of our inner world - thus we must truly look within for our healing. We are learning how to rise above the lower seven chakras through the following understandings of what lies beyond, how to get there, how to pass through the seventh chakra, and what we can expect to experience in our lives.  Remember, when the inner YOUniverse is balanced our outer world is transformed to reflect the same environment. Therefore, following are my insights, suggestions and support to help you transcend your seventh chakra.

Trinity Concepts - A Third Choice

An opening thought is that everything feels so black and white in life. When we break it down, life breaks down to choice anyway. Either we are 'on' the fence or we are 'off'. And when we are on the fence it feels like an expanded gray area of our lives. Off the fence it looks rather black or white in our reality. On or off. Fear or love. Throughout the coming years we will see (and have begun to really see) the pulling together of and distinct uniqueness of each of the three pillars in the Kabbalastic Tree of Life (Hebrew: lit. "receiving").

The Importance of Transcending the 7th Chakra sacred geometry aquatic flower of life Moving Into Right Mind

The pillar of severity represents the masculine, structured left brain, the pillar of mercy represents the feminine, unstructured right brain, and the space be'tween is the central pillar connecting the seven chakras and beyond.

We Always Have the Third Option in Life

Whenever we think we can only chose between this or that, yes or no, in or out, up or down, etc. we must remember we are infinite beings of Light and potential with the divine recorder cell within our HUman blueprint guiding and pointing the way for us. We always have a third choice that goes beyond the two choices available to us. All we need is a little creative imagination and can tap right into the perfect situation for ourselves allowing the YOUniverse to support us and our goals, dreams and desires.

As in the movie The 10th Kingdom where the magical frog tells Virginia, Wolf and Virginia's father, Tony Lewis (played by John Laroquette), "One door is the way out and one door leads to ruin." Tony's follow-up question is really important here... he asks the magic frog, "What does that achieve?!"

What Does Only Having Two Options Achieve?!

Truly, this is a great question. Who would answer this but a pragmatist and focuses solely on cause and effect which to some degree is true but eliminates a greater potential for our innate ability to transcend the proverbial hamster wheel of life and ascend out of this local universe.

Sat Nam = Truth is My Identity

When we stay in the truest state of our Divine Nature as HUman-kind we naturally achieve a state of 'as above, so below' through our very breath, our choice point. Choosing to breathe in or not. And yet if you follow the breath, it is unabridged, it is complete and whole in and of itself. And it is self intelligent, as we ourselves are self-intelligent whole beings of Light. hA!

To add to the flavor of the love byte that is put forth through the bio-computer dynamic that we are, I have found a study expressing the third option which ties into the Kabbalah, our spinal columns and toroidal spiraling DNA [see below].

Toroidal DNA as an Antennae for Subtle Energy


THE SHAPE OF TIME... Replace the lines with beads composed of the spheres [of Light] depicted in the Loxodrome figure (left). And not only this, but when the beads composing the lines are analyzed, their lines are created in the same Loxodromic way - ad infinitum. The Shape of Time is herewith defined as an infinitely spiraled fractal, conical loxodrome.

The hypothesis presented... about the function of toroidal DNA has not been considered by the molecular biology community. It is proposed here that the toroidal shape of DNA functions as an antennae to allow DNA to sense subtle energies in the environment In addition the hypothesis states that toroidal DNA acts as a transducer converting subtle energy into conventional EM [electromagnetic] energy which is then radiated from the DNA to Toroidproduce a variety of intracellular events at the biochemical level. As mentioned above, experimental evidence already exists indicating DNA emits EM fields in the form of coherent photons (Rattemeyer, 1981).

If the above hypotheses are true then as we move through the interior of the tube torus / Iron Age / we are moving through the narrowest and tightest part of the torus spherical movement. Often the analogy of feeling like a honed sword comes to mind as we experience the deeper more subtle energy systems affecting our axiatonal lines.

The time we are in currently is all about completion and fulfillment of evolutionary processes that have been going on from the beginning of time and led the world to what it is today. The higher highs and lower lows than 2009 fed us, continue to march forward into 2010. Marching... clearly and distinctively different from schlepping. The fence most of us have been sitting on around our deepest and most undeniable parts within has just become razor-thin and sharp provoking us to quickly scurrying off its painful place on our proverbial patootie. Ouch! Just don't go there girlfriend! Extreme Spirituality, a term defining last year becomes more of a newfound mantra for many of the dogmatically positioned who are (and have been) soon-to-be displaced from that same fence.

Eighth (Hachi) Chakra - Infinity Has An Epicenter

infinity symbol

We are not to merely work with our lower seven chakras but to move into the eighth chakra to leave this local YOUniverse via the ninth chakra. If the number eight remains standing vertically it appears we are to move from the lower half to the higher half but it still doesn't get us to move beyond the eighth chakra and on into the ninth. Therefore...

VISUALIZE THE NUMBER EIGHT (8) TURNING ON ITS SIDE TO BECOME AN INFINITY SYMBOL where the center central point becomes the most direct way to pass through this local universe's divine gateway through Arcturus (Alpha Bootis, the Shepard in the Sky, wise counselor, fair judge) toward our ninth chakra on up and ultimately our ascension. We now know and see that "Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven." is truly felt and realized in the Native American (and other) indigenous phrase "As above, so below." and we witness this within our own inner kingdoms and queendoms, our divine balance within; gratefully and with great joy we will see it manifest in our "without", our outer world.

INFINITY is defined as a factor of Plank's Constant. [Planck conjectured (correctly, as it later turned out) that under certain conditions, energy could not take on any indiscriminate value: instead, the energy must be some multiple of a very small quantity (later to be named a " quantum"). This is counterintuitive in the everyday world, where it is possible to "make things a little bit hotter" or "move things a little bit faster", because the quanta of energy are very, very small in comparison to everyday human experience. Nevertheless, it is impossible, as Planck found out, to explain some phenomena without accepting that energy is quantized; that is, it exists only in integer multiples of some base value. ]

toroidIs the Electron a Photon with Torodial Topology?
Adding Dimensions

In this paper, we formulate a simple model based on a single postulate: that there exists a state of a self-confined single-wavelength photon. We will argue that these distinct states are created and destroyed in charge-conjugate pairs. In effect we replace the postulated Poincare- stresses, which confine the electron charge, with a postulated self-confinement mechanism for a photon. That we choose a photon rather than an electromagnetic wave introduces the relation E = hw, and the model we propose will be semi-classical. The approach in what follows is to investigate the consequences of demanding periodic boundary conditions of length one wavelength on a quantised electromagnetic wave. We will see that this leads naturally to a model with a non-simply connected topology. The model suggests a possible origin for both charge and half-integer spin and also reconciles the apparently contradictory criteria discussed above for the electron. Although we have simply postulated that the photon may be confined, we will also discuss some possible origins for this confinement. (J.G. Williamson and M.B. van der Mark, Published in: Annales de la Fondation Louis de Broglie, Volume 22, no.2, 133 (1997) | READ FULL PAPER REPORT IN PDF FORMAT »

Toroidal DNA condensates have received considerable attention as a model of ordered DNA condensation. Geometry and topology of fibre bundles can be efficient tools in order to study these structures. Such methods have given fruitful results when considering toroidal vesicles made of amphiphile films and blue phases structures observed in liquid crystals made of long chiral molecules. [A chiral molecule is one that is not superimposable on its mirror image.] We give, in this paper, the geometrical arguments supporting this description. Then, we show how electrostatic interactions could be studied using curved spaces. We show that it is possible to have conditions resulting in attractive interaction between DNA molecules in the presence of positive charges. Sadoc, Jean-François International Journal of Modern Physics B, Volume 14, Issue 07, pp. 737-749 (2000).

Excerpts from

Dark Matter, the vibratory essence of all that exists, is no longer on its elusive hide and seek trip -- it has been found! With the introduction of Vortex-Based Mathematics you will be able to see how energy is expressing itself mathematically. This math has no anomalies and shows the dimensional shape and function of the universe as being a toroid or donut-shaped black hole. This is the template for the universe and it is all within our base ten decimal system! Numbers are Real and Alive not merely symbols for other things.... the relationships between numbers are not random or man-made but that numbers are actually elementary particles of which everything is composed. This lost knowledge was well known to our ancients and is now being uncovered for us today. Gradually you will come to see numbers in a simple yet profoundly perfect three-dimensional matrix grid pattern that forms the shape of a torus. The universe as an ecological system of renewal. The tube torus shape is by all accounts, the most beautiful shape ever conceived and is used to define all particles.

toroid colorThe Universe is Not Based on Dualities

Extrapolating from Rodin's work, Yin/Yang is not a duality but rather a trinary [trinity]. This is because the 6 and 9 represent each side of the Yin/Yang and the 3 is the "S" curve between them. Everything is based on thirds. We think that the universe is based on dualities because we see the effects not the cause. The Chinese Yin/Yang Symbol clearly shows Yin = 6 (entropy / feminine) and the Yang = 9 (syntropy / masculine). And since all is divisible in three, the natural S curve of the Yin/Yang symbol is 3, dividing the two spaces with the Trinity, Trikaya, Triple power of the Godhead. Also, the Japanese symbol for the Yin/Yang symbol is in a trinity formation.

The ninth chakra rests above the eighth turned on its side, to infinity and spears the center, creating a syntropic upward spiraling condition for HUmanity to ascend through. "Spirit flow is the source of all movement as well as the source of the non-decaying spin of the electron." [Rodin]

Spine Tingling

In November 2009 we had a shift from day to night and this has brought everyone out of hiding, or back into hiding depending on their situation. Either way you look at it, the spinal column's cosmic dance with the blast of higher frequency energies traversing its direct connection to the axiotonal lines.

As the snake like kundalini activates and charges upwards through our spheres and column, moving up the spinal column and up through to the height of our seventh chakra we get to experience everything at once and many are beginning to realize themselves in a three-times-three equaling nine timeline lifetime/reality consciousness. Disconcerting? Perhaps if you haven't got a good stable foundational interior, it could be a challenge. However the energies today are far more supporting of this next shift than they were 10 + years ago so we should all be having a much better time of it with our dreams, hopes and goals becoming fully realized.

Going Beyond the 7th - The One Exception

multi dimensions going beyond the seventh chakra - Deidre Madsen

The one exception is that though last year's message was about the exciting days we were in and what was ahead for us, we are truly in the thick of it now. We are no longer in a space where it is all about to happen. We are there. We have arrived.

Lately it has become painful for many experiencing tremendous loss in every façet of their lives. Yet in truth, because of the level of the current cosmic weather's intensity and heightened energies we can no longer afford to blame anyone or anything anymore for the pain in our lives - taking ownership by stepping into our King and Queen archetypes.

If you are one that is in great pain or anguish with your life, you might try the following techniques for finding peace and balance, harmony and well-being within.

Open-Hearted and Vulnerable

My own experience in these past few months has brought me to my knees with the realization of how vital it is to be in our expanded self and open to being truly vulnerable and right minded in every way. Every time we allow the left brain's manipulation out of fear or logic to interfere with our life's choices and dreams we negate our innate and right ability to be free flowing sparks of Light from the Divine Emanation. That could be what sin is all about, stopping the divine flow.

shiyn  The Importance of Transcending the 7th Chakra - Deidre MadsenMu Shin - No Mindness

Mu = This is the Japanese pronunciation of the Chinese character 'wu', which means 'to lack' or 'there is not'. In ordinary usage it negates the presence of something. Mu also represents Lemuria, the name of a hypothetical "lost land" variously located in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

Shin = In gematria, Shin represents the number 300. The 21st letter in the Hebrew alphabet. Shin is also one of the seven letters which receive a special crown (called a tagin) when written in a Sefer Torah. Shin also stands for the word Shaddai, a name for God. The shape of the letter Shin mimics the structure of the human heart.

Every time my mind would wander into darker waters I would find that I would be submerged into the depths of great shadow places. I feel it is about becoming conscious of when this occurs and making it right within. Recently I have had the blessed opportunity to connect with Geisha energy so completely I felt a complete channeled vibration of their strength and power spring forth from the core of my being. Now some may not imagine that Geisha are very powerful, but truly one who reveals their truth from the depths of the heart and offers it fully and completely is truly in the greatest sense of power. Not power over with aggression, nor power under with manipulation, but rather... power from within.

vulcansalute"Live long and prosper!" - Leonard Nimoy first saw what became the famous Vulcan salute, “live long and prosper,” as a child, long before “Star Trek” even existed. The placement of the hands comes from a childhood memory, of an Orthodox Jewish synagogue service in Boston.

Sacred Heart Exercise

mary sacredheart The Importance of Transcending the 7th Chakra - Deidre Madsen

This exercise is to assist you in the discovery and connection to your Holy of Holies(Kodesh Hakodashim), High Heart or Sacred Heart. And to begin to access the level of divine love and beauty that exists therein. In discovering and connecting with the sacred interior of you as the holy tabernacle [Remember: Christ said he could have the tabernacle torn down and in three days (3 = 72 hours = 9 = completion), build it back up again.] You yourself will begin to witness the true power of Love Incarnate and Divine within your own being, your own tabernacle body, and within your own High Sacred Heart.

To more fully comprehend this, I have added a pictoral iconic figure of Mother Mary of the Sacred Heart to help you imagine your own sacred heart.

Imagine yourself now in the midst of whatever crisis, turmoil or stressor you may be in currently. Imagine the icon of the Sacred Heart within your body. Beating, breathing, expanding, contracting, expressing, resting. Imagine you opening yourself up to seeing this beautiful jewel within your body vehicle, drawing it out to lay vulnerably on your palm, as a clear message of surrendering to the Divine from within, the God from within. Ever trusting, ever faithful. We are to be that trusting in ever more ernest, we recognize just exactly the level of truth this statement holds. For without going into this state of complete surrender and vulnerability we cannot fully experience nor express all that our sovreignity has for us, all the gifts of love and joy, compassion and harmony that lie within. The utmost degree of our own inner holiness - the God self within.

Tears Vs. Fears

Tears are an elixir. They are sacred. They are diamonds. They are magical. The tears of the Phoenix are healing and transforming. They are what help us travel from our heads to our hearts. The more tears one sheds the more powerful they become. I wrote an article on the power of wounds and Sedona that is apropos.

Excerpt: A wound, you might think, is a weak spot; yet, in actuality the need of healing for this particular wound creates a vortex of healing energies, which is exactly what Sedona is, a healing place. So a wound, whether on Mother Earth or our bodies, is a place of power. Sedona, AZ's red earth [for example] is like the redness at a sore spot or wound on our body. We wouldn't rub salt or lemon on a wound... ouch! that would be painful. We instead nurture and care for our wounds, bring the body back to harmony with loving support and gentleness.

We are in a stage of our lives that we must surrender fully to the depth of our heart's love and compassion, empathy and great beauty. It is only in this stage that we can find our great self acceptance and self love thus proclaiming our place in the cosmos, the Eye of God, the very breath of the Divine.

Breathe, Breathe and Breathe Again

Every time we decide or choose fear over love we have chosen not to trust, not to breathe. It is like we are energetically suffocating from lack of trust. Yet we are always given a choice in every single breath, to breathe again or not. The YOUniverse is extraordinarily compassionate, loving and supportive of every single breath, every single choice we make.

Allow your tears to flow, allow the inner divinity of the Godhead both masculine and feminine to become whole brained and androgynous so that there is no thing but balanced peace and harmony, acceptance and flow. It is truly how we will fare very well during the most auspicious days ahead. It is truly how we will float down the center of the proverbial river of life unharmed and untouched by the ragged riverbanks.

We are in for the ride of our lives, and many are truly reveling in the living of that ride. If you are not, if you are still in struggle, fear, blame, shame, anger, rage, and worry remember it is all about choice. Choosing to be chosen. This is a beautiful and fun journey for many. Watch them as they go round the merry-go-round giddy with laughter. Are you one of them? Are you smiling and enjoying this ride?

What's to Come

We will see more and more leaping off the fence one way or another. They will either do it joyfully and with conscious connection or they will do it out of fear of not doing it. Either way, it is a choice, a moment. More and more people will be looking to greater archetypal heroes (even if they themselves need to be that for themselves) and I predict a huge surge of greater shamanic stepping up in the way of higher acting/performing than ever before. We will begin to witness transformation right within the physical Light temples of those actors who 'get it' and transfer that message to the masses that they themselves must also 'get it.' More and more people will realize they are truly the ones that can create their realities and find that they are refusing to buy into fear based systems of belief purported by institutions and the like. This frees up the mind and heart for better things, higher conscious connection and activity.

Send forth the flame of your inner sphere of Light I AM Presence,
send forth your clarion call, our call,Vay-Yik-Ra! The YOUniverse will answer.

Aho and Ose Ahava Shalom!


NEED HELP ON YOUR SPIRITUAL PATH? If you are interested in a session to help you Balance Your (Male/Female Sides) Hemispheres and gain insight into the dynamics of your shadows or blocks that prevent your own forward motion, please contact to set a time to work together. My mission is to bring support and love to all so they too can feel their inner state of balance and harmony, peace and love, and be effective in their world, for themselves, for their families, for their community, and for the world!


Supernatural & Paranormal Glossary of Terms

Supernatural and Paranormal Glossary of Terms - Deidre MadsenThe following is a composed list of definitions in this Glossary of Terms used in parapsychology as well as in psychical research.

“All of you out there who believe in telepathy, raise your hand. All right. Now, everyone who believes in telekinesis: raise my hand.” — Dennis Owens

"The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery every day. Never lose a holy curiosity." 
— Albert Einstein

Also see: Supernatural Powers & Abilities List

Akashic (Hall of) Records

These records contain the entire life history of each individual Spirit, through all of its incarnations. They are located within our DNA. The records of our past, parallel and future lives are located within our (junk) DNA.


The Alpha frequency is the one you are using when you are in a very relaxed, meditative state of mind.  Your brain waves are cycling between 7-14 cycles per second.

Altered States of Consciousness

Any state which is significantly different from a normative waking beta wave state. The expression was coined by Charles Tart and describes induced changes in one's mental state, almost always temporary. A synonymous phrase is "altered states of awareness".


An angel is a supernatural being found in many religions. In scripture, they typically act as messengers, as held by the three prominent monotheistic faiths, Christianity, Judaism and Islam.


An apparition is an appearance to a human of a ghost.


Astral (Latinastralis, astrum, star) - of or relating to a supersensible body (subtle body and plane of existence) believed by theosophists to coexist with and survive the death of the human physical body: an astral body.

Astral body

The astral body refers to the concept of a subtle body which exists alongside the physical body, as a vehicle of the soul or consciousness. It is usually understood as being of an emotional nature and, as such, it is equated to the desire body or emotional body.

Astral plane

The astral plane, also called the astral world or desire world, is a plane of existence according to esoteric philosophies, some religious teachings and New Age thought.

Astral Projection

Out-of-body experiences (OBEs) achieved either awake or via lucid dreaming, deep meditation, or use of psychotropics. The consciousness or soul has transferred into an astral body which moves in the astral plane.


Energy field emanating from the surface of a person or object. This emanation is visualized as an outline of cascading color and may be held to represent soul vibrations, chakric emergence, or a reflection of surrounding energy fields.

Automatic Writing

Automatic writing is the process of writing material that does not come from the conscious thoughts of the writer. The writer's hand forms the message, and the person is unaware of what will be written. It is sometimes done in a trance state. Other times the writer is aware (not in a trance) of their surroundings but not of the actions of their writing hand.


The Beta frequency is the cycle you are using under normal circumstances. Your brain waves are cycling between 14-28 cycles per second. While you are reading this website, you are in Beta wave.


Our soul’s chart in which we follow, designed with free will, mastered with us by our spirit guides, angels, and God.


Nexus of biophysical energy residing in the human body, aligned in an ascending column from the base of the spine to the top of the head. In various traditions chakras are associated with multiple physiological functions, an aspect of consciousness, a classical element, and other distinguishing characteristics.


A person who allows his/her body and mind to be used as a mechanism for the etheric world intelligence to bring psychic information or healing energy to others.


Process of receiving messages or inspiration from invisible beings or spirits. To allow an etheric world intelligence to enter one's mind and impress thoughts upon the consciousness to be spoken aloud, using one's voice, or body to deliver the information or healing energy.


The word is often misunderstood to be the surname of Jesus due to the numerous mentions of Jesus Christ in the Christian Bible. The word is in fact a title, hence its common reciprocal use Christ Jesus, meaning The Anointed One, Jesus. Followers of Jesus became known as Christians because they believed that Jesus was the Christ, or Messiah, prophesied about in the Tanakh (which Christians term the Old Testament).


Extra-sensory perception whereas a person perceives distant objects, persons, or events, including perceiving an image hidden behind opaque objects and the detection of types of energy not normally perceptible to humans. Typically, such perception is reported in visual terms, but may also include auditory impressions (sometimes called clairaudience) or kinesthetic impressions. Order a Session

Déjà vu

Déjà vu, from French, literally "already seen", is the phenomenon of having the strong sensation that an event or experience (often new) currently being experienced has been experienced in the past.


A Delta state of mind is found when you are in a deep sleep. This is the state of mind that allows you to know who is calling when the phone rings. The delta state of mind cycles between 0-4 cycles per second.


In religion, folklore, and mythology a demon (or daemon) is a supernatural being that has generally been described as a malevolent spirit, and in Christian terms it generally understood as an angel not following God.


Demonology is the systematic study of demons or beliefs about demons. Insofar as it involves exegesis, demonology is an orthodox branch of theology.


The Devil is a title given to the supernatural entity, who, in Christianity, Islam, and other religions, is a powerful, evil entity and the tempter of humankind. The Devil commands a force of lesser evil spirits, commonly known as demons.


Form of dense bio-energy liberated by the materialisation of ghosts. Also, a substance supposed to emanate from the body of the medium during a trance.

EMF (Electro-magnetic Field)

Classically, the electromagnetic field is a physical influence (a field) that permeates through all of space, and which arises from electrically charged objects and describes one of the four fundamental forces of nature - electromagnetism. Ghosts activities can sometimes causes changes in the electro-magnetic field and measured with an EMF meter.


Possesses the ability to sense the emotions of other sentient life forms.


Energy (physics) the capacity of a physical system to do work; the units of energy are joules or ergs; "energy can take a wide variety of forms".


An entity is something that has a distinct, separate existence.

Esoteric (Esotericism)

The term Esotericism refers to the doctrines or practices of esoteric knowledge, or otherwise the quality or state of being described as esoteric, or obscure. Esoteric knowledge is that which is specialised or advanced in nature, available only to a narrow circle of "enlightened", "initiated", or highly educated people. In contrast, exoteric knowledge is knowledge that is well-known or public.

ESP (Extra Sensory Perception)

Perception that involves awareness of information about something (such as a person or event) not gained through the senses and not deducible from previous experience. Classic forms of ESP include telepathy, clairvoyance, and precognition.


The regions of space beyond the earth's atmosphere; Upper regions of space, clear sky, air Ethereal -{Latin aetherius} Not of this world; spiritual. Not earthly, celestial.
Etheric plane

In Theosophy, the etheric plane is related to the Prana principle and is understood as the vital, life-sustaining force of living beings and the vital energy in all natural processes of the universe.

Etheric body

The etheric body, or vital body is one of the subtle bodies in esoteric philosophies, in some religious teachings and in New Age thought. It is understood as a sort of life force body or aura that constitutes the "blueprint" of the physical body, and which sustains the physical body.


In religion and ethics, evil refers to the morally or ethically objectionable behaviour or thought; behavior or thought which is hateful, cruel, excessively sexual, or violent, devoid of conscience.

EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena)

Electronic voice phenomena (EVP) is the communication by spirits through radios, tape recorders, or other electronic audio devices. Also, when anomalous voices of supernatural origin, are heard on audio recordings.


The practice of evicting demons or other evil spiritual entities which have possessed a person or object. The practice is quite ancient and still part of the belief system of many religions. The person performing the exorcism, known as an exorcist, is often a priest, or an individual thought to be graced with special powers or skills. The exorcist may use religious material, such as prayers and set formulas, gestures, symbols, icons, amulets, etc. The exorcist often invokes some supernatural power to actually perform the task.


A ghost is a non-corporeal manifestation of the spirit or soul of a dead person which has remained on Earth after death.

Ghost Hunting aka Paranormal Investigation

Ghost hunting aka Paranormal Investigations is the process of investigating an alleged haunting. Typically, a 'hunting party' will involve 4-8 individuals who work as a team to collect evidence of paranormal activity. Each team member performs duties that are related to their particular field of expertise or interest. It is common practice for ghost hunters to behave in a scientific manner as they observe and record data using a variety of electronic gadgets, such as; EMF Meters, digital thermometers, infrared and night vision cameras, handheld video cameras, digital audio recorders, and computers.

Traditional techniques such as conducting interviews and researching the history of a site are also employed. Some ghost hunters refer to themselves as a paranormal investigator. Ghost hunting has been criticized for its absence of scientific method; no scientific body has been able to confirm the existence of ghosts. Ghost hunting is considered a pseudoscience by sceptics.

Investigation in Jerome AZ - Feb. 2012, as a part of the Ghostly Portal investigative team, Deidre Madsen was asked to work as a paranormal investigative sensitive / medium for Ron James and his production company from Los Angeles for a 3D production of a paranormal investigation of the haunted town of Jerome AZ " Ghost Town Episode - Jerome, AZ "The Wickedest Town in The West" with Deidre Madsen. Since filming, the project was edited for 3D TV and sold to Nintendo 3DS for their 2012 Halloween season. Jerome's Ghostly Past: Nintendo 3DS "Ghost Town" Jerome AZ Part 1 and Part 2.


The name God refers to the deity held by monotheists to be the supreme reality. God is generally regarded as the sole creator of the universe. Theologians have ascribed certain attributes to God, including omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence, perfect goodness, divine simplicity, and eternal and necessary existence.

Guardian Spirit (Guardian Angel)

A guardian angel is a spirit who protects and guides a particular person.


To inhabit, visit, or appear to in the form of a ghost or other supernatural being.


Heaven is a plane of existence in religions and spiritual philosophies, typically described as the holiest possible place, accessible by people according to various standards of divinity (goodness, piety, etc.) Christians generally hold that it is the afterlife destination of those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their savior. As stated many times in the Holy Bible, there are many heavens, not just one place called heaven. These are levels of higher Light existence. Some call this Valhalla, Shangri-La, Seventh Heaven, the Afterlife, Fairyland, Elysium, the Promised Land, Happy Hunting Grounds, Zion, Nirvana, Paradise and Upstairs... to name a few.


Hell, according to many religious beliefs, is an afterlife of suffering where the wicked or unrighteous dead are punished. Hells are almost always depicted as underground. Christianity and Islam traditionally depict hell as fiery, Hells from other traditions, however, are sometimes cold and gloomy. Alternatively, Hell would not be a place or locality but a state of being, where one is seperated of God - thought to be held back by unrepented sin and/or corruption of spirit.

Holy Spirit

In ancient religious texts of the Holy Bible this is referred to as the Dove or "still small voice".  For the majority of Christians, the Holy Spirit (prior English language usage: the Holy Ghost from Old English gast, “spirit”) is the third person of the Holy Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and is Almighty God.  The Triune God manifests as three Persons (Greek: hypostases), in One Divine Being (Greek: Ousia), called the Godhead, the Divine Essence of Go  Some call this an aspect of the Creator as whisps of smoke, or an ether, the fifth element.  The one known as Wakan Tanka, or the Great Mystery, is a conception of a supreme being prevalent among some Native American and First Nations cultures; and can appear as a mystical ancient female, an eagle, or a whisp of smoke.  In Judeaism the term Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) signifies prophetic inspiration or a metonym for, or a quality belonging to, God.  In Islam, the Holy Spirit (Arabic: الروح القدس al-Ruh al-Qudus, "the-Spirit the-Holy") acts as an agent of divine action or communication and is a masculine form; and a trinity concept of God (Allah) is considered a sin.  The Bahá'í Faith has the concept of the Most Great Spirit, seen as the bounty of God, the descent of the Spirit of God upon the messengers/prophets of God, which are known as Manifestations of God, and include among others Jesus, Muhammad and Bahá'u'lláh.In Bahá'í believe the Holy Spirit is the conduit through which the wisdom of God becomes directly associated with his messenger, and it has been described variously in different religions such as the burning bush to Moses, the sacred fire to Zoroaster, the dove to Jesus, the angel Gabriel to Muhammad, and the maid of heaven to Bahá'u'lláh. The Bahá'í view rejects the idea that the Holy Spirit is a partner to God in the Godhead, but rather is the pure essence of God's attributes.

Hypnagogia (Hypnogogic)

Hypnagogia are the experiences a person can go through in the hypnagogic (or hypnogogic) state, the period of falling asleep. Hypnagogic sensations collectively describe the vivid dream-like auditory, visual, or tactile sensations that can be experienced in a hypnagogic or hypnopompic state.


Psychological condition of altered state of consciousness in which some people may be induced to show various differences in behaviour and thinking, like heightened suggestibility and receptivity to direction.


Hypnotherapy is therapy that is undertaken with a subject in hypnosis. A person who is hypnotized displays certain unusual characteristics and propensities, compared with a non-hypnotized subject, most notably hyper-suggestibility, which some authorities have considered a sine qua non of hypnosis.


Incarnation, which literally means enfleshment, refers to the conception, and live birth of a sentient creature (generally human being) who is the material manifestation of an entity or force whose original nature is immaterial.


Incorporeal, from Latin, means without the nature of a body or substance. The idea of the incorporeal refers to the notion that there is an incorporeal realm or place, that is distinct from the corporeal or material world.


Intuition is an immediate form of knowledge in which the knower is directly acquainted with the object of knowledge. Intuition differs from all forms of mediated knowledge, which generally involve conceptualizing the object of knowledge by means of rational/analytical thought processes.


A person sensitive to the feelings of other life forms, as well as signals of nature.


Genie is the English term for the Arabic (jinn). In pre-Islamic Arabian mythology and in Islam, a jinni (also "djinni" or "djini") is a member of the jinn (or "djinn"), a race of supernatural creatures.


Karma is the concept of "action" or "deed" in Dharmic religions understood as denoting the entire cycle of cause and effect described in Hindu, Jain, Sikh and Buddhist philosophies. Karma is believed to be a sum of all that an individual has done, is currently doing and will do. The effects of all deeds actively create past, present and future experiences, thus making one responsible for one's own life, and the pain and joy it brings to others.

Kirlian photography

Kirlian photography refers to a form of contact print photography, theoretically associated with high-voltage. It is named after Semyon Kirlian, who in 1939 accidentally discovered that if an object on a photographic plate is connected to a source of high voltage, small corona discharges (created by the strong electric field at the edges of the object) create an image on the plate.


Magic and sorcery are the influencing of events, objects, people and physical phenomena by mystical, paranormal or supernatural means. The terms can also refer to the practices employed by a person to wield this influence, and to beliefs that explain various events and phenomena in such terms.



The materialized form of a spirit.


A person who posess the ability to communicate with spirits of deceased people (and sometimes pets). Some mediums claim to be able to channel the spirit, by allowing the deceased to speak or write messages using the medium's body.  Energies that no longer have the density of the physical; thereby releasing the slower vibration rates into a high form of vibrational energy.


Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy concerned with explaining the ultimate nature of reality, being, and the world. More recently, the term "metaphysics" has also been used more loosely to refer to "subjects that are beyond the physical world".

Near-death Experience

A near-death experience (NDE) is an experience reported by a person who nearly died, or who experienced clinical death and then revived. The experience has become more common in recent times, especially since the development of cardiac resuscitation techniques. Popular interest in near-death experiences was sparked by Raymond Moody Jr's 1975 book Life after Life and the founding of the International Association for Near-death Studies (IANDS) in 1978.


The word has many uses in the English language, popularly meaning 'knowledge of the paranormal'. For most practicing occultists it is simply the study of a deeper spiritual "reality" that extends beyond pure reason and the physical sciences.


Name given to typically circular anomalies appearing in photographs. In photography and video, orbs appear to be balls, diamonds, or smears of light with an apparent size in the image ranging from a golfball to a basketball. Orbs sometimes appear to be in motion, leaving a trail behind them.


Ouija refers to the belief that one can receive messages during a séance by the use of a Ouija board (also called a talking board or spirit board) and planchette. The fingers of the participants are placed on the planchette which then moves about a board covered with numbers, letters and symbols so as to spell out messages. Ouija Board is a trademark for a talking board currently sold by Parker Brothers. The term "Ouija" is derived from the French "oui" (for "yes") and the German/Dutch "ja" (also for "yes"). NOT RECOMMENDED FOR ANY USE WHATSOEVER.

Out-of-body Experience

An out-of-body experience (OBE or sometimes OOBE) is an experience that typically involves a sensation of floating outside of one's body and, in some cases, seeing one's physical body from a place outside one's body.


Paranormal is an umbrella term used to describe a wide variety of reported anomalous phenomena. According to the Journal of Parapsychology, the term paranormal describes "any phenomenon that in one or more respects exceeds the limits of what is deemed physically possible according to current scientific assumptions."


Parapsychology is the study of seeming mental awareness of or influence upon external objects, without any physical or energetic means of causation which scientists currently understand. Most objects of study fall within the realm of "mind-to-mind" influence (such as extra-sensory perception and telepathy), "mind-to-environment" influence (such as psychokinesis) and "environment-to-mind" (such as hauntings). Collectively, these abilities are often referred to as "psionics". Another definition of parapsychology is the scientific study of paranormal phenomena.

Past Life Regression (Therapy)

Past life regression is a technique used by some hypnotherapists to try to get clients to remember their past lives. Implicit in this procedure is the spiritual belief that souls exist and come back many times, living in different times and places, experiencing different genders, races, social classes and so forth in an attempt to learn. The records of our past, parallel and future lives are located within our (junk) DNA.


Prayer is an active effort to communicate with a deity or spirit either to offer praise, to make a request, seek guidance, confess sins, or simply to express one's thoughts and emotions. Read more


Spirit or ghost that manifests by moving and influencing inanimate objects (rather than through visible presence or vocalization). Stories featuring poltergeists typically focus heavily on raps, thumps, knocks, footsteps, and bed-shaking, all without a discernable point of origin or physical reason for occurrence. Many accounts of poltergeist activity detail objects being thrown about the room, furniture being moved, and even people being levitated.


Concept of supernatural and/or superstitious belief systems whereby gods, demons or other disincarnate entities may temporarily take control of a human body, resulting in noticeable changes in behaviour. The concept of spiritual possession exists in many contemporary religions and can also be seen in the mythology and folklore of many cultures. Various forms and denominations of Christianity have developed practices for driving out spirit, most notably Roman Catholicism; there exists a Roman Catholic International Association of Exorcists.


A doorway, entrance, or gate between two worlds, the physical and the spiritual.


Psychic: (greek psychiokos - psyche, soul or that which is mental) to sense, to understand and to interpret for practical purposes, a force that enters in and emanates out of the body, mind and/or spiritual or ethereal realms without use of the five physical senses. A person who possess extra-sensory abilities, including: clairvoyance, psychometry and precognition, who can sometimes communicate with spirits, ghosts or entities.

Psychic Gifts

There's a mired of psychic abilities and terms to describe those abilities. Here is a short compiled list to help you understand the different types and levels of psychic abilities. Clair - French prefix meaning Clear. Clairaudient (Clear Audio/Hearing), Clairempathy (Clear "emotion"), Clairgustance (Clear tasting") 1. To taste a substance without putting anything in the mouth. 2. To perceive the essence of a substance through taste from the spiritual or ethereal realms. Clairscent (Clear Smelling), Clairsentience- (Clear sensation or feeling), Clairtangency (Clear touching/Psychometry), and Clairvoyant (Clear vision).

Psychic (Energy) Vampires

A psychic vampire is a term used to describe a living person who "drains" others emotionally. They do this either empathically (draining the auric life force) or metaphorically (someone who takes emotionally without giving anything back; a "user"). These so-called "vampires" are not to be confused with the blood-sucking vampires of folklore and movieland. Every person has unknowingly drained someone else's energy at one time or another. Fair and balanced energy exchanges take place between people who are in healthier relationships. Individuals who are psychic vampires are also referred to as psi vamps, energy drains, or energy suckers.

Quantum Mechanics

Fundamental branch of physics with wide applications in experimental physics and theoretical physics that replaces classical mechanics and classical electromagnetism at the atomic and subatomic levels.


The term reality, in its widest sense, includes everything that is, whether it is observable, comprehensible, or apparently self-contradictory by science, philosophy, or any other system of analysis. Reality in this sense may include both being and nothingness, whereas existence is often restricted to being (compare with nature).


A few of the many realms of existince are:  The Lower realms: Where the essence of negativity thrives. Some suggest this lowest level is for souls who have created such evil and karma for their spirits that they have been banned by the Divine consciousness to their own realm of existence. People like Hitler and serial killers for instance.  The physical realms: Where we as incarnated beings exist. (Don't limit this realm to just Earth.  The "earth bound" realms: Where ghosts exist.  The animal realms: Where nature thrives in spirit.  The Spirit realms: Where spirits exist. Where we go when we leave this physical incarnation.  The Angelic realms: "The keepers of the Divine Universe", the buffer between the intense divine energy and the remaining spiritual realms. Many believe the Beings on this level have never been incarnated.  The pure energy of the divine realms: Where the Great Spirits exist, "The God Level". (7th Heaven).


A form of therapy in which the patient engages in continuous deep breathing. It is used to cure emotional problems in adulthood.


Reiki (pronounced Ray-Key) is a system of Enlightenment and a Hands on Healing art developed in the early 1900's by Mikao Usui in Japan. It is an art that is passed from Master to student. The word Reiki comes from two Japanese words - Rei and Ki, meaning Universal Life Force Energy. The term "Reiki" is used to describe both the energy and the Usui system of using it. The original system by Usui was called Usui Reiki Ryoho. There are many variant's of Reiki being practiced these days....


Reincarnation, literally "to be made flesh again", is a doctrine or mystical belief that some essential part of a living being survives death to be reborn in a new body. According to such beliefs, a new personality is developed during each life in the physical world, but some part of the being remains constantly present throughout these successive lives as well.


In Latin, "Religio" means "to bind".  A religion is a set of beliefs and practices generally held by a community, involving adherence to codified beliefs and rituals and study of ancestral or cultural traditions, writings, history, and mythology, as well as personal faith and mystic experience.

Residual Haunting

Experiences from the living that are imprinted in a specific location and are replaying on a cyclical basis, like the playback of a movie, such as apparitions doing the same things or voices and sounds being heard at always the same time of the day. Many hauntings can be of this sort and not necessarly animated by conscious spirits.


A ritual is actually the words of a "rite", which are said as a part of a ceremony which is a set of actions, performed mainly for their symbolic value, which is prescribed by a religion or by the traditions of a community.

Sacred (Holiness)

Holiness, or sanctity, is the state of being holy or sacred, that is, set apart for the worship or service of God or gods. It is most usually ascribed to people, but can be and often is ascribed to objects, times, or places. The word holy is related to the word whole.


Satan, from the Hebrew word for "adversary", is a term that originates from the Abrahamic faiths, being traditionally applied to an angel. Religious belief systems other than Judaism relate this term to a demon, a rebellious fallen angel, devil, minor god and idolatry, or as an allegory for evil


A séance is an attempt to communicate with the dead. The séance, or sitting, is led by a person known as a medium who will usually go into a trance that theoretically allows the dead to communicate through him or her. The word séance comes from the French word for 'seat', 'session', from Old French seoir, 'to sit.' In English, the word came to be used specifically for a meeting of people to receive spiritualistic messages.


A seminar is, generally, a form of academic instruction, either at a university or offered by a commercial or professional organization. It has the function of bringing together small groups for recurring meetings, focusing each time on some particular subject, in which everyone present is requested to actively participate.


In Abrahamic contexts, sin is the act of violating God's will. Sin can also be viewed as anything within individuals that violates the ideal relationship between them and God. Some crimes are regarded as sins and some sins are regarded as greater than others. In this nuanced concept of sin, sins fall in a spectrum from least corrupt and evil to greatest evil.  Catholicism regards the least corrupt sins as venial sins—which are part of human living and carry little divine consequence. Conversely, sins of great evil are mortal sins—which bring the dire consequence of mortal penalty. Sins of careless living are considered destructive and lead to greater sins according to the Seven Deadly Sins. Another concept of sin deals with things that exist on Earth but not in Heaven. Food, for example, while a necessary good for the (health of the temporal) body, is not of (eternal) transcendental living and therefore its excessive savoring is considered a sin.  In a metaphysical post-modern theory, sin is the act of "not allowing flow" in one's life.  A simple affirmation to state, "I am flow" quite literally unblocks the path for divine light to pour forth in one's life.
Sleep paralysis

Sleep paralysis is a condition characterized by temporary paralysis of the body shortly after waking up (known as hypnopompic paralysis) or, less often, shortly before falling asleep (known as hypnagogic paralysis).


The soul, according to many religious and philosophical traditions, is the self-aware essence unique to a particular living being. In these traditions the soul is thought to incorporate the inner essence of each living being, and to be the true basis for sapience; the actuating cause of an individual life.


A smudge stick is a bundle of dried herbs, most commonly white sage. Often other herbs or plants are used or added and the leaves are usually bound with string in a small bundle and dried. Ojibway, Cree and Cherokee ceremonies often use smudges of sage, sweet grass, and/or juniper to cleanse with, and to give prayers to the Creator, Great Spirit, or Gitche Manitou.

Spirit Guides

Term used by mediums and spirituals to describe an entity that remains a disincarnate spirit in order to act as a spiritual counsellor or protector to a living incarnated human being supporting their growth, helping us complete our life tasks, and in general provide the spiritual assistance we need. Often we are spirit guides to others when we are not incarnate.


Spiritism is a philosophical doctrine akin to Spiritualism, established in France in the mid 19th Century, which has become a sort of religious movement. Like Spiritualists, Spiritists believe in the survival of the souls after death and the importance of eventual communications received from them. Spiritism derives most of its principles from works by the French educator Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail written under the pseudonym Allan Kardec.


Spiritualism is a religious movement, prominent from the 1840s to the 1920s, found primarily in English-speaking countries. The movement's distinguishing feature is the belief that the spirits of the dead can be contacted by mediums. These spirits are believed to lie on a higher spiritual plane than humans, and are therefore capable of providing guidance in both worldly and spiritual matters. Spiritualism is closely related to Spiritism, a religious movement that originated in France, and is today widespread in Brazil and other Latin countries.


Spirituality, in a narrow sense, concerns itself with matters of the spirit. The spiritual, involving (as it may) perceived eternal verities regarding humankind's ultimate nature, often contrasts with the temporal, with the material, or with the worldly. Spirituality often focuses on personal experience. Many spiritual traditions share a common spiritual theme: the "path", "work", practice, or tradition of perceiving and internalizing one's "true" nature and relationship to the rest of existence (God, creation (the universe), or life), and of becoming free of the lesser egoic self (or ego) in favor of being more fully one's "true" "Self".

Spiritual healing

Use of spiritual means in treating disease. Spiritual healing can also refer to the self-empowerment or self-actualization process or steps within those processes that often occurs with individuals seeking enlightenment or meaning in their lives.


The supernatural refers to forces and phenomena which are not observed in nature, and therefore beyond verifiable measurement.


Syncretism is the attempt to bring together beliefs from several different and often contradictory schools of thought. Many modern theologists lay claim that most religions have either now or in the past practiced a certain degree of syncretism. Mainstream Christianity for instance, has incorporated much Judaic thought, and also picked up practices along the way that were not a part of early Christianity. When we celebrate Christmas with Christmas trees, and feasts, we hearken back to Pagan rituals that were swept up and incorporated into Christianity in an effort to convert non-Christians. If you hunt Easter eggs at Easter, you’re not only celebrating the resurrection of Christ but also adding Greek and Roman pagan ritual to your beliefs as a Christian.


Thanatology is the academic, and often scientific, study of death among human beings. It investigates the circumstances surrounding a person's death, the grief experienced by the deceased's loved ones, and larger social attitudes towards death such as ritual and memorialization.


Communication of information from one mind to another by means other than the known perceptual senses.


Theology finds its scholars pursuing the understanding of and providing reasoned discourse of religion, spirituality and God or the gods.


1. A Theta state is a very deep state of relaxation. The theta state is most often reached during deep mediation. It is also a sleep wave, and can be obtained under hypnosis. Your brain waves cycle between 4-7 cycles per second while in this state. 2. Tibetan Book of the Dead (Bardo Thodol). The Bardo Thodol is a funerary text that describes the experiences of the consciousness after death during the interval known as bardo between death and rebirth. The Bardo Thodol is recited by lamas over a dying or recently deceased person, or sometimes over an effigy of the deceased.


An altered state of consciousness is any state which is significantly different from a normative waking beta wave state. A synonymous phrase is "altered states of awareness".


Wicca is a religion found in various countries throughout the world. It was first popularised in 1954 by a retired British civil servant named Gerald Gardner after the British Witchcraft Act was repealed. He claimed that the religion, of which he was an initiate, was a modern survival of an old witchcraft religion, which had existed in secret for hundreds of years, originating in the pre-Christian Paganism of Europe.


Witchcraft is the use of certain kinds of alleged supernatural or magical powers. A witch is a practitioner of witchcraft. While the term "witchcraft" can have positive or negative connotations depending on cultural context, most contemporary people who self-identify as witches see it as beneficent and morally positive. The term witch is typically feminine, masculine equivalents include wizard, sorcerer, warlock and magician.





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