Imagery for Healing Dis-Ease

Written by Deidre Madsen.

⏱️ 4.7 Minute Read

AngelHarp Imagery for Healing Dis-Ease - TGI Imagery - Deidre Madsen

How to use Transformational Guided Imagery (TGI) to heal dis-ease with ease through the lucid right-brain of the inner divine feminine

Transformational Guided Imagery (TGI) is one of the most under-utilized tools for self healing as in lucid daytime dreaming. Today you will learn of it's power and potential for each one of us to heal our bodies. It occurred to me ... how can I go about sharing all this great Transformational Guided Imagery information and wisdom? By sharing a personal experience using TGI. In this article I will share an intense experience that relates to each and every woman. I share this not to tell you how to do your own healing but to give you an avenue of creative expression in healing.

My family has a risk of ovarian cancer and for years I have been battling a feeling of pain in that general area. Dowsing and muscle testing (kineseology) showed I indeed had issues in that area. In order to correct this I knew I needed to do several things to realign my body/mind/spirit back to health. In addition to eating properly, incorporating some exercise I have worked extensively with my own imagery work in order to facilitate inner healing. The following experience was dramatically healing using active lucid meditation or lucid visualization. This involves decisions we women make every day. It will touch your soul.

Session Notes

To begin my session, I induced light self-hypnosis and went into a sacred center space within. I called forth my inner physician and asked him to accompany me to my ovaries because they were throbbing with tiny bouts of pain and I wanted to address them face-to-face. We quickly traveled down through my body and arrived at my ovaries. I looked to my right ovary (the one creating the most attention) and saw that it was aflame, sad and in pain. After reviewing my left ovary I discovered it needed attention as well. Suddenly, a heart-shaped tin of soothing, healing salve appeared before me. I took the salve and began rubbing it on the exterior of my right ovary, noticing it beginning to calm down and appear normal again. Repeating this process on my left ovary, I decided to rub salve along my Fallopian tubes as well.

At this point, however, it became clear that this was not going to be enough to heal the long-standing issues I knew were hiding somewhere within. So I went inside the Fallopian tubes. While inside I rubbed more salve as I went. I came to the end of the right tube and just before the opening of the right ovary I found two doors; a green one on the right and red one on the left. My goal was to enter my ovary so I ignored the doors for the time being and went to go inside the ovary. Standing at the lip of the tube I looked out to see an ocean of stars and night sky stretching limitlessly. This was the interior of my ovary? I thought, how was I going to rub this salve all over the inside of this space? Impossible. Perhaps I was suppose to enter the doors first after all. So I did.

Deciding on the green door on the right, I lifted it's submarine-like shape and dropped down inside a small pitch-black room. The door closed above me and I stood in the dark recognizing I was standing on what felt like a cement floor. My senses surmised a narrow and short room. I illuminated the space by sending light from my body into the space and discovered the room was about a football-field in length. Long, shallow and narrow it was heaped with countless piles of unwanted babies' skeletal remains. I was mortified at the sight.

I heard and felt a message come that said I was responsible for all these children and that they were mine. For every time I used a form of birth control (i.e., pill, IUD, condom, etc.) and during every intercourse every unwanted child was then hid in this space. Also, every aborted and rejected child. And, every thought form created of aborting children were I to get pregnant, all these were here too. Also, this included every single lifetime. This was not limited to this lifetime alone. And it carried through my female lineage being responsible for every single woman through my mother's mother's mother and so on.

I had to take responsibility for each and every life's choices and decisions - good or bad. I broke down bawling my eyes out; sobs coming in waves of pain as I saw these creations I had made swept away under an inner rug (in this case a tiny room off my right Fallopian tube). After a while my sobs gave way to my inner resolve. I knew I had to heal this now.

I opened up a portal in the roof of this room. Immediately a column of golden white Christ light came down into the room, lined with awaiting beautiful angels. I called forth a transmuting violet flame to take the babies back to God/dess and asked for forgiveness. One by one the babies reformed themselves into flesh and blood and right before they went up into the light they each had me promise to share this message. This process took quite some time. Afterwards I healed and sealed the room for good. Going back out into the hallway/tube space I walked over and opened the red door.

Utilizing active lucid meditation or lucid visualization, we can achieve
what science and medicine would only hope to emulate ...
instant time-space transcendent physical healing.
Merging east-west and above-below principles
this is not only possible, it is our birthright.

Dolphin Healing Imagery for Healing Dis-Ease - TGI Imagery - Deidre MadsenImmediately, I was plunged downward into a soft billowy space, this was a tube of pink all around and light emanated everywhere. I could hear angels singing, children and babies laughing, I could feel the positive energies all around. I landed on a soft pale blue silky cushioned room and floated out into a wide open space in the sky where I saw all the babies that had just come out of the other room now in their beautiful little angelic forms. They were healthy and new and were so happy. They turned to see me and said, "We want our own puppy or kitty to play with."  I gave each their choice of a puppy or kitty which made them all so happy. I stood there watching them with fresh tears running their course down my face, this time; however, for joy and not sorrow.

Each baby carried an individual dominant aura color ... pink, blue, lavender, yellow, etc. ... and played and laughed. My angelic dog, Nikki, was there too, running around with the babies playing and overseeing everything. My inner child was also there joyfully waving her little magic wand and dancing among the happy babies. Amid this all there were beloved angels all over the place overseeing the entire event.

Suddenly, a group of dolphins appeared out of nowhere and I stood nose-to-nose with the center dolphin. The remainder emanated outwards on a horizontal plane from the point of the one, they stretched to the left and the right to form a huge triangle shape. They numbered in the several thousands.  After a moment of acknowledgement, they turned and went to the babies, allowing themselves to be climbed onto, they took their laughing little charges away to swim and fly in the air on their backs.

Conclusion and Thoughts

After this my body's pains ceased altogether. Further testing showed dramatic improvement in the energy of this place. I know my work is not finished but this was a tremendous healing which showed that through creative visualization you can heal, and that you can achieve great inner peace and harmony. The power of the divine feminine is here now on earth to assist us in taking back our female power ... not in the masculine sense, but in the sense of complete responsibility for our every action in this lifetime and others.

We all must heal our lineage because we ARE our lineage.
Loop time/space from the moment where you are in your lineage right NOW
and you will discover that you are also at the very beginning of your lineage.
You are the ALPHA Α and the OMEGA Ω.
It is therefore up to each and every one of us to follow the
Divine example set forth and step boldly forth into OMEGA minus!

Utilizing active lucid meditation or lucid visualization, we can achieve what science and medicine would only hope to emulate ... instant time-space transcendent physical healing. Merging east-west and above-below principles this is not only possible, it is our birthright.

Aho and Namaste Brothers and Sisters.

In Service,

Deidre Madsen

Schedule your session

Deidre Madsen 2015Deidre Madsen
Imagery Consultant
Award-Winning Author and Writer
Lecturer and Speaker
Life Coach


Happily Inner After by Deidre Madsen
As a tenured Imagery Consultant, Deidre works body, mind and spirit
whole-brained holistic TGI imagery sessions with clients worldwide and assists in opening to your spirit-supra-consciousness and succor Order her Award-Winning Book Happily Inner After paperback, kindle, hardbound, Amazon | Balboa Press



Tags: Deidre Madsen life coach imagery guide TGI imagery consultant healing transformational guided imagery guided meditation alpha omega lucid meditation lucid visualization

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