The Importance of Transcending the 7th Chakra - Going Beyond the 7th Exercise - Page 3

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Going Beyond the 7th - The One Exception

multi dimensions going beyond the seventh chakra - Deidre Madsen

The one exception is that though last year's message was about the exciting days we were in and what was ahead for us, we are truly in the thick of it now. We are no longer in a space where it is all about to happen. We are there. We have arrived.

Lately it has become painful for many experiencing tremendous loss in every façet of their lives. Yet in truth, because of the level of the current cosmic weather's intensity and heightened energies we can no longer afford to blame anyone or anything anymore for the pain in our lives - taking ownership by stepping into our King and Queen archetypes.

If you are one that is in great pain or anguish with your life, you might try the following techniques for finding peace and balance, harmony and well-being within.

Open-Hearted and Vulnerable

My own experience in these past few months has brought me to my knees with the realization of how vital it is to be in our expanded self and open to being truly vulnerable and right minded in every way. Every time we allow the left brain's manipulation out of fear or logic to interfere with our life's choices and dreams we negate our innate and right ability to be free flowing sparks of Light from the Divine Emanation. That could be what sin is all about, stopping the divine flow.

shiyn  The Importance of Transcending the 7th Chakra - Deidre MadsenMu Shin - No Mindness

Mu = This is the Japanese pronunciation of the Chinese character 'wu', which means 'to lack' or 'there is not'. In ordinary usage it negates the presence of something. Mu also represents Lemuria, the name of a hypothetical "lost land" variously located in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

Shin = In gematria, Shin represents the number 300. The 21st letter in the Hebrew alphabet. Shin is also one of the seven letters which receive a special crown (called a tagin) when written in a Sefer Torah. Shin also stands for the word Shaddai, a name for God. The shape of the letter Shin mimics the structure of the human heart.

Every time my mind would wander into darker waters I would find that I would be submerged into the depths of great shadow places. I feel it is about becoming conscious of when this occurs and making it right within. Recently I have had the blessed opportunity to connect with Geisha energy so completely I felt a complete channeled vibration of their strength and power spring forth from the core of my being. Now some may not imagine that Geisha are very powerful, but truly one who reveals their truth from the depths of the heart and offers it fully and completely is truly in the greatest sense of power. Not power over with aggression, nor power under with manipulation, but rather ... power from within.

vulcansalute"Live long and prosper!" - Leonard Nimoy first saw what became the famous Vulcan salute, “live long and prosper,” as a child, long before “Star Trek” even existed. The placement of the hands comes from a childhood memory, of an Orthodox Jewish synagogue service in Boston.

Sacred Heart Exercise

mary sacredheart The Importance of Transcending the 7th Chakra - Deidre Madsen

This exercise is to assist you in the discovery and connection to your Holy of Holies (Kodesh Hakodashim), High Heart or Sacred Heart. And to begin to access the level of divine love and beauty that exists therein. In discovering and connecting with the sacred interior of you as the holy tabernacle [Remember: Christ said he could have the tabernacle torn down and in three days (3 = 72 hours = 9 = completion), build it back up again.] You yourself will begin to witness the true power of Love Incarnate and Divine within your own being, your own tabernacle body, and within your own High Sacred Heart.

To more fully comprehend this, I have added a pictoral iconic figure of Mother Mary of the Sacred Heart to help you imagine your own sacred heart.

Imagine yourself now in the midst of whatever crisis, turmoil or stressor you may be in currently. Imagine the icon of the Sacred Heart within your body. Beating, breathing, expanding, contracting, expressing, resting. Imagine you opening yourself up to seeing this beautiful jewel within your body vehicle, drawing it out to lay vulnerably on your palm, as a clear message of surrendering to the Divine from within, the God from within. Ever trusting, ever faithful. We are to be that trusting in ever more ernest, we recognize just exactly the level of truth this statement holds. For without going into this state of complete surrender and vulnerability we cannot fully experience nor express all that our sovreignity has for us, all the gifts of love and joy, compassion and harmony that lie within. The utmost degree of our own inner holiness - the God self within.

Tears Vs. Fears

Tears are an elixir. They are sacred. They are diamonds. They are magical. The tears of the Phoenix are healing and transforming. They are what help us travel from our heads to our hearts. The more tears one sheds the more powerful they become. I wrote an article on the power of wounds and Sedona that is apropos.

Excerpt: A wound, you might think, is a weak spot; yet, in actuality the need of healing for this particular wound creates a vortex of healing energies, which is exactly what Sedona is, a healing place. So a wound, whether on Mother Earth or our bodies, is a place of power. Sedona, AZ's red earth [for example] is like the redness at a sore spot or wound on our body. We wouldn't rub salt or lemon on a wound ... ouch! that would be painful. We instead nurture and care for our wounds, bring the body back to harmony with loving support and gentleness.

We are in a stage of our lives that we must surrender fully to the depth of our heart's love and compassion, empathy and great beauty. It is only in this stage that we can find our great self acceptance and self love thus proclaiming our place in the cosmos, the Eye of God, the very breath of the Divine.

Breathe, Breathe and Breathe Again

Every time we decide or choose fear over love we have chosen not to trust, not to breathe. It is like we are energetically suffocating from lack of trust. Yet we are always given a choice in every single breath, to breathe again or not. The YOUniverse is extraordinarily compassionate, loving and supportive of every single breath, every single choice we make.

Allow your tears to flow, allow the inner divinity of the Godhead both masculine and feminine to become whole brained and androgynous so that there is no thing but balanced peace and harmony, acceptance and flow. It is truly how we will fare very well during the most auspicious days ahead. It is truly how we will float down the center of the proverbial river of life unharmed and untouched by the ragged riverbanks.

We are in for the ride of our lives, and many are truly reveling in the living of that ride. If you are not, if you are still in struggle, fear, blame, shame, anger, rage, and worry remember it is all about choice. Choosing to be chosen. This is a beautiful and fun journey for many. Watch them as they go round the merry-go-round giddy with laughter. Are you one of them? Are you smiling and enjoying this ride?

What's to Come

We will see more and more leaping off the fence one way or another. They will either do it joyfully and with conscious connection or they will do it out of fear of not doing it. Either way, it is a choice, a moment. More and more people will be looking to greater archetypal heroes (even if they themselves need to be that for themselves) and I predict a huge surge of greater shamanic stepping up in the way of higher acting/performing than ever before. We will begin to witness transformation right within the physical Light temples of those actors who 'get it' and transfer that message to the masses that they themselves must also 'get it.' More and more people will realize they are truly the ones that can create their realities and find that they are refusing to buy into fear based systems of belief purported by institutions and the like. This frees up the mind and heart for better things, higher conscious connection and activity.

Send forth the flame of your inner sphere of Light I AM Presence,
send forth your clarion call, our call,Vay-Yik-Ra! The YOUniverse will answer.

Aho and Ose Ahava Shalom!


NEED HELP ON YOUR SPIRITUAL PATH? If you are interested in a session to help you Balance Your (Male/Female Sides) Hemispheres and gain insight into the dynamics of your shadows or blocks that prevent your own forward motion, please contact to set a time to work together. My mission is to bring support and love to all so they too can feel their inner state of balance and harmony, peace and love, and be effective in their world, for themselves, for their families, for their community, and for the world!

Deidre Madsen 2015Deidre Madsen
Imagery Consultant
Award-Winning Author and Writer
Lecturer and Speaker
Life Coach


Happily Inner After by Deidre Madsen
As a tenured Imagery Consultant, Deidre works body, mind and spirit
whole-brained holistic TGI imagery sessions with clients worldwide and assists in opening to your spirit-supra-consciousness and succor Order her Award-Winning Book Happily Inner After paperback, kindle, hardbound, Amazon | Balboa Press


Tags: Kabbalah Rosary seventh chakra chakras transcendence third option tree of life toroidal DNA infinity symbol sacred heart exercise holy of holies

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