• Transformational Guided Imagery TGI
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  • The Holy Grail of Bliss Body Experiences

Transformational Guided Imagery Healing

⏱️ 2 Minute Read | PDF download PDF Download this Article Also see Imagery to Heal Disease | Ascension 101 | Ascension Symptoms | Quantum Consciousness | Balancing the Hemispheres | Physical Proof of Ascension | DID YOU KNOW? Over 15 TGI Exercises are found in Deidre's book, Happily Inner After (buy on Amazon)

Have you lost your way in career, life or love? Are you becoming more self-aware and seeking self-mastery? Take back your life. Heal chronic emotional pain and let go of the past without going through the "dark night of the soul".

You may have thought emotional healing had to be painful, difficult, or would take years - not so. With TGI you can explore lush, evocative and practical (yet fun) experiential journeys.TGI yields drastic, long-term and effective changes for DNA altering bliss body healing. Results are fast and Guaranteed!

fractal universeWhat is TGI

Transformational Guided Imagery, TGI, is an emotional, mental, physical and spiritual transformational holistic healing modality.

TGI is a combination of lucid daytime dreaming imagery, accessing your inner vision and right brain archetypes through the subtle bodies making this a long-lasting in-depth head-to-heart whole-minded harmonized treatment.

TGI is similar to a combination of Mindfulness training, sports medicine techniques and Taoist Neiguan inner observer.



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What TGI Does

  • Achieve full head-to-heart healing success for a rich love life and successful career handling positive stress
  • Discover and claim the Holy Grail from within releasing feelings of anxiety, fear, or any other form of stress that turns your emotions negative
  • Visualize your world into being, focus beyond "the Is" aka manifest (think, "The Secret" teachings*)
  • TGI is like your own inner MedBed ... TGI is fully capable of TELETRANSPORTING TOXINS AND NEGATIVE ENERGIES OUT OF THE BODY
  • Addresses plaguing emotional issues and heals repeating patterns to quantum-shift the holographic YOUniverse within
  • Break free from the matrix and reverse harmful cyclical behaviors that limit your innate freedom with Pineal and Pituitary Support
  • Transcend body-centricity and reconnect with your expanded levels of awareness to see how the dots connect


How TGI Works

HOLOGRAPHIC OVERLAYS: By elevating your emotional state to a sustained level, your mind/body is so objective that it is unable to know the difference between its experience in real life versus the experience it is currently having in the reality of the elevated emotional state via thought alone. Your body/mind actually believes it is living in that thought created new reality environment.

Transformational Guided Imagery 4 step process

Visualizations that call in your inner child where you are nurturing and caring for him/her, reminding your inner child that they are now safe, will melt obstacles between you and love/success exponentially. Your blocks often negatively affect life choice outcomes. Blocks that stem from a core belief that says, for example: "Love has conditions and is blocked from me" will be dissolved. This belief comes from your inner child so working with your inner child giving them the love and safety needed; and then repeating patterns will cease.

Read the Commonly Asked Questions

The Best Dreams Happen When You Are AwakeHow TGI Complements

Are you familiar with Theory of Mind or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy? Several of the more popular healing therapies are listed below and include descriptions and their comparison to TGI. More importantly, how TGI is similar in its approach, technique and outcome.

  • TGI complements Dr. John T. Schaeffer’s Transformational Fantasy programin that it is similarly structured yet deviates in is application
  • TGI works within the bounds of the inner Jungian archetypes and builds a supporting framework yet goes beyond to include a higher
  • TGI is much more powerful than traditional guided or mindfulness meditation in that it is a deep diving technique like the Taoist Neiguan inner observer approach
  • Theory of Mind (ToM) supportive, TGI is helpful for healing chronic maladies, emotional blocks and getting you back on track to arrive at real, cogent experiences and deep personal healing
  • Imagery Rehearsal Therapy (IRT) or Imago Therapy supportive, TGI provides not only the ability to achieve great success with reoccuring PTSD nightmares, but because of its ability to utilize your own psyche's innate wisdom, you can have full and lasting success
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) supportive, TGI creates active realtime therapy toward disrupting reoccuring patterns, behaviors and emotions and completely reinforces for lasting change



Book an Appointment

  • TGI Initial Session $220.00 90 minutes
  • TGI Regular Session $175.00 45-60 minutes
  • TGI Mini Session $87.50 30 minutes

Pay In advance: paypal.me/DeidreMadsen

DID YOU KNOW? Over 15 TGI Exercises are found in Deidre's book, Happily Inner After (buy on Amazon)

CANCELLATIONS: Deidre Madsen and Shangri-La Sedona LLC have a 24-hour cancellation/rescheduling policy. If an appointment is missed, cancelled, or changed with less than 24 hours’ notice, there will be a $75 charge.

DISCLAIMER:  While all Goods or Services of our treatments have been found to aid the healing process, none of the complimentary and alternative modalities in Goods or Services offered are meant to replace the diagnosis and/or treatment by a traditional, western medicine, conventional or naturopath doctor. For entertainment purposes only. Must be 18 years or older.


































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Looking forward to your session!


Happily Inner After Healing Retreat Intensive

Written by Deidre Madsen on . Posted in Sessions

Happily Inner After Retreat

"... and they lived Happily Inner After."

The sacred marriage of the inner male and female archetypes ...
Embrace your soul's "Shangri-La" with a personal or couples retreat

Signature Happily Inner After couples retreat, group retreat womens retreat, maarriage retreat - Deidre Madsen

"A simultaneous trauma/drama release plus an embrace of inner beauty and peace.
Happily Inner After (HIA) is quickly becoming the most direct path to "growing in love" ever!"

Getting the love you want, and keeping the love you have, are two entirely different things. For many of us, being able to first and foremost attract Mr. Right into our lives can be insurmountable. Once attracted, often the next daunting hurdle is keeping love alive and well, without sabotaging our happiness.

Author and your Retreat Facilitator and Coordinator, Deidre Madsen, offers her signature holistic wellness and healing Happily Inner After (HIA) Retreat. Based in Los Angeles or Sedona, this HIA retreat is a complete system of exploratory exercises using lucid imagination and internal archetypes surrounded by plenty of customizable pampering and nurturing spa sessions. Your wildest dreams of having a fulfilling love life can now come true. If you're ready to take the next significant step with your loved one to heal the deepest parts of your relationship, take control together, and watch miracles happen in your life! A golden crown of bliss is found in the secret chambers of the high heart ♛❤


A great step for Conscious Couples building a pre-wedding foundation


Level 1 | HIA Beginner Gentle Retreat

A Three-Day One-on-One Gentle Retreat for individuals, small to medium size groups and couples.

Our gentle beginner's retreat journey provides clarity and focus, sets your doable goals, opens your body channels for focused healing and energy flow, heals and nurtures you, balances your masculine and feminine archetypes, incorporates deep releasing and healing, reunites you with your inner joy and deep inner guidance for peace and harmony which will bring you to a blissful state of connective and whole sense of self.

3 Days Retreat, 7.5 Hours Total Session Time*

Interested in our gentle Beginner's Retreat?

Enquire for details and costs here

*In addition to the prearranged retreat sessions, groups can incorporate some of the following options: Outings, hikes, boat and ferry rides, trail rides, movie and popcorn night, wine and craft night.

Level 2 | HIA Advanced Intense Retreat

A Three-Day One-on-One Advanced Retreat for individuals, small to medium size groups and couples.

Our intense advanced retreat journey offers deep and indepth treatments and sessions including deep clarity, focus and immediate and future goals, healing, nurturing opening the body's channels for clear energy flow, sacred land journeys to open to true self-mastery, flow of the masculine and feminine archetypes through sacred union healing, quantum expansion, energy clearing and rebalancing of the bodies, and healing integration.

3 Days Retreat, 8 Hours Total Session Time*

Interested in our intense Advanced Retreat?

Enquire for details and costs here

*In addition to the prearranged retreat sessions, groups can incorporate some of the following options: Outings, hikes, boat and ferry rides, trail rides, movie and popcorn night, wine and craft night.



Life Coaching

Posted in Sessions

It is time for you to feel cherished and supported in life with a personalized Life Coaching Session. Deidre assists you through interactive and compassionate sessions for restorative emotional healing.

Deidre Madsen Life coaching spiritual counseling intuitive session

"Show me the way ... take me to LOVE!"

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Healing Sessions & Retreats

on . Posted in Sessions

Life Coaching Session

readings love psychic intu8itive readings career lifepath past life love romance relationships - Deidre MadsenIt's time for you to feel cherished and supported in life with a personalized Intuitive Life Coaching and Spiritual Healing Session. Deidre assists you through accurate wisdom and compassionate session for restorative heart-healing. She is a Certified Parapsychological Specialist (4th Generation), and Ordained Interfaith Minister. Love & Romance; Career, Finance & Life Path; Health & Medical; and Lineage Healing.

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Imagery Session

imagination happily inner after TGI Transformational Guided Imagery Sessions - Deidre MadsenPersonalized Transformational Guided Imagery (TGI) Assessment PLUS Life Coaching. This is a time-honored, proven technique of in-depth treatments utilizing lucid imagery plus intuitive guidance and succor for subtle body support to maximize your functionality in life and love.

Reverse Limiting Behaviors and Addictions
Emotional Release, Lineage Clearing
Heal Repeating Patterns

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Healing Retreat

Happily Inner After signature retreat couples retreat individual retreat girlfriend getaways pre-wedding retreat - Deidre MadsenBased on the signature teachings from Deidre Madsen's Happily Inner After, this beautiful 3-day retreat truly honors the sacred inner marriage of the masculine and feminine archetypes. Retreat can be a one-on-one personal retreat as well as a couples retreat. If you are ready to take the next significant step with your loved one to heal and love the deepest parts of your relationship, then take control of your life together … and watch miracles happen!

A great step for Conscious Couples building a pre-wedding foundation

Read more







Client Comments

  • Hi Deidre, I wanted to let you know I experienced a big shift last evening when I was out in public with my boyfriend. I also felt empowered to speak to him directly about my needs, without feeling needy. Many thanks for sharing your wisdom. We shall see where this goes, but I feel like I am coming from a more grounded place. Sharing your personal story of how you access your inner male was very helpful, as I sometimes need things to be spelled out:) And, as we were in a bar filled with younger people, I found myself blessing other women who appeared insecure to me and wishing them that they know their worth. - With Love, VT
  • I could use all the words I know to tell you just how amazing of an intuitive you are .........but those words could never begin to express how grateful I am .....so next time we chat ....please listen to my heart. 500 stars could not express the impact Deeeeeeee has had in my life. I have been doing sessions with her for almost a year and ALL of her predictions have been correct . She also has helped to develop a plan [TGI] as how to achieve the goals I had set for myself. Her patience and understanding surpass her years...as she understands the desires of your heart and truly wants to help you achieve them. - Woody, lowville, NY



  • I received a healing session with Deidre this week, and it was amazing! She gently led me on a guided journey through my inner psyche, helping me to explore and change my inner world as I desired. The session was fun, relaxing, and I noticed immediate results from the changes I made. Thanks Deidre! - Jeff Allen, Sedona, AZ
  • I have known Deidre for a few years. I had several TGI sessions with her in 2003 and 1 session about a month ago. I am amazed at how TGI gives me direct access to my emotions and how I am feeling in the moment.I went to the last session to explore a drawing I made of a dream. During the session I discovered that my drawing was connected to my emotional issues at the time. Deidre made a few suggestions which helped me to heal and release these issues.I find that TGI goes straight to the core issue(s); it skips right past the excuses and defenses and surface issues. TGI also gives me confidence in my dreams and visions. I feel very good about Deidre and TGI sessions and their ability to bring up my emotions for healing and release. - Daniel Maddux, Sedona, AZ



  • I had never heard of TGI before I met Deidre but I immediately got interested when she explained to me what it was all about. Since that I have had quite a few sessions and this is one of the most powerful ways I can think of to get to the core with your issues. Its usefulness has no limits, only your fantasy. I deeply recommend to take a journey with Deidre to your inner room and meet your guides, healers and even the janitor in your inner maintenance room! And the best of all you can do it on yourself after your first session. TGI works on both the physical, emotional and mental levels. It's a very exciting journey through your different layers.If you feel like you're not a visual person and wish you were TGI is the choice for you. And if you have physical and emotional pain that you are ready to let go of, try TGI. Thank you Deidre for introducing me to the most fascinating modality that I've experienced so far. - Aurora Spuhler, Sedona, AZ



  • Deidre is now my sister. I love her more than words can ever say. I came here a broken, depressed mess and am leaving with hope and a renewed sense of love and joy. I will keep in contact because she has put me on the path to healing and spiritual enlightenment. What an angel. I have a safe place to go in my mind; inner guidance and had the experiences of a lifetime at the vortex of beauty with a Spiritual [Nature] Vortex Ceremony and TGI [session]. She has released me from a prison of hell. - Aho! Raven, Douglasville, GA
  • Many thanks for sharing your wisdom
  • 500 Stars ✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪
  • The session was fun and relaxing
  • TGI also gives me confidence in my dreams and visions
  • The most fascinating modality that I've experienced so far
  • What an angel - I have a safe place to go in my mind
  • btn grflower2
    “Who, being loved, is poor?” – Oscar Wilde
  • btn grflower2“Where there is love there is life.” – Mahatma Gandhi
  • btn grflower2 "You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." – Dr. Seuss
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     “A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.” – Mignon McLaughlin

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    “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” – Lao Tzu

  • btn grflower2“There is no more lovely, friendly, and charming relationship, communion or company than a good marriage.” – Martin Luther
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    “There is no remedy for love but to love more.” – Henry David Thoreau

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    “When you trip over love, it is easy to get up. But when you fall in love, it is impossible to stand again.” – Albert Einstein
  • btn grflower2 "Show me the way, take me to love." – Anu Malik, Bride & Prejudice
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    “Live Your Truth, Be Your Being & Create Your Self” – Deidre Madsen

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