Articles Tagged ‘DNA’

Ascension 101

⏱️ 20 Minute Read | Also see Physical Proof of Ascension | Ascension Symptoms | Quantum Consciousness | Balancing the Hemispheres

How to Not Go Crazy in a Crazy World and Clear the F.E.A.R.

Ascension 101 - Deidre MadsenWith so many ways for us to be afaid in the world today, like Chicken Little (Henny Penny) ???????? running around shouting, "The sky is falling, the sky is falling", we have to ask ourselves - do we really need to be afraid?

Is there really something to fear and is fear real? What we know is that fear is false evidence appearing real - F.E.A.R. If this is so, then how do we find a way to remain emotionally balanced even though our country and world are besieged with economic collapse, oil wars, earth changes like global warming (or cooling), chemtrails, terrorism, drug wars, illegal immigrants, the latest "pandemic", and corrupt government systems?

America and the whole world feels like it is in the midst of global mayhem. Watching the negative newscasts practically requires a therapy session afterwards. Believe it or not, we are ALL in the midst of an actual ascension.

How do we handle this in a balanced way and get on with our daily lives of raising a family and working our careers? Are we going to allow this to drive us into deep fear and panic, and worry that terror lurks around every corner? If so, we are really setting our immune systems up with emotions of fear and anger that make us even more susceptible to illness and disease.How do we want to show up in our lives today?

We have to recognize that we have a responsibility to ourselves, our children's children's children, our planet and its beautiful animals, birds and sea creatures. Therefore, I offer some of what I have learned on the basics of ascension (an awakening or enlightened way of being in the world and not of it) to help point the way a bit further for you.

How Do We Find the Truth?

Very much like the famed Sorting Hat in the Harry Potter movie series, we need a proverbial shamanic crystal ball psychic guru in order to sort through the mass of available information. Where do you go and what are you looking for? Well, if you trust your instincts you will end up right where you need to be. How do you use your instincts or sixth sense in your quest for truth? You begin by working from your core.

Are You Searching Within or Without?

When my own ascension fully commenced I was inundated with information in every possible direction. I thought my problem was that I did not know what and who to believe in, trust or have faith in. Well that was the actual problem... I was looking for something outside of myself instead of looking within. 

I used to take my dog to visit a local nursing home, you know, just to connect with the residents and let them meet my dog who was a big brown German Shepherd named Nikki. While there one day I asked an old woman sitting in a wheelchair how she was doing. She replied, "Well, I'm doing okay but I'm trying to figure everything out now. And the problem is that I don't know what is true and what is not true." Her comment rang true. How on earth do we know what is true or not? Even within our own mind, without the influence of so much external stimuli, how do we know? She had a good point. I thought for a moment and remembered what I have been taught myself. I leaned over to her and said, "You will know. You will feel the answer within you. It is in your heart."

Ascension 101 - Deidre Madsen - Dorothy's Ruby SlippersThree Clicks and You're Home

When I first learned the concept "always finding home (truth) wherever you are", I heaved a huge sigh of relief. Wow, the truth has been there all along. Three clicks and I'm home. It is so simple. Just like in the movie, "The Wizard of Oz." Dorothy always had the ability to "go back home", she simply had to click her heels three times to do it. And how did she acquire those stunning shoes? Those ruby slippers? That was noooo accident her Kansas house falling on Elphaba's sister, Nessarose, the Wicked Witch of the East. No it wasn't. (Sometime, if you have a couple hours, watch that movie again and see what Frank L. Baum intuited in his creation of the Wizard of Oz because our fictional movies (and literature) are very telling.)

Remember, to go within and search and feel your heart for the heart holds the key, the heart is the sacred temple, the church within, the Kingdom of Heaven within. Our Sacred Space, the Holy of Holies, lies within each and every one of us. Like Dorothy and her purity of spirit and nature of truth and justice, inner wisdom (i.e., to ask others for help if need be, and to ultimately listen to her own heart), are all messages from our subconscious self.

To further illustrate this point, each additional character within her journey represented an archetypal pattern within her that needed personal care, attention, acknowledgement and healing. The Scarecrow's knowledge (left brain intellect, structure) were what she sought when she wanted to own her own gift of knowledge or left brained grasping of a situation. The Lion's search for courage reminded her of her own need to be brave and face her fears with the nasty neighbor wanting to take away little Toto. The Tin Man's (right hemisphere) quest to discover feelings/emotions through his heart. Even the character of Toto's free spirited romps were Dorothy's inner need to be free and test her own inner (and outer) boundaries (worlds/realms). Dorothy herself discovering her inner knowing (gnosis) and guidance, the Holy Spirit/Ruach ha Kodoish/YHWH from within. Each character in our own life's drama, play and novel all represent an inner archetypal structure playing itself out for us to wake up one day and attend to (paying attention).

Know the Players of the Game - Ascension Awareness

The main categories or levels of Ascension fall into three basic groups of awareness:

  • THE AWAKENED - Fully conscious and well into (aka taking action) their ascension
  • THE AWAKENING - The veil is thinning, they are nearing their consciousness
  • THE UNAWAKENED - Veil? What veil? These folks are still asleep, the fake awake or "woke"; they are not aware there even is a veil (in order to ascend, if it is their divine will to do so at this go 'round, they will be receiving their appropriate triggering)

What is really interesting is discovering those you think are awake are actually sleeping and vice versa. In other words, sometimes the very least possible enlightened person is probably the most enlightened of all. So, never judge a book by its cover. How can we work with this? Have you noticed there are people in the world who are totally into one type of religious organization or another? Or perhaps they follow a traditional religion like some of the Christian religions? Or they are totally into Paganism? Religious/spiritual organizations attract all three of those groups listed above.

What about those of us that seemingly follow many paths at once, i.e., Pagan, Christ based, nature based, Native American, and Celtic? All rolled into one? What about those folks who are totally into and resonate with UFOs and ETs and star systems like Orion or Pleiades, Andromedan or Arcturus? I think there is even a "Who's Who in the Universe" website that lists all types of known extraterrestrials and ultraterrestrials. What about those folks who believe they are "walk-ins" or "starseeds"? Where do all these players fit in?

The lists of players comes from an understanding of what happened long ago and there are many websites that have the answers. Use your intuition and wisdom to seek the  best sources of information for in-depth identifying information on the aforementioned. Now, let's break down these three categories even more...

vitruvian man Ascension 101 - Deidre MadsenProperties of an Ascending Anatomy/Form

Did you know there are three different basic properties that make up an ascending form/body? There are and once you understand this, things will make a whole lot more sense.

We are basically a mixture of these properties within our beings. We are magnetic, electric, and radioactive. The original humans however are like Mother Earth, purely magnetic. With the incorporation of so much electrical and radioactive signatures upon Mother Earth of late, we magnetic humans have incorporated all three aspects within. Radionuclides are found in nature all around us; in the air, water and earth's rich soil. Radionuclides are even found in human beings which we produce naturally because of our environment.

When you begin your search, you may discover you are drawn to various entities, star systems, crystals, totem animals, Angels or deities; you will begin to realize it all boils down to ancestry. What our ancestors did, who they were, where they came from, all play a part in our DNA. Within a magnetic humans' structure lies the opportunity to become crystalline in nature once again - to ascend in the carbon (physical) body. In order to do this we must transmute and release karmic ancestral history (ours or otherwise) within this life as well as within our ancestors' lives (even if we are adopted!). When this release commences, this gives our ascension a big, big boost.

Now, however, if you primarily resonate with electric-based beings, then you will ascend but will be sent to that particular star system or planet to do so. Likewise if you are a radioactive-based human. All will ascend in their own time. And if only a handful of magnetic humans ascend, the whole of the world's magnetic humans and ancestors will be in their glorious company and will experience it concurrently. Marvelous. We are the Many and the One...... we are the first and the last of our ancestral lineage therefore we must heal our lineage... because it is also us.

How to Not Be a Judge of Others

Now that you have an idea of the differences within us, can you see how difficult it is to judge someone? The only way I can explain this is by citing a personal example.

For twelve years, I was married to someone who is very electric by nature. I didn't know this at the time. I was very naive, young and unaware. Although the relationship suffered from numerous other issues revolving around both our self-worth, self-honoring, and self-love, issues we could have worked through in time, the basic elements to the marriage were not copacetic from the relationship's onset. In other words, we were not compatible. How well do you think mixing an electric being with a magnetic being will work?

Christ Consciousness Ascension 101 - Deidre Madsen

When looking back at the drama of my life, its roller-coaster ups and downs, I can safely say that those events and people were there as divine guides and guideposts along my ascension path. And I can honor each and every experience, with an open and loving heart.

Where is the fear now? 'Gone with the Schwinn!'  It's history because I cannot judge what other people do to move along their own path, be it electric, magnetic or radioactive. Judgment is replaced with compassion - quite freeing.

Getting in Touch With Your Ancestry

Have you noticed you gravitate toward a certain type of path in your life, perhaps a specific type of industry or career, a certain type of partner, aesthetic or place to live? Everything our ancestors have lived is hardwired into our DNA's storehouse of information. (Oftentimes this rich history pops up and we can get confused as to whether this is a personal past life of ours.)

Whatever our ancestors choices, good or bad, they are imprinted upon us through the red thread lineage of our DNA. Therefore, the sins of our ancestors are visited upon us for seven generations. As the new energies increase, allowing Mother Earth her own complete ascension, we all feel the her throes like childbirth and can experience them in grace or in pain. 

When Jesus walked the earth more than 2000 years ago, his message was to forgive. Forgiveness is an essential ingredient to our ascension. We must openly forgive our ancestors their atrocities as well as forgive our own. In so doing, we mark the path more clearly toward our ascension process; thus paving a clearer way for our ancestors as well.

Forgiveness Lights the Path with Compassion

When in prayer or meditation or whatever form you go within, focus on your ancestry. Look for the clues or synchronicities throughout the day, or your dreamtime, for these clues will assist you greatly. State to our Heavenly Father your intent to release your ancestors' karma, your own karma, as well as karma that has been bestowed upon you that is not yours to own. Forgiveness lights the path with compassion. And, what is Karma? The cause and effect (boomerang) of choice, good or bad.

Where 'o Where Is My God?

"Be Still and Know that I AM God" God is within all things. On January 3, 2000, my veil was lifted. I saw and knew. In the knowing I experienced the truth about God. First and foremost, there is no separation. If you fall into step with people who separate God from man, then you begin to believe not in yourself but in a separate entity altogether. 

God made man out of his own likeness. God instilled in man a divine spark of himself. How then can we look outside of ourselves for God? Once you accept that all things are within, fully and completely, then you can feel the grandness of God and know that you are truly a divine being.

Return of Christ 2What is the "Return of the Christ" and How Does it Affect Me?

The Return of the King

Notice I didn't say 'when'?! Interpretations of the Bible claim that "Jesus is coming" to rid the world of evil. Many religious organizations teach that there will be a return of the Messiah in human form and we are to diligently look for him, wait for him. The return of Jesus is imminent!!! We will never know the hour of His return. However, many of the prophecies in the Book of Revelation (and other books of the Bible) are coming to pass, thus His return must be soon.

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. - Philippians 4:13

Additionally, Christ is already en route in the form of the return of Christ which has already begun. We have the potential to be a living human form of the Christ consciousness or a compassionate awareness of inner Light. It is an embracing of God within. Jesus said, "All these things you can do, and more". He wasn't kidding. Our potential, once we realize our divinity, is His humble way of saying "You guys are awesome! You just don't re-member. And when you do... watch out world! " When we stop looking outside of ourselves for a someone to rescue us perpetuating victim behavior, and look within to find that saving grace, we will see the fullness of God within. Christ is within. The Kingdom of Heaven is within. The Holy Spirit's strength and wisdom are a breath away.

"Be Still and Know that I AM God" by repeating this phrase as a mantra, this can effect our sense of peace, our purpose, our well-being. We can then come from a state of unconditional love for all; like "Ohm-ing" whereby we are brought back to our natural frequency of balance. Until Christ's imminent return in the physical, prior to that we must be like Little Christs.

spring pix 10

Back to Basics

In order to regroup, we must reground ourselves. Unplugging/silencing the computer, laptop, phone and TV is a great start. Take long walks and get out with nature and relish the glory of our planet; the wonderful miraculous animals and beauty of Mother Earth. In this time of mass confusion and overwhelming media stimuli, many are finding that experiencing nature and grounding ourselves within her, is all we need do in order to feel the fullness within. We experience her beauty and we know ourselves. We will once again feel ourselves as integral parts of the whole, and with forgiveness and compassion we shine brightly like stars filled with unconditional love.  

I believe these ascension basics will be helpful to those who are searching. These are truths that have resonated with me for some time now. A reoccurring theme in this article and website is to get back to yourself, trust yourself, know your heart, listen to the still voice within. Energy/chi is power with which we all are gifted from our True Source/YHWH/Creator/Father in Heaven. Staying centered, focused and clear will keep you from being effected by others attempting to negatively work out their karma with you or stealing your energy/chi. It is essential that centeredness and heart connection be your main focus. With these wonderful tools you will be well on your ascension path.

I bid you peace.


Deidre Madsen



Featured Media & Articles


DNA ACTIVATION:  FROM 3D - 5D:  Ascension Symptoms - Are You Suffering from R.A.M. (Rapid Ascension Movement)? If so you may be experiencing some of the following ascension symptoms. These symptoms are indicative of rapid DNA shifts as we and all of creation move into a higher consciousness both physically and psychologically.

Just remember you are not alone. Most everyone is experiencing these RAM symptoms to a degree. Very few it seems are gliding through Mother Earth's ascension into the fourth and fifth dimensions with ease and joy.

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universal mind quantum consciousness

Gaining Your Strength to Reach Your Limitless Potential's Mid-Point Heaven. The stroke of midnight is here. Prepare yourselves for a quantum leap in consciousness.....Yes, we are seeing and feeling incredible changes in the Schumann Resonances and the collective global consciousness is shifting dramatically; every day we are experiencing a new level of cosmic awakening on the planet.

What is next for us cosmically? Get ready for the great wheels in the sky. The Crop Circles will become Sky Circles and Sky Spheres. We will be seeing and hearing numerous symbolic messages in the sky! Now that the Mayan shift of 2012 has definitely left us with something to think about, but is anyone really aware of just what that shift filled with subtle nuances entails? How do we identify with anything subtle in this not-so-subtle world?

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Creation is Speeding Up. Hold onto your hats. We are in the time of the colossal "Shift Happens" as humanity and the planets experience the Great Awakening. This is a very good thing, right? Along with things that appear to be bad comes a plethora of GOOD as well. Learn How to Orient Our Consciousness to the Flow of Creation.

Our mind is not built for speed - creation is going too fast/faster/fastest. We are going outside our mind or... out of our mind - Ian Xel Lungold

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The Battleground for Our Higher DNA

The Battleground for Our Higher DNA

The Rise of the Purebloods





Gregg Braden explains the fusion between telomeres on human chromosome two, how this fusion seems to have suddenly appeared 200,000 years ago. They show something has happend with modifying our DNA as it is now.

Gregg Braden talks about how he studied and followed the Sepher Yetzirah “The Book Of Creation”, a sacred 3000 yr old Hebrew text, and the amazing message he discovered, when following the instructions from this text.

They show the codes in our DNA what can be translated in text, and they found out that ALL OUR DNA HAS INFORMATION IN IT.

Our DNA is based on frequencies and information and Gregg shows us the most important and hidden message in our DNA

Follow Gregg Braden here -



This is from the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. This is not my theory, it is not my hypothesis, it is not channeling from a higher being or the angelic realms.

THE BOTTOM LINE:  We conclude that human chromosome two is the relic of an ANCIENT DNA FUSION of two ancestral ape chromosomes telomere to telomere. Telomeres are at the end of the DNA. You are probably hearing about those because of health and longevity.

TECHNICALLY:  If a telomere exists at the end of one chromosome and it is fused, you are going to be able to see where that fusion happens because the telomere is only supposed to be on the end of the chromosome. If it is in the middle, it means it was fused with something else and that is exactly what happened; it says the fusion must have been followed by the elimination of overlapping functions as well as events that stabilize the fusion.

WHAT DOES THIS MEAN:  These are our nearest relatives, chimp chromosomes one and two. Somehow these have been fused where the telomeres are in the middle, instead of on the ends where they should be. This is human chromosome number two; it is the product of these two chromosomes coming together. Some say that means we came from apes. Not necessarily.

A TELLTALE SIGN:  It is as if the best most intelligent DNA available on earth was taken and fused into a higher form of life and when it happened some of the DNA was taken away some of it was added, but here's the telltale sign. If you have two complete chromosomes and they are fused into one, can you see where the functions would be overlapping and redundant.

WHAT HAPPENED:  Once the fusion happened, the overlapping things were either cut away they were taken away or they were turned off to stabilize the fusion and make it very efficient what scientists now say is the function what resulted so the the cortex of the brain the precision to be able to turn these things off and on in the timing the fact that it happened suddenly two hundred thousand years ago when we appeared suggests something beyond evolution and here's where science opens the door to uncharted territory here's where science opens the door to forbidden language because what they are now saying is this fusion appears to be intentional who or what we have no idea but this is where science has arrived they said this is not a natural process could not have happened naturally something intervened and now the scientists say we have to stop there because we don't know what to say beyond that so the question is who or why did this every civilization every society every culture has their own answer the ancient babylonians they had their answer if you study zechariah sitchin's work you know what that is the aboriginals I was just in australia they've got their answer they tell us the navajo of the american desert southwest they have their story the egyptians have their story the hindus have their story christians have their story the original hebrew traditions have their story the navajo have their story scientists have had this story called evolution there's a program on tv that has a very different idea okay and now the DNA this is forensic evidence it means we're looking in the past at what already happened something happened we appeared 200 000 years ago and the honest truth is we don't know how this happened if scientists can be honest truthful and factual and embrace that then we can free ourselves from the dogma and the story that no longer fits and begin to find the answers so as a geologist I can tell you evolution i've seen it in the fossil record for some forms of life for some plants and animals the data is breaking down when it comes to humans and I have a lot of respect for charles darwin uh he lived in a different world it was a different time and he was trying to get us out of the realm of religion to explain who we are where I in my opinion where darwin went wrong was he took some observations that he made for some forms of life at one point on the planet in one moment in time and he tried to generalize them to include all life everywhere forever including humans and the data simply doesn't support that so that's all we can say is the data doesn't support it does that make sense are you good

I wrote a book in 2003 called The God Code. What I did was I followed the instructions in the 3,000 year old sacred text that had only been translated into English once. It is a Hebrew text called the Sefir Yitzerah, the book of creation. It is as if someone were watching the moment the creation happened and recording it as a scribe step by step and it's it's it's language it's words I said what would happen if I took those words and I converted the words into the periodic table of elements so rather than taking fire and water and air and earth to make a human what if we took and there's a there's a logic to this what if we took hydrogen nitrogen oxygen and carbon and I began working with it from this perspective what if that text was actually telling us a chemical formula and if that's true it means that the DNA in our bodies can literally be read like the letters of a of a page of a newspaper or a book there is a message in the DNA of all life so I came from that perspective I did the work I did the mathematics uh and there is a message in the DNA of all life it's in layers the very first layer the very first message in your body every cell in your body has the same message and the in the message when it's translated literally reads the DNA literally reads:

God eternal within the body

Why is that message in the human genome? I followed the instructions in the 3,000 year old text and it is there; so someone figured out how to store data in DNA a long time ago

Immediately after I wrote that book Japanese scientists came out with a report; they took bacteria and began storing data in the DNA of bacteria. They stored an entire library a city block long inside of the bacteria and they let the bacteria reproduce 2500 generations and then they pulled the data out intact it says that we are just now learning to store information inside of living DNA if we're doing it now it's possible that an advanced form of life has done that a long time ago if we are the product of an intentional act what better way to alert the beings that carry the message than to encode it within their very lives within the DNA itself now that we have the technology goosebumps just saying that now that we have the technology we can literally read a message and think about this when we create something today if you create a piece of art and you're proud of it what's the last thing you do with that piece of art or a sculpture or you create a piece of electronics every tiny piece of electronics has an identifying mark on it somewhere if we are the product of an intentional creation I would not be surprised that within us is the mark of of who or whatever is responsible in a way that would last as long as we do that could not be destroyed like a temple wall or could not be destroyed like an old manual or a text it lives in the life itself.

God eternal within the body, what does that mean?

Who is god I don't know what that means but it all comes back to what is happening right here. 200,000 years ago we appeared on this earth and we were given extraordinary abilities that no other form of life has. I do not think this is before religions, this is not about religion; religions came later and they wrapped the rules and the dogma around a pre-existing truth. This is deep spirituality in that it is about us and our relationship to the earth, to the cosmos, to you and me, to one another, and to ourselves.

So now we are evolving to the point maturing to the point where we can tap this extraordinary extraordinary neural network what do we make of that what do we do how do we apply that to become the best people we can be and create the best possible world how do we do that the very experience that was written out of our most ancient and cherished spiritual traditions they were taken right out of the bible told us forget about the feeling and the feeling is where you have your power because you can intentionally create feeling and no other form of life can every other form of life waits for the world to give them a reason to feel so they can react you have the capacity to create the feeling because you choose and that makes you a very very powerful being believe it or not  

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