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Herbs and Tinctures

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Green tea png with cupFor Health and Healing

Like natural foods, the Herb Plant Kingdom offers us an incredible array of health and healing alternatives. Our ancestors and indigenous neighbours naturally recognized healing herbs growing in the wild, cultivated and used them in teas, tinctures, extracts, poultices and infusions.

In today's society, we label many of these precious gifts "weeds" and spray them with toxic chemicals. Isn't it time we learned how to be back in balance with nature?

Following is a growing list of herbs and their uses. Explore the healing power of herbs and flowers for the higher health of body, mind and spirit. Do plants communicate?

List of Herbs

ALFALFA Whole herb. Excellent source of nutritive properties with minerals, chlorophyll and vitamins; Arthritis; Blood purifier.
ANGELICA Root. Expectorant, diaphoretic, emmenagogue, aromatic and carminative; Diuretic, helpful with vascular deficiency; Aids skin in elimination of toxins, promotes perspiration; Digestive and circulatory tonic. Contraindication: Pregnancy; Diabetes.
ARNICA Root. Excellent for injury, pain, inflammation, trauma. A restorative, cardiovascular tonic. Anti-depressant. (Mild toxicity - moderate dosing.) Extensive homeopathic use.
ASAFOETIDA Gum. Nerve and cerebral stimulant; Antispasmodic, also used for coughs and bronchitis. Anti-parasitic.
ASHWAGANDHA Root. This is a warming endurance and strengthening tonic. It has calming and astringent properties. A mild aphrodisiac. Normalizes cortisol levels, which reduces the stress response. Reduces inflammation. Reduces cancer risks. Improves memory. Improves immune function and anti-aging properties. Eases stress and anxiety.
ASTRAGALUS Root. Immune tonic, inhibits tumor growth; Aids in side effects of chemotherapy; Adrenal, lung and digestive support; Energy booster.
BARBERRY & OREGON GRAPE Root. Tonic, purgative, anticatarrhal; Psoriasis; Laxative, bitter, tonic, aids in the flow of bile, assists liver, gall bladder and spleen functions.
BAYBERRY Bark. Stimulant and astringent; Reduces secretions and discharges; Antispasmodic, antiseptic, valuable astringent in diarrhea and dysentery; May be used as a gargle.
BEE POLLEN High nutritional value, contains an array of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and enzymes; Long reputation of usage for energy, stamina and strength.
BLACK COHOSH Root. Emmenagogue, antispasmodic, hormonal balancer, regulates menses, menstrual and ovarian cramping; Used for muscular rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis. Contraindication: Pregnancy.
BLACK WALNUT Hulls and Leaf. Antiseptic, gargle for sore throat; Intestinal worms; Blood purifier; Used internally and topically.
BLADDERWRACK (Seaweed plant) Antirheumatic; Thyroid regulator, Aid in weight reduction and obesity.
BLESSED THISTLE Herb. Bitter, tonic, astringent, hepatic, Congestion, inflammation of lungs, asthma; Blood purifier; Antibacterial; Appetite loss.
BLUEBERRY Leaf. Antiseptic, astringent; Diarrhea; Excellent as a gargle for mouth inflammation; Aid to eye inflammation and poor eyesight; Aids in blood sugar mobilization; May be used with infants.
BLUE COHOSH Root. Antispasmodic, emmenagogue, menstrual cramps, leukorrhea, uterine inflammation, and toner, dysmenorrhea; Aid in child birthing. Contraindication: Pregnancy
BLUE FLAG Root. Alternative; Cathartic; Diuretic; Blood purifier; Useful with skin eruptions; Anti-inflammatory; Stimulates liver.
BLUE VERVAIN Herb. Antispasmodic, nervine, tonic; Depression, tension, alterative; Difficult menses; Aid to bronchitis; Hepatic support, diaphoretic.
BONESET Herb. Tonic, diaphoretic, alternative; Fevers, influenza and related symptoms; Bitter action for liver, gall bladder and bowel.
BUPLEURUM Root. A very important liver cleanser which also offers excellent calmative support. This will help dispel heat and emotional releases as well, so use with other appropriate herbs for support. Also anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial.
BURDOCK Root. Alterative, diuretic, bitter; Blood purifier; Eczema, cutaneous skin eruptions; psoriasis, internal and topical usage for skin eruptions; Appetite and digestive aid, Support with arthritis, gout rheumatism.
CACTUS, NIGHT BLOOMING Flower/plant. Angina, pectoris, heart palpitations.
CALENDULA (MARIGOLD) Flower. Astringent, cuts, bruises, (external); Diaphoretic (internally); Anti-inflammatory, gastric acid, ulcers, emmenagogue.
CASCARA SAGRADA Bark. Chronic constipation, a gentle tonic laxative; Hepatic and antispasmodic.
CAT'S CLAW (UÑA DE GATO) Another one of those multi-purpose herbs. Use for just about everything including: all auto-immune dysfunction (e.g., arthritis, all bowel and stomach problems), antioxidant, antiviral, enhancement to white blood cell ability. Antineoplastic.
CATNIP Herb. Carminative, antispasmodic; Cold and flu remedy, astringent, especially for children; Diaphoretic properties; Stomach discomforts.
CAYENNE Fruit. Stimulant, increasing circulation; Stomachic, External rubefacient; Tonic used extensively with nutritional support to blood and circulatory system; Arthritis, asthma, gout and bleeding.
CELERY Seed. Rheumatism, arthritis, gout; Aids digestion, Diuretic; Carminative.
CHAMOMILE Flower. Stomachic, antiseptic, antispasmodic and tonic; Expels worms; Anxiety, insomnia; Diaphoretic and carminative; Safe for children.
CHASTE TREE (VITEX) Berry. Female hormonal balancer, PMS discomfort, menopause, hot flashes, aid to mothers; Teenage acne support for male or female.
CHICKWEED Herb. internal inflammation, demulcent, cooling; External swellings, astringent. History as nutritional support for blood poisoning; asthma.
CINNAMON Bark. Aromatic, carminative, astringent, stimulant to allay nausea, vomiting and diarrhea; antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal. Soothes indigestion, controls blood sugar in diabetics, prevents stomach ulcers, wards off urinary tract infections, fights tooth decay and gum disease, prevents vaginal yeast infections. "The universal spice for sinuses," and to treat colds, flu, cancer. One-eighth of a teaspoon of cinnamon triples insulin efficiency, [I put it in my coffee. Yum!] (Don't ingest cinnamon oil.- just the herb itself.)
CLEAVERS Leaf. An excellent lymphatic cleanser. Aids in detoxifying (minimal toxicity). Combines well with other supporting herbs. Antineoplastic, softens and disperses stones and tumors. Anti-inflammatory. Also an excellent support for urinary tract.
COLTSFOOT Leaf. Pulmonary coughs, colds, anticatarrhal, antispasmodic, expectorant; Immune stimulant, used for asthma, bronchitis, emphysema and coughs.
COMFREY Leaf. A powerful healing herb with bone, blood and tissue repair. External use only.
CORN SILK Kidney ailments, stones, etc. Diuretic, bedwetting; Demulcent, rich in mucilage, soothes and protects inflamed and irritated internal tissue.
COUCHGRASS Rhizome. Diuretic, dissolves small kidney and bladder deposits; demulcent, rich in mucilage, soothes and protects inflamed and irritated internal tissue; Bladder irritations, infections; Antimicrobial; Aid to enlarged prostate.
DIMIANA Leaf. Tonic, aphrodisiac, nervine, anti-depressant.
DANDELION Root. Liver, tonic, gout, diuretic; Natural source of potassium; Blood sugar assistant, lowers blood pressure.
DEVIL'S CLAW Root. Arthritis support, anti-inflammatory, antiviral. Contraindication: Pregnancy.
DONG QUAI Root. Tonic, strengthens female organs; Blood support; Hot flashes.
ECHINACEA Root. Immune stimulant; Antiseptic for lymphatic system, tonsillitis, blood poisoning; Vasodilator, antimicrobial, antibacterial; For short-term use. Contraindication: Auto-immune disorders.
ELDER Flower/Berry. Influenza, infections, inflammations and swellings; Anticatarrhal, sinusitis and respiratory tract; Purgative, diuretic, eliminates toxins; Promotes perspiration.
ELECAMPANE Root. Expectorant, tonic to lungs, general debility; Diuretic, promotes perspiration and eliminates toxins; Alterative, tonic, antifungal, antibacterial; Combines with other herbs for coughs, mucous, bronchitis and emphysema.
EYEBRIGHT Herb. Cataracts, eye infections, conjunctivitis; Anti-inflammatory, astringent; Draws out secretions and discharges, anticatarrhal sinusitis.
FALSE UNICORN Root. Female and uterine tonic; Antispasmodic, sedative; hormonal balancer, diuretic, ovarian pain, pregnancy, delayed menstruation.
FENNEL Seed. Carminative aromatic; Anti-inflammatory, stomachic, gentle for children and adults for diarrhea, flatulence and colic; Increases mother's milk.
FENUGREEK Seed. Demulcent, lubricates intestines, expectorant, bronchitis, sore throat; stimulates mother's milk.
FEVERFEW Herb. Anti-inflammatory and carminative. Used extensively with headaches. Effective as a prevention as well with migraines and rheumatic conditions.
GARCINIA CAMBOGIA Fruit. A natural appetite suppressant. Excellent asset to weight loss and control. Helps the body break down fats, as well as blocking fat/calorie absorption.
GARLIC Bulb. Intestinal worms; Antiviral, antibacterial, antispasmodic; Reduces high blood pressure, blood cholesterol; Immune support for respiratory system, bronchitis, cararrhea, colds, flues and coughs.
GENTIAN Root. Bitter, tonic, excites appetite, stimulates digestion.
GINKO BILOBA Leaf. Mental alertness; Stimulates circulation to extremities; Heart, brain, blood, antioxidant; Allergy support; Used with tinnitis, vertigo, stress, senility and asthma.
GINGER Root. Indigestion, diarrhea, nausea, colic and circulation.
GINSENG Root. Tonic, natural aphrodisiac, strengthens gonads; Regulates low blood pressure, increases energy, endurance and stamina; Supports all bodily functions, cardiovascular, blood sugar, etc. Contraindication: Not for women if cystic.
GINSENG, RED Root. A stabilizing tonic, more stimulating on so many levels from blood to emotions. Use as needed and note changes in body for further reference; use with moderation. Contraindication: Pregnancy, palpitations, high blood pressure, fever, asthma.
GINSENG, SIBERIAN Root. (Eleutheroccus) Adaptogen, strengthens system, increases endurance, energy, mental alertness. Regulates low blood pressure, improves circulation, low blood sugar, fatigue, tonic, stress support.
GINSENG, WHITE Root. A mild ginseng. Strengthening, tonic and nourishing. It blends well with other herbs.
GOLDENSEAL Root. Tonic, anticatarrhal, stomachic, bitter; Astringent action, used with respiratory tract, excessive menstruation. Used topically, antibiotic, for insect bites, eczema and ringworm. Contraindication: Pregnancy.
GOTU KOLA Herb. Prevents brain fatigue; Rejuvenating tonic for circulatory-venous system.
GREEN TEA Anticarcinogenic, immune enhancing properties, mineral nutrients, burns fat; toothpaste.
GUARANA Seed. Astringent, potent stimulant due to high caffeine content.
HAWTHORN Berry. Tonic to cardiovascular and circulatory systems, angina pectoris, heart valve murmur; High blood pressure, arteriosclerosis.
HE SHOU WU (FO-TI) Liver, kidney, cardio-tonic. Anti-inflammatory, vasodilator. Sexual tonic, rejuvenator.
HOPS Strobile. Sedative, nervine, analgesic; Anodyne (reduces pain) internally or topically; Carminative; Insomnia, headaches and anxiety. Contraindication: Not to be used with depression regularly or continuously.
HOREHOUND Herb. Coughs, respiration, bronchitis, asthma, expectorant.
HORSETAIL Grass. Contains vegetal silica for hair, skin and nails; Astringent, tonic, for urinary complaints, incontinence and inflamed prostrate.
HYDRANGEA Root. Inflamed prostate, kidney and bladder (helps prevent stones and gravel).
HYSSOP Herb. Expectorant, colds, chronic catarrh, coughs, bronchitis; Carminative, antispasmodic, anxiety.
JUNIPER Berry. Diuretic, antiseptic with cystitis. Contraindication: Not to be used with kidney disease.
KAVA KAVA Herb. Nervine, calming and emotionally uplifiting. Sleep aid and anxiety relieving. Do not use with liver problems.
KOLA NUT Stimulant, diuretic; May be used in moderation for depression, migraines (contains caffeine).
LAVENDER Flower. carminative, mild sedative; Antispasmodic, nausea; Anti-depressant; Effective for headaches.
LICORICE Root. Gastric ulcers, hormones, hypoglycemia, adrenal support; Expectorant, antispasmodic, used with cough and bronchitis. Contraindication: Not for high blood pressure, pregnancy, or if cystic. Use in moderation.
LINDEN (LIME BLOSSOM) Flower. Arterial support, nervine, aids migraine, hypertension; Diuretic, diaphoretic, antispasmodic.
LOBELLA Antispasmodic, asthma, bronchitis expectorant, aid to respiratory system, powerful relaxant. Contraindication: Pregnancy, large doses are emetic, should never be used as such.
LOMATIUM DISSECTUM Root. (Other Names: Biscuit Root, Pungent Desert Parsley, Indian Carrot, Indian Consumption plant) Lomatium is used in herbal medicine as an antiviral. It is on the concerned/to endangered list of plants in Idaho. It is prolific in Clearwater area. Harvested roots are chewed by Nez Perce. They call it "neem". Lomatium is listed as at risk by United Plant Savers. Seeds are available from Horizon Herbs (Strictly Medicinal Seeds).
MA HUANG Twig. Bronchodilator, asthma, hay fever, emphysema. Circulatory stimulant, elevates blood pressure, cardiac stimulant. Contraindication: Use in moderation; Do not use with caffeine.
MARSHMALLOW Root. Gastric ulcer, soothing to mucous membranes; Expectorant, anticatarrhal, Diuretic, respiratory system.
MILK THISTLE Seed. Regenerator to the liver on a cellular level; Hepatitis drug and alcohol abuse; Environmental pollution.
MOTHERWORT Herb. Heart tonic, antispasmodic, dissolves fibrin, sedative for anxiety. Emmenagogue.
MUIRA-PUAMA Root. Aphrodisiac.
MULLEIN Leaf. Expectorant, respiratory support bronchitis, relaxant. Demulcent, anodyne, anti-inflammatory; (Mullein oil for ear infections, swelling.)
MYRRH GUM Antiseptic, chronic bronchitis, expectorant. Mouthwash, canker sores, infections; Carminative, antimicrobial properties.
NETTLES Leaf. Diuretic, astringent, haemorrhage, nose bleeds, phlegm, tonic. Source of minerals, iron, vitamins and chlorophyll.
OATS Nervine for all stress, sedative, restorative, antidepressant, Tonic for impotence; Cardiac tonic, strengthening.
OIL OF OREGANO Oil. Aromatic, powerful antimicrobial, extremely potent, use sparingly. Carvacrol is an active ingredient. Internal and external use.
OLIVE LEAF Leaf. Contains the active ingredient, Oleuropein. Cardiovascular tonic. Strong antimicrobial for influenza and colds, yeast problems, viral infections.
OSHA Root. A diaphoretic. An excellent lung, cough, sore throat, bronchial nutritive expectorant. Osha is great with stomach and intestinal distress. An antiviral and emmenagogue.
PARSLEY Leaf. Urinary, diuretic, tonic, carminative, emmenagogue. aids in the flatulence. Contraindication: Pregnancy.
PASSION FLOWER Herb. Nervine tonic; Antispasmodic; Insomnia, shingles, headaches.
PAU D'ARCO Inner Bark. Immune support, candida.
PENNYROYAL Herb. Emmenagogue, stimulant to suppressed menstruation. Sprayed infusion excellent mosquito repellent. Contraindication: Pregnancy.
PEPPERMINT Leaf. Aromatic, carminative, anxiety; Antispasmodic, antiseptic, aids digestion, flatulence, colds, influenza, migraines.
PERIWINKLE Leaf. Transports oxygen to brain, senility; Astringent, sedative; Excessive menses, bleeding gums, sores.
PLANTAIN Leaf. Alliterative, diuretic, bee stings, tumors; Astringent, anti-inflammatory, demulcent, hemorrhoids, diarrhea, expectorant, soothing to the mucous membranes.
PLEURISY Root. Antispasmodic, expectorant, lung complaints, bronchitis; Tonic, carminative, flu, pneumonia.
PRICKLY ASH Bark. Stimulant, tonic, alterative, Diaphoretic, (rheumatism and skin diseases), Circulation.
PROPOLIS Antibacterial, antiseptic. Immune system support.
PUMPKIN Seed. Diuretic, demulcent, source of linoleic acid. Expels tape worm; Zinc source, soothing to inflamed tissues.
RED CLOVER Flower. Blood purification, alterative, antineoplastic, skin ailments, wounds; Antispasmodic, bronchitis, coughs. Soothing to nerves, ulcers, psoriasis, eczema. Gentle enough for children.
RED RASPBERRY Leaf. Gargle for sore throats, canker sores; Uterine relaxant in childbirth, tonic for pregnancy. Astringent with diarrhea, leukorrhea, stomach, bowel, excess menses, inflamed mucous membranes and yeast infection; Nutritive, mineral source.
RHUBARB Root. Laxative, Astringent, bitter.
REISHI Mushroom. Longevity, protects and enhances immune, cardiovascular and nervous systems; Aid in cholesterol reduction.
ROSE HIPS Source of vitamin C and bio-flavinoids, tonic, gentle astringent, diuretic.
ROSEMARY Leaf. Stomachic, Aromatic, antidepressant, stimulant; Antispasmodic, antiseptive; Nervine, anti-inflammatory, migraines, headaches; Internal and external use.
SAGE Leaf. Gargle, sore throat, laryngitis; Antiseptic, astringent, expectorant, fevers, excess catarrh/mucous; Anti-inflammatory, tonic flatulence, gastric weakness, circulation; Aromatic. Antihemorrhage, stops flow of mother's milk. Germinative, brain stimulant; Internal and external use. Contraindication: Pregnancy.
SANDALWOOD Chronic mucous infections; Inflammation of the bladder; Urinary antiseptic, diuretic.
SARSAPARILLA Root. Blood tonic and purifier; Antiseptic, skin disorders, psoriasis; Alterative, antirheumatic, arthritis.
SAW PALMETTO Berry. Nutritive tonic for prostate support and atrophy of testes. antiseptic, diuretic, urinary system.
SCHITZANDRA Berry. Tonic, lung, blood, kidney, antidepressant; Aphrodisiac, stamina. Contraindication: Epileptic, hypertension, highly acidic system.
SKULLCAP Herb. Nervine, hysteria; Antispasmodic, sedative, sleep aid, anticonvulsant, bitter.
SHITAKE Mushroom. Immune tonic. Lessens the side effects of chemotherapy.
SLIPPERY ELM Bark. Inflammation of stomach, bowel; Demulcent, soothing, healing, coughs, sore throat, skin disease, boils, ulcers, (gastric and duodenal) colitis, puncture wounds; Astringent, emollient, draws and soothes skin disorders.
SQUAW VINE Herb. Amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, painful menses, menorrhagia, tonic, diuretic, astringent, aids uterus and body in childbirth.
ST. JOHN'S WORT Herb. Natural antidepressant, anxiety, irritability; Gentle sedative, stress. Lung diseases, urinary passage infections. antiviral, anti-inflammatory, astringent. Aid in healing wounds, cuts.
STEVIA Root. A highly concentrated natural sweetener. Low dosing to taste, sugar replacement. Safe for hypoglecemia and diabetes.
SUMA Root. Antineoplastic, energy and immune tonic. It also has a history of support for blood sugar and hormone stabilizing effects. Nutritively Suma contains germanium.
THUJA Leaf, Seed, Twig. Extensive homeopathic use. Astringent, emmenagogue, expectorant. It can be a stimulating, irritating herb, so use with respect. Excellent with a number of conditions such as aches, pain, gout, ongoing cough, bronchial distress, anthelminic as well.
THYME Herb. antiseptic, antispasmodic, urinary astringent, antimicrobial; Expectorant. Carminative, destroys and expels worms. For bronchitis, asthma, fevers, sore throats and coughs.
TRUE UNICORN Rhizome. Female tonic, (small dose only); Sedative, antispasmodic, Bitter, aids digestion, flatulence, colic, anorexia.
UVA URSI Leaf. Urinary catarrh, gravel, ulceration of kidneys, bladder, urinary antispetic, diuretic, antibiotic.
VALERIAN Root. Sedative. anodyne, antispasmodic. For anxiety, restlessness, headache, hysteria; Promotes sleep.
WHITE OAK Bark. Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic gargle; Astringent diarrhea, debility.
WILD CHERRY Bark. Expectorant, nervous cough, whooping cough, sedative; Bitter, digestive aid.
WILD INDIGO Root. Antiseptic, emmenagogue, antimicrobial, anticatarrhal. For oral infections, ulcers, soreness, fever, tonsillitis, laryngitis.
WILD YAM Root. Anti-inflammatory, hepatic, colic, congestion; Antispasmodic, abdominal and intestinal irritation, dysmenorrhea, ovarian pain, uterine tonic; antirheumatic.
WOOD BETONY Herb. Astringent, bitter, sedative, antirheumatic. For headache, nervousness, anxiety.
YARROW Herb. Promotes perspiration, purifies blood; Astringent, diuretic, antiseptic. Aids in reducing fever, lowers blood pressure, bitter digestive stimulant.
YELLOWDOCK Root. Source of iron; Alterative, purgative.
YOHIMBE Bark. A stimulating aphrodisiac and cardiac tonic. Use with moderation and respect.
YUCCA Root. A long term history of usage with arthritic conditions, rheumatism and gout. An anti-inflammatory support. Also noted antineoplastic.
SOURCES: Thanks in part to Sue Potter for her additions, Lynn Newman's Common Uses of Herbal Extracts extensive research, and a few of my own experiences are added herein.

RECOMMENDED HERB LINKS: Alaskan Essenses, Cheryls Herbs, Horizon Herbs (Strictly Medicinal Seeds),

Talking Plants

Do you talk or sing to your plants? If so, you are not alone. Many people share such an affinity, such a love, for their gardens and houseplants they find it therapeutic to talk to their plants.

Ever wonder if your plants try and communicate with you? Do a little research and you will find successful conducted studies demonstrating communication with plants.

An example is the case experiment to Register Potential Emotions From Plants. A variety of household plants were hooked up to EEG monitoring equipment and contained in a sealed laboratory. The experiment involved a lab technician wearing a white lab coat who entered the room with the plants. In his hand he held a burning cigarette. He approached one of the plants, took a leaf and deliberately burned a hole in the leaf. Immediately the plant registered the emotion of fear according to their equipment's registered response.

The next day brought even more dramatic results. The plants were once again hooked up to the equipment. The same man with the same lab coat returned and entered the plant's room. Immediately and before he could do anything all the plants in the room registered the exact same emotion of fear.

Along with animals, plants have feelings and respond to their environment chemically. They can be a good reflection for us along our healing path as well. So the next time you are watering your houseplants and you've got the feeling that maybe a certain plant needs to spend some time in the outside breeze, take heed... you may just be getting a direct transmission from your green friends.

Blessings of Love,
Deidre Madsen



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