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Supernatural Powers & Abilities List

  • awaken spiritual giftsDo you feel like you are special?
  • Do you wonder if you have some special hidden power or ability that others' don't?
  • Do you know who's on the phone before you pick it up (without looking at caller ID)?
  • Do you fantasize about flying or deep sea diving without equipment?
  • Can you see into others' hearts or minds?

Each and every one of us are born with something quite unique and special. It is our quest to discover our hidden gifts and talents. Following is a growing list of supernatural and supranatural powers and abilities. You may finally get some answers to the mystery of your own gifts.

ALSO SEE:  Supernatural & Paranormal Glossary of Terms

List of 30 Supernatural Powers & Abilities Humans Can Develop

Astral Projection

Astral projection is the ability to spiritually separate from your body and travel vast distances with the mind alone. It differs from bilocation in that the second body is a spirit body. The concept of astral projection has been familiar for thousands of years, dating back to ancient China and other ancient cultures. A great deal of skepticism exists around this ability due to the fact that the only evidence is the word of the person claiming to be able to project. A study done by Dr. Charles Tart tentatively concluded that astral projection may have objective validity. For example, in a 1967 study, a subject was not able to discover a five digit number written down and placed face up in an adjoining room, but did provide some details of the activities of the technician monitoring the experiment. Tart summarizes, “Thus, there is some indication that ESP may have been involved with respect to the technician’s activities, but it is not at all conclusive.”

Aura Reading

In parapsychology and many forms of spiritual practice, an aura is a field of subtle, luminous radiation surrounding a person or object (like the halo or aureola in religious art). The depiction of such an aura often connotes a person of particular power or holiness. Sometimes, however, it is said that all living things (including humans) and all objects manifest such an aura. Often it is held to be perceptible, whether spontaneously or with practice: such perception is at times linked with the third eye of Indian spirituality. Various writers associate various personality traits with the colors of different layers of the aura. It has also been described as a map of the thoughts and feelings surrounding a person. In the ever growing case of 'mortal vampyres', the psi-vampyres claim to get energy from someone else's aura. 


Bilocation is the alleged ability to be in two places at the same time. St Pio of Pietrelcina, the famous stigmatic, was said to have this ability. It is said to be a physical, rather than spiritual ability, which makes it different from astral projection. Friends of Aliester Crowley, the occultist, claimed that he had this ability, though in situations were he was meant to have bilocated, he was unaware of it. Although it is uncommon, bilocation is an ancient phenomenon. It is claimed to have been experienced, and even practiced by will, by mystics, ecstatics, saints, monks, holy persons, and magical adepts. This is also normally the explanation given for the tales of people appearing to loved ones just prior to their death.

Clairvoyance (Vision)

The power of Clairvoyance is the ability to see the unknown. The term clairvoyance (from French clair meaning "clear" and voyance meaning "vision") is used to refer to the ability to gain information about an object, person, location or physical event through means other than the known senses,i.e., a form of extrasensory perception. A person said to have the ability of clairvoyance is referred to as a clairvoyant ("one who sees clearly").

Clairaudience (Hearing)

The ability to internally hear information that is passed from the dead. A very famous clairaudient was Doris Stokes, a British spiritualist. In the field of parapsychology, clairaudience [from late 17th century French clair (clear) and audience (hearing)] is a form of extra-sensory perception wherein a person acquires information by paranormal auditory means. It is often considered to be a form of clairvoyance. Clairaudience is essentially the ability to hear in a paranormal manner, as opposed to paranormal seeing (clairvoyance) and feeling (clairsentience). Clairaudient people have psi-mediated hearing. Clairaudience may refer not to actual perception of sound, but may instead indicate impressions of the "inner mental ear" similar to the way many people think words without having auditory impressions. But it may also refer to actual perception of sounds such as voices, tones, or noises which are not apparent to other humans or to recording equipment. For instance, a clairaudient person might claim to hear the voices or thoughts of the spirits of persons who are deceased. In Buddhism, it is believed that those who have extensively practiced Buddhist meditation and have reached a higher level of consciousness can activate their "third ear" and hear the music of the spheres; i.e. the music of the celestial gandharvas. Clairaudience may be positively distinguished from the voices heard by the mentally ill when it reveals information unavailable to the clairaudient person by normal means (including cold reading or other magic tricks), and thus may be termed "psychic" or paranormal.

Clairgustance (Tasting)

In the field of parapsychology, clairgustance is defined as a form of extra-sensory perception that allegedly allows one to taste a substance without putting anything in one's mouth. It is claimed that those who possess this ability are able to perceive the essence of a substance from the spiritual or ethereal realms through taste.

Control (Chronokenisis) Time

The ability to Manipulate or Control Time is Chronokinesis which is the psychic ability to control one's perception of time and maybe time itself through the mind. It is done oftentimes through focused reduced brainwave patterning via deep meditation which can often involve astral projection.


Divination (from Latin divinare “to foresee, to be inspired by a god”, related to divinus, divine) is the attempt to gain insight into a question or situation by way of an occultic, standardized process or ritual. Used in various forms throughout history, diviners ascertain their interpretations of how a querent should proceed by reading signs, events, or omens, or through alleged contact with a supernatural agency. Divination can be seen as a systematic method with which to organize what appear to be disjointed, random facets of existence such that they provide insight into a problem at hand. If a distinction is to be made between divination and fortune-telling, divination has a more formal or ritualistic element and often contains a more social character, usually in a religious context.


Empathy is the capacity to understand what another person is experiencing from within the other person's frame of reference, ie, the capacity to place oneself in another's shoes. As an empath you can acquire the deep emotions of another and oftentimes confuse them with your own. Empathy is always a choice.

Energy (Psychic) Vampire

An energy psychic vampire is a person or being who feeds off the "life force" of other living creatures. Psychic vampires are represented in the occult beliefs of various cultures and in fiction. There is no scientific or medical evidence supporting the existence of psychic vampires, or even the bodily or psychic energy they allegedly drain. You can feel the effects of an energy psychic vampire when you feel terribly exhausted after a meeting or conversation. [Read this Article for More Info]

Enhanced (Clairaudience) Hearing/Listening

In the field of parapsychology, clairaudience [from late 17th century French clair (clear) and audience (hearing)] is a form of extra-sensory perception wherein a person acquires information by paranormal auditory means. It is often considered to be a form of clairvoyance. Clairaudience is essentially the ability to hear in a paranormal manner, as opposed to paranormal seeing (clairvoyance) and feeling (clairsentience).

Enhanced (Clairalience) Smelling

Also known as clairescence. In the field of parapsychology, clairalience (or alternatively, clairolfactance) [presumably from late 17th century French clair (clear) and alience (smelling)] is a form of extra-sensory perception wherein a person accesses psychic knowledge through the physical sense of smell. These appear in the form of phantom smells or etheric smells.

Extra Sensory Perception

Extra Sensory Perception, or ESP, is the ability to gather information without the use of the 5 senses (hence it is also sometimes called sixth sense). ESP is often tested with a deck of 25 cards called Zener cards. Familiar to most people, these cards comprise a deck of 5 patterns, a circle, a square, a triangle, a set of squiggly lines, and a plus. Two people participate; one views the cards one by one, and the other attempts to “see” the card with the power of the mind. Again, there is a 1 in five chance that you will guess the card correctly, so it is not a particularly useful method of proof. Of course your odds improve with every card produced if you are told whether your guess was correct, as you can use card counting. The cards are also used in tests of telepathy when the viewer does not just record the shape on the card for verification, but attempts to “transmit” the shape to the other person. On average, most people guess right about 20% of the time.


Many, many people are equipped with the ability to glamourize others. It is a mild form of spell casting that so many are able to use to seduce another that they aren't aware of the power this ability holds over another. And it's all in the eyes! Glamour originally was a term applied to a magical-occult spell that was cast on somebody to make them see something the spell-caster wished them to see, when in fact it was not what it seemed to be. In the late 19th century terminology, a non-magical item used to help create a more attractive appearance gradually became known as 'a glamour'. Today, glamour is the impression of attraction or fascination that a particularly luxurious or elegant appearance creates, an impression which is better than the reality. Typically, a person, event, location, technology, or product such as a piece of clothing can be glamorous or add glamour. Virginia Postrel says that for glamour to be successful nearly always requires sprezzatura - an appearance of effortlessness, and to appear distant - transcending the everyday, to be slightly mysterious and somewhat idealised, but not to the extent it is no longer possible to identify with the person. Glamorous things are neither opaque, hiding all, nor transparent showing everything, but translucent, favourably showing things. The early Hollywood star system in particular specialised in Hollywood glamour where they systematically glamorised their actors and actresses. Glamour can be confused with a style, which is adherence to a particular school of fashion, or intrinsic beauty; whereas glamour can be external and deliberate.


Levitation (from Latin levitas "lightness") is the process by which an object is held aloft, without mechanical support, in a stable position. Levitation is accomplished by providing an upward force that counteracts the downward force of gravity, plus a smaller stabilizing force that pushes the object toward a home position whenever it is a small distance away from that home position. The force can be a fundamental force such as magnetic or electrostatic, or it can be a reactive force such as optical, buoyant, aerodynamic, or hydrodynamic. Levitation excludes floating at the surface of a liquid because the liquid provides direct mechanical support. Levitation excludes hovering flight by insects, hummingbirds, helicopters, rockets, and balloons because the object provides its own counter-gravity force. Gurus and masters levitate during deep focused meditation.


Postcognition is the opposite of precognition; it is the ability to see an event after it has occurred. This is probably the most widely used ability in modern days as many police forces invite psychics to assist them on difficult unsolved cases. This ability has been yet another topic of a Stephen King novel, the Dead Zone, in which the main character is able to see bad aspects of a person’s past from touching them or an object belonging to them. While there has often been some success with postcognitive visions in criminal investigations, it is still generally considered to be the result of hoax or fraud perpetrated by a person who has done research in to the crime, enabling them to give broad enough description to seem legitimate.



In parapsychology, precognition (from the Latin præ-, "before" and cognitio, "acquiring knowledge"), also called future sight, and second sight, is a type of extrasensory perception that would involve the ability to see the future, acquisition or effect of future information that cannot be deduced from presently available and normally acquired sense-based information. The existence of precognition, as with other forms of extrasensory perception, is not accepted by the mainstream scientific community. Scientific investigation of extrasensory perception (ESP) is complicated by the definition which implies that the phenomena go against established principles of science. Specifically, precognition would violate the principle that an effect cannot occur before its cause. There are established biases affecting human memory and judgment of probability that create convincing but false impressions of precognition.


Psychokinesis is also known as Telekinesis and mind over matter, and it is the ability to move or manipulate objects with the mind. This, in combination with pyrokinesis is the ability that Carrie White had in the excellent book and movie adaptation of Stephen King’s Carrie. Of all the items in this list, I would say this is the one that most people would love to have. It would make the television remote defunct and we could basically sit on our butts all day long and do nothing! The position normally taken by scientists and skeptics is that any apparent evidence of this ability is the result of fraud. Many books claim to help you learn this ability and they often contain exercises to help. For example, you may be told to throw a dice repeatedly whilst trying to control the number that comes up. Unfortunately, this creates the psychological state of illusion of control, in which a person comes to believe they are influencing the dice, when in fact, on every roll they have a 1 in 6 chance that their number will come up. One famous person who claims to have this ability is Uri Gellar, who is well known for his spoon bending trick in which he would (apparently) gently rub a spoon just beneath the bowl and the spoon would twist or turn. In fact, skeptics have been able to mimic this trick with great success and no claim to having supernatural abilities.

Psychometry (Touch-Know)

Psychometry (Touch-Know) is the ability to “read” information or memories from objects or situations. For example, a psychometrist may hold a watch or wallet belonging to a person they do not know, and by concentrating on the object, garner information about the person’s past, present, or future. The concept of psychometry is a popular theme for stage act and Séance; with participants being asked to provide a personal object to be “read” by a medium or psychic. It was used as the basis for Johnny Smith’s visions in Stephen King’s 1979 novel The Dead Zone and its subsequent 2002 television adaption. As well as in Stephen King's film Rose Red where the character of Pam demonstrated this skill while touching the front door's handles and speaking in Sukeena's voice at the same time.


Pyrokinesis is the ability to ignite or extinguish fires with the mind. In yet another book by Stephen King, Firestarter, the main character, a young girl, has this ability. There is no scientific evidence to suggest that this ability is real, though many people involved in the field of parapsychology believe it exists. There may be a connection between this alleged ability and the various reports of spontaneous human combustion.


Regeneration is renewal through the internal processes of a body or system. Something which embodies this action can be described as regenerative. Many titles of cultural work and cultural and scientific concepts use the term.

Remote Viewing

Remote viewing (RV) is the practice of seeking impressions about a distant or unseen target using subjective means, in particular, extrasensory perception (ESP) or "sensing with mind". There is no credible scientific evidence that remote viewing works, and the topic of remote viewing has been described as pseudoscience. Typically a remote viewer is expected to give information about an object, event, person or location that is hidden from physical view and separated at some distance. The term was coined in the 1970s by physicists Russell Targ and Harold Puthoff, parapsychology researchers at Stanford Research Institute (SRI), to distinguish it from clairvoyance. Remote viewing was popularized in the 1990s upon the declassification of certain documents related to the Stargate Project, a $20 million research program that had started in 1975 and was sponsored by the U.S. government, in an attempt to determine any potential military application of psychic phenomena. The program was terminated in 1995 after it failed to produce any useful intelligence information.


Retrocognition (also known as postcognition), from the Latin retro meaning "backward, behind" and cognition meaning "knowing," describes "knowledge of a past event which could not have been learned or inferred by normal means." This is the ability to see things that happened in the past. Retrocognition has long been held by scientific researchers into psychic phenomena to be untestable, given that, in order to verify that an accurate retrocognitive experience has occurred, it is necessary to consult existing documents and human knowledge, the existence of which permits some contemporary basis of the knowledge to be raised.[3] For instance, if you purport retrocognitive knowledge that "Winston Churchill killed a parrot", the only way of verifying that knowledge would be to consult extant sources of Churchill's activities. If it is found that he did, indeed, kill a parrot at one time, it could be said that you "simply" obtained contemporary knowledge of this fact (by clairvoyance or telepathy, if needs be, of the relevant documents or someone's knowledge of them), rather than directly perceived – in the manner of retrocognition – any event in Churchill's past. Given this fundamental logical difficulty, there has been very little experimental investigation by parapsychologists of retrocognition. The evidence for retrocognition has, therefore, been limited to naturalistic cases suggestive of the phenomenon.

See Spirits

Many people have been known to see the spirits of the dead, those who have passed on to other realms. These oftentimes come in the form of a loved one (or even a beloved pet) who has recently passed away. Othertimes as we see in the paranoraml community world, the spirits of those who have had difficulties when they were alive keep them contained in a realm between this world and the next. They are bound to certain locations where their life was most affected on the earth. Paranormal investigations are common worldwide nowadays. The disembodied voices of spirits have been captured on film, and through by EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) recordings as well. Many have had a personal encounter or two.

Shapeshifting (Therianthropy)

In mythology, folklore and fantasy fiction, shapeshifting, or metamorphosis is the ability of an entity to physically transform into another being or form. This is usually achieved through an inherent faculty of a mythological creature, divine intervention, or the use of magic spells or talismans. The idea of shapeshifting has been present since antiquity and may be common in all cultures. It is present in the oldest forms of totemism and shamanism, as well as the oldest extant literature and epic poems, including works such as the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Iliad, where the shapeshifting is usually induced by the act of a deity. The idea persisted through the Middle Ages, where the agency causing shapeshifting is usually a sorcerer or witch, and into the modern period. It remains a common trope in modern fantasy, children's literature, and works of popular culture. The most common form of shapeshifting myths is that of therianthropy, which is the transformation of a human being into an animal or conversely, of an animal into human form. Legends allow for transformations into plants and objects, and the assumption of another human countenance (e.g. fair to ugly).


Synesthesia is generally thought of as a perceptual condition that enhances the experiences of day to day life. For the most part this is true, and many, if not all synesthetes, wouldn’t part with their synthetic experiences to begin with. That does not mean that there aren’t downsides to the condition. Synesthesia is unusual in that it manifests the individual and will oftentimes show no effect on the outside world, unlike other psychological conditions where the effects are obvious to others around the individual. This can result in discouraging and patronizing reactions to the person affected. When experiencing strong enough stimulation, synesthesia can also become troublesome and even dangerous.Synesthesia (also spelled synæsthesia or synaesthesia, plural synesthesiæ or synæsthesiæ), from the ancient Greek σύν (syn), "together," and αἴσθησις (aisthēsis), "sensation," is a neurological condition in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway. People who report such experiences are known as synesthetes. Recently, difficulties have been recognized in finding an adequate definition of synesthesia, as many different phenomena have been covered by this term and in many cases the term synesthesia ("union of senses") seems to be a misnomer. A more accurate term for the phenomenon may be ideasthesia.

Telekinesis (Mind Movement)

Psychokinesis (Greek ψυχή κίνησις, "mind movement"), or telekinesis (τῆλε κίνησις, "distance movement"), is an alleged psychic ability allowing a person to influence a physical system without physical interaction. Psychokinesis and telekinesis are sometimes abbreviated as PK and TK respectively. Examples of psychokinesis could include moving an object and levitation. There is no conclusive evidence that psychokinesis is a real phenomenon. PK experiments have historically been criticized for lack of proper controls and repeatability. Furthermore, some experiments have created illusions of PK where none exists, and these illusions depend, to an extent, on the subject's prior belief in PK.

Telepathy (Mentalism)

Telepathy (from the Ancient Greek τῆλε, tele meaning "distant" and πάθος, pathos or -patheia meaning "feeling, perception, passion, affliction, experience") is the purported transmission of information from one person to another without using any of our known sensory channels or physical interaction. The term was coined in 1882 by the classical scholar Frederic W. H. Myers, a founder of the Society for Psychical Research and has remained more popular than the earlier expression thought-transference. There is no scientific evidence that telepathy is a real phenomenon. Many studies seeking to detect, understand, and utilize telepathy have been carried out, but no replicable results from well-controlled experiments exist. Telepathy is a common theme in modern fiction and science fiction, with many extraterrestrials, superheroes and supervillains having telepathic ability. Mentalism is a performing art in which its practitioners, known as mentalists, appear to demonstrate highly developed mental or intuitive abilities. Performances may appear to include hypnosis, telepathy, clairvoyance, divination, precognition, psychokinesis, mediumship, mind control, memory feats and rapid mathematics.


Teleportation, or Teletransportation, is the theoretical transfer of matter or energy from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them. It is a common subject of science fiction literature, film, and television. A fantastic story of a Danish mailman who loved everything American comes to mind. One day his wife called the office because her husband had not come home and it was very late. The post office tracked his truck down. It had been stopped in the middle of the road in the middle of his route. And in America, in New York City, a Danish man was found. He only spoke Danish, and had no identification on his person. He had been thinking so hard about visiting America at the time of this event.

Time Travel

Time travel is the concept of moving between different points in time in a manner analogous to moving between different points in space, generally using a theoretical invention known as a time machine. Time travel is a recognized concept in philosophy and fiction, but has a very limited support in theoretical physics, usually only in conjunction with quantum mechanics or Einstein–Rosen bridges.


Source: Wikipedia and Author's own experiences




Happily Inner After
English to Japanese Translation



Happily Ever After  永久の幸せを得るためにー
Happily Inner After







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About Deidre

Deidre Madsen

Award-winning author of Happily Inner After: A Guide to Getting and Keeping Your Knight in Shining Amour, Deidre Madsen, is a lecturer, instructor, spiritual counselor, PSI specialist and coach. She is an acclaimed self styled quantum activist, following the theories of monastic idealism and tenured as a Supraconsciousness Imagery Guide supported by quantum energetics and phenomenology. Her work has been featured on various websites, radio stations and blogs. She has been keynote speaker at holistic, wellness and spiritual seminars and webinars globally.

Deidre is the founder of “Transformational Guided Imagery (TGI),” a time-honored, proven technique of in-depth deep-diving treatments utilizing lucid imagery plus intuitive guidance and succor for subtle body support to maximize your functionality in life and love.

Ms. Madsen has been working toward publication of Happily Inner After which introduces TGI for several years while developing TGI, her healing modality for healing and ascension, for the past 20 years, culminating in teaching her TGI course at Yavapai Community College, Sedona, AZ.

Deidre's workshop seminars focus kinetically on ascension of the physical body, the soul's connection via the breath and the quantum mechanics of awakening. 

As a humanitarian Deidre's focus is the empowerment and ascension of people worldwide. She believes the untapped power of the mind can harmonize and bridge between the structured masculine math and sciences and the unstructured feminine creative arts for whole-minded whole-body ascension.

As a practicing Christian, Ms. Madsen's goal is to lead everyone back to love and return to the Divine within; experiencing God Our Heavenly Father and His Son Our Savior Jesus Christ.

Deidre's next book (soon to be published) addresses our awakening journey together.

Aho, Mitákuye Oyás'iŋ

Deidre Madsen

Haansh’Taye (Navajo "Butterfly")

Photo: Alexander Drecun




Ascension Symptoms

⏱️ 14.6 Minute Read | Also see Ascension 101 | Physical Proof of Ascenion | Quantum Consciousness | Balancing the Hemispheres | Going from 3D to 5D Universal Laws of Living

thequantumuniverse listening deidremadsen

DNA ACTIVATION FROM 3D TO 5D:  Are You Suffering from Rapid Ascension Movement or RAM? If so, you may be experiencing some of the following ascension symptoms. These symptoms are indicative of rapid DNA shifts as we and all of creation move into a higher consciousness both physically and psychologically.


List of Rapid Ascension Movement (RAM) Symptom


Loss of time
Loss of memory
Increased creativity
Excessively lethargic
Increased synchronicity
Vivid and lucid dreaming
Unexplained body aches and pains
Electrical and mechanical malfunctions
True abundance and instant manifestation
Invisible forces, spirit presences and entities
Altered states of consciousness and time shifts
Manifesting people/situations as teachers/lessons
Need to break free from patterns/cycles/limitations
Need to be surrounded by situations/people in synch with you, and to let go of those that are not

  Foods/medicines/supplements increased sensitivity
Feeling like you are in more than one place at once
Willingness to heal emotional fears and blockages
Need to be true to your divine purpose/mission
Disordered mind and left-brain confusion
More alienated than ever from the world
Loss of interest in the "New Age" market
Sudden career or relationship changes
Increased intuition and psychic ability
Desire to live in synch with nature
Surges of unexplained emotion
Deep sense of inner peace
Depression getting worse
A desire to go within
Alternate realities
Surges of power
Unusual dreams
Lashing out

Just remember you are not alone. Everyone experiences some degree of ascension symptoms; and very few seem to glide through Mother Earth's ascension through the fourth dimension and on into the fifth with ease and joy. Some pass off these symptoms as physiological or psychological in nature, though this is not always the case.


 Everything is physically ascending and upgrading 


Still unsure about the truth to this statement? (Read here >> Physical Proof of Ascension) Also, please do your homework and research this topic in libraries and the internet, and it helps to ask people in-the-know. Maintaining an even keel, a balance within, working with ourselves and our issues and pain, gracing our bodies with weekly massages and nurturing healing, being kind to ourselves, forgiving ourselves and others, eating healthy and smart, all these things will help ease us through this time of transition.

As Things Get Lighter Some Things Get Darker

It sure feels like many, many people are communicating their innermost fears during this ascension. As we move through these astounding planetary energies, gifting us with incredible opportunities for greater awareness and insight into who we are in all our divinity, we have the chance to gladly and willingly love ourselves more fully than ever.

List of Rapid Ascension Movement (RAM) Symptoms - Deidre MadsenTry Not to Slap a Bandage on Your Inner Pain

Many of us have experienced a lack of love in our lives. A lack of love that should have felt something like mother love, or nurturing on a deep soul level. Instead, we have experienced harsh judging and accusations by our families and loved ones. We have experienced neglect and abandonment on many levels including what I call "bleed-through past/parallel/future lives". It has come to my attention that there are an abundance of people (women esp.) who cannot understand why things happen to them, why their lives have been filled with wrong choices, fear and manipulation. I was one of these women and had to learn that I was not a victim to my circumstances.

There Are Deep Cavernous Holes Inside of Our Hearts Begging to be Filled with Love

Often, we search for a way to fill this hole, or void space, through marriage, relationships with friends, volunteer work, owning a pet, careers, travel, great $$ spending binges, over-eating, and addictions of all sorts. While some of these are wonderful ways to experience love, they may not be what we require for healing. These all seem to fill this void for a little while but we always return to the deep hole void in our hearts and discover the falsness of our recent little foray through life.  We learn to see the truth behind the mask of our lives, that there has been no filling up of that space at all, which can plunge us deeper and deeper into despair and loneliness.

List of Rapid Ascension Movement (RAM) Symptoms - Deidre MadsenGifts in the "End of Times"

What can we do to remedy this within us? We can take a good look at what is happening during this ascension time and gain some clues that will assist us greatly along our path toward self love.

This ascension time of Mother Earth/Lady Gaia is filled with great gifts. These are planetary, stellar energies bombarding everything multidimensionally (including our three dimensional world called Planet Earth) providing us with new found powers, gifts and talents we never knew we had. We are now experiencing the love of our brothers and sisters: the animal, plant and mineral kingdoms of our Earth Mother, the Deva Kingdoms, the Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Ariel, Jophiel, and Raphael respectively, as well as many other divine, loving forces of energy just waiting to assist us all in love unconditional.

We are also learning how incredible the gifts of love Jesus the Christed One has to offer. His experience as Christ Consciousness on this Earth some 2000+ years ago has taught us to love ourselves. He once said that we must love our neighbors as ourselves. When he said that he wanted us to understand how important it was/is to love ourselves fully for only then can we understand the depth and breath of love for our brother. In order to reach out to the world, we must first reach inside. Reach into our hearts and explore, examine and experience.

Another gift from this ascension is the opportunity to let all our past life karma finally rest, be at peace, affording us the chance to fly in the face of freedom, fully. We must take responsibility for all our choices, good or bad. How reassuring this is to know that we have no need for the old patterns and belief systems we brought through to this lifetime.

List of Rapid Ascension Movement (RAM) Symptoms - Deidre MadsenIMAGE AND SIMILITUDE. There is also a greater opening up now of awareness and allowing with many people. More people are open to other spiritual options, realizing the great gifts of many of the world's religions be they Christianity, Buddhism, Zen, Tao, Zoroastrianism, etc. What matters is there is a grain of truth in all things and it is up to us to discover who we are and what we desire to experience in our life... and then do ourselves the honor to go out and live it fully. We are divine creations of the Creator. We are made in the likeness of our Heavenly Father. What does this mean to you and me?

Mirror Mirror

Meaning we can look in the mirror and see ourselves as who we really are. When you look in a mirror, who do you see? Mirror, mirror on the wall? Who is the fairest one of all? Remember, Dear Reader, there is a grain of truth in all things... even in our fairy tales, especially in our fairy tales

Keep in mind that you are true divinity in action! Whenever I hold Spiritual Counseling sessions with someone I tap into their High Self, their I AM presence, and I see them for who they really are on a much, much higher level of being. Every single time, I am in awe of the glorious majesty that they are. Each one of us is a perfect expression of the Creator's love incarnate, in the flesh. We are walking, talking miracles of love.

Whenever you feel sadness or sorrow, or feel like the whole world is tumbling down all around you, just take a moment or two and look into a mirror. Look deep into your eyes, the windows to your soul, and reflect upon your reflection, for there standing before you is magnificence!

"Awaken, dear friends, within this dream and realize that it is your duty and responsibility as human beings to imagine and visualize a safe world. It will be as you decree, and your own experience will thus reflect it." - The Pleiadians, by Barbara Marciniak

We Are Never Victims of Our Reality

We are volunteers and when we feel specific oppression from someone, realize that they are including us into their reality and that we effect them on a deep level. Sometimes we will elicit a strong negative response from a person or family member that appears as if they are judging us, or hating us for something "we have done". They wag their finger at us in admonition and accusation. Why? Because deep down inside of themselves, we are mirroring back to them a pain within themselves. Amazing, really. So, Dearest Reader, realize the honor you have of just being in other peoples' lives; they find the need to draw you into their lives for a beautiful healing experience.

This powerful lesson also applies to you, for when you are in pain, you are finding a spot inside of you that says, "Hey, this hurts me." Then ask yourself, why. Go into your heart space and feel it out. All the answers are deep inside of you, and so is the love you seek so earnestly. These family and friends who "cause us grief, agony and pain" are actually here to help us heal.

Childlike Innocence and Purity - passion of the child List of Rapid Ascension Movement (RAM) Symptoms - Deidre MadsenReturn to Innocence

Use the Wisdom of Our Dear Brother, Coyote. Coyote the Fool/the Trickster (also the Fool in the Tarot), and laugh in the face of adversity, pain and sorrow. 

Be like a child in your innocence and purity. 

Learn discernment so as not to give away your energy or power to someone who would use it against you. 

Draw your boundaries with the tool of discernment, but do it out of love... not against someone, but FOR yourself and your self-love and honor.

Look for Love Everywhere

During this powerful time, this ascension process, we are to look deeply within and find the love from the Creator there. In order to balance and be one with the universe (YOUniverse) we must continue carry a loving forgiving heart and share it with our brothers and sisters. 

We must step into our divine Adam Kadmon Higher Light Body, or allow it to merge with our physical body (which is what this ascension is all about anyway). To do this we must purify our temples (body/mind/spirit) through and through.

Claim your own divinity, walk with unconditional love, and keep your heart open to love, for the world reflects what and who you are at all times. Allow the gifts of Wakan Tonka, the Shekinah/Holy Spirit/Ba (Egypt. Dove), to bring forth the transmuting violet flame and transform old belief systems and patterns into unconditional love and light. Through this time of ascension - be the flow. Creator through and in YOU is the Way, the Truth, and the Light!

In Divine Service,

Deidre Madsen




Awaking Divinity - Re-cognition

Awakening to the Divine

Many of us have forgotten who we truly are. Many of us continue to walk around in a fog wondering who we are, why we are, where we are. I've seen so many completely confused individuals crying, screaming, and struggling in their lives with poor health, wealth, relationships, and more - indicative of their poverty consciousness. I have had this same poverty consciousness for most of my life.

The Holy Grail of Bliss Lives Happily Inner After

This article is about how to move out of poverty consciousness and move into your own true divinity. I am going to share my abnegation awakening experience (a very rare type of kundalini awakening) when the 3D Veil was lifted for me so you have someone's experiences to draw upon. If I can experience these incredible aHA moments, so can you and its important to meet and connect with others that have had these experiences because they help inspire us all. We need to hear these stories in our lives that give us strengthened faith, hope, and courage. When you gain a higher level of awareness your poverty consciousness begins to fade away as you assume right relationship and responsibility, impeccability, with the world around you... and within you.

My Awakening - Re-cognition

Cupid Asleep Awaking Divinity - Deidre MadsenMy awakening re-cognition occurred when I least expected it.  Always does, doesn't it? January 3, 2000 "A" day. 1+3+2000 = 5 numerologically, an introvert, action, progress day.

Before I get into the actual account, I want you to get an idea of who I was/am prior to the time of 1/3/00. Briefly, I will highlight important life moments for you.

Dear Reader, what is the first thing you remember before, during or after YOUR birth?

Do you remember your actual birth experience? No? Me either. As a baby; however, I do remember crawling around and seeing the royal blue color of either the carpet or the drapes in my parent's home. I remember seeing the kitchen from an elevated (in my Mama's arms) point-of-view. I remember my favorite baby food... Gerber's Baby VEAL. Yum. I still remember the taste of the baby food in my mind. I loved being a baby. I was a big fat baby and proud of it. Being a baby is awesome. Such strong memories of babyhood connote a high amount of awareness on all levels. (And, yes I was one of 95% (OMG?) of the abducted U.S. population, a story for another time.)

At the age of three or four years, I remember standing in the living room of our tiny apartment, a wee girl, seeing the news about John F. Kennedy's tragic assassination. Even at that age, his death left a very large mark on my soul but this, no one knew. During the 60's I was a little girl prancing and dancing in white patent-leather go-go boots, singing along to Nancy Sinatra's pop hit, "These Boots Were Made For Walkin'". Just a wee blonde little thing then. And ooohhh so innocent. My childhood family never knew of my intuitive abilities because my intuition told me then to keep it all well-hidden.

When I was young, I was frightened of summer camp and every year all the other kids in the family went to camp except me. I feared spiders, snakes, the night, and especially I feared the unknown. Yes I am painting a picture of a bit of a sheepish, mousy fraidy-cat of a girl.

I have always held secret, silent psychic/intuitive knowing and awareness and have (from birth) carefully guarded this from all harm and jeopardy. When I felt restrained or held back from my true spiritual expansion, patiently I would bide my time and leave the negative environment.

In '98 I went through a difficult divorce and separation from my newly adopted son. Precipitously, my stepfather died suddenly on the day of my younger sister's birthday at that same time in my life. I also lost my job, began a brand new (and oddly different and difficult) job, and bought my first house, and that was just the first half of the year. A whirlwind year later, I experienced financial bankruptcy, sold my brownstone in the city and moved to southern Missouri.

Here, in this place, I discover my true spiritual family and am loved and nurtured by a vast array of like-minded ones who see the big picture from a very different perspective and understand about the sacredness of our I AM light vessels (our bodies). And I, who struggled all my life to accept myself, begin to steadfastly "peel off the layers of the onion."

Here I now live in beautiful, lush southern Missouri near the Current River, a river fed by eleven underground sources at supernal Big Springs. The bermed home I'm renting has a 14' gigantic wrap-around stone fireplace and in these crisp, snowy winter months, I keep this primary heat source burning day and night.

Divine Destiny  Awaking Divinity - Deidre Madsen

It is here where the mist rises from the Deer Run Lake outside my front door, against a beautiful backdrop of the Mark Twain National Forest where pine trees sway on the hilltops catching snowflakes on their pins and needles. Deer, eagle, hawk, owl and coyote become my closest companions.

Here where other sacred Lightworkers have come to heal offering this earth, this sacred home of medicine wheels, crystals and feathers.

Here where brothers and sisters of the Cherokee and Lakota Nations, united with an array of Lightworkers for a lovely evening of dinner, sharing and friendship.

Here where only three days prior I turned the sacred stones in the honored position of fire keeper at an inipi (sweat lodge), the great Millennium ceremony, receiving strong fire medicine on my third eye chakra from the great stones that once graced a sacred mountain top in Taos, New Mexico months prior.

And, here where I now sit alone watching the snow fall through the wall of tall, lace-graced windows, my back against the warm fireplace handles. Peace and tranquility surround me and at my side is my closest friend and companion, his brown fur warmed by the huge wood-burning fireplace, my German Shepherd, Nikki.

For the first time in my entire life I am alone.  No more flurry of people, rushing jobs, endless activity commitments, gatherings and countless holiday events. No more city pandemonium. Just this beautiful, silent place. Me, my dog, and the fire.

After what feels like an eternity - I am home. I am healing. I am nurturing me.

angel fairy  Awaking Divinity - Deidre MadsenI rise to watch the mist and walk over to an overstuffed couch and nestle in with a new book, "The Angels Within Us" by John Randolph Price, a spiritual guide to the twenty-two angels that govern our lives. Hmm, sounds interesting. According to this book these angels assist us and all we have to do is invite them in, give them permission to do it.

So I sit and meditate in the center of my being and close my eyes for a moment. "Let's see, whom of these angels shall I call forth?", I ask myself. I ponder the question for a moment and decide to allow whichever one that wants to, to come forward.

Here in my sacred meditation space I wait and suddenly, lo and behold, all twenty-two angels appear sitting around a huge oblong table, staring and smiling at me. I am startled at the concept that they have all come, not just one or two - but all of them.

They laugh and I begin speaking to them.  "Wow, what are all of you doing here?  I just asked for one."

They remind me they are all here to help.

I laugh, saying,  "Oh, sorry, I'm very human and I say rather silly things sometimes."

This really sets them off.  Now they are really laughing, shaking their shoulders in peals of joyful laughter.  I stand there dumbfounded, wondering at what they're laughing. "What are you all laughing at, I don't get the joke." I plead out of mild frustration.

Well, this just makes them laugh all the harder, by now they're rolling on the floor.  And I still sit there wondering, my ego getting jolted a bit.  One or two stop laughing and reply, "We're laughing because youdon't get the joke."

Thoughts run through my mind. I don't get the joke?! I don't get the joke? I don't get it. "Wait!" I shout. "I get it! I get the joke!" I jump inside, my heart pounding. "I get it!  I get it!" Suddenly, I realize I AM one of these angels but in human form. Wow, no wonder I couldn't get it at first, I'm human! aHA!

My mind races further with this new information, this new revelation; thoughts running a mile-a-minute wrapping themselves around the concept. The angels smile and congratulate me at my great moment of re-membering who I AM. I see them as my friends, my comrades and we laugh and high-five each other.

They explain that I was once celestial and have decided to incarnate into human form to assist mankind and mother earth in the sacred time of ascension. The most glorious time for the whole of creation Earth.

Cupid Awake  Awaking Divinity - Deidre MadsenI look down now at my physical vehicle, my body, the one who I AM as Deidre and see the beauty and glory in my self and realize why I have chosen to look this way, chosen to take this physical form and I cry for joy. I laugh and remark to the angels, "Hey, I like who I AM as Deidre. Watch me as this woman, this physical human, watch me as I physically stand up." They smile, waiting and watching me in my childlike wonder. I stand and as I do so my heart chakra expands and a great warmth overflows my chest. I feel the sensation and smile at the joy inside of my open heart. The radiance inside of me expands to fill my whole chest. It feels like fireworks going off in my chest. (I think that's why we love fireworks in the sky so, they remind us of this very remarkable feeling.)

I laugh and jump up and down with joy, the angels watching me, grinning gleefully. I look around at my surroundings, my dog, the fireplace, the beauty of where I am living. I see the glory in all things great and small. I run around laughing like a child at play, impersonating old comedians like Groucho Marx for the angels which makes them laugh harder. (I recognize that there is great joy and humor in the heavens and I feel comedians are very sacred angel beings and are to be greatly honored for the heavenly reminder they bring to humankind.)

The magick is in the hand and I stand before the doorway to the wintry weather outside, the dogs running around (the neighbor dogs are here to visit Nikki). The warmth of love in my heart space, the fireworks, expand and spread throughout my being until I feel it within every cell and atom down to the tips of my fingers and toes. The universe(s), all things, are within that very place, within the tiniest aspect of our physical bodies. All things are within, and yet I see they are with out, they are outside of me to my awakened eyes.  They exist within and without. Great knowing and understanding poured forth from the heavens into my mind and I was given a great gift of truth.

I beckon the dogs to stop running in and out of the house, like playful children, responding to my own heightened awareness level. They stand there waiting, panting and smiling at me. I realize at that moment that I can, by will, simply direct them outside without speaking. So I reach for them with my hand and etherically pull them with my mind outside into the snowy day. And I witness their sudden calm. They follow my hand, like precious lambs, and it is then I realize the greatness within us all. And the enormous responsibility in the hand, even in a thought.

However, it is the knowing that we don't trust what is possible. We don't trust in the magick we each carry within. We have never really trusted that if we think we can truly levitate, it is so. Yet some do trust and do levitate themselves and others. Some do. Very few. We each of us have that exact (and way more) potential... if we but trust.

you are the light awakening  Awaking Divinity - Deidre Madsen

All things great and small are glorious and beautiful representations of God. All things we experience here in this earth, at the time of the holidays (for example) are representations of daily life in the heavens. There is no separation. YOU ARE THE LIGHT!

There is no separation. We re-create on Earth all that is in Heaven. As Above, So Below. So many, many duplications. We are working to get back to who we are. Re-member, re-assemble, re-cognize ourselves. And we have NOT forgotten.
- Deidre Madsen

An example of this is Santa Claus Kris Kringle. We create Santa Claus and why? Because when we ask a little child what they want for Christmas, they write to Santa and ask for a new bike or doll. They then expect those things to be underneath the Christmas tree Christmas morning. And those things and more usually are there on Christmas morning. Santa is real. Santa delivers. Who is Santa? Why, YHWH of course.

This is why as children we get so disappointed when we hear that Santa isn't real from our parents. We know deep down that they're wrong and somehow their believing that Santa isn't real makes us all the more sad and disappointed; like, our parents have been fooled.

Do you see the magick and pure divinity in all things and the re-creation of truth in this third dimensional earth plane? When we ask God for something, we (like Jesus said) must be like little children before YHWH and to us all things will come. But we must be mindful of what we ask. We must be diligent and true. We must be faithful and loving. We must be children of YHWH.

We are children of YHWH for we are made in the likeness of YHWH and therefore we are YHWH. For if there is no separation and YHWH made us in the likeness of him, and we are given the divine spark, then if not YHWH then who are we? We are not separate. We are all things and all things are us. It is a pure and lovely experience.Now as I write this to you, Dearest Reader, I am looking at a few years since that day of my awakening.  At the time, I had no fears. None. I realized there was nothing to fear, not even fear itself. Because we are living in a lower, denser realm (3D), I did re-call one fear... the fear of losing the moment of knowing, the fear of forgetting all that I experienced, the fear of not being able to re-capture this blissful magick. And that then is exactly what happened. The recognition subsided and slowly faded from my grasp like a strong dream.

The Current Runs Through It

Like a river, the current of life's ebb and flow cycles weaves itself throughout each moment. Surely we could write an entire book from each rich moment in our lives.

Awaking Divinity - Deidre MadsenAh, but what has happened between then and now?  Multitudes of expanding experiences and gentler recognitions. I do not fear the seeming loss of my awakening now, for it is all in the moment and therefore it is never lost. I AM recognizing great things which, as I look around at the world events occurring -- there is definitely an ascension afoot of which we are a strong and integral part. My coming back to that experience will happen again absolutely.

AWAKEN! Re-cognize (be-come cognizant!), re-member WHO YOU ARE! - Deidre Madsen

"Awaken, dear friends, within this dream and realize that it is your duty and responsibility as human beings to imagine and visualize a safe world. It will be as you decree, and your own experience will thus reflect it." - The Pleiadians, by Barbara Marciniak

Be at the ready. Ready for what? Ready to awaken and help heal others and assist in their awakening. Be ready to realize YOU ARE ALREADY AWAKE. Ready to ascend and RECOGNIZE YHWH on earth as it is in the heavens.

It is I AM Who is Ready

I see the greatness in all things yet as my memory grasps the wisps of that precious memory of my awakening divinity, I re-member what and who I am to be here on earth.... I, who was unquestionably granted the opportunity to be fire keeper at the millennium inipi ceremony, the first female to do so at that lodge (still a wonder to me even now). I, who have bridged the way for many people to see and understand themselves more. It is "I AM That I AM" and not my sometimes-in-the-way ego "I", but my I AM YHWH presence - the angels within us. The Divine Spark of Light within us. The YHWH/God/dess within us.






Client Comments

readings love career life path client comments testimonials - Deidre MadsenLife Coaching


Amazing, call her!                         

  Very uplighting and so inspiring, I'm very happy I called you when I did. Going into December/New Year I will be giving you an update on my new job I'm intending on getting based on your wisdom and knowledge I have faith and thank you so much again! Amazing call her! - K.O.

Knew things I did not mention!

Excellent! She saw and correctly identified that my deceased father in law was watching over my son and gave me details without any information from me. She knew things about them that I did not mention! - Mir

You gave me hope

I really enjoyed my reading with you tonight. You answered all my questions and your answers were very specific. I felt the reading was very uplifting for me and gave me hope for my future. I loved speaking with you and look forward to my next reading in the near future. I think you are truly gifted. Thankyou so much. - Kara

Thank you for giving me peace

 WOW! AWESOME Reading! Picked up on my deceased mother immediately without me giving any information, nor was I "thinking" about an answer when she responded with something out of the blue that she would have NEVER known about my mother. thank you for giving me the peace I was looking for. - L.H

Unbelievably accurate

 So unbelievably accurate! Angel U R awesome!! The fact that he's not Mr. GQ but there's something deeper about him I'm drawn to. Don't over analyze just seize the moment be playful be my amazing beautiful goddess self. He is very serious about me and ready for one person to connect with. He is a man's man likes being the pursuer. He wants to protect and honor me. Deep soul connection for both of us. Will not have any bm drama. He won't let that happen. She has her place. Just be myself effortlessly. - B.A.G.

Deidre isdefinitely gifted!

Wow! Deidre was spectacular! She picked up on words and phrases that my guy has used or bits of conversation that we have had. She was very thorough with details which were amazing to me. Deidre is definitely gifted! Don't be fooled by her very budget friendly price, give her a call while you can still get in because soon she will have a long waiting list! Thank you Deidre, I appreciate the wonderful insight. I WILL be back in touch! Many blessings to you!! - Margaret

Advise is consistently accurate

Thanks for a wonderful session! I am so grateful for your insights as your advice is consistently accurate and I am hopeful for the things we see emerging on all fronts to come together soon! Blessings to you! ★★★★★★★★★★10 STARS! - O.L.

100% Accurate

Dee is da bomb! Never saw a better automatic writer. 100% accurate in my reading in 2001! Tweet Blue OtterWill Blueotter‏@WillBlueotter @deidremadsen

Connects fast!

 Very beautiful soul and connects very fast.She is without doubt my best psychic. She is highly recommended.God bless you for giving me a very honest reading. - Kristy

She picked up on my deceased family

An amazing reading, over an hour Deidre and I spent talking. She picked on my deceased family and our lineage. I was provided with insight on my family and our karmic ties. I will be calling again. - Yolanda

Fast, honest, intuitive, accurate

Great! Fast, honest, intuitive, accurate, gave good insight and details. She tuned right into my situation fast and picked up accurately on people and things going on around me. I'm so happy I called this adviser. - P.L.

Needed a game plan, she gave me one

I am so pleased. Deidre and I spoke the same language. I needed a game plan and she gave me one. "Just be who you are and revel in these days as though fresh flowers were being delivered daily to your life." That is exactly how I feel, with the joy of knowing there is so much more to come. Thank you, Deidre! - Jude


Deidre was very sweet, sincere, honest and last but not least, ALL KNOWING! Yes! She has the gift and her reading was very matter-of-fact. There were no hesitations or guessing ONLY her gifts of KNOWING and SEEING! I wish I could've talked with her a little longer! - B.L.

Thank God... for leading me to you

My Dear Deidre,  I cannot thank God enough for leading me to you and I cannot thank you enough for helping me in this journey of life as I find myself, who I am and why I am here. Your articles have been very helpful for me. May you continue to share your love and light with all those in need of it. - Your friend, Ayeshah

Simone Graser client comments testimonials - Deidre Madsen

I could feel her love even tho I was so far away

 Deidre came into my life when I was very hopeless and depressed due to two miscarriages I had. To this point I thought I might never be able to have my own children. I wondered why this happened to me and why it happened twice. She really took the time to help me and look deep within the family history or should I better say the problems in our family -- going way back into my great-grandmothers life -- and everything she said was true. I started to understand why there were those problems and why those things have happened to me. She was very kind and gentle. I could feel her love even though I was so far away -- this helped me so much. She also sent me a healing and I really felt the energy going into my body. I knew for certain that now I am healed and able to have children which I so much longed for. Those miscarriages truly broke my heart and Deidre really gave me my faith back. I am now a mom of an 8 month old son. : ) Deidre is a wonderful person. Yes truly an Angel God has sent to me back then. I will be forever grateful for her help. Thank you so much. - Simone Graser, Germany

It was reassurance... things are okay

"Sometimes, everything can be overwhelming. You are still a responsible member of a society, paying tax, receiving pay-checks, while sought after by voices of the nature, it is overwhelming. In those days, you tend to forget that no matter how hard and impossible your life may seem, in the end, the Universe is all about forgiving. You were forgiven from the very beginning, but you just simply cannot realize that when there's too much on the to-do-list.   You forget that you can believe people. You forget that at the core, you are very good, and that you are now just a little agitatated, if you can't be generous to others as you wish you could. Those are the times you might want to get in touch with Deidre. For me, it was reassurance. After having talked with Deidre, I could tell myself that things are okay, it has always been okay, the leaves are singing and the sky is blue, and we are all vibrating, transforming, including you and me, filled with love and joy. Hope you get to see that, recall that as well, if you feel like you are confused and lost." - Aika, journalist

Your life will never be the same

Dear Deidre, I am still flying from my work with you. The sessions I did were both life changing for me. They were vital to my spiritual growth. You are blessings in this universe, and I feel so fortunate to have them share their healing and guidance. Your life will never be the same once you have a session with them. My spirit is soaring with the ravens! - Tina McCarty, Tuscon, AZ

Finally-hope in a desperate situation

Hi Deidre, Thank you for all of your support, guidance and I came across a miracle over the past couple of days... so thank you so much for helping me. I am doing a milion times better. For the first time in over a year and a half I finally feel like I have some hope in all this desparate situation which is like unbelievable and you definitely helped me get there so thank you.  - R.G., L.A.

Karen Olson-Leonard - client comments testimonials - Deidre MadsenTotally divine and helpful

Dearest Deidre, How honored I am to have received such a beautiful reading from you! How totally divine and helpful it was/is for me on my journey. What a wonderful gift you have of seeing and receiving information for others! Thank you so much for your talent. I thank you, your guides, my guides and all guides involved in our session. Much love and light to you. - Karen Olson-Leonard

Working thru childhood issues towards self-empowerment

Intuitive Reading yesterday.  It was really great to talk with you.  I realized a lot of things during our conversation that I needed to work on. Thank you for helping me to see that I needed to take charge and "say what I needed to say" for me. A lot of my suspicions arise from my childhood. I also know that I need to work thru this to get to the other side. Thank you for your supportive and calming session as I know it has already helped me.  You are a blessing to your clients. Thank you again! - Rhonda J

You really uplifted me... shed light on many different issues

❦  Dearest Deidre, Thanks so much for spending time with me yesterday and for being so incredibly insightful! You are a beautiful, amazing lady and I really feel that our paths will be crossing again in the near future - for a higher purpose. Yesterday was just the beginning. All I feel that I want to say is "thank you" - you really uplifted me yesterday and shed light on many different issues. You made a huge difference in my life and I wish you health, happiness, wealth, peace and everything else you with yourself.  "I think a hero is any person really intent on making this a better place for all people." - Maya Angelou I am so grateful that you came into my life and have lit it up in so many ways. You are really are a beautiful, special person and I am so happy to be part of your "Sister Circle". I love being part of your family. Thanks always for everything.  "When you learn, teach. When you get, give." - Maya Angelou You are generous with your time, your talents, and your self... Thank You for sharing your gifts with the world. This really describes "you". You are so very, very special. Thanks always for all your advice, time, support, blessings and love.  Lots of Love, Michelle M., Newport Beach, CA

The degree of correlation of your insight is truly amazing... you were batting between 850 and 1000

DearDeidre ... Thanks again for helping us with my wife's spiritual journey. The degree of correlation of your insight into her past lives with the karma in her present one is truly amazing. To use a sports analogy, I'd say you were batting between 850 and 1000.The audio tapes generated during the session indicate amazing levels of insight gained during the session. The increasing levels of detail in the insights was also very impressive. When she was spaced out from being in a state of comatose in the ICU in January, she was concerned about the following appliances: refrigerator, washer, and dryer, which seems to correlate with the Egyptian laborer lifetime insights. She said that she "needed 3D", which we later figured out was that she needed more space when the family was crowding around her bed, another correlation with one of your insights. Her strength of character, compassion, practicality, and sense of fair play all correlate well with the Nun lifetime insights. In my opinion, your emphasis on "being" vs "doing"  goals are very appropriate for her at this time. - Warm regards. A Happy Husband, Tuscon, AZ

I am totally amazed with Deidre and her intuitive abilities

On August 29, 2012 I had my first intuitive reading with Deidre. I have been waiting a while for my answer on my divorce ruling I decided to ask her during the reading. My question was when would I have my answer. She first said 14 came up but then number four was stronger. So she said 4 weeks was the answer. I received my divorce ruling on September 26, 2012 exactly 4 weeks from the time of my reading and the date the divorce ruling was signed with September 14, 2012. I am totally amazed with Deidre and her intuitive abilities. I can't wait to see what happens with the other time frames she provided to me on my other questions. - Trin

Elaine Ohm client comments testimonials - Deidre Madsen

Most accurate of any intuitive

I had an Intuitive Reading with Deidre... her reading has proven the most accurate of any intuitive I've encountered so far. I'm still in awe of how accurate things you spoke of have unfolded for me. It's weird how what's been happening to me lately is so intertwined with what you saw in the reading. Many Blessings, Elaine

She immediately was so "on" about what was going on with me and extremely helpful

 Deidre is one of the most intuitive, wonderful, giving and spiritually special people I have ever met. From the minute I met her and I did my first Reading with her she immediately was so "on" about what was going on with me and extremely helpful.Every time I interact with Deidre I leave with such a beautiful feeling of peace, calm and tranquility in my inner being. I have referred many people to her and as I tell each one of them "she is truly a gift to all of us." - Michelle M., Newport Beach, CA


Mary Green-Noland client comments testimonials - Deidre MadsenWith Deidre I could help my deceased mother with her transition in the afterlife

 I felt an immediate bond. I learned through my session with Deidre that I could help my deceased mother with her transition in the afterlife with some very specific work on behalf of myself and my seven siblings. I also learned that a tumultuous and painful relationship from which I was emerging at that time was, in fact, the Divine counterpart to a very spiritual and unusually gifted relationship with my twin flame whom I would be meeting in approximately 8-12 months. I also felt strongly the awareness of positive results for my mother when they were realized by her. I then met my wonderful man, 9-1/2 months later, unexpectedly, as I was focusing, as instructed, on other areas of my life. He is all I ever dreamed of. Thank you, Deidre, for holding this mirror up for me so that I could see more clearly where best to focus my energies. than you, most importantly, for encouraging me to stay on my path and to stay faithful. I have tried my best, and been rewarded beyond hopes. Please keep up your selfless giving work, and encourage others like me to stay their courses and believe. - Very Best Regards, Mary, Phoenix, AZ



imagination happily inner after TGI Transformational Guided Imagery Sessions - Deidre MadsenTransformational Guided Imagery (TGI)


Healing Developmental Disabilities - Mental Retardation, Sensory Integration Dysfunction, Poor Motor Coordination, Hyper Sensitive Hearing, Speech and Language Deficits and Social Emotional Regulation

Hello Deidre, Thank you for the Transformational Guided Imagery, TGI work you have been doing with Scotty.  It has been 24 years since he acquired his brain injuries from low oxygen saturations, infantile stroke and cerebral atrophy all resulting from a heart defect at birth.

Scott has participated since the age of two in many traditional forms of therapy to assist him with his developmental disability including mental retardation, sensory integration dysfunction, poor motor coordination, hyper sensitive hearing, speech and language deficits and his struggles with social emotional regulation. 

All of these therapies brought Scott very far over the years. We have had what I know to be some of the nations best therapists to whom we are forever grateful. 

We can now add you Deidre Madsen to this list of highly qualified professionals.Thank you.

In the short time that you have been assisting Scott in TGI sessions he has very quickly improved in what our pychologist, Beth Anne Martin, PhD at Cleveland Clinic Foundation calls Theory Of Mind, the ability to think about ones own thinking. This higher level of thought has been observed not only by myself and family members but by Scott's programing director at his work site who is a specialist for the emotionally challenged population. 

We all see Scott having increased helpfulness with his peers due to his ability to access the areas in his brain that provide him with empathy for others, improved focus and attention and an ability to stay in the "here and now".

Additionally,  Scott shows us increased flexibility, faster processing of information and feelings. Scott healed past emotional wounds with his father who has been in hospice and is now spontaneous with sincere emotional interactions with his Dad. He is no longer fearful of his Dad's impending passing due to your Transformational Guided Imagery work. 

We are blessed to know you and your unique work.  It is my hope that you can assist others with developmental disabilities to more fully experience the outer world by acessing the right and left hemispheres of their brains to activate their own internal psyche to be more of who they can be.

Sincere Regards,

Billie Erickson,
Mother to Scott 
4/11/2016 | ORDER

Overcoming insecurities

Hi Deidre, I wanted to let you know I experienced a big shift last evening when I was out in public with my boyfriend. I also felt empowered to speak to him directly about my needs, without feeling needy. Many thanks for sharing your wisdom. We shall see where this goes, but I feel like I am coming from a more grounded place. Sharing your personal story of how you access your inner male was very helpful, as I sometimes need things to be spelled out:) And, as we were in a bar filled with younger people, I found myself blessing other women who appeared insecure to me and wishing them that they know their worth. - With Love, VT | ORDER


Ayshica Andrews - Transformational Guided Imagery (TGI) client - Deidre MadsenI cannot thank God enough for leading me to you

My Dear Deidre,  I cannot thank God enough for leading me to you and I cannot thank you enough for helping me [Intuitive Reading] in this journey of life as I find myself, who I am and why I am here. [Also] your Articles have been very helpful for me. May you continue to share your love and light with all those in need of it. - Your friend, Ayeshah | ORDER

TGI skips right past all the excuses, defenses and surface issue

I have known Deidre for a few years. I had several TGI sessions with her in 2003 and 1 session about a month ago. I am amazed at how TGI gives me direct access to my emotions and how I am feeling in the moment.I went to the last session to explore a drawing I made of a dream. During the session I discovered that my drawing was connected to my emotional issues at the time. Deidre made a few suggestions which helped me to heal and release these issues. I find that TGI goes straight to the core issue(s); it skips right past the excuses and defenses and surface issues. TGI also gives me confidence in my dreams and visions. I feel very good about Deidre and TGI sessions and their ability to bring up my emotions for healing and release. - Daniel Maddux, Sedona, AZ | ORDER

A Little Bird Lived in a Cage

A little bird lived in a cage
And didn't know how to rend his rage
  For being confined in a tiny space
There were mental bars all over the place
  Along came Deidre Madsen and
what did she do?
  She opened the door and showed
the bird through
  Freedom was only a hop away
It was the most amazing display
  I'll tell you this, I am that bird
And truly you can take my word
  I can now fly very far and wide
Then come back home where I abide.
- Jeanette Hamilton, Sedona, AZ | ORDER

Aurora Annette Spuhler - Transformational Guided Imagery (TGI) client - Deidre MadsenOne of the most powerful ways to get to the core with your issues

I had never heard of TGI before I met Deidre but I immediately got interested when she explained to me what it was all about. Since that I have had quite a few sessions and this is one of the most powerful ways I can think of to get to the core with your issues. Its usefulness has no limits, only your fantasy. I deeply recommend to take a journey with Deidre to your inner room and meet your guides, healers and even the janitor in your inner maintenance room! And the best of all you can do it on yourself after your first session. TGI works on both the physical, emotional and mental levels. It's a very exciting journey through your different layers.If you feel like you're not a visual person and wish you were TGI is the choice for you. And if you have physical and emotional pain that you are ready to let go of, try TGI. Thank you Deidre for introducing me to the most fascinating modality that I've experienced so far. - Aurora Spuhler, Sedona, AZ | ORDER


Charlie Bear Comes to Tea

Charlie Bear has come to me
To travel into infinity
  He moves through space like Superman
And holds me by his other hand.
  We soar and soar through outer space
Looking for a sacred place
  To alight so I might see
Some of what's out there waiting for me.
  To experience first hand so I might know
There are infinite places where I can go
  To see the splendor of other domains
From mountain tops to grassy plains.
  We can go beneath the sea
Oh, my, such splendor do I see
  And then if I so choose to go
Way into space he'll also show.
  That there are places far and wide
That welcome me to go inside
  And laugh and love and just be me
A soul as free as one can be.
  There are no rights, there are no wrongs
Life can be such happy songs
  And then returning back to earth
I ground myself to my place of birth.
- Jeanette Hamilton, Sedona, AZ | ORDER

Patrick Brack - Transformational Guided Imagery (TGI) client - Deidre MadsenA complete experience 

I've known Deidre since 1998. I am an energy worker and she and I developed patterns for healing that engage spontaneous emotions and some very sharp visualizations. She rocks! Over this time she has developed a way for her clients to reach a good and healthy and life extending way of understanding their issues. I especially like the agreement that she has drawn up to help affirm that the mission in their sessions has been accomplished. TGI work with Deidre is a complete experience. - Patrick Brack, St. Louis, MO | ORDER


Raven Butler - Transformational Guided Imagery (TGI) client - Deidre MadsenWhat an angel - I have a safe place to go in my mind

Deidre is now my sister. I love her more than words can ever say. I came here a broken, depressed mess and am leaving with hope and a renewed sense of love and joy. I will keep in contact because she has put me on the path to healing and spiritual enlightenment. What an angel. I have a safe place to go in my mind; inner guidance and had the experiences of a lifetime at the vortex of beauty with a Spiritual [Nature] Vortex Ceremony and TGI [session]. She has released me from a prison of hell. - Aho! Raven, Douglasville, GA | ORDER

Jeff Allen, Tokyo - Transformational Guided Imagery (TGI) client - Deidre MadsenI noticed immediate results

I received a healing session with Deidre this week, and it was amazing! She gently led me on a guided journey through my inner psyche, helping me to explore and change my inner world as I desired. The session was fun, relaxing, and I noticed immediate results from the changes I made. Thanks Deidre! - Jeff Allen, Sedona, AZ | ORDER


500 Stars

I could use all the words I know to tell you just how amazing of a reader you are... but those words could never begin to express how grateful I am... so next time we chat... please listen to my heart. 500 stars could not express the impact Deeeeeeee has had in my life. I have been doing readings with her for almost a year and ALL of her predictions have been correct. She also has helped to develop a plan [TGI] as how to achieve the goals I had set for myself .Her patience and understanding surpass her years... as she understands the desires of your heart and truly wants to help you achieve them. - Woody, lowville, NY


couples retreat - clients comments - couples and singles conscious happily inner after signature retreatHappily Inner After Signature Retreat


You have a beautiful gift

  Deidre has made our stay more complete as a couple through her guided visualizations - connecting to my spirit guides and my husband's ancestors and elders. She helped my husband see he needs more fun and play in his life and for me the beginning of generations of healing old ways. Thank you Deidre - you have a beautiful gift. - Sharon & Gary, New Mexico | ORDER


I walked away with a newness I have needed for a long time

  Although at times it is hard emotionally to deal with the "stuff" that comes up, it is well worth the release and change. This is not an easy process, you must be ready and wanting change. I have made changes and the process started for me about 3 weeks before I arrived. I wrote my intentions and they started to manifest by the time I arrived, I left my home (18 yrs then) and bought and moved to another city - all unexpected but needed, I walk away from here with a newness I have needed for a long time. - Meg Affinito, Fernely, NV USA | ORDER

Ayshica Andrews - Transformational Guided Imagery (TGI) client - Deidre MadsenI feel calmer, courageous and empowered

Hi Deidre, I wanted to again thank you for all you did for both Sam and myself this weekend. I feel calmer, courageous and empowered. I spent more time that evening doing the gazing work and I have also been reading more of your articles. The chakra clearing work  really appeals to me and I have started doing it every evening. I have realized that I need more than anything to clarify what it is that I really want, and then I need to set out in that direction. You have helped me gain some sense of balance again when I felt as though I was totally sinking. Now I don't know where I  go from here, but I do know that I can trust  I will find the answer. I truly do believe that our spiritual teaches come to us as we are ready to graduate to the next level of lessons and at this time I feel you are that chosen teacher right now. I know that I  will be looking to your guidance and knowledge as I continue to grow. I also must make mention of how beautiful I thought your flute playing was. I wanted to tell you that day, but to much was happening and it was never expressed. You should consider doing a meditational  or prayer cd with your music. - Love and Blessings, Ayshica | ORDER


Kimberly Furbish Curless - client comments testimonial Happily Inner After Signature Retreat - Deidre MadsenYou are an angel

Deidre, I could write word after word expressing my gratitude, however, I will do my best to keep it simple. You are an angel. An angel of strength, an angel of love and an angel of teaching. You came to me bearing gifts that I never imagined I'd receive in this lifetime.Your guidance allowed me to re ignite and reintroduce myself to my spirit within. And I must say, it's been a pleasure meeting her again. I see myself as a source of empowerment and as a woman who has numerous gifts to give to those around me.My spirit shines bright and my head is held high. Forever I will be grateful to you and for you, the first of many angels that I have been blessed enough to meet! - My Love and Gratitude, Kim C., Portland, ME| ORDER

Lisa Strasser Lamour - client comments testimonial Happily Inner After Signature Retreat - Deidre MadsenHelped me get over my "stuff"

Deidre, Thanks for the memorable and fantastic healing retreat. You are an angel! Thank you for your wonderful spiritual retreat that helped me get over my 'stuff' and get to this glorious place! Hope you are well and enjoying sunshine and warmth in Arizona! - Peace and love, Lisa Strasser Lamour, Portland, ME | ORDER


Deidre is calm in her guidance and very loving

My extensive retreat experience resulted in a greater knowledge and stepping into of my authentic self. I connected with gifts of a past life, feel freer with much clearing and cleansing, and was challenged to reach beyond my perceived limitations. All of this with the extremely caring support of the staff and practitioners. I leave Sedona with many more tools in my personal spiritual tool belt. Amazingly simple technique with powerful results. Deidre is calm in her guidance and very loving. - Lianne, Oakville, ON Canada| ORDER

Deidre Madsen Book Signing Event


On a very cold and wintery December 8th, in the lobby of the beautiful and historic Collinsville Memorial Public Library, Deidre Madsen held her first official book signing of her AWARD-WINNING Happily Inner After, which was a huge success. The library was celebrating its 100th birthday. Ms. Madsen donated copies of her book to the Library in support of their centennial birthday celebration. This was an especially significant event in that this was also her hometown. She had fond memories of this library as a child and was extremely proud to have been a part of their 100th celebration.

Photos Courtesy: Brian Munoz, Studio 51 Locations: Collinsville Memorial Public Library and historic Blum House

 Deidre Madsen Award-winning author of Happily Inner After

Healing Sessions & Retreats

Life Coaching Session

readings love psychic intu8itive readings career lifepath past life love romance relationships - Deidre MadsenIt's time for you to feel cherished and supported in life with a personalized Intuitive Life Coaching and Spiritual Healing Session. Deidre assists you through accurate wisdom and compassionate session for restorative heart-healing. She is a Certified Parapsychological Specialist (4th Generation), and Ordained Interfaith Minister. Love & Romance; Career, Finance & Life Path; Health & Medical; and Lineage Healing.

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Imagery Session

imagination happily inner after TGI Transformational Guided Imagery Sessions - Deidre MadsenPersonalized Transformational Guided Imagery (TGI) Assessment PLUS Life Coaching. This is a time-honored, proven technique of in-depth treatments utilizing lucid imagery plus intuitive guidance and succor for subtle body support to maximize your functionality in life and love.

Reverse Limiting Behaviors and Addictions
Emotional Release, Lineage Clearing
Heal Repeating Patterns

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Healing Retreat

Happily Inner After signature retreat couples retreat individual retreat girlfriend getaways pre-wedding retreat - Deidre MadsenBased on the signature teachings from Deidre Madsen's Happily Inner After, this beautiful 3-day retreat truly honors the sacred inner marriage of the masculine and feminine archetypes. Retreat can be a one-on-one personal retreat as well as a couples retreat. If you are ready to take the next significant step with your loved one to heal and love the deepest parts of your relationship, then take control of your life together … and watch miracles happen!

A great step for Conscious Couples building a pre-wedding foundation

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Imagery for Healing Dis-Ease

⏱️ 4.7 Minute Read

AngelHarp Imagery for Healing Dis-Ease - TGI Imagery - Deidre Madsen

How to use Transformational Guided Imagery (TGI) to heal dis-ease with ease through the lucid right-brain of the inner divine feminine

Transformational Guided Imagery (TGI) is one of the most under-utilized tools for self healing as in lucid daytime dreaming. Today you will learn of it's power and potential for each one of us to heal our bodies. It occurred to me... how can I go about sharing all this great Transformational Guided Imagery information and wisdom? By sharing a personal experience using TGI. In this article I will share an intense experience that relates to each and every woman. I share this not to tell you how to do your own healing but to give you an avenue of creative expression in healing.

My family has a risk of ovarian cancer and for years I have been battling a feeling of pain in that general area. Dowsing and muscle testing (kineseology) showed I indeed had issues in that area. In order to correct this I knew I needed to do several things to realign my body/mind/spirit back to health. In addition to eating properly, incorporating some exercise I have worked extensively with my own imagery work in order to facilitate inner healing. The following experience was dramatically healing using active lucid meditation or lucid visualization. This involves decisions we women make every day. It will touch your soul.

Session Notes

To begin my session, I induced light self-hypnosis and went into a sacred center space within. I called forth my inner physician and asked him to accompany me to my ovaries because they were throbbing with tiny bouts of pain and I wanted to address them face-to-face. We quickly traveled down through my body and arrived at my ovaries. I looked to my right ovary (the one creating the most attention) and saw that it was aflame, sad and in pain. After reviewing my left ovary I discovered it needed attention as well. Suddenly, a heart-shaped tin of soothing, healing salve appeared before me. I took the salve and began rubbing it on the exterior of my right ovary, noticing it beginning to calm down and appear normal again. Repeating this process on my left ovary, I decided to rub salve along my Fallopian tubes as well.

At this point, however, it became clear that this was not going to be enough to heal the long-standing issues I knew were hiding somewhere within. So I went inside the Fallopian tubes. While inside I rubbed more salve as I went. I came to the end of the right tube and just before the opening of the right ovary I found two doors; a green one on the right and red one on the left. My goal was to enter my ovary so I ignored the doors for the time being and went to go inside the ovary. Standing at the lip of the tube I looked out to see an ocean of stars and night sky stretching limitlessly. This was the interior of my ovary? I thought, how was I going to rub this salve all over the inside of this space? Impossible. Perhaps I was suppose to enter the doors first after all. So I did.

Deciding on the green door on the right, I lifted it's submarine-like shape and dropped down inside a small pitch-black room. The door closed above me and I stood in the dark recognizing I was standing on what felt like a cement floor. My senses surmised a narrow and short room. I illuminated the space by sending light from my body into the space and discovered the room was about a football-field in length. Long, shallow and narrow it was heaped with countless piles of unwanted babies' skeletal remains. I was mortified at the sight.

I heard and felt a message come that said I was responsible for all these children and that they were mine. For every time I used a form of birth control (i.e., pill, IUD, condom, etc.) and during every intercourse every unwanted child was then hid in this space. Also, every aborted and rejected child. And, every thought form created of aborting children were I to get pregnant, all these were here too. Also, this included every single lifetime. This was not limited to this lifetime alone. And it carried through my female lineage being responsible for every single woman through my mother's mother's mother and so on.

I had to take responsibility for each and every life's choices and decisions - good or bad. I broke down bawling my eyes out; sobs coming in waves of pain as I saw these creations I had made swept away under an inner rug (in this case a tiny room off my right Fallopian tube). After a while my sobs gave way to my inner resolve. I knew I had to heal this now.

I opened up a portal in the roof of this room. Immediately a column of golden white Christ light came down into the room, lined with awaiting beautiful angels. I called forth a transmuting violet flame to take the babies back to God/dess and asked for forgiveness. One by one the babies reformed themselves into flesh and blood and right before they went up into the light they each had me promise to share this message. This process took quite some time. Afterwards I healed and sealed the room for good. Going back out into the hallway/tube space I walked over and opened the red door.

Utilizing active lucid meditation or lucid visualization, we can achieve
what science and medicine would only hope to emulate...
instant time-space transcendent physical healing.
Merging east-west and above-below principles
this is not only possible, it is our birthright.

Dolphin Healing Imagery for Healing Dis-Ease - TGI Imagery - Deidre MadsenImmediately, I was plunged downward into a soft billowy space, this was a tube of pink all around and light emanated everywhere. I could hear angels singing, children and babies laughing, I could feel the positive energies all around. I landed on a soft pale blue silky cushioned room and floated out into a wide open space in the sky where I saw all the babies that had just come out of the other room now in their beautiful little angelic forms. They were healthy and new and were so happy. They turned to see me and said, "We want our own puppy or kitty to play with."  I gave each their choice of a puppy or kitty which made them all so happy. I stood there watching them with fresh tears running their course down my face, this time; however, for joy and not sorrow.

Each baby carried an individual dominant aura color... pink, blue, lavender, yellow, etc.... and played and laughed. My angelic dog, Nikki, was there too, running around with the babies playing and overseeing everything. My inner child was also there joyfully waving her little magic wand and dancing among the happy babies. Amid this all there were beloved angels all over the place overseeing the entire event.

Suddenly, a group of dolphins appeared out of nowhere and I stood nose-to-nose with the center dolphin. The remainder emanated outwards on a horizontal plane from the point of the one, they stretched to the left and the right to form a huge triangle shape. They numbered in the several thousands.  After a moment of acknowledgement, they turned and went to the babies, allowing themselves to be climbed onto, they took their laughing little charges away to swim and fly in the air on their backs.

Conclusion and Thoughts

After this my body's pains ceased altogether. Further testing showed dramatic improvement in the energy of this place. I know my work is not finished but this was a tremendous healing which showed that through creative visualization you can heal, and that you can achieve great inner peace and harmony. The power of the divine feminine is here now on earth to assist us in taking back our female power... not in the masculine sense, but in the sense of complete responsibility for our every action in this lifetime and others.

We all must heal our lineage because we ARE our lineage.
Loop time/space from the moment where you are in your lineage right NOW
and you will discover that you are also at the very beginning of your lineage.
You are the ALPHA Α and the OMEGA Ω.
It is therefore up to each and every one of us to follow the
Divine example set forth and step boldly forth into OMEGA minus!

Utilizing active lucid meditation or lucid visualization, we can achieve what science and medicine would only hope to emulate... instant time-space transcendent physical healing. Merging east-west and above-below principles this is not only possible, it is our birthright.

Aho and Namaste Brothers and Sisters.

In Service,

Deidre Madsen

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Life Coaching

It is time for you to feel cherished and supported in life with a personalized Life Coaching Session. Deidre assists you through interactive and compassionate sessions for restorative emotional healing.

Deidre Madsen Life coaching spiritual counseling intuitive session

"Show me the way... take me to LOVE!"

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