A New Ending with "Happily Inner After"
Dear TwiFans, this is a message of faith, hope and love for our "forever" couple, Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson/Edward Cullen and Bella Swan-Cullen from the famed Twilight series. This article puts a magnifying glass on their past parallelling relationship. Though it is long over, both of them moving on in their lives; I wanted you to see how to apply the teachings of Happily Inner After to change the "what if" potential. What if they had the right tools for "conscious coupling" at their young ages? Could they have had an alternative result? You bet. And, you can apply this teaching to your own relationship for immense success.

Twinning Souls Edward and Bella of Twilight Series, Image: Dark.Pozadia.org
Shining a Light
Listening to the lyrics and melody of Iron and Wine's "Flightless Bird, American Mouth", reminds me to shine a light on why this couple's personal love story so effected many of us. Clearly during their time together their youth and lack of relationship weathering and sustaining spiritual couplehood tools makes this ever more tragic. Their powerful love relationship seemed to have inadvertently brought family jealousy and painful judgments which poisoned their thoughts and predators taking their love's purity and sanctity. This further complicated their already complicated super-insta-fame lives. Their original love's purity was at stake. What they needed desperately was a true Cullens-like family circle of support but what they received was a flawed support system. Many of us saw their true love's Light and cheered it on as it oftentimes paralleled their on-screen love story. When we saw their relationship crumbling many of us also wished, hoped and prayed for their Light to once again become a beacon of hope. This all sounds so mushy but this is really the truth; this is how many, many Twifans felt and still feel.
Let me state that I am not questioning Taylor Lautner's quality of support for Kristen as a part of her inner circle. He obviously loves her as a friend and is a loving support system for her, oddly life imitates art once again. Yet Taylor's young and inexperienced heart isn't able to provide her the kind of healing that she truly needs either; I don't think he is pretending to be her psychiatrist or anything so I'm just setting the record straight here.
With new love and new relationships in Robert and Kristen's current life, their original truth and love together has never ever left. Their Light potential resonance is still there beaming outwards and remains perpetual as do all deep love affairs of twin souls/soulmates. Their higher hearts both knew truth yet their physical selves were unable to maintain it. So they broke down and let the book of their lives burn away. This sad story is one of the many reasons why I had to complete and publish my work of Happily Inner After. It is these very stories that are desperate for healing and repair, and for the spiritual tools to glue, nay - cement, their love into a pillar of Light.
I am determined that with this work and the subsequent application no other relationships need suffer. It is my heart's burning desire and this poignant love story is fuel towards its production. No mistake, I have grieved for the relationship loss of the Light within these two beautiful souls. I will continue to see their highest potential.
When you embark on your love relationship, remind yourself as you go through life... who is in your corner? Who is in your inner circle? Is it someone who believes in you perhaps more than you do? Is it unconditional love and friendship? A soul level support? A flicker of Light in the blackest night? Do not let your diamond-like tears drown out that little flame of love. We are all destined for great beauty in our hearts and souls.
What of the real life couple who have gone through an anguishing pain, is there hope there for them? Can the purity that once was be regained and is there a chance that they can find happiness together again and in such a deeper love than ever before, unshakable, unswerving and eternal? YES! I will forever say YES!
There is a potential for success by applying Happily Inner After to this relationship........
Hope Springs Eternal - Kristen Stewart & Robert Pattinson - A Story of Love Real & Deep
For those of you unaware, the actors Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson, together worked on Stephanie Meyer's Twilight Series finishing four films together and during the process, fell in love with one another and remained in love for a very long time. Truly I wonder if they are still in love with one another today because this level of cosmic love transcends all time and space.
Since wrapping the films and a few projects later, Kristen Stewart had an infidelity with the director of one of her films Snow White and the Huntsman. To many Twifans this was a deep tragedy because when we read about Robert and Kristen's upcoming wedding we were excited for this true-to-life love story. Honestly, what were the odds of two people doing four films together as the main love interests, and then falling in love and having a life together in "real life" and above all... in Hollywood?! Really, the odds were already against the likelihood, it was such a long-shot. Right? Sure it would be a long shot... IF we were not living in the age of enlightenment and limitless potential, sure that sort of thinking is valid... IF we were not living now well beyond 2012 and the Age of Aquarius, and Venus' grand potential for phenomenal growth and healing of the heart. BUT WE ARE! And there IS HOPE!
It seemed as if Robert and Kristen were playing out the last bit of Bella Swan-Cullen's process and transformation in the films. As they say, life imitates art imitates life. The anguish in Robert's character of Edward, knowing what Bella was going through in her transformation to a vampire drove him to an anguished depth of pain as well. Helpless, he waited for her evolution. Bella consciously chose to dive into the depths of the process of becoming a vampire, and likewise, Kristen chose an infidelity with a married man and father, thankfully one of whom she could not continue in a real relationship (a kind of subconscious fail-safe) -- bet no one thought of that rare kindness however.
As a "young one" in the movie as Bella and as a young 22 year old Kristen, she exploring the depths of herself and her own inner shadow, wanting something exciting to happen within her... and it did. Remember, we get what we ask for. We also receive our deepest fears coming to life now, especially now more than ever. That is why it pays to be specific that the excitement comes with ease and grace!
What is romance? Romance is a love affair, esp an intense and happy but short-lived affair involving young people, it is love, esp romantic love idealized for its purity or beauty, it is a spirit of or inclination for adventure, excitement, or mystery, and a mysterious, exciting, sentimental, or nostalgic quality, esp one associated with a place.
We are always encouraged by the hope of new love, like the beautiful journey of the heart that both Edward and Jacob played in Bella's heart, we then walked with Bella and Edward down the aisle of inner ascension to their moment everlasting. We joined with them because it is our deep need and yearning for that similar romance of the inner BeLoved that we too eternally seek.
Why Didn't This Work?
- Is something occuring on a deeper level?
- Is this too far gone and irreparable?
- Is it possible for them or anyone to recover from something like this?
First and foremost, this relationship is STILL WORKING. In fact, it is EVOLVING. Painfully evolving at the moment, yes, but nonetheless, it IS evolving. And, yes, it is possible to recover. And, no, it is not irreparable. In some way the relationship's ending seems finite, yet, the deep love continues. Even as we end a close relationship ourselves it takes great mastery to shift the ending into something beautiful and transcendent.
There are two reasons why I posted the James Browne drawing of the mourning doves / lovebirds above:
- This is a story about love in its highest potential... Most of us rooted for Team Edward as we saw the redemption (aka fall) of man (vampire) to attain some level of ascended inner Light self from the depth of his lowest potential
- This is probably the most important, because Robert and Kristen's trauma stems directly from the extreme seamless dovetailing that they have now encountered, and thanks to the times we are living in, post-2012, and the cosmic planet alignments occurring, their (as well as all our) stuff is being revealed, shadows are getting more and more distinct, extinct and stronger in their darkness
Listening to an interview of Robert I could see that he really believed that the one thing that made no sense in a relationship, is for someone to cheat. Understandable. From what occurred to him, I would say that that was a worst-fear-come-to-life moment for him. Truly, our worst fears (and our best creations) are up, right now, for everyone to delight in or take fright in. Things are getting that black and white on the planet and in the cosmos right now.
Edward's Wisdom Does Not Make Him "Weak"
Some say that the character that Robert played, Edward Cullen, is manipulative, passive, wimpy. They also say of Kristen's character, Bella, that she is unable to stand on her own and Bella just allow Edward to manipulate her.
There is no truth in these comments other than in the eyes of the beholder whose projection or point of view is surfacing to contend with their own inner demons/darkness. Nothing more, nothing less.
In fact, Robert himself continues to show incredible maturity as his own character of Edward did when faced with Bella's need for Jacob's relationship in her life.
Robert/Edward's maturity translates to something of the Inner Master Archetype on his transition from prince to king.
Unfortunately, Robert hadn't quite mastered his role in his reality enough to be 100% responsible for what ook place. He was never the victim except for being the victim of his worst fears coming true.
Remember, out thoughts create!
Kristen's Transition to a Place of Inner Power Leaves Behind Bella's "Weakness"
Kristen's performance as Bella, and Bella's overall arc in the films, comes dramatically at the very end when she becomes pregnant and the chance of the baby being taken away occurs. Bella's subconscious knows now that the seeds of wisdom and inner truth are within her and she does not want to lose them.
Kristen stated in past interviews how important it was for her to reach that fourth movie, the second half of book three in the series, because it was Bella's transition into a powerful part of herself that she couldn't wait to play. she really wanted to step into and explore that hidden aspect of Bella's character. What is interesting is that Kristen believed that up until that point in the series, Bella was not as powerful. Truly, however, this was precisely her strength yet Kristen could not see that strength and played it as a weakness. This was also what Edward (and perhaps Robert) was so drawn to Bella (Kristen); this 'weakness' is her vulnerability and yet it was perceived to be a weakness and not a strength.
If Kristen and Bella knew that it was preciesly her weakness that made her powerful, she might have perceived her position a bit differently. Yet, this was part of the lesson. true power comes from within and the Warrior Goddess (aka male archetype of Bella/Kristen) was what was wanting to play out. Ironically, as Bella became pregnant her feminine power became stronger as was . Notice the hint of the feminine there? So often people think the feminine is the weak side of us. And it's entirely not true. The feminine is just a different kind of strong.
The Feminine Aspect is a Different Kind of Strong
"Nothing makes me stronger than your fragile heart."This phrase is a line from the song from Twilight's Breaking Dawn Part 1. The idea of strength is a two-fold truth:
- The masculine warrior is our doing side of ourselves, both men and women.
- And the feminine goddess is the compassion, muse and being side of ourselves, both men and women.
We oftentimes get confused over what part of us is strength. We think that tears and weakness aren't strong at all. These lyrics incite the strength of the masculine to naturally protect the feminine with all his physical strength. We as women have our own knight in shining amour capable of supporting us this same way. We don't have to be co-dependent on our partners to achieve this safe feeling. How liberating!
How to Repair the Damage Done
Twifans have been sad and angered by this couple's separating. They viewed them as a beacon of Light within the darkness. So instead of projecting onto this very power couple, we must do our own inner work to heal ourselves for Edward and Bella/Robert and Kristen are represented within ourselves. It only takes one person to heal a relationship.
It only takes one person to heal a relationship.
Like Robert and Kristen/Edward and Bella, our entire world is OUR mirror. Everything, and I mean everything, that happens outside ourselves stems from how we are inside ourselves. Get to know that little factoid and half the battle is completed. Basically, we have inner male and female archetypes that exist inside ourselves. For women, we have not only ourselves as goddess/feminine/muse but we also have our inner knight in shining amour male side, our Go-To-Guy, our inner rescuer. For men, they have themselves as their inner male/warrior/king/hero but they also have their inner female/goddess/muse as well, their inner comforter. Both archetypes bring two very different types of security, power and strength. And all are valid and important to not only recognize but embrace for our evolution as a species on Mother Earth.
"How could you believe me?
After all the thousand times I told you I love you,
how could you let one word break your faith in me?"

For Robert and Kristen the reality is that they created their own worlds, and their personal inner child issues dovetailing so seamlessly they could not identify whose issues were whose. Nor how to separate and untangle themselves enough to identify, mend and heal. They are each 100% responsible for their realities and no one else.
The Cure
For Robert the large part of his own pain came from being absolutely disempowered by the finger-pointing - she made out with that married guy?!. It felt momentarily good (and well-justified anger is hard to deal with inside); however, it always comes up short, sort of like being fed only on the blood of animals and not human blood as Edward would agree. Instead taking back his inner power by taking back his projections and creations, which could have renewed his inner strength; taking the vegan vampire concept a step further, Robert/Edward would have been "feeding" off the bloodline of his true higher nature/self instead of off of another. He would then take responsibility that Kristen is representing something within himself that is deeply rooted in his own inner child archetype that needs addressing. This can be done. This can be healed within him, by him and from him. Once those parts of him are uncovered and compassionately accepted within, his outer world WILL SHIFT. It has no choice but to do so because quantum physics (Law of the YOUniverse) proves it. Please reference my article for scientific research: Multiple Universes and Parallel Realities.
For Kristen, in looking back at the original Twilight marketing promo poster of her I see how young she was then, probably around 18 years old. She is quite young still though part of what drew Robert to her, and Edward to Bella ironically, is something that he saw deeply within her. Kristen's depth of character is vast and her willingness to explore and plummet into those depths, her fearlessness and fierceness, is quite breathtaking. It takes someone of vast courage, and a level of focused maturity that many never touch within themselves to explore those hidden places within. There is a sense of purity to this as well. Kristen may very well have created a need for exploration to the brinking point, for a deep fear of never knowing anything beyond what she has in her life, (pre Huntsman), drover her in her vulnerability towards someone willing to take full advantage of her.
Dance With the Divine
When Robert finds the inner divine feminine within himself to be his true inner BeLoved, and make her the object of his gaze and create a place in his heart for her, above all else on this earth, then his outer world will reflect exactly that reality that he has created from within.
When Kristen finds the inner divine masculine within herself to be her true inner BeLoved and makes him the object of her gaze and creates a place in her heart for him, above all else on this earth, then her outer world will reflect exactly that reality that she has created from within.
They each will discover the tranquility of self less the necessity of else and dance with the divine.
Sing with the love of all love in your heart.
Fall truly deeply madly in love with you. See your magnificence in the mirror. Gaze deeply into your own eyes and find that no one can hold a candle to that beautiful love!
This photo is so candid. It shows the raw and pure beauty of their love for one another and the peace and joy emanating from this photo feels so beautiful. This was their truth, and remains forever so.
Photo credit
Streaming Beauty....
"The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was.
Lovers don't finally meet somewhere, they're in each other all along."
- Rumi, Essential Rumi
"Streaming beauty... streams of LIGHT coming from / to mine own eyes."
It is Robert and Kristen's (and our) evolution or their next step to fall in love with that within themselves. AND ONLY THEN.... will they see their BE Loved in those around them. They will see the vast range of emotions their Beloved has to show them in the smiles and gestures of others' around.
- Robert will mend and heal his inner child's pain around trust, faithfulness and honor.
- Kristen will mend and heal her inner child's fear of stifling around self expansion and exploration, and then gain someone capable of supporting her as she fearlessly leaps off the cliffs within her being.
Renessme... The Divine Child Created from the Divine Marriage
We are the ones we have been waiting for and when we heal ourselves, we heal Robert and Kristen. Everything is connected. When Robert and Kristen heal, we heal. When we see the reflection of the divine marriage and amazing miraculous child creation come forth, we see that inherent potential within ourselves. Turning to our inner child(ren) (both our little inner boy and girl, our inner prince and princess), we love and cherish them and provide for them everything they need and want, and become their true-to-life parent, parenting ourselves through compassion and nurturance.
In Zen Buddhism, it would serve to practice Shoshin (初心) or "beginner's mind". It refers to having an attitude of openness, eagerness, and lack of preconceptions when studying a subject, even when studying at an advanced level, just as a beginner in that subject would. ... and back out again in an endless breath... WE GO FROM DIVINE MARRIAGE... TO DIVINE CHILD ...to innocence and purity within AND without. Trinity. Unity. Union. One. Infinite. LOVE! It happens this way, as our inner marriage developes all our creations come forward as pure creations, like Renessme in the movies, she is a transcended form of the two selves. She embodies such grace and spirit; and is beyond our recogning for it is with the divine that she is beyond our wildest dreams; in other words, God knows our higher hearts' desire.
From Happily Ever After to Happily Inner After
Both Bella and Edward are in the process of moving from the princess and prince, to the Queen and King archetypes within themselves; it is an evolution of wonder and surprise. And for Kristen and Robert, they too will move into their sovereign integral as inner king and queen respectively. Their love is profound and vast. It transcends and scales new heights. It is strong and powerful. This is a lesson for all of us. We too must let go of everything that seems necessary or important in our outer world and stand gazing into the eyes of our inner BeLoved, and love ourselves. Then open our eyes and see ourselves in everything and everyone around us. Give ourselves the chance for a rebirth back into / from / with the Divine.
In Divine and Loving Service,
Deidre Madsen
Inspirational Articles to Read: 10 Grooms' Faces When They First See Their Bride