Articles Tagged ‘creative visualization’

Tea Time Meditation

Welcome! Our little tea room offers a cup of warm loving support for you on your path. Pour yourself a cup of tea and relax with our meditations. Explore the history and medicinal uses for tea. Learn to follow your inner divine guidance and try your hand at the ancient art of tea leaf reading.

Tea Time Meditation - Deidre MadsenThe Importance of The Moment - Time for Tea

Stopping in for tea during our busy lives is important. We often forget ways to relax and contemplate life. We would benefit from reevaluating our priorities and incorporating ways to relax. The good news is this is happening more and more.We are seeing Eastern methods of relaxation techniques with yoga and tai chi as well as all the tea offered in conjunction with the abundant coffee shops. Hopefully this is a reflection that we are trying to become more Zen-like.

Tea for Two & Two for Tea...

When sharing tea with friends we share the day's lovely or sad moments, laugh and perhaps shed a tear or two. Tea and sympathy.

You can discuss anything over tea and crumpets. - Michael Capp

Let's take a lesson from our British, Russian, Asian and Indian friends and take time for tea; I mean really do it - take tea. Let us not lose another precious moment.

Tea Accoutrements

There is a burgeoning tea market with beautiful, incredible teas from around the world, plus tea cozies, pots and accessories... even teacup candles. Don't forget the ever-important delectable edible teatime accessories - delicious Cucumber Flower Canapés, Strawberry–Chicken Salad Tea Sandwiches, Ambrosia SconesLime Petits Fours, Chocolate-Pecan Derby TartletsFrench Rose Macarons, cookies and breads; jellies, curds, and clotted creams. Yum!




Just Take Five - Mini Meditations & Healthy Calmatives

Take five minutes and r-e-l-a-x. From sipping tea to conscious breathing, these tips can create calm.

  • Sip Green Tea -  a source of L-Theanine, a chemical that helps relieve anger
  • Nosh on Chocolate -  just a square calm nerves, regulates cortisol and stabilizes metabolism
  • Eat Honey - it reduces inflammation in the brain to fight depression and anxiety
  • Bite Into a Mango - it helps lower stress levels
  • Box Breathing - sit straight, feet flat, eyes closed; inhale 4 counts, hold for 4; exhale 4 counts, hold for 4; repeat
  • Chew Gum - a few minutes of chewing actually reduce anxiety and lower cortisol levels - just chew it daintily ;)
  • Meditate - five minutes of peacful meditation, concentrate on your breath, drop your shoulders and relax
  • Power Nap -  grab a pillow
  • Remember to Breathe - slow your breath in conscious breathing for a calm mind
  • Pranayama Breathe - to relieve anxiety breathe in one nostril while closing the other, breath out through the other; then reverse
  • Count Sheep Backward - slowly count up to 10 sheep and then back again to calm down
  • Chat With a Good Friend - a sympathetic ear in times of stress is gold
  • Grounding - a few minutes sitting under a tree or in the garden brings enormous health benefits and relaxation
  • Creative Visualization - an instant mood boost on hectic days when we’re feeling tense
  • Close Your Eyes - by just lowering your eyelids you can regain calm and focus
  • Give Yourself a Hand Massage - apply luxurious lotion and knead the base of the muscle under the thumb to relieve upper body and scalp stress
  • Be Alone - five minutes of alone time can help you collect your thoughts and clear your head
  • Find the Sun - an easy way to lift your spirits
  • Gaze Out a Window - looking at nature scenes like trees and public parks is soothing
  • Organize Your Desk - leaving just what you need on top
  • Put Your Feet Up - lie on the floor and rest your legs up against a wall helps create peace of mind
  • Read a Good Book - tune out the world and tune into words reduces stress
  • Take a Quick Walk - go for a quick stroll around the block to gather your thoughts
  • Listen to Your Favorite Song - a quick fix for a bad mood - Classical music can be especially relaxing right before bedtime

Healthy Tea

Let us also remember the many health benefits of drinking tea. Herbal, black and green teas are Mother Nature's remedy for our maladies. A soothing cup of tea neutralizes 'free radical' agents, which can damage cells and lead to disease. Flavonoids, (contained in tea) also have a role in preventing heart disease by lowering cholesterol. And some property in tea appears to help the brain 're-deploy' from one task to another refreshing the parts even caffeine cannot.

tea leaf reading tasseography Tea Time Meditation - Deidre MadsenTea Leaf Divination - Tasseography

Ahh, now... you have savoured your cup of darjeeling tea, nibbled a lemon curd-dipped cranberry walnut scone, and have taken a moment to contemplate life. Hmm.

To complete the moment, consider the ancient art of tea leaf reading. Like identifying shapes in an azure blue sky's clouds, tea divination gives us a chance to gaze into our emptied cup with our thoughts focused on a single question.

Tasseography is a divination or fortune-telling method that interprets patterns in tea leaves, coffee grounds, or wine sediments. As you go through our step-by-step guide, remember to "Broaden your minds, my dears, and allow your eyes to see past the mundane!" - Professor Sibyll Trelawney, Divination, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.


  • Allow for one spoonful of tea and sediment at the cup's bottom
  • Think of your question
  • Swirl your cup gently
  • Tip over onto saucer
  • Right the cup and whatever is nearer you is your immediate future, toward the bottom of the cup is further into the future

Do you see a Symbolic Tasseography Answser in your cup?

green tea ceremony Tea Time Meditation - Deidre MadsenChado - Japanese Tea Ceremony

At the center of the Upper East Side town house where the Urasenke tea school is located, there is a garden surrounded by tearooms. A skylight creates the impression that it is outside — and a world away from the city streets. One of the innovations made by Sen Rikyu was requiring all visitors to the teahouse to enter from the garden through a small crawl space — making everyone equal, whether a shogun or a peasant.

The ceremony features intricate performances as the tea is prepared, and a thick tea ceremony can last as long as four hours. During a thick tea ceremony, there is silence. At a thin tea ceremony, talking is permitted, but only about the ceremony itself.

japanese tea ceremony“There is no politics,” Mr. Yamada said. “No talk about who will be president in America or prime minister in Japan.”

While a tea ceremony might seem out of step with the pace of modern life, the Urasenke school has a waiting list for students. “Once you begin the study of tea, it becomes a lifetime thing,” he said. As for those who think they are too busy to make time for tea, “You discover that you are not as busy as you think you are.” - Hisashi Yamada, certified tea master Source | Visit the school


tea mice bar Tea Time Meditation - Deidre Madsen

In my own hands I hold a bowl of tea; I see all of nature represented in its green color. Closing my eyes I find green mountains and pure water within my own heart.
Silently sitting alone and drinking tea, I feel these become a part of me.
- Soshitsu Sen, Grandmaster XIV, Urasenke School of Tea


Transformational Guided Imagery Healing

⏱️ 2 Minute Read | PDF download PDF Download this Article Also see Imagery to Heal Disease | Ascension 101 | Ascension Symptoms | Quantum Consciousness | Balancing the Hemispheres | Physical Proof of Ascension |DID YOU KNOW? Over 15 TGI Exercises are found in Deidre's book, Happily Inner After (buy on Amazon)

Have you lost your way in career, life or love? Are you becoming more self-aware and seeking self-mastery? Take back your life. Heal chronic emotional pain and let go of the past without going through the "dark night of the soul".

You may have thought emotional healing had to be painful, difficult, or would take years - not so. With TGI you can explore lush, evocative and practical (yet fun) experiential journeys.TGI yields drastic, long-term and effective changes for DNA altering bliss body healing.Results are fast and Guaranteed!

fractal universeWhat is TGI

Transformational Guided Imagery, TGI, is an emotional, mental, physical and spiritual transformational holistic healing modality.

TGI is a combination of lucid daytime dreaming imagery, accessing your inner vision and right brain archetypes through the subtle bodies making this a long-lasting in-depth head-to-heart whole-minded harmonized treatment.

TGI is similar to a combination of Mindfulness training, sports medicine techniques and Taoist Neiguan inner observer.



Bhagavad6Gita6 6


What TGI Does

  • Achieve full head-to-heart healing success for a rich love life and successful career handling positive stress
  • Discover and claim the Holy Grail from within releasing feelings of anxiety, fear, or any other form of stress that turns your emotions negative
  • Visualize your world into being, focus beyond "the Is" aka manifest (think, "The Secret" teachings*)
  • TGI is like your own inner MedBed... TGI is fully capable of TELETRANSPORTING TOXINS AND NEGATIVE ENERGIES OUT OF THE BODY
  • Addresses plaguing emotional issues and heals repeating patterns to quantum-shift the holographic YOUniverse within
  • Break free from the matrix and reverse harmful cyclical behaviors that limit your innate freedom with Pineal and Pituitary Support
  • Transcend body-centricity and reconnect with your expanded levels of awareness to see how the dots connect


How TGI Works

HOLOGRAPHIC OVERLAYS: By elevating your emotional state to a sustained level, your mind/body is so objective that it is unable to know the difference between its experience in real life versus the experience it is currently having in the reality of the elevated emotional state via thought alone. Your body/mind actually believes it is living in that thought created new reality environment.

Transformational Guided Imagery 4 step process

Visualizations that call in your inner child where you are nurturing and caring for him/her, reminding your inner child that they are now safe, will melt obstacles between you and love/success exponentially. Your blocks often negatively affect life choice outcomes. Blocks that stem from a core belief that says, for example: "Love has conditions and is blocked from me" will be dissolved. This belief comes from your inner child so working with your inner child giving them the love and safety needed; and then repeating patterns will cease.

Read the Commonly Asked Questions

The Best Dreams Happen When You Are AwakeHow TGI Complements

Are you familiar with Theory of Mind or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy? Several of the more popular healing therapies are listed below and include descriptions and their comparison to TGI. More importantly, how TGI is similar in its approach, technique and outcome.

  • TGI complements Dr. John T. Schaeffer’s Transformational Fantasy programin that it is similarly structured yet deviates in is application
  • TGI works within the bounds of the inner Jungian archetypes and builds a supporting framework yet goes beyond to include a higher
  • TGI is much more powerful than traditional guided or mindfulness meditation in that it is a deep diving technique like the Taoist Neiguan inner observer approach
  • Theory of Mind (ToM) supportive, TGI is helpful for healing chronic maladies, emotional blocks and getting you back on track to arrive at real, cogent experiences and deep personal healing
  • Imagery Rehearsal Therapy (IRT) or Imago Therapy supportive, TGI provides not only the ability to achieve great success with reoccuring PTSD nightmares, but because of its ability to utilize your own psyche's innate wisdom, you can have full and lasting success
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) supportive, TGI creates active realtime therapy toward disrupting reoccuring patterns, behaviors and emotions and completely reinforces for lasting change



Book an Appointment

  • TGI Initial Session $220.00 90 minutes
  • TGI Regular Session $175.00 45-60 minutes
  • TGI Mini Session $87.50 30 minutes

Pay In advance:

DID YOU KNOW? Over 15 TGI Exercises are found in Deidre's book, Happily Inner After (buy on Amazon)

CANCELLATIONS: Deidre Madsen and Shangri-La Sedona LLC have a 24-hour cancellation/rescheduling policy. If an appointment is missed, cancelled, or changed with less than 24 hours’ notice, there will be a $75 charge.

DISCLAIMER: While all Goods or Services of our treatments have been found to aid the healing process, none of the complimentary and alternative modalities in Goods or Services offered are meant to replace the diagnosis and/or treatment by a traditional, western medicine, conventional or naturopath doctor. For entertainment purposes only. Must be 18 years or older.

































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