Articles Tagged ‘weddings,’

10 Grooms' Faces When They First See Their Bride

A Wedding Day is Special for Many Reasons

Two people who love each other joining into a holy union under the eyes of God is a blessed celebration. During the wedding day, there are many parts of the day that could really touch your heart... but one that not many people think about is the groom. His face when he first sees his bride walking up the aisle is one of the most honest, tender things a person can see.

So check out these 10 grooms below, all completely in the moment & completely in love

10 Grooms' Faces When They First See Their Bride

10 Grooms' Faces When They First See Their Bride

10 Grooms' Faces When They First See Their Bride

10 Grooms' Faces When They First See Their Bride

10 Grooms' Faces When They First See Their Bride




groom8Thank you God Vine for putting together this touching tribute to what the man sees... ultimately a reflection of the divine Goddess within himself, her potential. And somewhere deep within himself, she touches him. And he knows it is true. That awesome and powerful potential comes from within. And he is moved.

Source: God Vine

Learn more: Experience Deidre's Happily Inner After Signature Couples Retreat



About Deidre

Deidre Madsen

Award-winning author of Happily Inner After: A Guide to Getting and Keeping Your Knight in Shining Amour, Deidre Madsen, is a lecturer, instructor, spiritual counselor, PSI specialist and coach. She is an acclaimed self styled quantum activist, following the theories of monastic idealism and tenured as a Supraconsciousness Imagery Guide supported by quantum energetics and phenomenology. Her work has been featured on various websites, radio stations and blogs. She has been keynote speaker at holistic, wellness and spiritual seminars and webinars globally.

Deidre is the founder of “Transformational Guided Imagery (TGI),” a time-honored, proven technique of in-depth deep-diving treatments utilizing lucid imagery plus intuitive guidance and succor for subtle body support to maximize your functionality in life and love.

Ms. Madsen has been working toward publication of Happily Inner After which introduces TGI for several years while developing TGI, her healing modality for healing and ascension, for the past 20 years, culminating in teaching her TGI course at Yavapai Community College, Sedona, AZ.

Deidre's workshop seminars focus kinetically on ascension of the physical body, the soul's connection via the breath and the quantum mechanics of awakening. 

As a humanitarian Deidre's focus is the empowerment and ascension of people worldwide. She believes the untapped power of the mind can harmonize and bridge between the structured masculine math and sciences and the unstructured feminine creative arts for whole-minded whole-body ascension.

As a practicing Christian, Ms. Madsen's goal is to lead everyone back to love and return to the Divine within; experiencing God Our Heavenly Father and His Son Our Savior Jesus Christ.

Deidre's next book (soon to be published) addresses our awakening journey together.

Aho, Mitákuye Oyás'iŋ

Deidre Madsen

Haansh’Taye (Navajo "Butterfly")

Photo: Alexander Drecun




Healing Sessions & Retreats

Life Coaching Session

readings love psychic intu8itive readings career lifepath past life love romance relationships - Deidre MadsenIt's time for you to feel cherished and supported in life with a personalized Intuitive Life Coaching and Spiritual Healing Session. Deidre assists you through accurate wisdom and compassionate session for restorative heart-healing. She is a Certified Parapsychological Specialist (4th Generation), and Ordained Interfaith Minister. Love & Romance; Career, Finance & Life Path; Health & Medical; and Lineage Healing.

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Imagery Session

imagination happily inner after TGI Transformational Guided Imagery Sessions - Deidre MadsenPersonalized Transformational Guided Imagery (TGI) Assessment PLUS Life Coaching. This is a time-honored, proven technique of in-depth treatments utilizing lucid imagery plus intuitive guidance and succor for subtle body support to maximize your functionality in life and love.

Reverse Limiting Behaviors and Addictions
Emotional Release, Lineage Clearing
Heal Repeating Patterns

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Healing Retreat

Happily Inner After signature retreat couples retreat individual retreat girlfriend getaways pre-wedding retreat - Deidre MadsenBased on the signature teachings from Deidre Madsen's Happily Inner After, this beautiful 3-day retreat truly honors the sacred inner marriage of the masculine and feminine archetypes. Retreat can be a one-on-one personal retreat as well as a couples retreat. If you are ready to take the next significant step with your loved one to heal and love the deepest parts of your relationship, then take control of your life together … and watch miracles happen!

A great step for Conscious Couples building a pre-wedding foundation

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