Articles Tagged ‘Shekinah Holy Spirit’

Ascension Symptoms

⏱️ 14.6 Minute Read | Also see Ascension 101 | Physical Proof of Ascenion | Quantum Consciousness | Balancing the Hemispheres | Going from 3D to 5D Universal Laws of Living

thequantumuniverse listening deidremadsen

DNA ACTIVATION FROM 3D TO 5D:  Are You Suffering from Rapid Ascension Movement or RAM? If so, you may be experiencing some of the following ascension symptoms. These symptoms are indicative of rapid DNA shifts as we and all of creation move into a higher consciousness both physically and psychologically.


List of Rapid Ascension Movement (RAM) Symptom


Loss of time
Loss of memory
Increased creativity
Excessively lethargic
Increased synchronicity
Vivid and lucid dreaming
Unexplained body aches and pains
Electrical and mechanical malfunctions
True abundance and instant manifestation
Invisible forces, spirit presences and entities
Altered states of consciousness and time shifts
Manifesting people/situations as teachers/lessons
Need to break free from patterns/cycles/limitations
Need to be surrounded by situations/people in synch with you, and to let go of those that are not

  Foods/medicines/supplements increased sensitivity
Feeling like you are in more than one place at once
Willingness to heal emotional fears and blockages
Need to be true to your divine purpose/mission
Disordered mind and left-brain confusion
More alienated than ever from the world
Loss of interest in the "New Age" market
Sudden career or relationship changes
Increased intuition and psychic ability
Desire to live in synch with nature
Surges of unexplained emotion
Deep sense of inner peace
Depression getting worse
A desire to go within
Alternate realities
Surges of power
Unusual dreams
Lashing out

Just remember you are not alone. Everyone experiences some degree of ascension symptoms; and very few seem to glide through Mother Earth's ascension through the fourth dimension and on into the fifth with ease and joy. Some pass off these symptoms as physiological or psychological in nature, though this is not always the case.


 Everything is physically ascending and upgrading 


Still unsure about the truth to this statement? (Read here >> Physical Proof of Ascension) Also, please do your homework and research this topic in libraries and the internet, and it helps to ask people in-the-know. Maintaining an even keel, a balance within, working with ourselves and our issues and pain, gracing our bodies with weekly massages and nurturing healing, being kind to ourselves, forgiving ourselves and others, eating healthy and smart, all these things will help ease us through this time of transition.

As Things Get Lighter Some Things Get Darker

It sure feels like many, many people are communicating their innermost fears during this ascension. As we move through these astounding planetary energies, gifting us with incredible opportunities for greater awareness and insight into who we are in all our divinity, we have the chance to gladly and willingly love ourselves more fully than ever.

List of Rapid Ascension Movement (RAM) Symptoms - Deidre MadsenTry Not to Slap a Bandage on Your Inner Pain

Many of us have experienced a lack of love in our lives. A lack of love that should have felt something like mother love, or nurturing on a deep soul level. Instead, we have experienced harsh judging and accusations by our families and loved ones. We have experienced neglect and abandonment on many levels including what I call "bleed-through past/parallel/future lives". It has come to my attention that there are an abundance of people (women esp.) who cannot understand why things happen to them, why their lives have been filled with wrong choices, fear and manipulation. I was one of these women and had to learn that I was not a victim to my circumstances.

There Are Deep Cavernous Holes Inside of Our Hearts Begging to be Filled with Love

Often, we search for a way to fill this hole, or void space, through marriage, relationships with friends, volunteer work, owning a pet, careers, travel, great $$ spending binges, over-eating, and addictions of all sorts. While some of these are wonderful ways to experience love, they may not be what we require for healing. These all seem to fill this void for a little while but we always return to the deep hole void in our hearts and discover the falsness of our recent little foray through life.  We learn to see the truth behind the mask of our lives, that there has been no filling up of that space at all, which can plunge us deeper and deeper into despair and loneliness.

List of Rapid Ascension Movement (RAM) Symptoms - Deidre MadsenGifts in the "End of Times"

What can we do to remedy this within us? We can take a good look at what is happening during this ascension time and gain some clues that will assist us greatly along our path toward self love.

This ascension time of Mother Earth/Lady Gaia is filled with great gifts. These are planetary, stellar energies bombarding everything multidimensionally (including our three dimensional world called Planet Earth) providing us with new found powers, gifts and talents we never knew we had. We are now experiencing the love of our brothers and sisters: the animal, plant and mineral kingdoms of our Earth Mother, the Deva Kingdoms, the Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Ariel, Jophiel, and Raphael respectively, as well as many other divine, loving forces of energy just waiting to assist us all in love unconditional.

We are also learning how incredible the gifts of love Jesus the Christed One has to offer. His experience as Christ Consciousness on this Earth some 2000+ years ago has taught us to love ourselves. He once said that we must love our neighbors as ourselves. When he said that he wanted us to understand how important it was/is to love ourselves fully for only then can we understand the depth and breath of love for our brother. In order to reach out to the world, we must first reach inside. Reach into our hearts and explore, examine and experience.

Another gift from this ascension is the opportunity to let all our past life karma finally rest, be at peace, affording us the chance to fly in the face of freedom, fully. We must take responsibility for all our choices, good or bad. How reassuring this is to know that we have no need for the old patterns and belief systems we brought through to this lifetime.

List of Rapid Ascension Movement (RAM) Symptoms - Deidre MadsenIMAGE AND SIMILITUDE. There is also a greater opening up now of awareness and allowing with many people. More people are open to other spiritual options, realizing the great gifts of many of the world's religions be they Christianity, Buddhism, Zen, Tao, Zoroastrianism, etc. What matters is there is a grain of truth in all things and it is up to us to discover who we are and what we desire to experience in our life... and then do ourselves the honor to go out and live it fully. We are divine creations of the Creator. We are made in the likeness of our Heavenly Father. What does this mean to you and me?

Mirror Mirror

Meaning we can look in the mirror and see ourselves as who we really are. When you look in a mirror, who do you see? Mirror, mirror on the wall? Who is the fairest one of all? Remember, Dear Reader, there is a grain of truth in all things... even in our fairy tales, especially in our fairy tales

Keep in mind that you are true divinity in action! Whenever I hold Spiritual Counseling sessions with someone I tap into their High Self, their I AM presence, and I see them for who they really are on a much, much higher level of being. Every single time, I am in awe of the glorious majesty that they are. Each one of us is a perfect expression of the Creator's love incarnate, in the flesh. We are walking, talking miracles of love.

Whenever you feel sadness or sorrow, or feel like the whole world is tumbling down all around you, just take a moment or two and look into a mirror. Look deep into your eyes, the windows to your soul, and reflect upon your reflection, for there standing before you is magnificence!

"Awaken, dear friends, within this dream and realize that it is your duty and responsibility as human beings to imagine and visualize a safe world. It will be as you decree, and your own experience will thus reflect it." - The Pleiadians, by Barbara Marciniak

We Are Never Victims of Our Reality

We are volunteers and when we feel specific oppression from someone, realize that they are including us into their reality and that we effect them on a deep level. Sometimes we will elicit a strong negative response from a person or family member that appears as if they are judging us, or hating us for something "we have done". They wag their finger at us in admonition and accusation. Why? Because deep down inside of themselves, we are mirroring back to them a pain within themselves. Amazing, really. So, Dearest Reader, realize the honor you have of just being in other peoples' lives; they find the need to draw you into their lives for a beautiful healing experience.

This powerful lesson also applies to you, for when you are in pain, you are finding a spot inside of you that says, "Hey, this hurts me." Then ask yourself, why. Go into your heart space and feel it out. All the answers are deep inside of you, and so is the love you seek so earnestly. These family and friends who "cause us grief, agony and pain" are actually here to help us heal.

Childlike Innocence and Purity - passion of the child List of Rapid Ascension Movement (RAM) Symptoms - Deidre MadsenReturn to Innocence

Use the Wisdom of Our Dear Brother, Coyote. Coyote the Fool/the Trickster (also the Fool in the Tarot), and laugh in the face of adversity, pain and sorrow. 

Be like a child in your innocence and purity. 

Learn discernment so as not to give away your energy or power to someone who would use it against you. 

Draw your boundaries with the tool of discernment, but do it out of love... not against someone, but FOR yourself and your self-love and honor.

Look for Love Everywhere

During this powerful time, this ascension process, we are to look deeply within and find the love from the Creator there. In order to balance and be one with the universe (YOUniverse) we must continue carry a loving forgiving heart and share it with our brothers and sisters. 

We must step into our divine Adam Kadmon Higher Light Body, or allow it to merge with our physical body (which is what this ascension is all about anyway). To do this we must purify our temples (body/mind/spirit) through and through.

Claim your own divinity, walk with unconditional love, and keep your heart open to love, for the world reflects what and who you are at all times. Allow the gifts of Wakan Tonka, the Shekinah/Holy Spirit/Ba (Egypt. Dove), to bring forth the transmuting violet flame and transform old belief systems and patterns into unconditional love and light. Through this time of ascension - be the flow. Creator through and in YOU is the Way, the Truth, and the Light!

In Divine Service,

Deidre Madsen





⏱️ 7 Minute Read | Also see Physical Proof of Ascension | Life Principles of the Sovereign Integral


WELCOME TO THE GREAT AWAKENING | In case you hadn't noticed, everything, and I mean, EVERYTHING IS ASCENDING. We are awakening at a rapid rate due to the 100th Monkey Effect. As Source Energy Beings, we are coming out of a deep inner reflection of self-evaluation and self-discovery and emerging into great awareness. The great awakening on all levels ushers in the time of extreme spirituality. How are you affected by the great awakening?



Our Personal Lives
Body, Mind & Spirit 


The Immediate World
Around Us 


 The World at Large
aka Our Mirror



Spiritual, religion, family, interpersonal relationships, government, politics, news coverage, television, film, books, music, the arts, computer technology, school systems, healthcare, borders and boundaries, communication, science, quantum thinking, Einstein's theory, technology, psychological, psychotronics, our personal dreams and goals, and much, much more.

pexels photo 2990616

Globally, a growing audible angry outcry surges for a new path to be forged shouting that the old patterns of world domination through fear and violence DO NOT WORK. The old guard is dying. Their ways have been self-serving couched in service to others; they never worked for the higher good of man or the planet. Masses are waking to the ruse. We are experiencing a deep welling of sadness and frustration that comes with this outcry for something different; we realize we cannot continue in this old way another minute. It brings to mind the definition of insanity is when we do the same thing over and over again expecting to get a different outcome.

We are at a point where the suffering of the world's people, especially the innocents, and its natural biological systems cannot continue on in these insane thousand-year-old practices which are finally recognized by real leaders of the world as passe, outmoded, outdated and archaic. Things are changing.

In this grand experiment, as Source Energy Beings we are to finally evolve past the Type 0 Civilization barbarism to the harmonious Type 1 Civilization

According to the Kardashev scale the difference between a Type 0 civilization and a Type 1 civilization is that a Type 0 does not harness all of the energy output of its planet. This type of civilization is still in the process of transitioning from costly electricity to free energy systems and, for example, taking advantage of the limitless fossil fuels and limitless sources of primary water. A Type 1 is sustainable, it harnesses and stores all of the energy from its home planet and works to harness off-world planets.

Additionally, a Type 1 represents a harmonious and holistic approach to preserving all life after emerging from its zoo-like ethos. We are very close to becoming a Type 1 civilization being evaluated as somewhere between .07 - .08 on the scale.


With every phase of our lives, we undergo challenging learning curves, a sort of Bell Curve of a new intake of information and knowledge. Along with this fantastical time of teething we experience it either negatively and struggling or positively and buoyant with a heady feeling that is being awakened within the human body; a feeling of power and potential, yet with a new level of ethics from the past Mayan cycle lessons, our power is far more controlled as we hold ourselves more and more accountable and responsible, which in turn takes us to greater and higher levels of potential.

Much more of our personal potential is available to us both mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually; therefore, we must remain vigilant and responsible. We are not given the opportunity to ascend to a Type 1 Civilization without being able to carry out the responsibility.

Responsibility today is a four-letter word to many who wish not to have any responsibility but allow governmental systems, or other hero types, for support. Let's face it, adulting is hard, challenging and difficult. It's time to grow up as a civilization. Take back the responsibility we've given to others and do the right thing for the good of others. As mature adults or stewards of the land, we must learn from the past with an eye toward making a better future in service to others. We must take care and remain alert for patterns that reveal what we have learned as it comes into the light of conscious. This can be a physically challenging time where we see the repercussions (or rewards) of 'exercising our new-found laurels,' and woe be to those who stand in the way of these 4D creations in the form of a sort of instant Karma experience.

Just as the Mayan calendar predicted, since December 28, 2011,
where the timelines collapsed, all is happening at once.

 Become Your Own SuperheroEVALUATING OUR HEROES

In the time of TicTok, Zoom, YouTube and live streaming to virtually every platform; reality shows that were once the rage have given way for everyone's personal 15 minutes of fame affording us worldwide face-to-face access. Everyone can now become a star of their own production, their own life's superhero, with the switch of their webcam or phonecam. Today, there is a renaissance coming in this façet of today's 'heroes' alone.

We now know that the heroes of the past, those placed on high mountain cliffs, pedestals, monetary notes, etc., have their grand place in history to be sure; however, are far removed from our day-to-day connection with life. Though not to be cancelled or scrubbed from our past; historical figures and events are there as reminders for us to either learn from our past so as not to repeat, or to emulate their positive behavior and gain valuable takeaways.

A farmer needed a hole dug in his field. He prayed to God to help him. He waited, propping himself up on a shovel. Nothing happened. He waited all day. He asked God at the end of the day why he didn't deliver. God said, "I gave you a shovel!"



We are the ones we have been waiting for all along. We ❤️ Underdog stories because they REMIND US OF WHO WE ARE.

THE UNDERDOG SUPERHERO | Citing just a few fictional and non-fictional examples of underdog superhero stories:

  • Harry James Potter had to figure it out in Prisoner of Azkaban by creating a Pratonus Charm against the Dementors
  • Rocky Balboa became an all-American boxing hero by coming from behind and defeating Apollo Creed
  • The legend of the mere 300 Spartans taking on and miraculously defeating the great Persian army of 300,000
  • President Donald John Trump was a total underdog in the U.S. presidential elections when he quashed the Democratic rivals
  • King David James Archuleta had to figure it out quickly during the Philistine battle and conquer Goliath
  • Noach ben Lamech and his family were ridiculed mercilessly for building the Ark
  • Jesus of Nazareth the beloved Christ and Messiah had to step into the ultimate role

everyday heroes


There are many more fictional stories of underdog stories including Forrest Gump, Pursuit of Happyness, School of Rock, and Iqbal and non-fictional historical from the Bible, Sports, etc. As an instant gratification/visual society we are able to view each person (that chooses to step up) as a hero. The obstacles and terrific odds they overcome in their daily lives we might look at with a sense of awe-struck wonder, and like The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, on Christmas morning, our hearts grow three sizes larger, underdog stories supply us with the inspirational guidance to be-come more 'human', an irony to be sure (for in the reaching for our human-ness we become more God-like - our truer nature).

In Compassion's beautiful healing we see the great many around us who suddenly and with heart wrenching emotions, become our everyday heroes including and especially ourselves. The amazing stories of everyday heroes offer up an important and key element in the future survival of humankind and that key element or component is compassion. From this comes the revelation that will become one of the spearheading focuses for the upcoming renaissance period, a period of peace and harmony. We are in the midst of a building up of the energy that will support this as an undercurrent of higher potential as old archaic systems fall away.


We are in for a wild and amazing ride. These new waves of spiritual gifts (gifts from the beyond (or Spiritual Gifts from the Holy Spirit/Ruach Ha Kodoish/Great Spirit/Shekinah) will be supported and in fact fueled by our growing levels of compassion, and the mere fact of our species natural higher intelligence which will bring about tremendous scientific breakthroughs in many areas of science and technology with far reaching discoveries in space travel, free energy, quantum physics, scientific research, archaeological findings, Web 3.0, quantum financial systems (QFS), quantum thinking, and consciousness soul evolution. Great new discoveries that take us further into the multi- and parallel-universes are already being realized and recorded. And what a time to be alive!

We will begin to give birth to, or help others realize greater more esoteric/metaspiritual gifts or talents (naturally inherent to our genetic programming, yet for the most part laying dormant until awakened) that will be part of a surge of excitement that begins to grow in the collective consciousness of humanity. Here we will begin to see greater amounts of individuals with phenomenal extrasensory gifts of perception, precognition like never before, teleportation, hands-on or absentia healings en mass, and so on.


Q. Is it possible that we as a species realize at some point that we are truly the heroes (masters, avatars, etc.) that we only dream or write about, that epic movies and great films are testaments to (i.e., our higher potentiality) and, in that discovery (on a grand scale) do we come together in greater focus and ability to miraculously change the world? A. Yes, this is our future reality AND IT IS HAPPENING NOW!

Once again our outer world is a reflection of our inner world and we must do our inner clean-up of the emotional issues and blocks we so adhere to and run away from. It is a dedicated work to be sure and is one that many people do not focus enough on; it's when we solely focus on helping the planet, helping something outside of ourselves, that is when we get out of balance with ourselves and the world. However, once we are ready to take a deeper look inside and begin to heal those areas of our lives, we will free up valuable inner space and be even more ready and open to making way for the greater Light and the gifts of the Divine.


Remember, we have had the power to overcome all along; just as Dorothy discovered in the Wizard of Oz, we too are waking up to real-eyes we we have been wearing the magical ruby slippers all along; and this time we will use them, ethically! We protect our sovereign divine Light of the soul/spirit connection with the Divine Father in Heaven; our God-given right as sons and daughters of the Most High.

Away will the old religions go where the belief that our true power elsewhere to the exclusion of ourselves. Away will the systems of the old guard of go. We stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before us, the wayshowers and futurists of our past, that we must lay the ethical, right-relationship groundwork for everyone to follow so that a solid and everlasting framework be laid and even set in motion and be modeled by our actions.

Let those who hear the music of the spheres come forward and open the sacred geometries within our divine genetic lineage coding, our Merkabah vehicle, to bring forth the gifts of the Holy Spirit so that we may heal ourselves, each other, all the innocents, and our jewel of a planet.

Let the hero in you, reading this now, be ready, set, go - for the moment to step forward and claim your true birthright and be the change you want to see in the world!

Aho and Ose Shalom!


Deidre Madsen 2015Deidre Madsen
Imagery Consultant
Award-Winning Author and Writer
Lecturer and Speaker
Life Coach


Happily Inner After by Deidre Madsen
As a tenured Imagery Consultant, Deidre works body, mind and spirit

whole-brained holistic sessions with clients worldwide and assists in
opening to your spirit-supra-consciousness and succor
Order her Award-Winning Book Happily Inner After
paperback, kindle, hardbound,Amazon | Balboa Press

Copyright © 2025 Deidre Madsen and Shangri-La Sedona. All rights reserved.