Articles Tagged ‘renaissance consciousness’

Solar and Lunar Wisdom

Sun Worshipers and Luna Lovers, planetary alignments of the sun and moon affect our bodies and minds. Use these energies to affect tremendous healing benefits by sun or moon gazing. If however you're feeling out of sorts, check our Solar Watch and symptoms list to learn how solar flares and CME's affect your body. Helping you regain your balance, we also offer wisdom from the moon plus moon phases and Grandmother teachings.  "... you are the moon and I the endless sky." - Sade

sunworshippers  Solar and Lunar Wisdom - Deidre Madsen

The Good News About the Sun

The sun plays an important role as a catalyst for a renaissance in consciousness.This is good news indeed. Looking on the bright side (no pun intended) our Sun does have a very positive impact on us. Solar activity is essential for Super-Human Achievement. Solar cycles and their activity play an intimate part in the unfoldment of human consciousness Solar flares affect the Central Nervous System (stomach lining), all brain activity (including equilibrium), all human and animal behavior and all psycho-physiological (mental-emotional-physical) response. Read more

Sun's Vitamin D3 Benefits for the Body

There are many benefits to healthy levels of Vitamin D3 in the body which the Sun itself can produce. Here are but a few that should help you understand why a moderate amount of sun exposure leads to better mental, physical and spiritual health.

  • Protection from diabetes, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, hypertension, cardiovascular disease
  • Can help treat depression naturally
  • Lowers risk of breast, ovarian, prostate, and colorectal cancers
  • Essential to bone health
  • Kills bad bacteria

Sunlight Prescription

  • Start slowly with sun exposure on as much of your skin as possible
  • Don't allow any reddening of the skin to occur
  • Sunbathe only in the early morning or late afternoon sun
  • Avoid midday sun
  • Work up to 10-15 minutes 3-4 times per week

If you must stay out of the sun, then please, avoid most brands of sunblock as well as skincare products and makeup which contain sunblock. These have been known to cause cancer. Instead try organic natural sunblocks like DNA Skincare's line of healthy chemical free sunblock which you can wear under your makeup.

Yoga and the Sun

Lastly, regarding sun bathing, there are double benefits when performing the 12 asanas in Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation meditation along with the morning sun's warming rays. Atapa Snana, is the yogic phrase for the healing science of sun bathing. The ancient yogis and many other cultures knew how to use the sun to heal all kinds of illnesses, and bring about radiant health. Performing Surya Namaskar facing the morning sun offers vast health benefits. For exampie, it increases the solar plexus from the size of an almond to the size of a palm. This expansion of solar plexus, also known as the second brain, develops our intuitive ability and makes us more clear and focused. You will truly radiate health.


Full Moon luna Solar and Lunar Wisdom - Deidre Madsen










Luna Lovers, our beloved moon is a direct influencer of our emotional body. Each of our beautiful sister Moon's movements or moon phases affects our world en toto. Learn how to work with Grandmother Moon's secrets. These serve to greatly enlighten, heal and assist you. We share the full list of the moon's phases and names as well as Grandmother Moon medicine teachings. We invite you to spend time moon gazing especially during full moon events; you will gain wisdom, insight and feel a great deal calmer. Aho!

Moon Phases

Full Moon: Full Moon energy is used for banishing unwanted influences in your life; protection magick; and divination. Planning, releasing, and working backwards in time are done on the full moon as well. It is said the best Full Moon magick can be conjured for seven days: the three days prior to the Full Moon, the night of the Full Moon itself, and three days after the Full Moon. Sometimes the results of Full Moon magick can take approximately one moon cycle to take hold and come to completion. The Full Moon is the time to invoke the Mother Goddess at the height of her glory and to perform the ceremony called "Drawing Down the Moon." During this ceremony the energy and essence of the Full Moon is drawn into oneself, when done properly you will feel a heightened trance state combined with a power surge that radiates through your whole body. Traditionally this is only done within a protective circle. The Mother is the ripeness of womanhood, the boiling pot of Badb which is the richness of life. Her color is red, the color of blood and the life force. The Mother is Summer, the day, lustiness, teacher, The Full Moon.

New Moon: The New Moon is used for personal growth, healing, the blessing of a new project or venture, etc. If done correctly, success should be obtained by the first Full Moon. This is the time when the Crone is transformed into the Maiden. It is a time of renewal and new beginnings. The Maiden is essential to the continuation of all life; her color is white, denoting innocence and newness. She is the springtime, the dawn, eternal youth and vigor, enchantment and seduction, the new and waxing moon.

Dark Moon: The three days before the New Moon is known as the dark of the moon. This is when you can't see the moon at all in the heavens. Traditionally, this is a time when no magick is performed. It is a period to give yourself a break; a time of rest. Deep meditation and vision questing can be performed now, but not for a specific magickal purpose. However, The Crone, or the Dark Mother, rules this time, and if her magick is needed, now is the time when you should use it.

Waxing Moon: The period between the New Moon and the Full Moon is called the Waxing Moon. This is a good time for attraction magick, especially between the New Moon and the First Quarter. The Waxing Moon is the time for invoking the Goddess in her guise of Maiden.

Waning Moon: The period between the Full Moon and the New Moon is called the Waning Moon. This is a time for banishing and rejecting things in our lives that we no longer wish to carry around with us. Negative emotions, bad habits, diseases, and ailments can successfully be banned during this time. During the Waning Moon the Mother Goddess is transformed into the Crone. Invoke Her in this guise. The Crone, or Dark Mother, sometimes called the Hag, has black as her color, the color of darkness where all life rests before rebirth. This aspect of the Goddess is Winter, night, wisdom, counsel, the gateway to death and reincarnation, the Waning Moon.

Excerpted from "Celtic Magic" by D.J. Conway and "To Ride a Silver Broomstick" by Silver RavenWolf.


Common Names for the Year's Full Moons

  Algonquin/Colonial English/Medieval Neo-Pagan Other
Jan Old Wolf ice Moon After Yule
Feb Hunger Storm Snow  
Mar Crust Chaste Death Sap, Crow, Lenten
Apr Pink Seed Awakening Grass, Egg
May Flower Hare Grass Planting, Milk, Wesak*
Jun Rose Dyan Planting Strawberry, Flower
Jul Buck Mead Rose Hay, Thunder
Aug Sturgeon Corn Lightning Grain, Dog Days
Sep Harvest Barley Harvest Fruit
Oct Hunter's Blood Blood  
Nov Beaver Snow Tree Frosty
Dec Cold Oak Lone Night Moon Before Yule

*WESAK/VESAK FULL MOON - The month of May's full moon is often called the Wesak Moon - the time where the Christ or Buddha Sakyamuni energy or planetary energy can make the greatest shift. Sometimes informally called "Buddha's birthday," it actually encompasses the birth, enlightenment Nirvana , and passing ( Parinirvana ) of Gautama Buddha. This is the time when those energies are closest to the planet and when wishes can manifest more easily. With manifestation comes the need to release old energies., to embrace universal love and compassion, to begin anew and fresh in your daily life through celebration and ceremony. Wikipedia Wesak/Vesak Full Moon


13 grandmother moon teachings Solar and Lunar Wisdom - Deidre Madsen

JANUARY - SPIRIT MOON - The first moon of Creation is Spirit Moon, and is manifested through the Northern Lights. It is a time to honour the silence and realize our place within all of Great Mystery’s creatures.

FEBRUARY - BEAR MOON - The second moon of Creation is Bear Moon, when we honour the vision quest that it began in the fall. During this time, we discover how to see beyond reality and to communicate through energy rather than sound.

MARCH - SUGAR MOON -  The third moon of Creation is Sugar Moon. As the maple sap begins to run, we learn of one of the main medicines given to the Anishnabe which balances our blood, and heals us. During this time, we are  encouraged to balance our lives as we would our blood sugar levels, by using Divine Law.

APRIL - SUCKER MOON -  The fourth moon of Creation is Sucker Moon, when sucker goes to the Spirit World in order to receive cleansing techniques for this world. When it returns to this realm, it purifies a path for the Spirits and cleanses all our water beings. During this time we can learn to become healed healers.

MAY - FLOWER MOON -  The fifth moon of Creation is Flower Moon, where all plants display their Spirit sides for all the world to see. This life giving energy is one the most powerful healing medicines on Mother Earth. During this moon we are encouraged to explore our Spiritual essences.

JUNE - STRAWBERRY MOON - The sixth moon of Creation is Strawberry Moon. The medicine of the strawberry is reconciliation. It was during this moon cycle that communities usually held their annual feasts, welcoming everyone home, regardless of their differences over the past year, letting go of judgment and/or self-righteousness.

JULY - RASPBERRY MOON -  The seventh moon of Creation is Raspberry Moon, when great changes begin. By learning gentleness and kindness, we may pass through the thorns of its bush and harvest its fruit, knowledge that will help in raising our families.

AUGUST - THIMBLEBERRY MOON -  The eighth moon of Creation is the Thimbleberry Moon, when we honour the Thimbleberry which produces an abundance of fruit once every three years. It was one of the first plants put on Mother  Earth, and its purpose is to protect the Sacred Circle of Life by allowing us to recognize and understand the teachings that come from the Spirit World.

SEPTEMBER - CORN MOON -  The ninth moon of Creation is the Corn Moon, during which time we learn about the cycle of life. Each cob of corn has thirteen rows of multicoloured seeds which represent all the spirits waiting to begin their Earth Walk. These will be the future generations for whom we must prepare.

OCTOBER - FALLING LEAVES MOON -  The tenth moon of Creation is the Falling Leaves Moon, a time when Mother Earth is honoured with the grandest of colours. As all of Creation makes their offerings to her, we become aware of all the miracles of Creation before us and our spiritual energies are once again awakened.

NOVEMBER - FREEZING MOON -  The eleventh moon of Creation is the Freezing Moon, a time when the Star Nation is closest to us. As every creature being prepares for the coming fasting grounds, we are reminded to prepare ourselves for  our spiritual path by learning the sacred teachings and songs that will sustain us.

DECEMBER - LITTLE SPIRIT MOON - The twelfth moon of Creation is the Little Spirit Moon, a time of healing. By receiving both vision of the spirits and good health, we may walk the Red Road with purest intentions, and we can share this most positive energy with our families and friends for the good of all.

BLUE MOON - BIG SPIRIT MOON -  The thirteenth moon of Creation is Big Spirit Moon. Its purpose is to purify us, and to heal all of Creation, a process which may take a three month long spiritual journey. During this time, we receive  instructions on the healing powers of the universe and transform into our own vision of the truth.

Thirteen Grandmother Moon Teachings by Arlene Barry, from her series of compiled teachings “Kinoomaadiewinan Anishinaabe Bimaadinzinwin”, Book Two, pages 17 and 18.


The Space Be'tween Things Speak

imagination tgi imagery- Deidre MadsenHave you ever stepped into a doorway and felt you've walked through a threshhold of time and space? Have you ever felt that your nose was an antennae for other dimensions and realms, and that you could easily turn your head and sense (scents) whether you've shifted into another one of these spaces? Have you found yourself doing something 'mundane' like driving to the grocer, walking the dog, and wondered how you got back home because your mind was elsewhere and you were so engrossed in that other space within your mind, that you have a vague recollection of driving or walking home?

Space and time exist to support a structuring (left brain, logical (masculine - to remain consistent with this website's theme), in order to allow for infinite creative possibilities (right brain, unstructured, creative (feminine). When we can keep the left brain/structure flexible and passive to what the outcome will be of the creation our potential streams forth in a great wealth of abundance. Our job here in this site is to help you balance your hemispheres to become whole minded.

Whole-minded equals divine inner marriage equals limitless potentiated creation.— Deidre Madsen

Exercise #1: The Is Not Is

Looking at an ordinary chair, one could define the chair by its shape and design, right?  Well, we believe otherwise.  We understand that the space around the chair - defines the chair.

The space that is the chair is the Is.
The space around the chair is the Is Not.
The connecting point where the chair and the space that is not the chair meet, is called the Is Not Is.

Another way to view this is that the chair Is, the space around the chair Is Not and the two combined is the Is Not Is.  There is no separation really for all things are within the All. The yin/yang symbol represents the same concept. Going a step further, a lightning bolt is the Is or 'Light', the darkness surrounding the lightning bolt is the Is Not or 'dark', and the point at which they meet is the Is Not Is.

The Space Be'tween Things Speak - Deidre MadsenIf you can imagine expanding that point or thin line between the two (the chair and the space around the chair) you can expand your awareness into the Is Not Is.

The more you focus on the parts around a chair that is not the chair, the more you will begin to sense that those spaces not the chair are actually independent spaces comprising and agreeing to cohabitate the space around a chair, helping to form the reality of a chair.

Expanding the space between things will help you see a much bigger picture, a grander scheme is afoot.  Your ability to expand your awareness into those cracks and crevasses will assist you in seeing the rich diversity of the multiple realities surrounding us.
— Deidre Madsen

The illusion of rigidness and separation of space and time : space and time warps together.The illusion of rigidness and separation of space and time. Space and time are virtually unified. One stretches and the other contracts and vice versa with presence or absence of motion. Thus, they keep the maximum speed in the universe at the speed of light. The following video is taken from the documentary "The Fabric of The Cosmos -" for nonprofit educational purposes.

Everything is Conscious

Everything has a specific amount of consciousness. Literally everything. Our own conscious is considered 'light'. Our sub-unconscious is considered to be 'darkness' or 'ego'. Our super-conscious is the balance between the two, the Is Not Is. I believe superconsciousness is enlightenment or a lifting of the veil of illusion or an awakening.

You have the sight now Neo, you are looking at the world without time. — The Oracle in The Matrix

On one hand these concepts appear elusive and abstract; however, if you take a closer look at your surroundings you will begin to understand there is truly an aliveness or life to the spaces between things. Portals, doorways, things of that nature are visible and easy to grasp, more so than the above concept perhaps. One thing is for certain, there is more than meets the conscious eye when examining our 'reality.' This is why I originally chose Jonathan Earl Bowser's "Invariance & Enlightenment" oil painting as my site's original theme, along with my lightning-infused logo. To understand further why I chose this oil painting please continue reading below.

Exercise #2: Mirror, Mirror

The Space Be'tween Things Speak - Deidre MadsenIn a relaxed state of meditation and mild self-hypnosis, if you focus on the space between things, where things meet one another, then you may also view the space between you and the mirrored image of you as the "space be'tween you and your mirrored image." 

Invariance and Enlightenment

This space has substance and is very much alive, as is the space between the statue and the woman in the photo; the space between the woman and the dove, and so on. Bowser's depiction of a spatial casting in form is the personification of our understanding the machinations of what is be'tween all things. In the oil, the dove is coming and the dove is going. 

This website continues to expand as I grow and expand on in my own ascension. I honor the walk of all on their path and am happy to share my love for the sacred lands, and experiences with you in order that you may benefit along your own way.

When I discovered the beautiful oil painting, a powerful, strong chord was struck within. I heard, "This is YOU, Deidre!" I was spellbound by the magical oil. The deep and mysterious colors drew me into them and there I stood aside and within the goddess, aside and within the statue.

A few months later I received further confirmation; and see with more clarity - my gift of sight has grown exponentially. Oftentimes deep, intense trauma becomes a vehicle for soul growth after (order out of chaos) - and all this occurred right after my house of cards came 'a tumblin' down.

Aside from philosophizing, this oil painting holds mystery and hope with its mists and sun's rays and the far off in the distance light source showing us there is a way out of the magical grove. Do you really wanna go? Hmmm. I like it there... amidst the thick ferns and mist, the bending, mothering tree friends. I feel I will be in that place one day, maybe when I cross over, or visit paying special homage for its role in my life.

When the rays of enlightenment first fell upon ancient Greece - the intellectual foundation of western civilization - a path was shown from the shadows of ignorance and superstition. But those shadows returned to eclipse that fragile light, leaving only a hidden legacy of knowledge. Europe slept for centuries before this classical treasure was rediscovered.

The medieval era was a time when Europe mostly forgot how to remember what it had learned before. Fortunately, that intellectual heritage was preserved by Muslim scholars who never lost their profound admiration for the great minds of classical antiquity; the ancient books, after a thousand-year journey through the Islamic world, eventually found their way again into European hands. In the ages that followed - Renaissance, Reformation, and the Age of Reason (or Enlightenment) - those ancient descriptions of science and philosophy slowly evolved into an idea more powerful than monarchs or nations: modern liberalism.

In three paroxysms of reform, the social revolutions in Britain, France, and America (symbolized here by the red, blue, and white gown - echoing the coloration of the flags of these three nations), released political, scientific, and, eventually, social liberty (the dove) into the light. And yet, even though this liberty has given the West unprecedented freedom and prosperity, genuine enlightenment remains elusive. We yet long for the wisdom that so inscrutably escapes us, and are neither satisfied nor content. Why not?

As the enlightenment (the philosophy that human endeavor should be subject only to a guiding principle of logic and reason, and not to any irrational superstition) continues to drive society’s evolution, we grow increasingly overwhelmed by the bewildering complexities of a perpetually changing world. 20th century modernism has created a society that depends for its existence upon hyper-accelerated growth and development - the commercial imperative of relentless material acquisition. We are instructed - from cradle to grave, in ways obvious and covert - that we can never have enough of our own product and so must possess the newest incarnation of every conceivable object and experience. This is the lure - and snare - of modernity. But perhaps we sometimes seek the safe and simple comfort of things known and familiar, like the woman (a manifestation, or angel, of civilization) who is leaning to the right upon the stable edifice of history. Even while she reaches for the liberalizing light of the left, she rests upon conservative tradition and the past.

This painting depicts what we all hope is the endeavor of civilization: the human quest for wisdom.   It seems that whether we design our social and political structures to the ethereal and subjective left or the material and objective right makes no difference. Societies can be dynamic, constantly redefining themselves in the pursuit of some idealistically defined objective, or static, relying on the well-established precedence of history. Either way, people don’t change much: we feel joy and misery, hope and despair, just as people did 500 - or 5000 - years ago. It is, apparently, easier to reinvent society, than ourselves.

In Raphael’s great painting, The School of Athens, we see a timeless illustration of the problem.   Plato, full of idealistic fervor, gestures heavenward: “The proper aim of all thought is upon the eternal forms of divine mind!” The pragmatic, moderating hand of Aristotle, however, gestures toward the earth: “The proper aim of all action is the here and now.” Idealists, like the cleansing forest fire, clear away the corruption and decay of old growth; but builders, like all new growth, are always fixed upon the practical matters of immediate need. How can either way be the only path? It seems the debate - Plato’s hand or Aristotle’s - will remain with us for some great time

Until individuals, and not just the society around them, change in some fundamental, perhaps biological, way, the realization of our aspirations will never be found in this or that administrative mechanism. Some believe in strength and fear the failure of weakness; some believe in compassion and fear the failure of cruelty. But every child understands that two parents, providing both strength and compassion, provide the greatest benefit. And so, we shall always be in moving shadows and lost in our own vacillating ignorance (the mist), until we abandon the comfortable security of invariance and venture alone through the forbidding labyrinth of the forest darkness - our own unknown and unrealized potential. Enlightenment is not found left or right, but at a distant place, through and beyond the wilderness...

Source: Jonathanart

twink novel john neufeldFor those of you diehards reading down the page this far and curious about checking us out in the Wayback Machine, I developed 'tween in 1999 during development of a friend's poetry website "Horse of the Sun."  In that process I realized I too needed/wanted an outlet for something inside of me... but what?!  In the days that followed while in meditation suddenly everything clicked into place. I also remembered a book I read when I was a young teen called "Twink" which at the time propelled me into Twink's secret world. What has this to do with 'tween? Sound similarities brought familiarity and fondness, and... Twink lived in the world be'tween for she was sensory handicapped. Her world was similar to Helen Keller's and at the time I was deeply moved by Helen's story and film.

So the name for the original website was born: 'tween. It remained lower case letters from being taken from the word between. 'tween is the place where Twink and Helen Keller live, and from where we can all benefit. 'tween is the magical spaces, the inter dimensional places, and the point at which masks are ripped away. My site continues to guide you, Dear Reader, to... go BE'tween and be BE'tween.

May your ascension path be forever abundantly blessed with the Art of Healing in Light and Love.






⏱️ 7 Minute Read | Also see Physical Proof of Ascension | Life Principles of the Sovereign Integral


WELCOME TO THE GREAT AWAKENING | In case you hadn't noticed, everything, and I mean, EVERYTHING IS ASCENDING. We are awakening at a rapid rate due to the 100th Monkey Effect. As Source Energy Beings, we are coming out of a deep inner reflection of self-evaluation and self-discovery and emerging into great awareness. The great awakening on all levels ushers in the time of extreme spirituality. How are you affected by the great awakening?



Our Personal Lives
Body, Mind & Spirit 


The Immediate World
Around Us 


 The World at Large
aka Our Mirror



Spiritual, religion, family, interpersonal relationships, government, politics, news coverage, television, film, books, music, the arts, computer technology, school systems, healthcare, borders and boundaries, communication, science, quantum thinking, Einstein's theory, technology, psychological, psychotronics, our personal dreams and goals, and much, much more.

pexels photo 2990616

Globally, a growing audible angry outcry surges for a new path to be forged shouting that the old patterns of world domination through fear and violence DO NOT WORK. The old guard is dying. Their ways have been self-serving couched in service to others; they never worked for the higher good of man or the planet. Masses are waking to the ruse. We are experiencing a deep welling of sadness and frustration that comes with this outcry for something different; we realize we cannot continue in this old way another minute. It brings to mind the definition of insanity is when we do the same thing over and over again expecting to get a different outcome.

We are at a point where the suffering of the world's people, especially the innocents, and its natural biological systems cannot continue on in these insane thousand-year-old practices which are finally recognized by real leaders of the world as passe, outmoded, outdated and archaic. Things are changing.

In this grand experiment, as Source Energy Beings we are to finally evolve past the Type 0 Civilization barbarism to the harmonious Type 1 Civilization

According to the Kardashev scale the difference between a Type 0 civilization and a Type 1 civilization is that a Type 0 does not harness all of the energy output of its planet. This type of civilization is still in the process of transitioning from costly electricity to free energy systems and, for example, taking advantage of the limitless fossil fuels and limitless sources of primary water. A Type 1 is sustainable, it harnesses and stores all of the energy from its home planet and works to harness off-world planets.

Additionally, a Type 1 represents a harmonious and holistic approach to preserving all life after emerging from its zoo-like ethos. We are very close to becoming a Type 1 civilization being evaluated as somewhere between .07 - .08 on the scale.


With every phase of our lives, we undergo challenging learning curves, a sort of Bell Curve of a new intake of information and knowledge. Along with this fantastical time of teething we experience it either negatively and struggling or positively and buoyant with a heady feeling that is being awakened within the human body; a feeling of power and potential, yet with a new level of ethics from the past Mayan cycle lessons, our power is far more controlled as we hold ourselves more and more accountable and responsible, which in turn takes us to greater and higher levels of potential.

Much more of our personal potential is available to us both mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually; therefore, we must remain vigilant and responsible. We are not given the opportunity to ascend to a Type 1 Civilization without being able to carry out the responsibility.

Responsibility today is a four-letter word to many who wish not to have any responsibility but allow governmental systems, or other hero types, for support. Let's face it, adulting is hard, challenging and difficult. It's time to grow up as a civilization. Take back the responsibility we've given to others and do the right thing for the good of others. As mature adults or stewards of the land, we must learn from the past with an eye toward making a better future in service to others. We must take care and remain alert for patterns that reveal what we have learned as it comes into the light of conscious. This can be a physically challenging time where we see the repercussions (or rewards) of 'exercising our new-found laurels,' and woe be to those who stand in the way of these 4D creations in the form of a sort of instant Karma experience.

Just as the Mayan calendar predicted, since December 28, 2011,
where the timelines collapsed, all is happening at once.

 Become Your Own SuperheroEVALUATING OUR HEROES

In the time of TicTok, Zoom, YouTube and live streaming to virtually every platform; reality shows that were once the rage have given way for everyone's personal 15 minutes of fame affording us worldwide face-to-face access. Everyone can now become a star of their own production, their own life's superhero, with the switch of their webcam or phonecam. Today, there is a renaissance coming in this façet of today's 'heroes' alone.

We now know that the heroes of the past, those placed on high mountain cliffs, pedestals, monetary notes, etc., have their grand place in history to be sure; however, are far removed from our day-to-day connection with life. Though not to be cancelled or scrubbed from our past; historical figures and events are there as reminders for us to either learn from our past so as not to repeat, or to emulate their positive behavior and gain valuable takeaways.

A farmer needed a hole dug in his field. He prayed to God to help him. He waited, propping himself up on a shovel. Nothing happened. He waited all day. He asked God at the end of the day why he didn't deliver. God said, "I gave you a shovel!"



We are the ones we have been waiting for all along. We ❤️ Underdog stories because they REMIND US OF WHO WE ARE.

THE UNDERDOG SUPERHERO | Citing just a few fictional and non-fictional examples of underdog superhero stories:

  • Harry James Potter had to figure it out in Prisoner of Azkaban by creating a Pratonus Charm against the Dementors
  • Rocky Balboa became an all-American boxing hero by coming from behind and defeating Apollo Creed
  • The legend of the mere 300 Spartans taking on and miraculously defeating the great Persian army of 300,000
  • President Donald John Trump was a total underdog in the U.S. presidential elections when he quashed the Democratic rivals
  • King David James Archuleta had to figure it out quickly during the Philistine battle and conquer Goliath
  • Noach ben Lamech and his family were ridiculed mercilessly for building the Ark
  • Jesus of Nazareth the beloved Christ and Messiah had to step into the ultimate role

everyday heroes


There are many more fictional stories of underdog stories including Forrest Gump, Pursuit of Happyness, School of Rock, and Iqbal and non-fictional historical from the Bible, Sports, etc. As an instant gratification/visual society we are able to view each person (that chooses to step up) as a hero. The obstacles and terrific odds they overcome in their daily lives we might look at with a sense of awe-struck wonder, and like The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, on Christmas morning, our hearts grow three sizes larger, underdog stories supply us with the inspirational guidance to be-come more 'human', an irony to be sure (for in the reaching for our human-ness we become more God-like - our truer nature).

In Compassion's beautiful healing we see the great many around us who suddenly and with heart wrenching emotions, become our everyday heroes including and especially ourselves. The amazing stories of everyday heroes offer up an important and key element in the future survival of humankind and that key element or component is compassion. From this comes the revelation that will become one of the spearheading focuses for the upcoming renaissance period, a period of peace and harmony. We are in the midst of a building up of the energy that will support this as an undercurrent of higher potential as old archaic systems fall away.


We are in for a wild and amazing ride. These new waves of spiritual gifts (gifts from the beyond (or Spiritual Gifts from the Holy Spirit/Ruach Ha Kodoish/Great Spirit/Shekinah) will be supported and in fact fueled by our growing levels of compassion, and the mere fact of our species natural higher intelligence which will bring about tremendous scientific breakthroughs in many areas of science and technology with far reaching discoveries in space travel, free energy, quantum physics, scientific research, archaeological findings, Web 3.0, quantum financial systems (QFS), quantum thinking, and consciousness soul evolution. Great new discoveries that take us further into the multi- and parallel-universes are already being realized and recorded. And what a time to be alive!

We will begin to give birth to, or help others realize greater more esoteric/metaspiritual gifts or talents (naturally inherent to our genetic programming, yet for the most part laying dormant until awakened) that will be part of a surge of excitement that begins to grow in the collective consciousness of humanity. Here we will begin to see greater amounts of individuals with phenomenal extrasensory gifts of perception, precognition like never before, teleportation, hands-on or absentia healings en mass, and so on.


Q. Is it possible that we as a species realize at some point that we are truly the heroes (masters, avatars, etc.) that we only dream or write about, that epic movies and great films are testaments to (i.e., our higher potentiality) and, in that discovery (on a grand scale) do we come together in greater focus and ability to miraculously change the world? A. Yes, this is our future reality AND IT IS HAPPENING NOW!

Once again our outer world is a reflection of our inner world and we must do our inner clean-up of the emotional issues and blocks we so adhere to and run away from. It is a dedicated work to be sure and is one that many people do not focus enough on; it's when we solely focus on helping the planet, helping something outside of ourselves, that is when we get out of balance with ourselves and the world. However, once we are ready to take a deeper look inside and begin to heal those areas of our lives, we will free up valuable inner space and be even more ready and open to making way for the greater Light and the gifts of the Divine.


Remember, we have had the power to overcome all along; just as Dorothy discovered in the Wizard of Oz, we too are waking up to real-eyes we we have been wearing the magical ruby slippers all along; and this time we will use them, ethically! We protect our sovereign divine Light of the soul/spirit connection with the Divine Father in Heaven; our God-given right as sons and daughters of the Most High.

Away will the old religions go where the belief that our true power elsewhere to the exclusion of ourselves. Away will the systems of the old guard of go. We stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before us, the wayshowers and futurists of our past, that we must lay the ethical, right-relationship groundwork for everyone to follow so that a solid and everlasting framework be laid and even set in motion and be modeled by our actions.

Let those who hear the music of the spheres come forward and open the sacred geometries within our divine genetic lineage coding, our Merkabah vehicle, to bring forth the gifts of the Holy Spirit so that we may heal ourselves, each other, all the innocents, and our jewel of a planet.

Let the hero in you, reading this now, be ready, set, go - for the moment to step forward and claim your true birthright and be the change you want to see in the world!

Aho and Ose Shalom!


Deidre Madsen 2015Deidre Madsen
Imagery Consultant
Award-Winning Author and Writer
Lecturer and Speaker
Life Coach


Happily Inner After by Deidre Madsen
As a tenured Imagery Consultant, Deidre works body, mind and spirit

whole-brained holistic sessions with clients worldwide and assists in
opening to your spirit-supra-consciousness and succor
Order her Award-Winning Book Happily Inner After
paperback, kindle, hardbound,Amazon | Balboa Press

Featured Media & Articles


DNA ACTIVATION:  FROM 3D - 5D:  Ascension Symptoms - Are You Suffering from R.A.M. (Rapid Ascension Movement)? If so you may be experiencing some of the following ascension symptoms. These symptoms are indicative of rapid DNA shifts as we and all of creation move into a higher consciousness both physically and psychologically.

Just remember you are not alone. Most everyone is experiencing these RAM symptoms to a degree. Very few it seems are gliding through Mother Earth's ascension into the fourth and fifth dimensions with ease and joy.

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universal mind quantum consciousness

Gaining Your Strength to Reach Your Limitless Potential's Mid-Point Heaven. The stroke of midnight is here. Prepare yourselves for a quantum leap in consciousness.....Yes, we are seeing and feeling incredible changes in the Schumann Resonances and the collective global consciousness is shifting dramatically; every day we are experiencing a new level of cosmic awakening on the planet.

What is next for us cosmically? Get ready for the great wheels in the sky. The Crop Circles will become Sky Circles and Sky Spheres. We will be seeing and hearing numerous symbolic messages in the sky! Now that the Mayan shift of 2012 has definitely left us with something to think about, but is anyone really aware of just what that shift filled with subtle nuances entails? How do we identify with anything subtle in this not-so-subtle world?

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Creation is Speeding Up. Hold onto your hats. We are in the time of the colossal "Shift Happens" as humanity and the planets experience the Great Awakening. This is a very good thing, right? Along with things that appear to be bad comes a plethora of GOOD as well. Learn How to Orient Our Consciousness to the Flow of Creation.

Our mind is not built for speed - creation is going too fast/faster/fastest. We are going outside our mind or... out of our mind - Ian Xel Lungold

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Get Your Tickets



SEPT 14-17, 2023

Saturday Sept 16th, 2023, from 11:30 AM to 12:45 PM, Room Zeus C


4 Days of B2B & B2C Health Expo Conference
for Professionals & Consumers

375 E. Harmon Ave, Las Vegas, NV, 89169

This year’s programming will be the largest quantum leap to the future yet: medical researchers, doctors, and disclosure groups, EX- Military Intelligence, California DEPT of Health Whistleblower, and the New Humanity Movement leaders will speak candidly on classified topics including: Tesla’s discoveries, Therapeutic Benefits of far infrared energy, Healing power of PEMF machines, Healing with Quantum Lasers, Biohacking your Brain with Nitric Oxide, Stem Cell therapy, Red Laser Therapy, how to do deal with weaponization of Parasites, Fungus, Bacteria, Viruses, converging the disciplines of metaphysics and medicine to enhance human cognitive functions, extend lifespan, and expand extrasensory perceptions.



1000 Attendees / 70 Exhibits / 30 Speakers
100 Lectures, Workshops & Panels
Speakers Meet & Greet / 3 Banquets & Nightly Parties

Since 2009 and with over 30 global events, BioMed's bi-annual expo is an impressive confluence of the health industry's top medical and wellness professionals and researchers networking together with thousands of biohacking enthusiasts at a four-day intensive.

Amazing 4-day epic BIOMED EXPO the 31ST event is about a Health and Wellness Expo/ Conference for a better future with Biohacking Technologies, Stem Cell research, Quantum Healing, Functional Wellness, Longevity, DNA Biohacking, Epigenetics, Biotech, Scalar Technology, Anti-Aging, Cancer Research, DNA Activation, Quantum Healing, Med Beds, Technology, Scalar Energy, BIO Scalar, EMF Research, Business Leadership, Personal Empowerment, Quantum Consciousness, Mindfulness, Transformation, and Life Mastery.

Networking of Researchers, Biohackers, Medical Doctors, Dentists, Chiropractors, Scientists, Consciousness groups, Quantum Medicine Researchers, Biomedical Companies, Oxygen Therapy Manufacturers, Skin Care Manufacturers, Tesla Science researchers, Herbalists, Naturopaths, Health Practitioners, Nutritionists, Dietitians, and healthcare practitioners.

Exclusive access to the latest cutting-edge research and science from world-class experts on health, wellness, science, technology, biomedicine and quantum healing with workshops, lectures and panels exploring some of the most relevant topics in our lifetime


STREAMING LIVE Live Streaming on 4 channels simultaneously is $59 (incentives are not streamed):





Dr. Judy A. Mikovits, PhD
Dr. Patrick Porter, CEO of BrainTap
Dr. Nathan Bryan
Dr. Robert Young
Rajiv Parti, MD
Dr. Sam Osmanagich
Dr. Paul Barattiero

Robert Scott Bell


Dr. Judy A. Mikovits, Dr. Patrick Porter, Dr. Rajiv Parti MD., Dr. Robert Young, Dr. Sam Osmanagich, Dr. Nathan Bryan, Dr. Paul Barattiero, Dale, Halaway, Dr. Scott Werner, Robert Scott Bell, Dr. Johnny Delirious, Sir Bill Walsh®, Babry Oren, Saeed David Farman, Ryan Veli, Sarah Breskman Cosme, Michael Dignam, Irena Skoda, Perry Kamel, Joe Blanton, Phillip Wilson, Nichola Burnett, Eric Dadmehr, Gaylord Rhodes, Laura Eisenhower, Alan Bedian, Amelia Brummel, Azucena Avila, Tracy Slepcevic, Ocean Sky, Deidre Madsen, Samuel Kiwasz, Maria Shapley.

Amelia Brummel & Ocean Sky




31ST 5D event since 2009, free Exhibit tickets with Paid Conference, must be 21+ to Attend.

Website: Contact us: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call: 1-702-890-1290

Dress Code: Business Casual, Must be 21+, No kids, pets, outside food, alcohol, drugs, or recording or backpacks.

Our primary business portal:

Exhibit your products and services at the Biomed EXPO:


Conference & Exhibit hours are from Thursday SEPT 14, 2023, from 2 PM to 6 PM and Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 9 AM to 6 PM daily.

The Registration desk opens Thursday SEPT 14TH, 2023 at 1:30 PM to 6:00 PM, and every other day is open from 8:30 AM till 6:00 PM. Dinner & Dance Banquet Champagne Parties are on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday Night from 7:30 PM to 11:30 PM.


Eight minutes from the Las Vegas International airport and two blocks from Strip.



***Conference Tickets:


There are 4 conference rooms with over 30 speakers with multiple events at the same time in different Ballrooms.

General Admission Door Ticket is $299. Register now and save (Incentives are separate ticket $60 or $100)

Day tickets for general admissions are only $99.

The Full event with 3 dinner Banquets Door Ticket is $577, Register now and save.

There are 3 Dinner buffet banquets, Dinner, and Dance with a glass of Wine and Champagne is $80 per person each night, menu is on the website time is from 7:30 PM to 11:30 PM Nightly.

Dinner Menu:

***Limited QTY, EXHIBIT HALL Tickets are FREE for nowwith Prior online registration for Thursday SEPT 14TH, 2023 from 2PM to 6 PM and Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 9 AM to 6 PM DAILY.


***Global Audience, streaming live: Live Streaming on 4 channels simultaneously and is $59 (does not cover the Incentives):


Our past events:


ALEXIS PARK RESORT, 375 E. Harmon Ave, Las Vegas, NV, 89169

***ALEXIS PARK RESORT Hotel Rooms Reservation for BIOMED EXPO GROUP:

Biomed expo Group discount sleeping Room rates are $69 per night, except Friday and Saturday is $149 per night.

Our group rate applies from Tuesday 9/12/2023 through Tuesday 9/19/2023. The Resort fee of $20.00 nightly, plus tax. Max occupancy is 4 people for each suite.

***Sleeping Room Reservation link:

Or call 800-582-2228 (in the Continental United States) or 702-796-3322. Mention BIOMED EXPO to receive the group rate or refer to the,

Group discount Code: BIO2023

ALEXIS PARK ALL SUITE RESORT, 375 E. Harmon Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89169,

10 minutes from the Las Vegas International airport and 5 minutes from the Las Vegas Strip.


The hotel has 500 free parking spots all around the resort plus opposite side of the hotel there is Virgin Casino with over 1000 free parking spaces you can park also.


Exhibit your products by filling the form:

EXHIBIT HALL is FREE Admission with Prior online registration, there are about 73 Exhibits.

Estimated attendees at this event are over 1000 people with a max capacity allowed is 1500 people.

Exhibit vendors allowed to bring 3 people with free badges to the event.

Exhibit hours are from Thursday 2 PM to 6 PM and Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 9 AM to 6 PM daily. Thursday SEPT 14TH, 2023 Expo set up starts at 12 noon and expo starts at 2 PM. For exhibit sales please send info to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or call 702 890-1290

***Sponsor Biomed EXPO, please email send request with company info: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


***Open Panel of Speakers and Audience (Community Meeting Speakers and attendees)

Thursday SEPT 14TH, 2023, 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM, Room Zeus A.

Host: Saeed David Farman


***Medical Panel: Friday SEPT 14TH, 2023 from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM

Panel Host: Robert Scott Bell

Panel Speakers: Dr. Patrick Porter, Dr. Rajiv Parti MD., Dr. Robert Young, Dr. Sam Osmanagich & Dr. Nathan Bryan


***Functional Wellness Panel: Saturday SEPT16TH, 2023, 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM

Panel Host: Robert Scott Bell

Panel Speakers: Dr. Patrick Porter, Dr. Rajiv Parti MD., Dr. Robert Young, Dr. Sam Osmanagich & Dr. Nathan Bryan


***Achieving Results Panel: Sunday SEPT 17TH, 2023 From 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM

Culmination of what we said and learned during this event and how to implement our new projects for humanity.

Host: Saeed David Farman

Panel Speakers: All speakers at the event.


Event Director: David Farman

Assistant Director: Eric Dadmehr

Master of Ceremonies: 1ST MC: Amelia Brummel, 2ND MC: Ocean Sky

Audio Video Engineers: Dennis Whipple & Alan Bedian

Event Group on Facebook:

Event page on Facebook:

Media contact: Please email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 1-702-890-1290.





Copyright © 2025 Deidre Madsen and Shangri-La Sedona. All rights reserved.