Articles Tagged ‘quantum consciousness’

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DNA ACTIVATION:  FROM 3D - 5D:  Ascension Symptoms - Are You Suffering from R.A.M. (Rapid Ascension Movement)? If so you may be experiencing some of the following ascension symptoms. These symptoms are indicative of rapid DNA shifts as we and all of creation move into a higher consciousness both physically and psychologically.

Just remember you are not alone. Most everyone is experiencing these RAM symptoms to a degree. Very few it seems are gliding through Mother Earth's ascension into the fourth and fifth dimensions with ease and joy.

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universal mind quantum consciousness

Gaining Your Strength to Reach Your Limitless Potential's Mid-Point Heaven. The stroke of midnight is here. Prepare yourselves for a quantum leap in consciousness.....Yes, we are seeing and feeling incredible changes in the Schumann Resonances and the collective global consciousness is shifting dramatically; every day we are experiencing a new level of cosmic awakening on the planet.

What is next for us cosmically? Get ready for the great wheels in the sky. The Crop Circles will become Sky Circles and Sky Spheres. We will be seeing and hearing numerous symbolic messages in the sky! Now that the Mayan shift of 2012 has definitely left us with something to think about, but is anyone really aware of just what that shift filled with subtle nuances entails? How do we identify with anything subtle in this not-so-subtle world?

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Creation is Speeding Up. Hold onto your hats. We are in the time of the colossal "Shift Happens" as humanity and the planets experience the Great Awakening. This is a very good thing, right? Along with things that appear to be bad comes a plethora of GOOD as well. Learn How to Orient Our Consciousness to the Flow of Creation.

Our mind is not built for speed - creation is going too fast/faster/fastest. We are going outside our mind or... out of our mind - Ian Xel Lungold

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Quantum Consciousness

⏱️ 18.3 Minute Read | Also see Physical Proof of Ascension | Ascension Symptoms | Ascension 101 | Balancing the Hemispheres

Gaining Your Strength to Reach Your Limitless Potential's Mid-Point Heaven

universal mind quantum Quantum Consciousness - Deidre MadsenThe stroke of midnight is here. Prepare yourselves for a quantum leap in consciousness.....

Yes, we are seeing and feeling incredible changes in the Schumann Resonances and the collective global consciousness is shifting dramatically; every day we are experiencing a new level of cosmic awakening on the planet.


The Schumann resonance – known as the heartbeat of mother earth by some and the earth’s vibration by others – is actually a frequency. It is the measurement of 7.83 Hz or the electromagnetic frequency of our planet, to be exact. It is the resonance of low frequency electromagnetic waves bouncing around in the earth, with the earth being the active "resonant chamber." And yes we and all life are deeply affected and can effect.



This is a real time data analysis of the Global Consciousness Project. It collects the data each minute and runs statistics on the stream of random numbers generated by the project. This analysis is run 10 minutes behind the generation of the data. In this way, it can be seen as a real-time indicator of global consciousness coherence. 




  • BLUE: Significantly small network variance. Suggestive of deeply shared, internally motivated group focus. The index is above 95%
  • TURQUOISE: Small network variance. Probably chance fluctuation. The index is between 90% and 95%
  • GREEN: Normally random network variance. This is average or expected behavior. The index is between 40% and 90%
  • YELLOW: Slightly increased network variance. Probably chance fluctuation. The index is between 10% and 40%
  • ORANGE: Strongly increased network variance. May be chance fluctuation, with the index between 5% and 10%
  • RED: Significantly large network variance. Suggests broadly shared coherence of thought and emotion. The index is less than 5%

These colors can fade between each other so it's possible to have, for example, yellow-orange-ish and green-yellow-ish colors. Please don't strongly interpret the dot!

What is next for us cosmically? Get ready for the great wheels in the sky. The Quantum Consciousness...

Crop Circles will become Sky Circles and Sky Spheres. We will be seeing and hearing numerous symbolic messages in the sky! Now that the Mayan shift of 2012 has definitely left us with something to think about, but is anyone really aware of just what that shift filled with subtle nuances entails? How do we identify with anything subtle in this not-so-subtle world?

Why aren't we seeing the effects of a shift in the world? Doesn't it feel as if things have just gotten far worse lately? This is largely because the shift was like Y2K on steroids and most of us didn't even know it. Sure we went right back to resuming our normal daily lives because the world did not end as we thought. However, the ever-fixated external world continues to insist on its absolute necessity to be our absolute necessity, absolutely!

It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.
- Aristotle Onassis

The Zero Hour

Now, if you listen between the cries and clamors for continual attention (listening be’tween things) you will hear something phenomenal - something nearly inperceivable. Something with wings has alighted in our hearts. Yet it comes to us not as a “thief in the night” at some middle of the night zero hour, but as what a thief in the night might appear. Perhaps that thief is there to relieve us of our burdens; after all, we have way too much gold for one person, eh? And, perhaps that thief from another’s point of view is a pseudo-saintly Robinhood and we need not fear him.

But something has happened … oh yes. It is ever so subtle - it has definitely occurred. This something is like in the movie The Neverending Story, where The Something was permeating everything and nearly everyone feared The Something.

When the Mayan’s predicted the end of the calendar
and the cataclysmic events that would ensue,
our interpretation may not have been taking into account that
The Internal Must Come First


quantum consciousness - Deidre Madsen

The Internal Must Come First

For years I have been working with this study, this approach to life - the internal must come first - because it continued to seem to be the natural order of the YOUniverse and my discoveries were that nothing happens without every internal choice point first. We are the authors of it all.

The Dark Night Dawning

We are all in the midst of a liquidity of Light and discovered that we are indeed experiencing a resetting of our internal time clocks. What was, is the reflection of what is. At the point of perfection in the reflective mobius strip of life’s acknowledged existential movement, like the cogs and wheels of a great grandfather clock, we see ourselves in the mirror at a completely opposite point within our inner yin/yang within our DNA. It is in this point that the same reality filled with fears, concerns and worries, is found to be a mushin moment – a moment of no mindness. Where fear of what seems to be, is met with what is beyond all fear, the nothing in the something. An internal pole shift from one side of the same side of the mobius strip.

(Mushin (無心; Japanese mushin; English translation "no mind") is a mental state into which very highly trained martial artists are said to enter during combat. They also practice this mental state during everyday activities. The term is shortened from mushin no shin (無心の心), a Zen expression meaning the mind without mind and is also referred to as the state of "no-mindness". That is, a mind not fixed or occupied by thought or emotion and thus open to everything.)

Our sense of what was, is now in the past in the realest sense. Our future not only lies before us waiting our attending, it is hyper-malleable; a changeable constant, a moving mercurial target of focus, an intentional desirous taste. This is why so many could not predict into the future past 2012 and were caught up in the “no I can’t see into the future past 2012” phenomena, it was as if a veil was covering this space. However, now we are in that space. We have arrived and we have been here all along.

Back to the original question? What now? What are we noticing? We look around and wonder - what has changed? That is why this is so incredibly subtle and echoes the understanding that internal must come first because the mountains have indeed moved and the poles have indeed shifted within us, yet to this many are oblivious. What a huge surprise.

We are under the intoxicating lull that nothing has happened after all;
yet, everything has happened and some of us are extremely
aware that we now can live the dream

Trinity Within the Three Zero Hour

Our internal poles have shifted moving us into the opposite of ourselves where what was is now opposite within ourselves and we get to view and experience it from a whole new light and level with a sense of the Is, the Is Not, and the Is Not Is – representing a trinitized force to the infinite of the zero space within. Thus the veils can be tossed away or lovingly embraced whatever is wished, and the moment of Light dawns within us. It is purely our choice how we wish to experience this deeper mystery.

This understanding naturally puts us in the drivers’ seat of life (victor),
not the passengers’ seat (victim), and concurrently sets us up for being a sovereign
being in our lives, at once 100% responsible and culpable for everything that “happens to us”

The cosmic forces have opened up to granting us grand assistance. Now we are capable of living a multi-directional visioning experience. We have gained the strength and ability to make life happen for us in lieu of witnessing life happening to us. We are truly facing a re-volution of soul/spirit within each and every human on the planet. The powerful magnitude of this understanding cannot be stressed in its significance enough.

DNA Mobius Strip Quantum Consciousness - Deidre MadsenSo now with the understanding that the internal comes first, what now and how do we work with this? We continue to experience solar flares and coronal mass ejections and our poles’ continue to become less and less icy. There are still mysteries on the planet that are occurring at a slamming rate. And, yes, there is the mystery of the how and the why of experiencing all the outer world changes including those in the other planets within the cosmos except to know that it is our inherent birthright to ascend while embracing descension (i.e., not excluding).

If we allow that outer world to seep into our systems and affect us with its fear we will surely be incapable of hearing the still small voice within ourselves enough to silently observe.

And to be fair, it really does seem like life as usual. Yet, with the dawning of this internal discovery such new information is what we have been waiting for all along. This was the moment when we could collectively let our shoulders drop and say, “Whew I’m glad that’s over, now let’s get on with the show”, that is, until the heralding of the next Nostradamus pith.

What to Expect Now That the Poles Have Shifted

So the pole shift has occurred and we are able to consciously experience the little bit of yin in the yang as well as the little bit of yang in the yin,  thus recentering ourselves into a stillpoint within the fullness of this wandering journey. At once we can see the reflection and moreover now, we can actually feel it. This could very well be the prelude to an actual physical pole shift of the earth.

Take a moment now. Do you not feel this new found empowerment of being so aware within? It is like a solitary gift beneath a Christmas tree with no nametag. Unclaimed, no one put it there but everyone wonders what’s inside. How mysterious. How fascinating. How magical.

Shift in Point of View

I have heard reviews that the movie Zero Dark Thirty was very dark and not a good example of something with which I would wish to necessarily associate. And I do agree though I must point out that the term Zero Dark Thirty is not just a turn of phrase or a cool name for a movie title (it is a cool name for a movie title), it represents the chance for all of us to shift our POV, our point of view, Zero Dark Thirty not as a thief in the night but as a chance to ride (or surf) the “S” curve be’tween all spaces within and without, the mean line between the as above and so below. Our midpoint heaven is a peace on earth, and we are that earthed self.

From here on out we have the strength and spiritual tools to instantly shift our POV and shift our reality with new eyes and realize (real-eyes) the limitless options that continually surround us. This changes everything.

During our own internal clock the moment has arrived where our hour and our precise zero dark thirty has occurred for each one of us. Are we aware of it? Is it our time to be aware of it? And how does the effect of this affect our world? That is only for each one of us to answer. Yes.

Infinite Blessings ♥

Deidre Madsen

SCIENTIFIC VALIDATION OF THIS ARTICLE:  UPDATE: 5/1/16 A Dramatic Galactic Explosion Arrived at Earth in 2012 by Mitch Battros, April 29th 2016. A dramatic explosion occurred from a galaxy known as PKS B1424-418. Light from this blast began arriving at Earth in 2012. On Dec. 4, 2012, the IceCube Neutrino Observatory at the South Pole detected an event known as Big Bird - a neutrino gamma ray blazer with an energy exceeding 2 quadrillion electron volts (PeV). Now, an international team of astronomers, led by Matthias Kadler, professor for astrophysics at the University of Würzburg, has published their results in the scientific journal Nature Physics. READ FULL ARTICLE HERE




Transformational Guided Imagery Healing

⏱️ 2 Minute Read | PDF download PDF Download this Article Also see Imagery to Heal Disease | Ascension 101 | Ascension Symptoms | Quantum Consciousness | Balancing the Hemispheres | Physical Proof of Ascension |DID YOU KNOW? Over 15 TGI Exercises are found in Deidre's book, Happily Inner After (buy on Amazon)

Have you lost your way in career, life or love? Are you becoming more self-aware and seeking self-mastery? Take back your life. Heal chronic emotional pain and let go of the past without going through the "dark night of the soul".

You may have thought emotional healing had to be painful, difficult, or would take years - not so. With TGI you can explore lush, evocative and practical (yet fun) experiential journeys.TGI yields drastic, long-term and effective changes for DNA altering bliss body healing.Results are fast and Guaranteed!

fractal universeWhat is TGI

Transformational Guided Imagery, TGI, is an emotional, mental, physical and spiritual transformational holistic healing modality.

TGI is a combination of lucid daytime dreaming imagery, accessing your inner vision and right brain archetypes through the subtle bodies making this a long-lasting in-depth head-to-heart whole-minded harmonized treatment.

TGI is similar to a combination of Mindfulness training, sports medicine techniques and Taoist Neiguan inner observer.



Bhagavad6Gita6 6


What TGI Does

  • Achieve full head-to-heart healing success for a rich love life and successful career handling positive stress
  • Discover and claim the Holy Grail from within releasing feelings of anxiety, fear, or any other form of stress that turns your emotions negative
  • Visualize your world into being, focus beyond "the Is" aka manifest (think, "The Secret" teachings*)
  • TGI is like your own inner MedBed... TGI is fully capable of TELETRANSPORTING TOXINS AND NEGATIVE ENERGIES OUT OF THE BODY
  • Addresses plaguing emotional issues and heals repeating patterns to quantum-shift the holographic YOUniverse within
  • Break free from the matrix and reverse harmful cyclical behaviors that limit your innate freedom with Pineal and Pituitary Support
  • Transcend body-centricity and reconnect with your expanded levels of awareness to see how the dots connect


How TGI Works

HOLOGRAPHIC OVERLAYS: By elevating your emotional state to a sustained level, your mind/body is so objective that it is unable to know the difference between its experience in real life versus the experience it is currently having in the reality of the elevated emotional state via thought alone. Your body/mind actually believes it is living in that thought created new reality environment.

Transformational Guided Imagery 4 step process

Visualizations that call in your inner child where you are nurturing and caring for him/her, reminding your inner child that they are now safe, will melt obstacles between you and love/success exponentially. Your blocks often negatively affect life choice outcomes. Blocks that stem from a core belief that says, for example: "Love has conditions and is blocked from me" will be dissolved. This belief comes from your inner child so working with your inner child giving them the love and safety needed; and then repeating patterns will cease.

Read the Commonly Asked Questions

The Best Dreams Happen When You Are AwakeHow TGI Complements

Are you familiar with Theory of Mind or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy? Several of the more popular healing therapies are listed below and include descriptions and their comparison to TGI. More importantly, how TGI is similar in its approach, technique and outcome.

  • TGI complements Dr. John T. Schaeffer’s Transformational Fantasy programin that it is similarly structured yet deviates in is application
  • TGI works within the bounds of the inner Jungian archetypes and builds a supporting framework yet goes beyond to include a higher
  • TGI is much more powerful than traditional guided or mindfulness meditation in that it is a deep diving technique like the Taoist Neiguan inner observer approach
  • Theory of Mind (ToM) supportive, TGI is helpful for healing chronic maladies, emotional blocks and getting you back on track to arrive at real, cogent experiences and deep personal healing
  • Imagery Rehearsal Therapy (IRT) or Imago Therapy supportive, TGI provides not only the ability to achieve great success with reoccuring PTSD nightmares, but because of its ability to utilize your own psyche's innate wisdom, you can have full and lasting success
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) supportive, TGI creates active realtime therapy toward disrupting reoccuring patterns, behaviors and emotions and completely reinforces for lasting change



Book an Appointment

  • TGI Initial Session $220.00 90 minutes
  • TGI Regular Session $175.00 45-60 minutes
  • TGI Mini Session $87.50 30 minutes

Pay In advance:

DID YOU KNOW? Over 15 TGI Exercises are found in Deidre's book, Happily Inner After (buy on Amazon)

CANCELLATIONS: Deidre Madsen and Shangri-La Sedona LLC have a 24-hour cancellation/rescheduling policy. If an appointment is missed, cancelled, or changed with less than 24 hours’ notice, there will be a $75 charge.

DISCLAIMER: While all Goods or Services of our treatments have been found to aid the healing process, none of the complimentary and alternative modalities in Goods or Services offered are meant to replace the diagnosis and/or treatment by a traditional, western medicine, conventional or naturopath doctor. For entertainment purposes only. Must be 18 years or older.

































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