Articles Tagged ‘inner child’

Happily Inner After Healing Retreat Intensive

Happily Inner After Retreat

"... and they lived Happily Inner After."

The sacred marriage of the inner male and female archetypes...
Embrace your soul's "Shangri-La" with a personal or couples retreat

Signature Happily Inner After couples retreat, group retreat womens retreat, maarriage retreat - Deidre Madsen

Getting the love you want, and keeping the love you have, are two entirely different things. For many of us, being able to first and foremost attract Mr. Right into our lives can be insurmountable. Once attracted, often the next daunting hurdle is keeping love alive and well, without sabotaging our happiness.

Author Deidre Madsen's holistic wellness and healing Happily Inner After Signature Retreat, based in Los Angeles, is a complete system of easy-to-do exploratory exercises using lucid imagination and internal archetypes surrounded by plenty of customizable pampering and nurturing spa sessions. Your wildest dreams of having a fulfilling love life can now come true. If you're ready to take the next significant step with your loved one to heal the deepest parts of your relationship, take control together … and watch miracles happen in your life! A golden crown of bliss is found in the secret chambers of the high heart ♛❤

"A simultaneous trauma/drama release plus an embrace of inner beauty and peace!"
A great step for Conscious Couples building a pre-wedding foundation

Level 1 Beginnners

Day One

Welcome and Orientation - from start to finish your Personal Retreat Guide (like a personal trainer) becomes your valued contact person, counsel, guide, friend and ally through every aspect of your retreat experience.
Life Path Reading/Spiritual Counseling will bring clarity and focus to set clear goals.
Holistic Massage/Couples Massage - healing, nurturing session opens body channels for clear energy flow.

Day Two

Diamond Perfection - Male & Female Archetypes - formulates the foundation upon which you will live happily inner after, includes deep releasing and a gentle letting go meditation.

Day Three

Inner Child/Joy, Totems & Guides, Ajne Visualizations bring about your inner reward of reconnection moving towards a beautifully whole sense of self.

7.5 Hours Total
$1895 Total; $948 Deposit
Contact Us to Order

Level 2 Advanced

Day One

Welcome and Orientation - from start to finish your Personal Retreat Guide (like a personal trainer) becomes your valued contact person, counsel, guide, friend and ally through every aspect of your retreat experience.
Life Path Reading/Spiritual Counseling will bring clarity and focus to set clear goals.
Holistic Massage/ Couples Massage
- healing, nurturing session opens body channels for clear energy flow.

Day Two

Camelot's Castle and The Medicine Wheel - Who is sitting on your throne? Deep teachings of the key players in your inner kingdom, their jobs, musts and must-NOTs.
The Union - Your heart's opening and perfect happily inner after moment where dreams really do come true.

Day Three

The Crowning Ceremony. Quantum Expansion - how it all comes together seamlessly; and, what to do after the honeymoon is over.
Energy Balancing - Calming closure and final energy clearing for lasting integration.
In Closing - Final questions and answers for complete integration.

8 Hours Total
$2295 Total; $1148 Deposit
Contact Us to Order




heal childhood traumaHealing the inner child creates room in your life for more joy and happiness. Your inner child is extremely powerful and invariably leads you into repeating patterns time and again in order to get your attention. It's time to turn around and embrace your inner child, teach them to feel safe with you and your choices. Life then becomes much brighter. Self-parent your inner child and be free!

If you think about the inner child from the archetype perspective, one of the biggest issues that I have come across with the work working with my clients is that invariably our repeating patterns stem from a lack of attention to a part of ourselves that is so powerful that it will continue to put us into a situation time and again in order for us to finally face ourselves and heal something deep within that is hurting what I mean by this is repeating patterns in relationships for example.

And because I work with relationships and couples all day with my work I have had many years of observation and it never fails once we start working with the inner child the person themselves begins to heal within and then the relationship itself begins to benefit

I believe very firmly that it really only does take one person to heal a relationship in that the world is actually our mirror

like we have a mirror our life is a mirror and we cannot pretend to comb our hair if we're having a bad day by reaching across on and combing the reflection in the glass and expect a different result we have to change and we have to comb and brush our own hair in order to see the bad hair day transform in the mirror of our lives it's the same principle with our relationships with our life

with regards to the inner child it's a part of ourselves and aspect that's an archetypal structure or a subset of subconscious that lives within ourselves like we have an inner parent or an inner physician inner guides inner ways that we communicate and transfer information through our being

the inner child part of us is oftentimes very unhealed and neglected

the inner child is so powerful that when we are looking at repeating patterns that for example if you are in a relationship and you keep attracting the exact same kind of person in your life where you constantly get hurt the exact same way or nearly whether it's abandonment or  rejection, it is a pattern that you set yourself up to experience why would you do that why would you subconsciously set yourself up to experience rejection or abandonment or anything negative maybe some form of abuse

because there is a part of you that has not healed oftentimes and it's nearly 100% of the time when I start to work with my clients and we talk about their current relationships and their repeating past patterns we will take a look at their childhood and their youth and invariably they have had a disrupted broken neglected abandoned parent when they were young they had to fend for themselves they had to grow up too quickly become the parent of the household at a very young age fashionable age they had to rely on themselves or they couldn't rely on anyone at all and they were at the mercy of both parents that were acting childish disrespectful abusive abandoning them neglecting them harming them making them ultimately feel unsafe and unloved.

This inner child needs healing this part of ourselves must be embraced and it it's a brilliant way for our subconscious to quickly transform and heal by addressing the inner child and self parenting that part of ourselves in the book that I've written happily inner after I have gone into this topic extensively and I've even brought some incredibly powerful exercises into the book it's quite a workbook and it is extremely transformative but until you work on your inner child issues and you start to address them properly it's as if a part of you can't seem to transcend the repeating pattern because of the strength of the inner child that little child within you is that powerful.

Aho and Ose Shalom!


Deidre Madsen 2015

Deidre Madsen
Imagery Consultant
Award-Winning Author and Writer
Lecturer and Speaker
Life Coach

Happily Inner After by Deidre Madsen
As a tenured Imagery Consultant, Deidre works body, mind and spirit
whole-brained holistic sessions with clients worldwide and assists in
opening to your spirit-supra-consciousness and succor
Order her Award-Winning Book Happily Inner After
paperback, kindle, hardbound, Amazon | Balboa Press



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