Articles Tagged ‘I AM That I AM’

Awaking Divinity - Re-cognition

Awakening to the Divine

Many of us have forgotten who we truly are. Many of us continue to walk around in a fog wondering who we are, why we are, where we are. I've seen so many completely confused individuals crying, screaming, and struggling in their lives with poor health, wealth, relationships, and more - indicative of their poverty consciousness. I have had this same poverty consciousness for most of my life.

The Holy Grail of Bliss Lives Happily Inner After

This article is about how to move out of poverty consciousness and move into your own true divinity. I am going to share my abnegation awakening experience (a very rare type of kundalini awakening) when the 3D Veil was lifted for me so you have someone's experiences to draw upon. If I can experience these incredible aHA moments, so can you and its important to meet and connect with others that have had these experiences because they help inspire us all. We need to hear these stories in our lives that give us strengthened faith, hope, and courage. When you gain a higher level of awareness your poverty consciousness begins to fade away as you assume right relationship and responsibility, impeccability, with the world around you... and within you.

My Awakening - Re-cognition

Cupid Asleep Awaking Divinity - Deidre MadsenMy awakening re-cognition occurred when I least expected it.  Always does, doesn't it? January 3, 2000 "A" day. 1+3+2000 = 5 numerologically, an introvert, action, progress day.

Before I get into the actual account, I want you to get an idea of who I was/am prior to the time of 1/3/00. Briefly, I will highlight important life moments for you.

Dear Reader, what is the first thing you remember before, during or after YOUR birth?

Do you remember your actual birth experience? No? Me either. As a baby; however, I do remember crawling around and seeing the royal blue color of either the carpet or the drapes in my parent's home. I remember seeing the kitchen from an elevated (in my Mama's arms) point-of-view. I remember my favorite baby food... Gerber's Baby VEAL. Yum. I still remember the taste of the baby food in my mind. I loved being a baby. I was a big fat baby and proud of it. Being a baby is awesome. Such strong memories of babyhood connote a high amount of awareness on all levels. (And, yes I was one of 95% (OMG?) of the abducted U.S. population, a story for another time.)

At the age of three or four years, I remember standing in the living room of our tiny apartment, a wee girl, seeing the news about John F. Kennedy's tragic assassination. Even at that age, his death left a very large mark on my soul but this, no one knew. During the 60's I was a little girl prancing and dancing in white patent-leather go-go boots, singing along to Nancy Sinatra's pop hit, "These Boots Were Made For Walkin'". Just a wee blonde little thing then. And ooohhh so innocent. My childhood family never knew of my intuitive abilities because my intuition told me then to keep it all well-hidden.

When I was young, I was frightened of summer camp and every year all the other kids in the family went to camp except me. I feared spiders, snakes, the night, and especially I feared the unknown. Yes I am painting a picture of a bit of a sheepish, mousy fraidy-cat of a girl.

I have always held secret, silent psychic/intuitive knowing and awareness and have (from birth) carefully guarded this from all harm and jeopardy. When I felt restrained or held back from my true spiritual expansion, patiently I would bide my time and leave the negative environment.

In '98 I went through a difficult divorce and separation from my newly adopted son. Precipitously, my stepfather died suddenly on the day of my younger sister's birthday at that same time in my life. I also lost my job, began a brand new (and oddly different and difficult) job, and bought my first house, and that was just the first half of the year. A whirlwind year later, I experienced financial bankruptcy, sold my brownstone in the city and moved to southern Missouri.

Here, in this place, I discover my true spiritual family and am loved and nurtured by a vast array of like-minded ones who see the big picture from a very different perspective and understand about the sacredness of our I AM light vessels (our bodies). And I, who struggled all my life to accept myself, begin to steadfastly "peel off the layers of the onion."

Here I now live in beautiful, lush southern Missouri near the Current River, a river fed by eleven underground sources at supernal Big Springs. The bermed home I'm renting has a 14' gigantic wrap-around stone fireplace and in these crisp, snowy winter months, I keep this primary heat source burning day and night.

Divine Destiny  Awaking Divinity - Deidre Madsen

It is here where the mist rises from the Deer Run Lake outside my front door, against a beautiful backdrop of the Mark Twain National Forest where pine trees sway on the hilltops catching snowflakes on their pins and needles. Deer, eagle, hawk, owl and coyote become my closest companions.

Here where other sacred Lightworkers have come to heal offering this earth, this sacred home of medicine wheels, crystals and feathers.

Here where brothers and sisters of the Cherokee and Lakota Nations, united with an array of Lightworkers for a lovely evening of dinner, sharing and friendship.

Here where only three days prior I turned the sacred stones in the honored position of fire keeper at an inipi (sweat lodge), the great Millennium ceremony, receiving strong fire medicine on my third eye chakra from the great stones that once graced a sacred mountain top in Taos, New Mexico months prior.

And, here where I now sit alone watching the snow fall through the wall of tall, lace-graced windows, my back against the warm fireplace handles. Peace and tranquility surround me and at my side is my closest friend and companion, his brown fur warmed by the huge wood-burning fireplace, my German Shepherd, Nikki.

For the first time in my entire life I am alone.  No more flurry of people, rushing jobs, endless activity commitments, gatherings and countless holiday events. No more city pandemonium. Just this beautiful, silent place. Me, my dog, and the fire.

After what feels like an eternity - I am home. I am healing. I am nurturing me.

angel fairy  Awaking Divinity - Deidre MadsenI rise to watch the mist and walk over to an overstuffed couch and nestle in with a new book, "The Angels Within Us" by John Randolph Price, a spiritual guide to the twenty-two angels that govern our lives. Hmm, sounds interesting. According to this book these angels assist us and all we have to do is invite them in, give them permission to do it.

So I sit and meditate in the center of my being and close my eyes for a moment. "Let's see, whom of these angels shall I call forth?", I ask myself. I ponder the question for a moment and decide to allow whichever one that wants to, to come forward.

Here in my sacred meditation space I wait and suddenly, lo and behold, all twenty-two angels appear sitting around a huge oblong table, staring and smiling at me. I am startled at the concept that they have all come, not just one or two - but all of them.

They laugh and I begin speaking to them.  "Wow, what are all of you doing here?  I just asked for one."

They remind me they are all here to help.

I laugh, saying,  "Oh, sorry, I'm very human and I say rather silly things sometimes."

This really sets them off.  Now they are really laughing, shaking their shoulders in peals of joyful laughter.  I stand there dumbfounded, wondering at what they're laughing. "What are you all laughing at, I don't get the joke." I plead out of mild frustration.

Well, this just makes them laugh all the harder, by now they're rolling on the floor.  And I still sit there wondering, my ego getting jolted a bit.  One or two stop laughing and reply, "We're laughing because youdon't get the joke."

Thoughts run through my mind. I don't get the joke?! I don't get the joke? I don't get it. "Wait!" I shout. "I get it! I get the joke!" I jump inside, my heart pounding. "I get it!  I get it!" Suddenly, I realize I AM one of these angels but in human form. Wow, no wonder I couldn't get it at first, I'm human! aHA!

My mind races further with this new information, this new revelation; thoughts running a mile-a-minute wrapping themselves around the concept. The angels smile and congratulate me at my great moment of re-membering who I AM. I see them as my friends, my comrades and we laugh and high-five each other.

They explain that I was once celestial and have decided to incarnate into human form to assist mankind and mother earth in the sacred time of ascension. The most glorious time for the whole of creation Earth.

Cupid Awake  Awaking Divinity - Deidre MadsenI look down now at my physical vehicle, my body, the one who I AM as Deidre and see the beauty and glory in my self and realize why I have chosen to look this way, chosen to take this physical form and I cry for joy. I laugh and remark to the angels, "Hey, I like who I AM as Deidre. Watch me as this woman, this physical human, watch me as I physically stand up." They smile, waiting and watching me in my childlike wonder. I stand and as I do so my heart chakra expands and a great warmth overflows my chest. I feel the sensation and smile at the joy inside of my open heart. The radiance inside of me expands to fill my whole chest. It feels like fireworks going off in my chest. (I think that's why we love fireworks in the sky so, they remind us of this very remarkable feeling.)

I laugh and jump up and down with joy, the angels watching me, grinning gleefully. I look around at my surroundings, my dog, the fireplace, the beauty of where I am living. I see the glory in all things great and small. I run around laughing like a child at play, impersonating old comedians like Groucho Marx for the angels which makes them laugh harder. (I recognize that there is great joy and humor in the heavens and I feel comedians are very sacred angel beings and are to be greatly honored for the heavenly reminder they bring to humankind.)

The magick is in the hand and I stand before the doorway to the wintry weather outside, the dogs running around (the neighbor dogs are here to visit Nikki). The warmth of love in my heart space, the fireworks, expand and spread throughout my being until I feel it within every cell and atom down to the tips of my fingers and toes. The universe(s), all things, are within that very place, within the tiniest aspect of our physical bodies. All things are within, and yet I see they are with out, they are outside of me to my awakened eyes.  They exist within and without. Great knowing and understanding poured forth from the heavens into my mind and I was given a great gift of truth.

I beckon the dogs to stop running in and out of the house, like playful children, responding to my own heightened awareness level. They stand there waiting, panting and smiling at me. I realize at that moment that I can, by will, simply direct them outside without speaking. So I reach for them with my hand and etherically pull them with my mind outside into the snowy day. And I witness their sudden calm. They follow my hand, like precious lambs, and it is then I realize the greatness within us all. And the enormous responsibility in the hand, even in a thought.

However, it is the knowing that we don't trust what is possible. We don't trust in the magick we each carry within. We have never really trusted that if we think we can truly levitate, it is so. Yet some do trust and do levitate themselves and others. Some do. Very few. We each of us have that exact (and way more) potential... if we but trust.

you are the light awakening  Awaking Divinity - Deidre Madsen

All things great and small are glorious and beautiful representations of God. All things we experience here in this earth, at the time of the holidays (for example) are representations of daily life in the heavens. There is no separation. YOU ARE THE LIGHT!

There is no separation. We re-create on Earth all that is in Heaven. As Above, So Below. So many, many duplications. We are working to get back to who we are. Re-member, re-assemble, re-cognize ourselves. And we have NOT forgotten.
- Deidre Madsen

An example of this is Santa Claus Kris Kringle. We create Santa Claus and why? Because when we ask a little child what they want for Christmas, they write to Santa and ask for a new bike or doll. They then expect those things to be underneath the Christmas tree Christmas morning. And those things and more usually are there on Christmas morning. Santa is real. Santa delivers. Who is Santa? Why, YHWH of course.

This is why as children we get so disappointed when we hear that Santa isn't real from our parents. We know deep down that they're wrong and somehow their believing that Santa isn't real makes us all the more sad and disappointed; like, our parents have been fooled.

Do you see the magick and pure divinity in all things and the re-creation of truth in this third dimensional earth plane? When we ask God for something, we (like Jesus said) must be like little children before YHWH and to us all things will come. But we must be mindful of what we ask. We must be diligent and true. We must be faithful and loving. We must be children of YHWH.

We are children of YHWH for we are made in the likeness of YHWH and therefore we are YHWH. For if there is no separation and YHWH made us in the likeness of him, and we are given the divine spark, then if not YHWH then who are we? We are not separate. We are all things and all things are us. It is a pure and lovely experience.Now as I write this to you, Dearest Reader, I am looking at a few years since that day of my awakening.  At the time, I had no fears. None. I realized there was nothing to fear, not even fear itself. Because we are living in a lower, denser realm (3D), I did re-call one fear... the fear of losing the moment of knowing, the fear of forgetting all that I experienced, the fear of not being able to re-capture this blissful magick. And that then is exactly what happened. The recognition subsided and slowly faded from my grasp like a strong dream.

The Current Runs Through It

Like a river, the current of life's ebb and flow cycles weaves itself throughout each moment. Surely we could write an entire book from each rich moment in our lives.

Awaking Divinity - Deidre MadsenAh, but what has happened between then and now?  Multitudes of expanding experiences and gentler recognitions. I do not fear the seeming loss of my awakening now, for it is all in the moment and therefore it is never lost. I AM recognizing great things which, as I look around at the world events occurring -- there is definitely an ascension afoot of which we are a strong and integral part. My coming back to that experience will happen again absolutely.

AWAKEN! Re-cognize (be-come cognizant!), re-member WHO YOU ARE! - Deidre Madsen

"Awaken, dear friends, within this dream and realize that it is your duty and responsibility as human beings to imagine and visualize a safe world. It will be as you decree, and your own experience will thus reflect it." - The Pleiadians, by Barbara Marciniak

Be at the ready. Ready for what? Ready to awaken and help heal others and assist in their awakening. Be ready to realize YOU ARE ALREADY AWAKE. Ready to ascend and RECOGNIZE YHWH on earth as it is in the heavens.

It is I AM Who is Ready

I see the greatness in all things yet as my memory grasps the wisps of that precious memory of my awakening divinity, I re-member what and who I am to be here on earth.... I, who was unquestionably granted the opportunity to be fire keeper at the millennium inipi ceremony, the first female to do so at that lodge (still a wonder to me even now). I, who have bridged the way for many people to see and understand themselves more. It is "I AM That I AM" and not my sometimes-in-the-way ego "I", but my I AM YHWH presence - the angels within us. The Divine Spark of Light within us. The YHWH/God/dess within us.






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