Articles Tagged ‘bert janssen’

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Lightworkers Corner Radio Show Tuning Into the YOUniverse...

Are you becoming more self-empowered and self-aware? Do you feel the need to expand your learning, to go inward and know yourself? In the knowing and the growing we empower ourselves. Join Deidre on her Blogtalk Radio Showas she explore the magic, myths and mysteries of today's New Age - the Age of Aquarius - through the Zeropoint... Is time speeding up? This show will shed amazing Light on your Spiritual Path... guest speakers, authors, artists, musicians, healers, intuitives and mediums will enLighten and enCourage you along the way. We welcome your calls, emails and chats. Aho and Namaste!



KICKOFF SHOW SPRING EQUINOX EVE A TIME OF REBIRTH & RENEWAL EPISODE 1: Airdate: 3-19-11. Welcome to the first episode of Deidre's Lightworkers Corner live streaming broadcast. Deidre offered her popular BTR radio show "Lightworker's Corner" for years interviewing her talk show guests and speakers. TOPIC: Deidre will discuss global and personal Cosmic Weather as well as helping you set the stage for Magic in 2013. GIVE AWAY: Deidre will be giving away to a lucky viewer a Transformational Guided Imagery (TGI) Session during the show.



btr-pocastdeidremadsenDeidre's Official Blogtalk Radio Station Playlist

LAST DAY OF THE MAYAN CALENDAR - Airdate: 10-28-11 - WHAT NOW?! Amazingly we are here. The END of the Mayan Calendar... you thought it was Dec. 21, 2012?.... Wrong. IT'S TODAY! What does it mean? Are you prepared? What can you do to be as fully prepared? Join your show host, Deidre Madsen, as she shares her suggestions to support you BODY, MIND AND SPIRIT during this massive planetary change. With love! Call in with your questions. Lots of exciting shifts for WHAT TO EXPECT FROM NOW ON!

INTERVIEW: GHOSTLY PORTAL - PARANORMAL INVESTIGATION IN AZ - Airdate: 1-31-11 - Come join your show host, Deidre Madsen, with special guests Steven and Raven of Ghostly Portals Paranormal Investigation as they share stories, antedotes, of hauntings and ghostly encounters in and around Arizona,... and how to's to not only understanding the phenomenon of the spirit world but how to identify, interact, and possibly assist these spirit beings and entities move onto greener pastures. This show is extended to 1.5 hours.

2011 NEW YEAR'S PREDICTIONS - OUT WITH THE OLD, IN WITH THE NEW! Airdate: 1-24-11 - Ringing in the New Year 2011 - how to prepare for what's coming? Join Deidre your show host as she shares her insights and trending predictions on everything from the weather to financial trends and what to watch out for for the upcoming year. Also, she will share more on the #1 tip for manifesting the love you've always wanted.

FINDING TRUE LOVE FROM WITHIN - IS YOUR LIFE REFLECTING LOVE? Airdate: 2-15-10 Join Deidre Madsen, your show host for a full hour of self-empowering and uplifting tools and techniques for your personal growth and inner balance. If you are struggling with finding inner peace and having a happy life, Deidre will not only help you identify the challenging areas of your life but offers practical solutions to help you transcend them for greater success in your career and better relationships and a bountiful love life. In addition to providing valuable imagery visualizations worth their weight in gold, her chat board and call in lines will be OPEN for your calls and questions. If you've been waiting for that perfect something to help you over your own 'hump' in life, this is the show for you.

INTERVIEW: VALERIE IRON'S SOULPOLE COLLECTION - A POWERFUL COLLECTION OF SYMBOLIC SCULPTURES Airdate: 11-8-10 Join your show host, Deidre Madsen, during this interview with artist and visionary Valerie Irons. Irons is devoted to her sacred spiritual art as well as to divine healing through the arts. She understands that our souls are deeply touched by the energies of divine love that are translated through multidimensional art and music. Her love of indigenous cultures, spirituality, healing and music comes through her work as an artist of the spirit. Her tribal healing art inspires and triggers ancient memories through codes of light. Visit the website at

HAPPILY EVER AFTER... BEYOND THE CINDERELLA CASTLE Airdate: 10-25-10 How to get from inner joy to outer joy. More support to help you if you are tired of 'trying to fix your life's problems and wish you could wave a magic wand and life would transform into your HAPPILY EVER AFTER. Join your show host, Deidre Madsen, and take just one hour of your life to listen to this groundbreaking healing modality. Controversial gorilla depth imagery will TAKE YOU THERE. Time for a phat injection of some major reprogramming / system upgrade for the body/mind/spirit.

MAYAN CALENDAR 2012... WHAT'S COMING, HOW TO PREPARE Airdate: 7-12-10 Join Deidre Madsen your show host from Sedona, AZ as she journeys into the near future of 2012 and the implications of the upcoming energy shifts in consciousness. What can you do to prepare? What does the whole 2012 issue look like? How are we going to be affected? Call in with your questions (646) 915-8713. Chat room will be open.

SHEDDING TOXIC WASTE FROM YOUR WAIST Airdate: 6-28-10 Interpreting our world, our mirror. If everything is my mirror, how do I interpret it and what can I do about it? Join Deidre Madsen, your show host at Lightworkers Corner Radio, for another informative and life-changing show. "In order to heal, we should strive for compassionate hearts and learn forgiveness?" Are you struggling to lose weight? Yes? No? (I know this may sound a bit "off topic" but indulge me for a moment. ) Could your weight be on your shoulders or a noose around your neck? Well, I have been shedding the same ten pounds for years now and without much success... until now. I began to wonder if maybe it is more than physical... maybe it's etheric or mental or astral weight. Granted, ten pounds is not much in the grand scheme of things but those last ten pounds have become quite an ordeal. Part of losing this weight is discovering why I want to lose it in the first place. And by the way, what on earth does this have to do with ascension? Everything ties in together. Recommended listening: Last week's show "Happily Ever After" to help prepare you for this show. Listerners call in with questions, chat board will be open. SPECIAL 1 1/2 hour.

HAPPILY EVER AFTER - CHANGE YOUR LIFE IN 1 HR Airdate: 6-21-10 Tired of 'trying to fix your life's problems?' Wish you could wave a magic wand and life would transform into your HAPPILY EVER AFTER? Take one hour of your life and listen to this groundbreaking show. Controversial gorilla depth imagery will TAKE YOU THERE. Time for a phat injection of some major reprogramming / system upgrade - body/mind/spirit. Join your show host Deidre Madsen. Calls welcome. Listener Dial In (646) 915-8713.
INTERVIEW: MASON RUMNEY - HOLISTIC LIVING & DOME HOMES PTS 1 - 4 Airdate: 4-19-10 This show is filled with so much good info, wisdom, higher teachings and Light codes we had to expand it to four shows! Join your show host, Deidre Madsen, as she interviews world-reknown speaker, lecturer, author and entrepreneur, Mason Rumney of Masonry Domes who will share his wealth of information and knowledge around his Trinity Concepts for Living. Dome Homes, Amazon Herbs, Health and Vitality for Life. Delving into research to create his dream, Mason pursued an efficient direction to living with the earth. After years of experience with solar energy and an investment with his Colorado dome home, Mason finally put the two concepts together. This beautiful union can be shared by all who are interested in environmental integrity, science of savings and the enhanced quality of life. Mason designed and built his solar dome home employing all his knowledge and experience. People reacted with interest and enthusiasm and wanted to learn more of this unique and harmonic way of living. "One can live anywhere and incorporate this holistic and beneficial system for living and honoring the earth. Friends and visitors have come for all over the world to see and experience my futuristic way of living. the masonry dome's superior strength offers a balance and blending of today's life style and future integrity." Dome shaped structures focus life energy into their occupants, thereby positively influencing their lives. Masonry Domes specializes in wind and solar powered structures, eliminating the need to hook into the power grid. Mason currently lives in an earth friendly solar and wind powered, dome home he built in the Bear Mountain development, Sedona, Arizona. Mason Rumney holds an MA for Columbia Pacific Univ. and is a Reiki Consultant and Practitioner for over 25 years.




INTERVIEW: GRANDMASTER CARY-HIROYUKI TAGAWA'S CHUU SHIN BREATHWORK... PLUS, KING/QUEEN, LOVER, WARRIOR & MAGICIAN Airdate: 3-1-10 Are you asking this question to yourself: Why is this happening... again?! And what can I do about it? If so, please join your host Deidre Madsen with her Special Guest Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa. You may recognize him from his extensive Hollywood filmography, what you may be unaware of is that he is the founder of his transformative and healing Breathwork Chuu Shin - Martial Alchemy. Mr. Tagawa will explore the deeper mysteries behind the alchemical breath and how it brings us back into body, mind and spirit balance. You are in for a riveting and incredible hour. Deidre will also go deeper into the archetypal structures of the interior four - the Fantastic Four - whom which we interact on a daily moment-to-moment basis. If you have felt disempowered, lost, unguided, confused or betrayed on some level, you will benefit from this show because we not only help you identify the inner archetypes using the sacred Native American Medicine Wheel / Hoop of Life teachings but we incorporate the Fantastic Four Archetypes into the equation - you will definitely come away with a far greater understanding of WHO IS SITTING ON YOUR THRONE and what you can do about it.  Listeners are invited to call in with questions, stories and messages for other listeners of their experiences in the realm of self-discovery.

INTERVIEW: BERT JANSSEN'S GIFT IN SHIFT, CROP CIRCLES & MORE Airdate: 1-11-10 Join us for an Audio Adventure with Deidre's guest speaker, Dutch native, Bert Janssen, an award winning author, researcher, and motivational entertainer. His interest in the power of shapes, form, harmony, and geometry has led him into the mysterious world of quantum science, crop circles, and sacred sites. He travels all over the world to study, photograph and lecture on these subjects. He has produced three award winning documentaries and authored three books. Two of the books are on the crop circle enigma. His third book, the novel Sophie’s Egg, is a fascinating story about the main character, Paul, and his discovery of self-realization. Paul, just like Bert Janssen, utilizes the messages of the crop circles in Wiltshire, England to dive deep into the great mysteries of humankind. To go to the place where science and spirituality intersect. There where quantum physics meets shamanism. There where the world consists of images and where life is based on the power of perception. There where Heaven meets Earth. Conferences, lectures, tours, workshops, business gatherings, etc. Whether Bert is lecturing at a conference somewhere in the world, or leading private tours to sacred spaces, or walking the labyrinth at Chartres Cathedral, or speaking at your business gathering, his message is always encoded with the understanding that lives in the place where science and spirituality meet. By listening to the messages and connecting to the messenger of the crop circles, sacred sites and spiritual science, Bert Janssen has become one of the most high energy, inspiring lecturers - teachers - motivational entertainers in the world. This hour promises to be quite illuminating as Bert also shares some of his upcoming talk this January 15th at the 4th Annual "Finding the Gift in Shift" Conference.

ASCENSION SYMPTOMS: DIET & NUTRITION HELP - OBESITY, IMMUNITY, BODY IMBALANCES & MORE | PARTS 1 & 2 Airdate: 12-21-09 You, your babies, and your family and pets' health may be at risk if you are not aware of the hidden effects MSG, Aspertame, genetically modified soy products and more have on your body. Get the List!!! We share the list of ingredients MSG is hidden in with you. You'll want to take notes on this show. Join your show host, Deidre Madsen as she explores ways to assist you and your body, mind and spirit as we inch closer to 2012 and our personal evolutionary growth on the plant. With this help you will be more informed and empowered to make good decisions for you and your family. Questions and comments around proper diet and nutrition health and wellness to support you with a clear mind and body as we enter the ever amazing and sometimes challenging close of 2012.



INTERVIEW: MICHELLE MALATSKY'S AUTHENTIC YOU! FROM DEPRESSION TO CORRECTION ... TO PERFECTION! Airdate: 12-7-09 Struggling with Who You Are in your world??? We are on a fast track to 2012... time to get your ducks in a row. Join your show host, Deidre Madsen, for a delightful and highly informative show with special guest, Michelle Malatskey of Newport Beach, California. Michele Malatskey is married and a mother of 3 daughters. She is a pharmacist by profession, but while studying what drugs actually do in the body, turned towards 'the power of the mind'. One of the courses she studied while studying pharmacy was given by a very enlightened, spiritual lecturer, who actually opened the door wider into the 'world of spirituality'. Since then, she has been on a spiritual path and just loving it. So much so, that she is in the process of completing a book on "how to let go in order to find your true happiness as well as the importance of being your true self". While writing the book, she also wrote a book of poems, which are also extremely enlightening on what she believes is going on in the world as we approach 2012. Namely, that what we are going through is not a "depression", but rather a "correction" so that we can learn to get rid of all relationships in our lives that 'lack respect' and are, for lack of a better word "fake and not real". Michele believes that we are going into a golden age that will be filled with sincerity, love and genuineness. If you are confusied about your life and identity, Michelle is quite intuitive and offers guidance and support for others on their seeking spiritual path.

INTERVIEW: ANASTASIA & THE RINGING CEDARS SERIES WITH BOOK EDITOR DR. LEO (LEONID) SHARASHKIN Airdate: 11-30-09 Join Deidre Madsen, your show host, as she interviews Dr. Leo, the Anastasia Series Editor. Dr. Leo says, "Many teachers have talked about "oneness"—that on some very deep level cultural differences disappear and humanity is all one, one whole. Yet grasping this concept intellectually does not help—it must be felt. When English-speaking readers from the world over tell me how they have wept or laughed as they read Anastasia, how they were overcome by anger or compassion—the same response I have seen in Russia—this instills in me a feeling of awe, as this "oneness" is now manifest right before my eyes. I do not know of any other modern author whose messages have appealed to the core of human beingness of millions of people, bypassing all the layers of cultural conditioning—with the same power as Anastasia's."

Anastasia...Remarkable woman of the Siberian forest. Anastasia is considered to be a surviving member of an ancient Vedic culture, whose powers and knowledge far exceed anything known today. She is the inspiration for the Ringing Cedars Series. According to Megré's account, she was born in 1969, in the Western Siberian taiga (boreal forests) not far from the city of Surgut on the river Ob. She consistently displays the most developed psychic and mental powers including remote viewing and healing, mind reading and seemingly perfect memory. When challenged to solve some of society's most complex social, health and environmental problems, after only a few minutes lying on her back on the ground, with eyes closed and just her fingertips twitching, she has provided answers in such incredible detail, that witnesses have been left flabbergasted. She says these powers are natural to Mankind and in these books she describes exactly how they may be regained by any one of us. Most of all she is a beautiful mystery—one who has changed the landscape of metaphysical thought with her foresight and innate wisdom.

FIRING THE NEURAL HOLOGRAM OF HUMANITY'S MYSTICAL HEART Airdate: 11-23-09 Join your show host, Deidre Madsen, as she interviews Gabrielle Young, Poet/Seer/Poet Advocate. This hour promises to be uplifting, rewarding and beautiful as Gabrielle shares her talents of poetry recitation of Rumi, Hafiz, Lalla and more opening humanity's awakened body of visionary awareness - new language, new body, new Light environment. Initiatory Language of Awakening Power - the role of the Beloved in evolutionary dynamics transpoetic language of awakened heart community. Gabrielle Young is a visionary performance and recording artist. She is also a teacher, healer, and mystic whose programs and performances anoint consciousness through Sacred Sound, Vibration, and the Word. Programs on sacred arts and sciences focus on the regenerative sustaining power, beauty and wisdom encoded in subtle transmissions of Light, sound, color and movement. These direct higher-resonance transmissions open vibratory gates within us, calling forth our essence into deeper expressions of love, creativity and compassionate service. Listen in to one of the most beautiful shows we've ever aired. You are in for a real treat!

2012 THE MOVIE, WHAT DOES IT MEAN... IF ANYTHING? COSMIC WEATHER REPORT Airdate: 11-9-09 Join your show host, Deidre Madsen, for updates on the Cosmic Climate Weather Report as it relates to our ascension and 2012; the upcoming movie 2012 and the implications of same. Plus magic realism, quantum everything and earth changes occurring even as we speak as we have just entered the 2nd half of the 6th Mayan Day, the night which lasts til early November 2010. Our special guests will be returning guests Linda Evangeline Sayre, healer, speaker and entrepreneur (who will also share about her upcoming seminar) and our beloved Michael Madsen, healer, teacher and warrior brother (who will also add more about his upcoming warrior radio show) to round out our guest list. We will provide an update on last week’s Amber Alert. And mini-readings. Join us for a fast paced hour of fun, fact and fabulousness!

RAISING THE WHITE FLAG OF SURRENDER. SECOND'S ANYONE? IS THAT ALL YOU GOT? Airdate: 8-10-09 One Week Later... checking in from Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Aug 7 Planet Alert: Raising the White Flag of Surrender! Second's anyone? A SPECIAL 1.5 HOUR SHOW. If you have had a month of difficulties and struggles like never before, you do NOT want to miss this show. This week we will compare notes and speak to the huge ratcheting up of the energies from these last 30 days. There is a direct correlation between the energy system of July’s Solstice and the three eclipses … being the model times TEN for the 2012 portal. Join us for a round table discussion with this week’s special guests, Sedona’s own Michael Madsen and Dianna Phillips all the way from the Heartland of America. The white flag of surrender is a huge clue on what to expect during this special show – including the what, where, how and why of it all as the Iron Age ends and the Golden Age is ushered in. SHOW LINEUP: Your host, Deidre Madsen’s spirited round-table discussion format with special guests fills the first hour, followed by mini-readings and life coaching insights Q&A, lastly Michael will take us on a Healing Awakening Meditation Journey that will round out this info-packed show. 

ONE RINGY DINGY - ANSWERING THE CALL TO SERVICE Airdate: 8-3-09 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Aug 7 Planet Alert: One Ringy Dingy - Answering the Call to Service! Last month we spoke about the three eclipses and how they have affected us on intensely deep levels. We will our final deep look at the significance of these three eclipses as we head into the final third and how they interrelate to the astrological perspective of the Divine five pentagram (Christ) symbology. What does this mean to us having the solar logos eclipsed between two moons? What do we need do further in order to be in total balance during these times as we draw nearer to 2012’s energies and the Iron Age ends and the Golden Age begins. What do we need to do as we chute through the tube torus null zone, or zeropoint? Join Deidre and her special guest during this important info-packed energy alert discussion. Once again, you do NOT want to miss this talk. At the end of the show call in with your questions for Deidre's mini-readings and life coaching insights.

SERVICE TO SELF VS. SERVICE TO OTHERS - WHY WE MUST TAKE CARE OF OURSELVES NOW! Airdate: 6-29-09 Planet Alert: Are you a Lightworker, Healer or someone who focuses almost entirely on being of service to others? Do you find that you have no time for yourself anymore? Or has the quality of your own life become overrun by others seeking your help? With the sudden death of Michael Jackson today, we know that a healthy and balanced emotional and electromagnetic body is vital to not only our survival but our ability to move into the next phase of this next set of game rules which have been downloaded into the YOUniversal X-Box of our lives. It is urgent that everyone pay attention, to their own intuition NOW and learn the rules of this new game set. Join Deidre during this important info-packed energy alert discussion. Learn what YOU can do to easily ride (or Moon Walk through) these new tsunami-like waves of new ascension energy as we barrel our way towards 2012. You do NOT want to miss this talk. At the end of the show call in with your questions for Deidre's mini-readings and life coaching insights.

PSYCHIC TEACHING TIPS Airdate: 3-16-09 STRENGTHENING THE PSYCHIC MUSCLE - Deidre Madsen of Lightworker's Corner offers an in-depth look at ways to understand veils, the spaces be'tween things, discernment, how to recognize your innate psychic abilities, what is the difference be'tween "clears" or "clairs" (Fr.), and more. If you want to get a jumpstart on the show, and have your questions ready, go to my blog. For those of you who have been waiting for this show, your wait is finally over.

KICKOFF SHOW WITH SPECIAL GUEST KELLY CROCKEN-FIGI Airdate: 3-9-07 Kickoff Show with special guest Kelly Crocken-Figi of Associates in Massage Therapy on her work, her passions and career, vision for her work, and causes.

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