Articles Tagged ‘ author’

Solar and Lunar Wisdom

Sun Worshipers and Luna Lovers, planetary alignments of the sun and moon affect our bodies and minds. Use these energies to affect tremendous healing benefits by sun or moon gazing. If however you're feeling out of sorts, check our Solar Watch and symptoms list to learn how solar flares and CME's affect your body. Helping you regain your balance, we also offer wisdom from the moon plus moon phases and Grandmother teachings.  "... you are the moon and I the endless sky." - Sade

sunworshippers  Solar and Lunar Wisdom - Deidre Madsen

The Good News About the Sun

The sun plays an important role as a catalyst for a renaissance in consciousness.This is good news indeed. Looking on the bright side (no pun intended) our Sun does have a very positive impact on us. Solar activity is essential for Super-Human Achievement. Solar cycles and their activity play an intimate part in the unfoldment of human consciousness Solar flares affect the Central Nervous System (stomach lining), all brain activity (including equilibrium), all human and animal behavior and all psycho-physiological (mental-emotional-physical) response. Read more

Sun's Vitamin D3 Benefits for the Body

There are many benefits to healthy levels of Vitamin D3 in the body which the Sun itself can produce. Here are but a few that should help you understand why a moderate amount of sun exposure leads to better mental, physical and spiritual health.

  • Protection from diabetes, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, hypertension, cardiovascular disease
  • Can help treat depression naturally
  • Lowers risk of breast, ovarian, prostate, and colorectal cancers
  • Essential to bone health
  • Kills bad bacteria

Sunlight Prescription

  • Start slowly with sun exposure on as much of your skin as possible
  • Don't allow any reddening of the skin to occur
  • Sunbathe only in the early morning or late afternoon sun
  • Avoid midday sun
  • Work up to 10-15 minutes 3-4 times per week

If you must stay out of the sun, then please, avoid most brands of sunblock as well as skincare products and makeup which contain sunblock. These have been known to cause cancer. Instead try organic natural sunblocks like DNA Skincare's line of healthy chemical free sunblock which you can wear under your makeup.

Yoga and the Sun

Lastly, regarding sun bathing, there are double benefits when performing the 12 asanas in Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation meditation along with the morning sun's warming rays. Atapa Snana, is the yogic phrase for the healing science of sun bathing. The ancient yogis and many other cultures knew how to use the sun to heal all kinds of illnesses, and bring about radiant health. Performing Surya Namaskar facing the morning sun offers vast health benefits. For exampie, it increases the solar plexus from the size of an almond to the size of a palm. This expansion of solar plexus, also known as the second brain, develops our intuitive ability and makes us more clear and focused. You will truly radiate health.


Full Moon luna Solar and Lunar Wisdom - Deidre Madsen










Luna Lovers, our beloved moon is a direct influencer of our emotional body. Each of our beautiful sister Moon's movements or moon phases affects our world en toto. Learn how to work with Grandmother Moon's secrets. These serve to greatly enlighten, heal and assist you. We share the full list of the moon's phases and names as well as Grandmother Moon medicine teachings. We invite you to spend time moon gazing especially during full moon events; you will gain wisdom, insight and feel a great deal calmer. Aho!

Moon Phases

Full Moon: Full Moon energy is used for banishing unwanted influences in your life; protection magick; and divination. Planning, releasing, and working backwards in time are done on the full moon as well. It is said the best Full Moon magick can be conjured for seven days: the three days prior to the Full Moon, the night of the Full Moon itself, and three days after the Full Moon. Sometimes the results of Full Moon magick can take approximately one moon cycle to take hold and come to completion. The Full Moon is the time to invoke the Mother Goddess at the height of her glory and to perform the ceremony called "Drawing Down the Moon." During this ceremony the energy and essence of the Full Moon is drawn into oneself, when done properly you will feel a heightened trance state combined with a power surge that radiates through your whole body. Traditionally this is only done within a protective circle. The Mother is the ripeness of womanhood, the boiling pot of Badb which is the richness of life. Her color is red, the color of blood and the life force. The Mother is Summer, the day, lustiness, teacher, The Full Moon.

New Moon: The New Moon is used for personal growth, healing, the blessing of a new project or venture, etc. If done correctly, success should be obtained by the first Full Moon. This is the time when the Crone is transformed into the Maiden. It is a time of renewal and new beginnings. The Maiden is essential to the continuation of all life; her color is white, denoting innocence and newness. She is the springtime, the dawn, eternal youth and vigor, enchantment and seduction, the new and waxing moon.

Dark Moon: The three days before the New Moon is known as the dark of the moon. This is when you can't see the moon at all in the heavens. Traditionally, this is a time when no magick is performed. It is a period to give yourself a break; a time of rest. Deep meditation and vision questing can be performed now, but not for a specific magickal purpose. However, The Crone, or the Dark Mother, rules this time, and if her magick is needed, now is the time when you should use it.

Waxing Moon: The period between the New Moon and the Full Moon is called the Waxing Moon. This is a good time for attraction magick, especially between the New Moon and the First Quarter. The Waxing Moon is the time for invoking the Goddess in her guise of Maiden.

Waning Moon: The period between the Full Moon and the New Moon is called the Waning Moon. This is a time for banishing and rejecting things in our lives that we no longer wish to carry around with us. Negative emotions, bad habits, diseases, and ailments can successfully be banned during this time. During the Waning Moon the Mother Goddess is transformed into the Crone. Invoke Her in this guise. The Crone, or Dark Mother, sometimes called the Hag, has black as her color, the color of darkness where all life rests before rebirth. This aspect of the Goddess is Winter, night, wisdom, counsel, the gateway to death and reincarnation, the Waning Moon.

Excerpted from "Celtic Magic" by D.J. Conway and "To Ride a Silver Broomstick" by Silver RavenWolf.


Common Names for the Year's Full Moons

  Algonquin/Colonial English/Medieval Neo-Pagan Other
Jan Old Wolf ice Moon After Yule
Feb Hunger Storm Snow  
Mar Crust Chaste Death Sap, Crow, Lenten
Apr Pink Seed Awakening Grass, Egg
May Flower Hare Grass Planting, Milk, Wesak*
Jun Rose Dyan Planting Strawberry, Flower
Jul Buck Mead Rose Hay, Thunder
Aug Sturgeon Corn Lightning Grain, Dog Days
Sep Harvest Barley Harvest Fruit
Oct Hunter's Blood Blood  
Nov Beaver Snow Tree Frosty
Dec Cold Oak Lone Night Moon Before Yule

*WESAK/VESAK FULL MOON - The month of May's full moon is often called the Wesak Moon - the time where the Christ or Buddha Sakyamuni energy or planetary energy can make the greatest shift. Sometimes informally called "Buddha's birthday," it actually encompasses the birth, enlightenment Nirvana , and passing ( Parinirvana ) of Gautama Buddha. This is the time when those energies are closest to the planet and when wishes can manifest more easily. With manifestation comes the need to release old energies., to embrace universal love and compassion, to begin anew and fresh in your daily life through celebration and ceremony. Wikipedia Wesak/Vesak Full Moon


13 grandmother moon teachings Solar and Lunar Wisdom - Deidre Madsen

JANUARY - SPIRIT MOON - The first moon of Creation is Spirit Moon, and is manifested through the Northern Lights. It is a time to honour the silence and realize our place within all of Great Mystery’s creatures.

FEBRUARY - BEAR MOON - The second moon of Creation is Bear Moon, when we honour the vision quest that it began in the fall. During this time, we discover how to see beyond reality and to communicate through energy rather than sound.

MARCH - SUGAR MOON -  The third moon of Creation is Sugar Moon. As the maple sap begins to run, we learn of one of the main medicines given to the Anishnabe which balances our blood, and heals us. During this time, we are  encouraged to balance our lives as we would our blood sugar levels, by using Divine Law.

APRIL - SUCKER MOON -  The fourth moon of Creation is Sucker Moon, when sucker goes to the Spirit World in order to receive cleansing techniques for this world. When it returns to this realm, it purifies a path for the Spirits and cleanses all our water beings. During this time we can learn to become healed healers.

MAY - FLOWER MOON -  The fifth moon of Creation is Flower Moon, where all plants display their Spirit sides for all the world to see. This life giving energy is one the most powerful healing medicines on Mother Earth. During this moon we are encouraged to explore our Spiritual essences.

JUNE - STRAWBERRY MOON - The sixth moon of Creation is Strawberry Moon. The medicine of the strawberry is reconciliation. It was during this moon cycle that communities usually held their annual feasts, welcoming everyone home, regardless of their differences over the past year, letting go of judgment and/or self-righteousness.

JULY - RASPBERRY MOON -  The seventh moon of Creation is Raspberry Moon, when great changes begin. By learning gentleness and kindness, we may pass through the thorns of its bush and harvest its fruit, knowledge that will help in raising our families.

AUGUST - THIMBLEBERRY MOON -  The eighth moon of Creation is the Thimbleberry Moon, when we honour the Thimbleberry which produces an abundance of fruit once every three years. It was one of the first plants put on Mother  Earth, and its purpose is to protect the Sacred Circle of Life by allowing us to recognize and understand the teachings that come from the Spirit World.

SEPTEMBER - CORN MOON -  The ninth moon of Creation is the Corn Moon, during which time we learn about the cycle of life. Each cob of corn has thirteen rows of multicoloured seeds which represent all the spirits waiting to begin their Earth Walk. These will be the future generations for whom we must prepare.

OCTOBER - FALLING LEAVES MOON -  The tenth moon of Creation is the Falling Leaves Moon, a time when Mother Earth is honoured with the grandest of colours. As all of Creation makes their offerings to her, we become aware of all the miracles of Creation before us and our spiritual energies are once again awakened.

NOVEMBER - FREEZING MOON -  The eleventh moon of Creation is the Freezing Moon, a time when the Star Nation is closest to us. As every creature being prepares for the coming fasting grounds, we are reminded to prepare ourselves for  our spiritual path by learning the sacred teachings and songs that will sustain us.

DECEMBER - LITTLE SPIRIT MOON - The twelfth moon of Creation is the Little Spirit Moon, a time of healing. By receiving both vision of the spirits and good health, we may walk the Red Road with purest intentions, and we can share this most positive energy with our families and friends for the good of all.

BLUE MOON - BIG SPIRIT MOON -  The thirteenth moon of Creation is Big Spirit Moon. Its purpose is to purify us, and to heal all of Creation, a process which may take a three month long spiritual journey. During this time, we receive  instructions on the healing powers of the universe and transform into our own vision of the truth.

Thirteen Grandmother Moon Teachings by Arlene Barry, from her series of compiled teachings “Kinoomaadiewinan Anishinaabe Bimaadinzinwin”, Book Two, pages 17 and 18.


The Space Be'tween Things Speak

imagination tgi imagery- Deidre MadsenHave you ever stepped into a doorway and felt you've walked through a threshhold of time and space? Have you ever felt that your nose was an antennae for other dimensions and realms, and that you could easily turn your head and sense (scents) whether you've shifted into another one of these spaces? Have you found yourself doing something 'mundane' like driving to the grocer, walking the dog, and wondered how you got back home because your mind was elsewhere and you were so engrossed in that other space within your mind, that you have a vague recollection of driving or walking home?

Space and time exist to support a structuring (left brain, logical (masculine - to remain consistent with this website's theme), in order to allow for infinite creative possibilities (right brain, unstructured, creative (feminine). When we can keep the left brain/structure flexible and passive to what the outcome will be of the creation our potential streams forth in a great wealth of abundance. Our job here in this site is to help you balance your hemispheres to become whole minded.

Whole-minded equals divine inner marriage equals limitless potentiated creation.— Deidre Madsen

Exercise #1: The Is Not Is

Looking at an ordinary chair, one could define the chair by its shape and design, right?  Well, we believe otherwise.  We understand that the space around the chair - defines the chair.

The space that is the chair is the Is.
The space around the chair is the Is Not.
The connecting point where the chair and the space that is not the chair meet, is called the Is Not Is.

Another way to view this is that the chair Is, the space around the chair Is Not and the two combined is the Is Not Is.  There is no separation really for all things are within the All. The yin/yang symbol represents the same concept. Going a step further, a lightning bolt is the Is or 'Light', the darkness surrounding the lightning bolt is the Is Not or 'dark', and the point at which they meet is the Is Not Is.

The Space Be'tween Things Speak - Deidre MadsenIf you can imagine expanding that point or thin line between the two (the chair and the space around the chair) you can expand your awareness into the Is Not Is.

The more you focus on the parts around a chair that is not the chair, the more you will begin to sense that those spaces not the chair are actually independent spaces comprising and agreeing to cohabitate the space around a chair, helping to form the reality of a chair.

Expanding the space between things will help you see a much bigger picture, a grander scheme is afoot.  Your ability to expand your awareness into those cracks and crevasses will assist you in seeing the rich diversity of the multiple realities surrounding us.
— Deidre Madsen

The illusion of rigidness and separation of space and time : space and time warps together.The illusion of rigidness and separation of space and time. Space and time are virtually unified. One stretches and the other contracts and vice versa with presence or absence of motion. Thus, they keep the maximum speed in the universe at the speed of light. The following video is taken from the documentary "The Fabric of The Cosmos -" for nonprofit educational purposes.

Everything is Conscious

Everything has a specific amount of consciousness. Literally everything. Our own conscious is considered 'light'. Our sub-unconscious is considered to be 'darkness' or 'ego'. Our super-conscious is the balance between the two, the Is Not Is. I believe superconsciousness is enlightenment or a lifting of the veil of illusion or an awakening.

You have the sight now Neo, you are looking at the world without time. — The Oracle in The Matrix

On one hand these concepts appear elusive and abstract; however, if you take a closer look at your surroundings you will begin to understand there is truly an aliveness or life to the spaces between things. Portals, doorways, things of that nature are visible and easy to grasp, more so than the above concept perhaps. One thing is for certain, there is more than meets the conscious eye when examining our 'reality.' This is why I originally chose Jonathan Earl Bowser's "Invariance & Enlightenment" oil painting as my site's original theme, along with my lightning-infused logo. To understand further why I chose this oil painting please continue reading below.

Exercise #2: Mirror, Mirror

The Space Be'tween Things Speak - Deidre MadsenIn a relaxed state of meditation and mild self-hypnosis, if you focus on the space between things, where things meet one another, then you may also view the space between you and the mirrored image of you as the "space be'tween you and your mirrored image." 

Invariance and Enlightenment

This space has substance and is very much alive, as is the space between the statue and the woman in the photo; the space between the woman and the dove, and so on. Bowser's depiction of a spatial casting in form is the personification of our understanding the machinations of what is be'tween all things. In the oil, the dove is coming and the dove is going. 

This website continues to expand as I grow and expand on in my own ascension. I honor the walk of all on their path and am happy to share my love for the sacred lands, and experiences with you in order that you may benefit along your own way.

When I discovered the beautiful oil painting, a powerful, strong chord was struck within. I heard, "This is YOU, Deidre!" I was spellbound by the magical oil. The deep and mysterious colors drew me into them and there I stood aside and within the goddess, aside and within the statue.

A few months later I received further confirmation; and see with more clarity - my gift of sight has grown exponentially. Oftentimes deep, intense trauma becomes a vehicle for soul growth after (order out of chaos) - and all this occurred right after my house of cards came 'a tumblin' down.

Aside from philosophizing, this oil painting holds mystery and hope with its mists and sun's rays and the far off in the distance light source showing us there is a way out of the magical grove. Do you really wanna go? Hmmm. I like it there... amidst the thick ferns and mist, the bending, mothering tree friends. I feel I will be in that place one day, maybe when I cross over, or visit paying special homage for its role in my life.

When the rays of enlightenment first fell upon ancient Greece - the intellectual foundation of western civilization - a path was shown from the shadows of ignorance and superstition. But those shadows returned to eclipse that fragile light, leaving only a hidden legacy of knowledge. Europe slept for centuries before this classical treasure was rediscovered.

The medieval era was a time when Europe mostly forgot how to remember what it had learned before. Fortunately, that intellectual heritage was preserved by Muslim scholars who never lost their profound admiration for the great minds of classical antiquity; the ancient books, after a thousand-year journey through the Islamic world, eventually found their way again into European hands. In the ages that followed - Renaissance, Reformation, and the Age of Reason (or Enlightenment) - those ancient descriptions of science and philosophy slowly evolved into an idea more powerful than monarchs or nations: modern liberalism.

In three paroxysms of reform, the social revolutions in Britain, France, and America (symbolized here by the red, blue, and white gown - echoing the coloration of the flags of these three nations), released political, scientific, and, eventually, social liberty (the dove) into the light. And yet, even though this liberty has given the West unprecedented freedom and prosperity, genuine enlightenment remains elusive. We yet long for the wisdom that so inscrutably escapes us, and are neither satisfied nor content. Why not?

As the enlightenment (the philosophy that human endeavor should be subject only to a guiding principle of logic and reason, and not to any irrational superstition) continues to drive society’s evolution, we grow increasingly overwhelmed by the bewildering complexities of a perpetually changing world. 20th century modernism has created a society that depends for its existence upon hyper-accelerated growth and development - the commercial imperative of relentless material acquisition. We are instructed - from cradle to grave, in ways obvious and covert - that we can never have enough of our own product and so must possess the newest incarnation of every conceivable object and experience. This is the lure - and snare - of modernity. But perhaps we sometimes seek the safe and simple comfort of things known and familiar, like the woman (a manifestation, or angel, of civilization) who is leaning to the right upon the stable edifice of history. Even while she reaches for the liberalizing light of the left, she rests upon conservative tradition and the past.

This painting depicts what we all hope is the endeavor of civilization: the human quest for wisdom.   It seems that whether we design our social and political structures to the ethereal and subjective left or the material and objective right makes no difference. Societies can be dynamic, constantly redefining themselves in the pursuit of some idealistically defined objective, or static, relying on the well-established precedence of history. Either way, people don’t change much: we feel joy and misery, hope and despair, just as people did 500 - or 5000 - years ago. It is, apparently, easier to reinvent society, than ourselves.

In Raphael’s great painting, The School of Athens, we see a timeless illustration of the problem.   Plato, full of idealistic fervor, gestures heavenward: “The proper aim of all thought is upon the eternal forms of divine mind!” The pragmatic, moderating hand of Aristotle, however, gestures toward the earth: “The proper aim of all action is the here and now.” Idealists, like the cleansing forest fire, clear away the corruption and decay of old growth; but builders, like all new growth, are always fixed upon the practical matters of immediate need. How can either way be the only path? It seems the debate - Plato’s hand or Aristotle’s - will remain with us for some great time

Until individuals, and not just the society around them, change in some fundamental, perhaps biological, way, the realization of our aspirations will never be found in this or that administrative mechanism. Some believe in strength and fear the failure of weakness; some believe in compassion and fear the failure of cruelty. But every child understands that two parents, providing both strength and compassion, provide the greatest benefit. And so, we shall always be in moving shadows and lost in our own vacillating ignorance (the mist), until we abandon the comfortable security of invariance and venture alone through the forbidding labyrinth of the forest darkness - our own unknown and unrealized potential. Enlightenment is not found left or right, but at a distant place, through and beyond the wilderness...

Source: Jonathanart

twink novel john neufeldFor those of you diehards reading down the page this far and curious about checking us out in the Wayback Machine, I developed 'tween in 1999 during development of a friend's poetry website "Horse of the Sun."  In that process I realized I too needed/wanted an outlet for something inside of me... but what?!  In the days that followed while in meditation suddenly everything clicked into place. I also remembered a book I read when I was a young teen called "Twink" which at the time propelled me into Twink's secret world. What has this to do with 'tween? Sound similarities brought familiarity and fondness, and... Twink lived in the world be'tween for she was sensory handicapped. Her world was similar to Helen Keller's and at the time I was deeply moved by Helen's story and film.

So the name for the original website was born: 'tween. It remained lower case letters from being taken from the word between. 'tween is the place where Twink and Helen Keller live, and from where we can all benefit. 'tween is the magical spaces, the inter dimensional places, and the point at which masks are ripped away. My site continues to guide you, Dear Reader, to... go BE'tween and be BE'tween.

May your ascension path be forever abundantly blessed with the Art of Healing in Light and Love.





True Power ... Finding the Depths of the Power Within

59977 4834331052687 321389601 nTrue power is... what is the answer? Do you know? Some would say money, some would say knowledge, yet still others would say control. The answer lies in your heart.

Many books and articles have been written about power, how to achieve it, attain and keep it, and what to do with it once you get it. Good power vs. bad. Right vs. wrong. Healthy vs. unhealthy. The different layers and levels of power, powering over, under and within. A little known fact: The heart holds the key to true and authentic power.

The way to find the answers in your heart seem at once easy and the most difficult thing you'd ever take on as a human. We are still uncovering so many truths to our existence as these wondrously made individuals that this task seems insurmountable. Coming from a pure esoteric perspective there absolutely are NO WORDS to describe any of this power or miracles we are living. Why do you think there are so many teachers who say almost nothing?! They can't! It's too amazing of a ride. They try tho. Yet, there are no words to describe this magnificence. However, I am going to give it a 'college try' and attempt to bridge this gap for you with my own understanding and experience with pure power, and show you how this is an every day, correction, every moment experience.

First, to be clear, I have observed three categories of realization and main levels of awareness:

  • Most people think, on some if not many levels, this whole "living thing" is boring, a waste of time, and very tiresome. They find no meaning in anything anymore. They are in such great despair. They have become cynical in their nature, violent and angry against the world  There are inner reasons for this which stem from a lot of self-worth issues and belief systems, but suffice it to say that the majority of folks just do the daily grind and can't stand it anymore  This perception of love is definitely service-to-self.
  • Some people are aware that they are on some sort of a spiritual quest. They go to work and/or school every day just like everybody else but they do things in their off-time a bit differently. They purchase volumes of inspirational material, attend churches, immerse themselves in different religions, and meditate and pray, and so on. It is like they surrounding themselves with so much yet they are still so cut off from the truth of it. They are going through the motions. Sometimes you think you are really getting it and then you are faced with the day-to-day struggles of life and sometimes you fall backwards into category #1 with the majority of people. This perception of love is mostly service-to-self with glimpses of service-to-others trying to peek through the mire
  • Few people in the world do know one thing..... true power is love. This is ultimate service-to-others, or... The All That Is. This is the true place of power


How do we get to #3? The best way is through experience. For example, I stepped up my pace on my spiritual path years ago, very intensely and am now well immersed in the beauty of blessings (or power) in my life on a moment-to-moment basis. For most of my life; however, I was in the first level. What happened to me?! Well, a few events catapulted me into this new phase of be-ing; however, overall my life has been a mixture of all three of these categories at once. You could liken my life to my favorite pistachio and orange sherbert ice cream cone.

  1. The first layer,most of the ice cream cone is a large scoope of that first layer, the delicious pistachio layer, loaded with lots of nutty people and situations. The first layer encompasses the majority of my life and is a juicy layer I can draw upon to use as a great vehicle for understanding and wisdom. No regrets, no judgment, but chock full of experience; choosing to remain, not the victim of my life's choices, but its volunteer.
  2. The second layer is the yummy orange sherbet layer. The yummy orange sherbet is the layer where I do the bulk of my of searching and growing; knowing there is definitely something else going on in the world besides getting up, brushing my teeth and hitting the daily grind. Thankfully!
  3. The third layer - the Cherry on Top layer - is the ultimate. It is only when you really realize your own value that you achieve this level. I am not referring to an egomaniac type of self-worth or self-love, but the true love of self which encompasses everything.

What lies beneath all this delectable wonderment as the foundation? Why, none other than the sugar cone base, of course. the shape of the cone's base is  sort of an inverted triangle. Interesting how the Creator has had us create ice cream out of our own image. HA! Think about the significance of this. At least one reason is, it holds up the other three layers, supports and keeps them together. And, its easy to hold in your hand.

Ever since I moved out of the pistachio stage of my life, and moved through the seemingly wonderful orange sherbet stage, I have discovered a great cherry topping truth:  The simplest of all things in life is love.

Be the change you want to see in the world - Mahatma Gandhi

In the end, I have found that love is the answer. It is so.  In these recent years of my life, I have allowed myself to stay open to all possibilities and the truth of the matter is.... love has come in a myriad of ways including the relationship within one's self.

In order to get to the Cherry Topping you must be open, open, open to all possibilities and opportunities. I once explained this to a dear friend of mine, who is analytical in nature and very pragmatic. I appealed to this side of her be-ing. When we go through the daily grind, every now and again, something "weird" happens like the phone rings and we just know who is on the other line. Hmmm. How did we do that? Synchronicity... we suddenly remember where we have misplaced an item we lost and go to the spot and there it is. We think of someone and they phone us on the spot,...this is called serendipity or synchronicity or sync (for short).

Sync happens all the time around us and is the tip of the iceberg of truth, but its a way to start you to understanding what all the hubbub is about. Sync happens all around us and is a part of who we are.  If we just take the time to stop and see the little "ironies" around us and realize they are not just ironies but truths and ways our spiritual side is trying to get our attention, then we will start to "see" with our inner self. What is sync other than listening to God/YHWH (Holy Spirit/Shekinah/Ruach Ha Kodoish) from within.

We have two eyes and two ears but one mouth.
So, hear (listen) and see (watch) more and
(Shhhh!) keep your mouth (ego) quiet.

What happens when a person starts to "see" things and become self-aware? More and more things begin to occur and you are now exposed to other types of people who just happen to "pop" into your life. The more you remain open, the more opportunities abound; then you are in the orange sherbet stage of life and going full-steam-ahead into the great Cherry Top. This is sort of intermingling the top and middle of the ice cream cone. Some people say that a veil is being lifted at this stage. That is a true statement, too. There are lots of analogies and metaphors used to describe this exciting process.

Little Ego True Power is... An Ice Cream Cone?! - by Deidre MadsenLet's take a closer look at the word "POWER."  What is power?  n. The act, ability, and presumed authority to wield or exert force and strength. In our discussion of power, we realize that by the time you reach the great Cherry Topping Truth, you know what power truly is. Power is love. And love as we know it is not just a simple often misused word, it is the force or power behind all things seen and unseen. When we realize what it takes to wield such power we then come to ego. For without ego we cannot understand the 'cause and effect' of a thing. With ego; however, we can use wise discernment. There is nothing wrong with ego; I tuck my little ego into bed every night with a goodnight kiss. So, you learn how everything in life is equally important, none more than the other, but at least now you know what to do when your ego starts to cry and whine for a bottle.

How to transcend the ego? Read this powerful excerpt from:


Three Types of Power: Over, Under and Inner

The first type of power is known as powering over or overpowering someone, and typically is tyrannical in nature. Often, tyrants frighten others by using their intense presence and in-your-face aggressive behavior. Tyrants will utilize this power to dominate or overpower situations in order to get what they want. This is known as an external, masculine, and outwardly aggressive power. When a tyrannical man or woman has to control their partner’s every move they are not allowing them to be who they are. Letting a man be a man is oftentimes scary for women and allowing a woman to be a woman terrifies some men; they are so afraid of being cheated on or lied to.


The second type of power is called powering under or under powering someone, and is manipulative in nature. An underhanded, manipulative passive-aggressive individual will typically display an innocent, and even nice, external demeanor. However, this type of power will use under-the-table actions and go behind other people’s backs in order to accomplish their desired results. They often use a tremendous amount of guilt inducing tactics on their victims. By doing this, their victims become passive enough to become compliant and simply follow their willful agenda. This is known as an internal, feminine, inner and passively aggressive power.


Powering over and powering under are forms of overt and covert control, respectively. This type of control of a person, place or thing always stems from fear. Often, our childhood parental figures evinced either or both types of the powers — powering over and powering under. We inherit patterned behaviors due to conditioning from seeing continuously repeated actions over a number of years.


These learned behaviors often make it difficult to build healthy, mutually beneficial relationships with others. Due to our own actions and attitudes, we begin to attract certain situations and events that are consistent with what we are familiar with. The repeating pattern cycle continues until we finally choose to make peace with the fact that we need to change, and heal ourselves by self-correction and self-parenting. This prevents duplicating uncomfortable situations in our individual futures.


Our world is a reflection of ourselves. We can gauge our progress by looking at our mirror and comparing what we see there, with where we would like to be our journey to self-improvement. If you were standing in front of a mirror with messy hair, you wouldn’t take your hairbrush and start to brush the reflection you see in the mirror. Rather, you would brush your own hair until you see the reflection in the mirror transform into how you want your hair to appear. However, more often than not I observe people attempting to brush their mirror reflections in a powerless attempt to fix their lives and loves. There are a lot of scratched up mirrors out there.


Now the ultimate power is that which comes from within – powering within or inner power. Like the S-curve space between the yin and yang, it is always clear and balanced. That type of power appears in a person who remains strong and solid, yet compassionate and caring. Their ego does not engage defensively. They are not prone to reactive behavior, but instead practice responding to life.


It is easy to feel at ease around them. They make everyone feel safe, in the truest sense. These are often the world’s great leaders and healers, gurus and visionaries. They are the sweet, grandmotherly woman next door, who always finds time and energy to lend a helping hand. They are the wise man and sage. Great examples would be Mother Theresa or Indira Gandhi.


Our natural happy place is to be in a life of balance. It is wise to pay attention when we are getting out of balance, either powering over or powering under, which is caused by being in the extremes of fear. We live in fearbecause we have lost our center. We cannot find the balance between the hemispheres within our being — that inner calm place. The ways that men and women demonstrate these behaviors are usually different.


For example: A man may have been in a past relationship where he dated, or was married to a woman known as a trophy wife. A trophy wife is the epitome of whom some men wish to envision as their divine, beautiful, feminine goddess. Oftentimes, this woman is sitting all alone on a little shelf, where her husband has placed her. Every now and then, her husband will take her down from the shelf, dust her off, and make her all shiny and pretty. Once his attention is diverted away, he replaces her up there again, and goes about his day.


The really sad part of this scenario is that the trophy wife isn’t even aware that she is living in a cage. Finally, after possibly years of living like this, she tries to leave the relationship, but she realizes, ‘Oh, my gosh! I have a tether attached to my ankle!’ Even though the cage door is open, she has an invisible leash that tries to prevent her from leaving. The man will desperately hold on to his trophy wife. He doesn’t realize that he is trying to possess the very thing he is missing within his own heart — his own feminine side, or the other half of himself.


A woman will often choose someone who starts off exhibiting superhero like qualities, only to browbeat him when he fails her, or falls short of her ever-demanding expectations. That poor man is carrying a huge emotional burden on his shoulders, and may feel trapped by her demands, especially if he is struggling with his self-esteem already.


Every woman has to find the knight in shining amourwithin herself first, before she can expect it to manifest in her outer world. Women cannot expect the men to carry the brunt of their needs for them. Ultimately, no man can be all that a woman needs him to be. Every woman must find that amazing go-to guy within themselves — that inner Adonis, who fulfills their wildest dreams.


It is the desire for the perfect companion in our lives that causes romance novels to be so popular. Those book covers usually depict a perfectly fit and stunning ‘Fabio’ kissing a gorgeous, half-dressed woman simply because most women yearn for a superhero of their own.


The balance of power in relationships regularly shifts between the man being the masculine and the woman being the masculine to the man being the feminine and the woman being the feminine. Finding the balance between these power shifts (and being aware that it is natural to have shifts of power and movement), is a great key to successful relationships.

We now come to the ultimate Cherry Top!  The creme de la creme... we enter our Inner and Outer Divine Marriage. Now that we are in this space.... this great Cherry Topping space... it all comes down to understanding that it isn't enough to love. To simply love is one thing but to love love with a com-passion for loving love, that is where it gets not only confusing but once you figure it out... very exciting. Sure it is important to love the birds, trees, flowers, rocks, water, animals.... but it is not really them that you are loving... what you are loving is love itself. There is an underlying truth of absolute love to everything, it is within every molecule of life, every raindrop, every atom and proton, ever star in space and every baby's coo. It is in the sound of the waves crashing a shoreline or the soft snore of a fuzzy dog or cat in your lap. Yet even at that it is not the thing you are focusing your attention on but the feeling inside of you that is the love in and of itself. I hope I have not completely baffled you altogether.

The glorious process to the top of the ice cream cone comes with great, great rewards and one of them is the reuniting of many people to their "other halves" which takes the little ego down even smaller, so much so that it's possible to tuck it into a pocket at night no longer needing the baby bed.  (Don't laugh, I used to have to provide it its own house with a king-size bed.) The power that comes from this level of love is what all the poets and lyricists in the world write about. This is IT! This is well worth all of it.

Here is the funniest part of this whole story - or ironic part - the ice cream cone has taken on a new form - the Cherry on the top is the largest and most powerful part of the entire confection. The seemingly most difficult part to get to is really the easiest and fullest. Life is now so filled with wonderment and glory, each and every day, I cannot imagine life any differently anymore. Everyone can experience this power.

If you want to view what it looks like from the top of that ice cream cone? Stand on that cherry top. Stand up there where the twinkling stars are. That is where your perspective on life is transformed. That is where the heart of everything is, the cherry reminds me of a big beautiful heart. It is the biggest part of this delicious adventure called LIFE.

"Man has only to know this simple truth consciously, and then he will be free. Spiritual consciousness is both the reason and the summit of human evolution, and its true nature is beyond words. Words are merely invented symbols of human ideation, but spirituality is a wordless and timeless state of eternal beautitide. He who has attained this state of consciousness truly knows that he is a free spirit, as he is truly God. He lives in the eternal realms of spiritual liberation, for he is a liberated soul.  He has risen unto his True Home on the celestial symphony of salvation. This is the true heaven, where freedom and love eternally reign.  Go to that point where you started your journey,"  " must complete that task which has been ordained for you. You will again return joyfully to the Abode of Love." - by George Arnsby Jones, The Pilgrimage of James, An Odyssey of Inner Space, Peacehaven.

the great cherry topping truth  True Power is... An Ice Cream Cone?!

The next time you are at an Ice Creamery,
order a Cherry for the top... YOU are worth it!

Always and forever growing, learning and loving,






Happily Inner After
English to Japanese Translation



Happily Ever After  永久の幸せを得るためにー
Happily Inner After







Special Thank You to Hiroshi-san for sharing on his blog: Please also visit Read Blog Here: ✨Hiroshi☀Mikami✨ (Innovation, Growth & Healthy World Facilitator. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. Loves Yoga; Power of We; Living; Loving; Making it simple.Hungry to learn & share.Minami-Ōsawa, Japan ·

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10 Grooms' Faces When They First See Their Bride

A Wedding Day is Special for Many Reasons

Two people who love each other joining into a holy union under the eyes of God is a blessed celebration. During the wedding day, there are many parts of the day that could really touch your heart... but one that not many people think about is the groom. His face when he first sees his bride walking up the aisle is one of the most honest, tender things a person can see.

So check out these 10 grooms below, all completely in the moment & completely in love

10 Grooms' Faces When They First See Their Bride

10 Grooms' Faces When They First See Their Bride

10 Grooms' Faces When They First See Their Bride

10 Grooms' Faces When They First See Their Bride

10 Grooms' Faces When They First See Their Bride




groom8Thank you God Vine for putting together this touching tribute to what the man sees... ultimately a reflection of the divine Goddess within himself, her potential. And somewhere deep within himself, she touches him. And he knows it is true. That awesome and powerful potential comes from within. And he is moved.

Source: God Vine

Learn more: Experience Deidre's Happily Inner After Signature Couples Retreat



A Personal Testimony

An Early Experience From a Budding Intuitive

Hello Dear Friends,

The following is a very personal story of one of the early experiences I had as a budding intuitive/psychic. All of the this actually happened - the tragedy, the shock, the wonder, everything. It's my hope that this inspires you to a greater understanding of what I do and how I do it. I am happy to share this delicate story yet please understand that I am carefully sharing this to avoid privacy infringement, so all references, names and location are changed or removed entirely to protect those involved.

Personal Testimony - Deidre MadsenHow the Story Came to Be

This story occurred some years ago when a friend added my name and email address to the "Healium List"; which is a tongue-in-cheek play on words but the list primarily contained psychics and healers from all over. One day I received an email from a doctor out east who practiced in the western medicine tradition asking those on the Healium List for assistance.

A medical physician had a female patient who was confounding him as well as others in the medical field, specialists and so on. The doctor gave the name of the patient and asked all on the list to check this person out because he was at his wits end and felt like this was his last resort - to turn to the psychic community for insight.

Dear Friends,

        This is Adam Rose writing to request a psychic diagnosis with regard to
Lora O'Terry (32) presently in the hospital of the Medical College.

        Lora is a mother of 4 young children who came here with her husband
just before Christmas after having been ill since April of this year. Her
condition has been deteriorating steadily and the doctors are puzzled.

        My old patent attorney friend in his 80's (from whom I did not expect
this) suggested we seek a psychic diagnosis so I found this list of
healers and sent this message to a number of you in the hopes that one or
more will do some kind of a reading and let us know what your psychic
perceptions might be so we can ask the doctors to check that possibility.

        Some urgency is called for at this time.

        Lora and family are presently on welfare as she has not been able to
work or care for the children for some months but both she and her
husband are very willing, hard workers concerned for the future of our
planet. They are here without charge.

        Our foundation has been working for 30 years on a positive future for
our planet and if you wish to know more about us you can e-mail me, phone
me (We'll call back free in U.S.) or check out our listserv. Below is a
complete list of healers for your information.

        If you know any of those or others and believe they may be especially
helpful in this situation, please forward this message to them.

                Peace and Love, Adam Rose

My Initial Reading and Response

I read the email from Mr. Rose and sat there for a moment wondering if I should help, you see I wasn't exactly strongly into a practice at that point in time and my confidence was slim; yet, something inside of me said I should just do it. So, I did. I sat there, hit REPLY, and began typing.

In my mind, I saw this woman flipping switches off in this private room of hers, which appeared to be a room inside of her and all the switches were her online systems (i.e., endocrine, nervous, etc.). So this is what I wrote him. I said, "Hey, this gal is shutting down everything inside. It's pre-planned, pre-meditated, a conscious choice on her part."Then I felt or "heard" that I should be finding out what the doctors and specialists should do next. For some unexplainable reason the author Dr. Edgar Cayce popped into my mind at this time and I then understood that she was tricking these doctors and giving them a set of false symptoms as a diversion. She was very clever, very prepared and very focused on her intent. I then felt or heard that I should provide information to the doctors themselves. I should get more information as to what the doctors should do about this dilemma with this woman.

Now, it was at this point my own confidence in myself began to really waver, I thought, oh, my gosh I can't be asking this, these are established, licensed medical professionals; they're not going to listen to me, who am I?!? Still, I just couldn't stop the whole process midway; and so resumed typing. I then added in the email that the doctors should begin psychologically tricking her to reveal her true symptoms and then, finally, they could really get at the root of the issues and help her. I signed my name and hit the SEND button, adding a little prayer as it electronically travelled to the doctor.

Dear Mr. Rose,


Regarding your patient, Ms. Lora O'Terry, I sense a similarity to riga
mortis settling into her on an deep emotional level. Her mind is
shutting completely down and there feels (to her) as if there is no hope
of returning. This is a deep soul experience, one which she has
carried forward for some time now.


How do you work with this patient?

Please consider getting her to see a big picture of herself in such a
way as to throw her off balance, take her by surprise; not in a harmful
way, but a gentle and loving way. This action may send  her system off
balance temporarily, long enough for you to diagnose more
accurately/precisely... for at that time, her body will take over and
repond with more active physical manifestations of her mental paralysis.

Working backward from there  you can then assist her in achieving and
accepting fully "life" over "death". Gentle guidance in the areas of
self love and self ascceptance, no matter how heinous or grave her past
(and past lives)... is advisable as well.


Blessings to you and yours for wondrous success!!!

Deidre Madsen

One Week Later

About a week later I received a response from Mr. Rose thanking me but letting me know my reading was off base.

Dear Deidre,

         "Thanks, Deidre, for your concern. Lora is a very loving person with

a very active, caring mind fully intending to get well. Her symptoms are
mainly physical. Serious weakness and weight loss not attributable to

                Peace and Love, Adam Rose

I sat there, after reading his short thank-you-but-no-thank-you note, feeling down and disappointed in myself. I thought I had this intuitive gift, this ability to be psychically connected and I thought I had it sort of figured out how to do it. I guess I was wrong. I guess maybe sometimes it doesn't work or something. And so I sighed, let it go and went on with life.

One Month Later

A month later I received another email from that same doctor. I was very surprised and wondered why he wrote. I clicked it open and read the first line and broke down crying. For a while I could not bear to read further. I could hardly move, I was so devastated.

Dear Deidre,

    You may recall the response I sent you to the letter you sent us about

Lora O'Terry. If not, here it is:

    "Thanks, Deidre, for your concern. Lora is a very loving person with

a very active, caring mind fully intending to get well. Her symptoms are

mainly physical. Serious weakness and weight loss not attributable to


                       Peace and Love, Adam Rose


  As it turns out, on re-reading your diagnosis, it appears that you were
correct. The tragedy was that of some 20 psychics to whom I wrote, only
you said anything like this and so we did not take it seriously enough.
Instead, my response (above) was essentially that you had missed it
entirely. We continued to look at all other avenues of healing even when
Lora was less than fully cooperative.

    She appeared very honest with us and very spiritual, anxious to get well
and loving the kids. But now we know that during that time she and her
man went to a gun store and arranged to purchase a gun apparently for the
purpose of suicide.

    They had to wait at least 7 days and during that time they hid this from
us completely. On the 8th of January, they went to a notary with a letter
asking that their kids should be raised by my wife and I, but they never
discussed that with us at all, and seeing we are not relatives, it will
not be possible.

    On Jan. 10 the oldest child, Aria (10) was on the phone with her
grandfather begging him to come down here to visit her, but he, being
depressed and all that, refused. The family then decided on the 11th to
drive the 2 - 3 hours north of here to where he lived and visit him for a
few days.

    They planned to leave at 10 a.m. but did not actually get away till
5:30.  Before leaving Lora spent several hours with my wife wanting to
straighten things out re. arguments they had six years before and wanting
us to tell them the whole truth about how we felt about them.

    After they left, they went back to the gun store we knew nothing of and
picked up the .38 pistol. We don't yet know all that happend after that
but they did not arrive at the grandfather's house till around midnight.

    At about 4:00 a.m. of the 12th Lora shot Steve three times and then
shot herself to death also. Only Aria (10) woke up and went to see what
happened but did not believe it. Thinking it was a bad dream she went
back to bed and the bodies were not found till 8:00 a.m. next morning, or
at least so we are told.

    We learned nothing of all this until we received a phone call from a
relative of the grandfather's wife and when she told me there was a
murder/suicide, I could not believe it for some time. My wife and I still
find it all hard to relate to.

    On finding and re-reading your letter (below) I realize that had I taken
it seriously at the time we might have tried to do something more. I
don't know if there was any way we could really have prevented the
tragedy. But none of the other psychics gave us a hint of what was
happening. Looking back there were some minor clues but only if we'd put
those together with  your letter would we have gotten a hint. We didn't.

    Now we are trying to relate somehow to the kids who are presently with
relatives of Lora's father near the town where the parents died. Lora's
mother, all the kids grandmother is in town where we are.

    Aria and Sandy (5) are in counseling with a therapist up north. We
have not yet had enough time with either of them to know what they really
feel. Aria knew they had bought a gun, was scared and wanted to call us
but could not. We don't yet know what happened in the hours between
leaving here and getting to the Grandfather's and what actually went on
there. Police are investigating but will give us little information. They
told us of the letter Lora wrote and notarized re. the kids but we've
not yet seen it.

    Who should care for the kids will probably be decided by a court and we
may have no part in that. I feel that we should and could do a lot with
the older kids who might visit here when the see their grandmother in the
city. Aria and my son (15) are good friends, and that might be
helpful to her.

    If you wish to talk with us by phone, let me know and we can arrange
that or you can call anytime.


       Peace and love, Adam Rose


Dearest Adam,


I have been devastated by your email and this tragic outcome. I am so sorry for

this tragedy is worse hearing it from you. Much worse. I am crying so hard I

can hardly type.


Your and Lora's family have undergone enormous sorrow. These children will also
need assistance and I will be more than happy to assist you further, in any way.
Remember the mail I wrote regarding past life experiences? These children as well
as yourself and the intertwining of both families, have been happening before. You
however were her father in another experience. That is why you have worked so hard
at loving her in this life, it [the emotion] is drawn very deeply from you.


When I received your mail I just broke down crying because I dreaded getting it.

Whatsoever I can do to assist you further, please feel free to contact me. And,
yes, I would love to touch base via phone/land line anytime.


Thank you again, Adam, for contacting me with this. I know it was terribly difficult
to write it, let alone live it. My heart aches and goes out for you and your family
and also for Lora's. If you wish, I will also contact Lora to pass messages back
and forth for the girls and for you. Please keep in mind the opportunities are as
limitless as your imagination.


Love and peace to you,



Afterwards, the family and the doctor asked me to ask her (on the other side of the veil) what happened; to investigate further whether it was a homicide or suicide. However, by then I received a clear message:  "No," not to do this and to let it go. This was hugely traumatic for everyone involved, including me, to say the least; however, what did happen was that I really began to realize that I did indeed have a gift, a gift of second sight, of intuition, of deep knowing.

A Clear Calling

I began to take myself seriously and wanted to help others despite the potential for this kind of emotional pain and trauma. I began to help locate missing children, pets and so on. And my gifts of helping connect loved ones with their family members and friends (and pets) on the other side also blossomed because of this experience; even though in the case of this female patient I did not cross that boundary or line, my gifts really grew. Maybe I did the right thing, karmically, and these gifts grew because of it.

Today, I have accumulated many true and amazing stories to share of events and occurrences, predictions in relationships, travel and more that come true through my readings. I am eternally grateful for these gifts of the Ruach Ha Kodoish to YHWH, Great Creator, Great Spirit, Wakan Tonka and to my I AM. Thank you, thank you, thank you. May peace come to these families and Lora and her family find the salvation of eternal peace.


Deidre Madsen

About Deidre

Deidre Madsen

Award-winning author of Happily Inner After: A Guide to Getting and Keeping Your Knight in Shining Amour, Deidre Madsen, is a lecturer, instructor, spiritual counselor, PSI specialist and coach. She is an acclaimed self styled quantum activist, following the theories of monastic idealism and tenured as a Supraconsciousness Imagery Guide supported by quantum energetics and phenomenology. Her work has been featured on various websites, radio stations and blogs. She has been keynote speaker at holistic, wellness and spiritual seminars and webinars globally.

Deidre is the founder of “Transformational Guided Imagery (TGI),” a time-honored, proven technique of in-depth deep-diving treatments utilizing lucid imagery plus intuitive guidance and succor for subtle body support to maximize your functionality in life and love.

Ms. Madsen has been working toward publication of Happily Inner After which introduces TGI for several years while developing TGI, her healing modality for healing and ascension, for the past 20 years, culminating in teaching her TGI course at Yavapai Community College, Sedona, AZ.

Deidre's workshop seminars focus kinetically on ascension of the physical body, the soul's connection via the breath and the quantum mechanics of awakening. 

As a humanitarian Deidre's focus is the empowerment and ascension of people worldwide. She believes the untapped power of the mind can harmonize and bridge between the structured masculine math and sciences and the unstructured feminine creative arts for whole-minded whole-body ascension.

As a practicing Christian, Ms. Madsen's goal is to lead everyone back to love and return to the Divine within; experiencing God Our Heavenly Father and His Son Our Savior Jesus Christ.

Deidre's next book (soon to be published) addresses our awakening journey together.

Aho, Mitákuye Oyás'iŋ

Deidre Madsen

Haansh’Taye (Navajo "Butterfly")

Photo: Alexander Drecun




Animal Totem Medicine

⏱️ 11 Minute Read | Also see Crystal Gem Medicine & Healing

The Medicine of Animal Guides, Totems & Symbology List

When the Earth is sick, the animals will begin to disappear,
when that happens the Warriors of the Rainbow will come to save them.
- Chief Seattle

Dear Friends,

Our animal friends remain by our side through thick and thin, come to us in our dreamtime, appear before us in visions and fill our thoughts as we re-member them from our youth as our beloved pet friends. They come in every shape and size. They are the messengers of Great Spirit/Father in Heaven/YHWH and our guides and support through phases of our lives. We are each attracted to certain animals more than others because they represent some of our strongest guides and helpers. If there are animals living around you, in your life as pets, or entering your dreamtime and visions, read through the list below of some of our animal friends and the message they may bring you.


  • ALLIGATOR - Integration, aggression, survival, adaptability
  • ANT - Patience, group-minded, worker
  • ANTELOPE - Action/quick decisive/knowledgeable
  • ARMADILLO - Boundaries
  • BADGER - Aggressiveness/fight for what it wants
  • BAT - Rebirth, guardian of the night, cleaner; knowledge to avoid obstacles, barriers, and troublesome people; undergoing a shamanistic death; releasing old habits and personality patterns;
  • BEAR - Introspection/heal the sick/power/inner strength/courage/wisdom, adaptability
  • BEAR, GRIZZLY - Hunter, nature's pharmacist
  • BEAVER - Builder, gatherer
  • BEE - Spiritual telepathic industry; solar initiation; co-disciple
  • BLACKBIRD -The learning of mystic secrets while in meditation; learning trance; doing deep, purposeful meditations
  • BLACK PANTHER - Embracing the unknown
  • BLUE JAY - Courage, warning, eloquence; divination to check on future trouble-spots in your life
  • BLUE HERON - Self-reflection
  • BUFFALO - Prayer and abundance/provider and protector, sacredness, life-builder
  • BUTTERFLY - Transformation, metamorphosis, carefree
  • CHEETAH - Swiftness, speed, develop your self-esteem so that you move with a regalness of bearing; making events occur quicker
  • COCK - The power of the word to dispel and repel negativity; building walls of protection about you, your family and friends, pets, and property; setting psychic guardians in place to warn you of problems
  • COYOTE - Trickster, prankster, insight, playful
  • COUGAR - Leadership, courage
  • CRANE - Solitude, independence, intelligence, discipline, vigilance; magick; astral travel; learning and keeping secrets; reaching deeper mysteries and truths; learning new types of magick; astral traveling especially in search of spiritual wisdom
  • CROW - Keeper of the sacred "Law", gateway to the supernatural; thief, trickery, boldness, skill, cunning, single-mindedness; a bringer of knowledge; prophecy; learn from past but don't hold onto it; swiftness, eloquence; shape-shifting; letting go of past hurts; learning to mentally shape-shift; divination
  • DEER - Gentleness, flower of kindness, embrace from afar, love
  • DOLPHIN - Manna/knows the unknowable/keeper of the sacred breath of life, kindness, play, bridge man to ocean
  • DOG - Loyalty/serving humanity; God spelled backwards; tracking skills, ability to scent a 'trail' through conflicting or confusing situations; companionship, keen hearing, willingness to follow through; using intuition to find new ideas and solutions; seeking a teacher within by going into the silence; if seen in meditation, you will be guarded from approaching danger and threats; protection; finding out the truth
  • DOVE (Egyptian Ba) or PIGEON - Communicating with friends and loved ones who are in spirit; spiritual messenger between worlds; peace, gentleness, lov
  • DRAGONFLY - Illusion, flighty, carefree
  • EAGLE - Connection to the Great Spirit/Divine, freedom, power, swiftness, strength, courage, wisdom, keen sight; knowledge of magick; sees hidden spiritual truths; sees overall pattern of life; rising above material in search of spiritual direction; connecting with powerful spiritual beings; creating a stronger connection with spirit guides and teachers, deitie
  • ELK - Spirit helper, stamina/to find a lover/romance, strength, agility, freedom
  • FALCON - Magick, astral travel, healing, releasing the soul of a dying person; sending energy and soul-healing to a dying person for an easy transition
  • FOX - Quick, decisiveness, camouflage, protector of the family unit, intelligence, cunning, provider
  • FROG - Cleansing, honors our tears, connection with the water element
  • GOAT - Leader, inquisitiveness
  • GOOSE - New beginnings, wisdom, inspiration, happiness, for a happy marriage and children
  • GROUSE - Sacred spiral
  • GUINEA FOWL - Protection, warning, spiritual watch-dog and protector
  • HAWK - (Egyptian Bak) Messenger of the Gods/Sky, observer, clear-sightedness; far memory or recalling past lives; message from spirit, omens and dreams; overcoming problems; opportunistic; courage, defense, wisdom, illumination, new life, creativity, truth, experience
  • HERON - Ability to watch patiently for results; dignity of movement; methodical procedure in matters; gaining dignity and self-confidence for facing personal problems
  • HORSE - Physical and unearthly power, stamina, mobility, strength, feminine wisdom
  • HUMMINGBIRD - Joy, awakens the medicine flower, feathers used for love charms, messenger, stopper of time, relaxation, non-judgmental, happiness, love
  • IBIS - Magick on spiritual level; wisdom, enlightenment; learning magick and spellworking; wisdom to understand and properly use the ancient deep magicks
  • JAGUAR - Integrity and impeccability
  • LION - Learn to relax; don't carry the stress of one situation into another; strengthen family ties; strength, courage, energy; releasing stress and tension
  • LIZARD - Dreaming, conservation, agility
  • LOVEBIRD - Love, companionship, marriage; drawing a loving companion into your life
  • LYNX - Secrets, keeper of the lost magic
  • MAGPIE - Omens and prophecies; the mysteries of life and death; divination of any kind
  • MOOSE - Self-esteem, head-strong, unstoppable, longevity
  • MOUSE - Scrutiny, more to learn
  • MOUNTAIN LION - Use of power in leadership
  • NIGHTINGALE - Inspiration, using your talents with joy, moon magick
  • OPOSSUM - Diversion, strategy
  • OSTRICH - Spiritual truth, protection from troublesome spirits, exorcisms
  • OTTER - Women medicine, joy for others, laughter, curiosity, mischievousness
  • OWL - Clairvoyance, astral projection, magic deception and wisdom, truth, unmasking those who would deceive you, patience, guide to and from underworld, shape-shifting, secrets, and omens; moon magick; wisdom to make positive changes
  • PARROT - Imitation, mockery, unintelligent repetition of something; think carefully before you speak; don't repeat gossip; guidance and wisdom to think before speaking
  • PEACOCK - Dignity, warning, self-confidence; use symbol of peacock "eye" to see into the past, present, and future
  • PHOENIX BIRD - (Egyptian Bennu) Rebirth, renewal; guardian, deep magic
  • PIG - Purity, innocence; intelligence; luck, good fortune
  • PORCUPINE - Child-like innocence and humility, protection
  • PRAIRIE DOG - Retreat, family
  • QUAIL - Good luck, courage, victory; for success in a project
  • RABBIT - Fear, alertness, nurturing. Rabbits tend to be gentle, quiet, elegant, and alert; quick, skillful, kind, and patient; and particularly responsible. However, they might be superficial, stubborn, melancholy, and overly-discreet. Rabbits are faithful to those around them, but reluctant to reveal their minds to others, and have a tendency to escape reality. They are too cautious and conservative, which means they miss good opportunities.
  • RACOON - Generous protection
  • RAVEN - Magic, carries the medicine, trickster, teacher, hoarder; helps with divination; often represents the upset in life necessary to create something new; wisdom, eloquence, a change in consciousness; messages from spirit; something unforeseen but special is about to occur; magick of the Crone; divination
  • ROBIN - Happiness, new beginnings; for guidance in beginning a new cycle of life
  • SALMON - Wisdom, inner knowing, instinct, persistence, determinatio
  • SEAGULL - Spiritual messengers; opening yourself to communication with deities
  • SEAHORSE - Confidence, grace
  • SHARK - Hunter, survival
  • SHEEP - Loyal, good natured and kind. Introverts who can easily be overtaken by emotion. Sheep spirit animals as expression of innocence; an innocent aspect of yourself; your childhood, child-like qualities characterized by innocence, gentleness. Vulnerability with a negative meaning, weakness, vulnerability that could turn into powerlessness.Vulnerability with a positive meaning: Self-acceptance, ability to respect your own limits. A common meaning for the sheep totem is a part of yourself that tends to conform to social norms or family values.
  • SKUNK - Reputation, respect yourself
  • SNAKE - Transmutation, power of creation, sexuality, shrewdness, transformation
  • SPARROW - Love, desire, fertility, pregnancy
  • SPIDER - Weaving, creation, creative pattern of life
  • SQUIRREL - Gathering
  • SWALLOW: Good luck, success; changing your luck
  • SWAN - Grace, balance, innocence; spiritual evolution, developing intuitive abilities, seeing into the future, divination on a spiritual level; aid with dream symbol interpretation; transitions
  • TIGER - Power, energy; if action is called for, don't analyze it to death, just do it; unpleasant but necessary action only gets worse if you procrastinate; finding strength and will-power to tackle an unpleasant situation
  • TURKEY - Give-away Eagle; symbol for gift is coming; asking for helpful gifts and blessings from the Gods
  • TURTLE - Mother Earth/Goddess and energy, self-contained, creative source
  • UNICORN - (Scotland's national animal) Magic; purity, innocence
  • VULTURE - Cycle of death and rebirth; prophecy; deep love of the Mother Goddess; asking for understanding and wisdom concerning the death of a loved one
  • WEASEL - Stealth
  • WHALE - Record keeper, wisdom, provider, cleanser
  • WILD BOAR - Confrontation
  • WOLF - Teacher, family, spirit, great hunter, loyalty, success, perseverance
  • WOODPECKER - Warning of approaching trouble; good luck; prophecy; divination for checking a situation for problems
  • WREN - Messenger from the Gods; prophecy; living life to the fullest; protecting yourself when necessary

RESOURCES: Animal Magick by D.J. Conway; Totem Power Stones; Watch Your Dreams by Ann Ree Colton; and Deidre's personal observance and experiences

Awaking Divinity - Re-cognition

Awakening to the Divine

Many of us have forgotten who we truly are. Many of us continue to walk around in a fog wondering who we are, why we are, where we are. I've seen so many completely confused individuals crying, screaming, and struggling in their lives with poor health, wealth, relationships, and more - indicative of their poverty consciousness. I have had this same poverty consciousness for most of my life.

The Holy Grail of Bliss Lives Happily Inner After

This article is about how to move out of poverty consciousness and move into your own true divinity. I am going to share my abnegation awakening experience (a very rare type of kundalini awakening) when the 3D Veil was lifted for me so you have someone's experiences to draw upon. If I can experience these incredible aHA moments, so can you and its important to meet and connect with others that have had these experiences because they help inspire us all. We need to hear these stories in our lives that give us strengthened faith, hope, and courage. When you gain a higher level of awareness your poverty consciousness begins to fade away as you assume right relationship and responsibility, impeccability, with the world around you... and within you.

My Awakening - Re-cognition

Cupid Asleep Awaking Divinity - Deidre MadsenMy awakening re-cognition occurred when I least expected it.  Always does, doesn't it? January 3, 2000 "A" day. 1+3+2000 = 5 numerologically, an introvert, action, progress day.

Before I get into the actual account, I want you to get an idea of who I was/am prior to the time of 1/3/00. Briefly, I will highlight important life moments for you.

Dear Reader, what is the first thing you remember before, during or after YOUR birth?

Do you remember your actual birth experience? No? Me either. As a baby; however, I do remember crawling around and seeing the royal blue color of either the carpet or the drapes in my parent's home. I remember seeing the kitchen from an elevated (in my Mama's arms) point-of-view. I remember my favorite baby food... Gerber's Baby VEAL. Yum. I still remember the taste of the baby food in my mind. I loved being a baby. I was a big fat baby and proud of it. Being a baby is awesome. Such strong memories of babyhood connote a high amount of awareness on all levels. (And, yes I was one of 95% (OMG?) of the abducted U.S. population, a story for another time.)

At the age of three or four years, I remember standing in the living room of our tiny apartment, a wee girl, seeing the news about John F. Kennedy's tragic assassination. Even at that age, his death left a very large mark on my soul but this, no one knew. During the 60's I was a little girl prancing and dancing in white patent-leather go-go boots, singing along to Nancy Sinatra's pop hit, "These Boots Were Made For Walkin'". Just a wee blonde little thing then. And ooohhh so innocent. My childhood family never knew of my intuitive abilities because my intuition told me then to keep it all well-hidden.

When I was young, I was frightened of summer camp and every year all the other kids in the family went to camp except me. I feared spiders, snakes, the night, and especially I feared the unknown. Yes I am painting a picture of a bit of a sheepish, mousy fraidy-cat of a girl.

I have always held secret, silent psychic/intuitive knowing and awareness and have (from birth) carefully guarded this from all harm and jeopardy. When I felt restrained or held back from my true spiritual expansion, patiently I would bide my time and leave the negative environment.

In '98 I went through a difficult divorce and separation from my newly adopted son. Precipitously, my stepfather died suddenly on the day of my younger sister's birthday at that same time in my life. I also lost my job, began a brand new (and oddly different and difficult) job, and bought my first house, and that was just the first half of the year. A whirlwind year later, I experienced financial bankruptcy, sold my brownstone in the city and moved to southern Missouri.

Here, in this place, I discover my true spiritual family and am loved and nurtured by a vast array of like-minded ones who see the big picture from a very different perspective and understand about the sacredness of our I AM light vessels (our bodies). And I, who struggled all my life to accept myself, begin to steadfastly "peel off the layers of the onion."

Here I now live in beautiful, lush southern Missouri near the Current River, a river fed by eleven underground sources at supernal Big Springs. The bermed home I'm renting has a 14' gigantic wrap-around stone fireplace and in these crisp, snowy winter months, I keep this primary heat source burning day and night.

Divine Destiny  Awaking Divinity - Deidre Madsen

It is here where the mist rises from the Deer Run Lake outside my front door, against a beautiful backdrop of the Mark Twain National Forest where pine trees sway on the hilltops catching snowflakes on their pins and needles. Deer, eagle, hawk, owl and coyote become my closest companions.

Here where other sacred Lightworkers have come to heal offering this earth, this sacred home of medicine wheels, crystals and feathers.

Here where brothers and sisters of the Cherokee and Lakota Nations, united with an array of Lightworkers for a lovely evening of dinner, sharing and friendship.

Here where only three days prior I turned the sacred stones in the honored position of fire keeper at an inipi (sweat lodge), the great Millennium ceremony, receiving strong fire medicine on my third eye chakra from the great stones that once graced a sacred mountain top in Taos, New Mexico months prior.

And, here where I now sit alone watching the snow fall through the wall of tall, lace-graced windows, my back against the warm fireplace handles. Peace and tranquility surround me and at my side is my closest friend and companion, his brown fur warmed by the huge wood-burning fireplace, my German Shepherd, Nikki.

For the first time in my entire life I am alone.  No more flurry of people, rushing jobs, endless activity commitments, gatherings and countless holiday events. No more city pandemonium. Just this beautiful, silent place. Me, my dog, and the fire.

After what feels like an eternity - I am home. I am healing. I am nurturing me.

angel fairy  Awaking Divinity - Deidre MadsenI rise to watch the mist and walk over to an overstuffed couch and nestle in with a new book, "The Angels Within Us" by John Randolph Price, a spiritual guide to the twenty-two angels that govern our lives. Hmm, sounds interesting. According to this book these angels assist us and all we have to do is invite them in, give them permission to do it.

So I sit and meditate in the center of my being and close my eyes for a moment. "Let's see, whom of these angels shall I call forth?", I ask myself. I ponder the question for a moment and decide to allow whichever one that wants to, to come forward.

Here in my sacred meditation space I wait and suddenly, lo and behold, all twenty-two angels appear sitting around a huge oblong table, staring and smiling at me. I am startled at the concept that they have all come, not just one or two - but all of them.

They laugh and I begin speaking to them.  "Wow, what are all of you doing here?  I just asked for one."

They remind me they are all here to help.

I laugh, saying,  "Oh, sorry, I'm very human and I say rather silly things sometimes."

This really sets them off.  Now they are really laughing, shaking their shoulders in peals of joyful laughter.  I stand there dumbfounded, wondering at what they're laughing. "What are you all laughing at, I don't get the joke." I plead out of mild frustration.

Well, this just makes them laugh all the harder, by now they're rolling on the floor.  And I still sit there wondering, my ego getting jolted a bit.  One or two stop laughing and reply, "We're laughing because youdon't get the joke."

Thoughts run through my mind. I don't get the joke?! I don't get the joke? I don't get it. "Wait!" I shout. "I get it! I get the joke!" I jump inside, my heart pounding. "I get it!  I get it!" Suddenly, I realize I AM one of these angels but in human form. Wow, no wonder I couldn't get it at first, I'm human! aHA!

My mind races further with this new information, this new revelation; thoughts running a mile-a-minute wrapping themselves around the concept. The angels smile and congratulate me at my great moment of re-membering who I AM. I see them as my friends, my comrades and we laugh and high-five each other.

They explain that I was once celestial and have decided to incarnate into human form to assist mankind and mother earth in the sacred time of ascension. The most glorious time for the whole of creation Earth.

Cupid Awake  Awaking Divinity - Deidre MadsenI look down now at my physical vehicle, my body, the one who I AM as Deidre and see the beauty and glory in my self and realize why I have chosen to look this way, chosen to take this physical form and I cry for joy. I laugh and remark to the angels, "Hey, I like who I AM as Deidre. Watch me as this woman, this physical human, watch me as I physically stand up." They smile, waiting and watching me in my childlike wonder. I stand and as I do so my heart chakra expands and a great warmth overflows my chest. I feel the sensation and smile at the joy inside of my open heart. The radiance inside of me expands to fill my whole chest. It feels like fireworks going off in my chest. (I think that's why we love fireworks in the sky so, they remind us of this very remarkable feeling.)

I laugh and jump up and down with joy, the angels watching me, grinning gleefully. I look around at my surroundings, my dog, the fireplace, the beauty of where I am living. I see the glory in all things great and small. I run around laughing like a child at play, impersonating old comedians like Groucho Marx for the angels which makes them laugh harder. (I recognize that there is great joy and humor in the heavens and I feel comedians are very sacred angel beings and are to be greatly honored for the heavenly reminder they bring to humankind.)

The magick is in the hand and I stand before the doorway to the wintry weather outside, the dogs running around (the neighbor dogs are here to visit Nikki). The warmth of love in my heart space, the fireworks, expand and spread throughout my being until I feel it within every cell and atom down to the tips of my fingers and toes. The universe(s), all things, are within that very place, within the tiniest aspect of our physical bodies. All things are within, and yet I see they are with out, they are outside of me to my awakened eyes.  They exist within and without. Great knowing and understanding poured forth from the heavens into my mind and I was given a great gift of truth.

I beckon the dogs to stop running in and out of the house, like playful children, responding to my own heightened awareness level. They stand there waiting, panting and smiling at me. I realize at that moment that I can, by will, simply direct them outside without speaking. So I reach for them with my hand and etherically pull them with my mind outside into the snowy day. And I witness their sudden calm. They follow my hand, like precious lambs, and it is then I realize the greatness within us all. And the enormous responsibility in the hand, even in a thought.

However, it is the knowing that we don't trust what is possible. We don't trust in the magick we each carry within. We have never really trusted that if we think we can truly levitate, it is so. Yet some do trust and do levitate themselves and others. Some do. Very few. We each of us have that exact (and way more) potential... if we but trust.

you are the light awakening  Awaking Divinity - Deidre Madsen

All things great and small are glorious and beautiful representations of God. All things we experience here in this earth, at the time of the holidays (for example) are representations of daily life in the heavens. There is no separation. YOU ARE THE LIGHT!

There is no separation. We re-create on Earth all that is in Heaven. As Above, So Below. So many, many duplications. We are working to get back to who we are. Re-member, re-assemble, re-cognize ourselves. And we have NOT forgotten.
- Deidre Madsen

An example of this is Santa Claus Kris Kringle. We create Santa Claus and why? Because when we ask a little child what they want for Christmas, they write to Santa and ask for a new bike or doll. They then expect those things to be underneath the Christmas tree Christmas morning. And those things and more usually are there on Christmas morning. Santa is real. Santa delivers. Who is Santa? Why, YHWH of course.

This is why as children we get so disappointed when we hear that Santa isn't real from our parents. We know deep down that they're wrong and somehow their believing that Santa isn't real makes us all the more sad and disappointed; like, our parents have been fooled.

Do you see the magick and pure divinity in all things and the re-creation of truth in this third dimensional earth plane? When we ask God for something, we (like Jesus said) must be like little children before YHWH and to us all things will come. But we must be mindful of what we ask. We must be diligent and true. We must be faithful and loving. We must be children of YHWH.

We are children of YHWH for we are made in the likeness of YHWH and therefore we are YHWH. For if there is no separation and YHWH made us in the likeness of him, and we are given the divine spark, then if not YHWH then who are we? We are not separate. We are all things and all things are us. It is a pure and lovely experience.Now as I write this to you, Dearest Reader, I am looking at a few years since that day of my awakening.  At the time, I had no fears. None. I realized there was nothing to fear, not even fear itself. Because we are living in a lower, denser realm (3D), I did re-call one fear... the fear of losing the moment of knowing, the fear of forgetting all that I experienced, the fear of not being able to re-capture this blissful magick. And that then is exactly what happened. The recognition subsided and slowly faded from my grasp like a strong dream.

The Current Runs Through It

Like a river, the current of life's ebb and flow cycles weaves itself throughout each moment. Surely we could write an entire book from each rich moment in our lives.

Awaking Divinity - Deidre MadsenAh, but what has happened between then and now?  Multitudes of expanding experiences and gentler recognitions. I do not fear the seeming loss of my awakening now, for it is all in the moment and therefore it is never lost. I AM recognizing great things which, as I look around at the world events occurring -- there is definitely an ascension afoot of which we are a strong and integral part. My coming back to that experience will happen again absolutely.

AWAKEN! Re-cognize (be-come cognizant!), re-member WHO YOU ARE! - Deidre Madsen

"Awaken, dear friends, within this dream and realize that it is your duty and responsibility as human beings to imagine and visualize a safe world. It will be as you decree, and your own experience will thus reflect it." - The Pleiadians, by Barbara Marciniak

Be at the ready. Ready for what? Ready to awaken and help heal others and assist in their awakening. Be ready to realize YOU ARE ALREADY AWAKE. Ready to ascend and RECOGNIZE YHWH on earth as it is in the heavens.

It is I AM Who is Ready

I see the greatness in all things yet as my memory grasps the wisps of that precious memory of my awakening divinity, I re-member what and who I am to be here on earth.... I, who was unquestionably granted the opportunity to be fire keeper at the millennium inipi ceremony, the first female to do so at that lodge (still a wonder to me even now). I, who have bridged the way for many people to see and understand themselves more. It is "I AM That I AM" and not my sometimes-in-the-way ego "I", but my I AM YHWH presence - the angels within us. The Divine Spark of Light within us. The YHWH/God/dess within us.






Client Comments

readings love career life path client comments testimonials - Deidre MadsenLife Coaching


Amazing, call her!                         

  Very uplighting and so inspiring, I'm very happy I called you when I did. Going into December/New Year I will be giving you an update on my new job I'm intending on getting based on your wisdom and knowledge I have faith and thank you so much again! Amazing call her! - K.O.

Knew things I did not mention!

Excellent! She saw and correctly identified that my deceased father in law was watching over my son and gave me details without any information from me. She knew things about them that I did not mention! - Mir

You gave me hope

I really enjoyed my reading with you tonight. You answered all my questions and your answers were very specific. I felt the reading was very uplifting for me and gave me hope for my future. I loved speaking with you and look forward to my next reading in the near future. I think you are truly gifted. Thankyou so much. - Kara

Thank you for giving me peace

 WOW! AWESOME Reading! Picked up on my deceased mother immediately without me giving any information, nor was I "thinking" about an answer when she responded with something out of the blue that she would have NEVER known about my mother. thank you for giving me the peace I was looking for. - L.H

Unbelievably accurate

 So unbelievably accurate! Angel U R awesome!! The fact that he's not Mr. GQ but there's something deeper about him I'm drawn to. Don't over analyze just seize the moment be playful be my amazing beautiful goddess self. He is very serious about me and ready for one person to connect with. He is a man's man likes being the pursuer. He wants to protect and honor me. Deep soul connection for both of us. Will not have any bm drama. He won't let that happen. She has her place. Just be myself effortlessly. - B.A.G.

Deidre isdefinitely gifted!

Wow! Deidre was spectacular! She picked up on words and phrases that my guy has used or bits of conversation that we have had. She was very thorough with details which were amazing to me. Deidre is definitely gifted! Don't be fooled by her very budget friendly price, give her a call while you can still get in because soon she will have a long waiting list! Thank you Deidre, I appreciate the wonderful insight. I WILL be back in touch! Many blessings to you!! - Margaret

Advise is consistently accurate

Thanks for a wonderful session! I am so grateful for your insights as your advice is consistently accurate and I am hopeful for the things we see emerging on all fronts to come together soon! Blessings to you! ★★★★★★★★★★10 STARS! - O.L.

100% Accurate

Dee is da bomb! Never saw a better automatic writer. 100% accurate in my reading in 2001! Tweet Blue OtterWill Blueotter‏@WillBlueotter @deidremadsen

Connects fast!

 Very beautiful soul and connects very fast.She is without doubt my best psychic. She is highly recommended.God bless you for giving me a very honest reading. - Kristy

She picked up on my deceased family

An amazing reading, over an hour Deidre and I spent talking. She picked on my deceased family and our lineage. I was provided with insight on my family and our karmic ties. I will be calling again. - Yolanda

Fast, honest, intuitive, accurate

Great! Fast, honest, intuitive, accurate, gave good insight and details. She tuned right into my situation fast and picked up accurately on people and things going on around me. I'm so happy I called this adviser. - P.L.

Needed a game plan, she gave me one

I am so pleased. Deidre and I spoke the same language. I needed a game plan and she gave me one. "Just be who you are and revel in these days as though fresh flowers were being delivered daily to your life." That is exactly how I feel, with the joy of knowing there is so much more to come. Thank you, Deidre! - Jude


Deidre was very sweet, sincere, honest and last but not least, ALL KNOWING! Yes! She has the gift and her reading was very matter-of-fact. There were no hesitations or guessing ONLY her gifts of KNOWING and SEEING! I wish I could've talked with her a little longer! - B.L.

Thank God... for leading me to you

My Dear Deidre,  I cannot thank God enough for leading me to you and I cannot thank you enough for helping me in this journey of life as I find myself, who I am and why I am here. Your articles have been very helpful for me. May you continue to share your love and light with all those in need of it. - Your friend, Ayeshah

Simone Graser client comments testimonials - Deidre Madsen

I could feel her love even tho I was so far away

 Deidre came into my life when I was very hopeless and depressed due to two miscarriages I had. To this point I thought I might never be able to have my own children. I wondered why this happened to me and why it happened twice. She really took the time to help me and look deep within the family history or should I better say the problems in our family -- going way back into my great-grandmothers life -- and everything she said was true. I started to understand why there were those problems and why those things have happened to me. She was very kind and gentle. I could feel her love even though I was so far away -- this helped me so much. She also sent me a healing and I really felt the energy going into my body. I knew for certain that now I am healed and able to have children which I so much longed for. Those miscarriages truly broke my heart and Deidre really gave me my faith back. I am now a mom of an 8 month old son. : ) Deidre is a wonderful person. Yes truly an Angel God has sent to me back then. I will be forever grateful for her help. Thank you so much. - Simone Graser, Germany

It was reassurance... things are okay

"Sometimes, everything can be overwhelming. You are still a responsible member of a society, paying tax, receiving pay-checks, while sought after by voices of the nature, it is overwhelming. In those days, you tend to forget that no matter how hard and impossible your life may seem, in the end, the Universe is all about forgiving. You were forgiven from the very beginning, but you just simply cannot realize that when there's too much on the to-do-list.   You forget that you can believe people. You forget that at the core, you are very good, and that you are now just a little agitatated, if you can't be generous to others as you wish you could. Those are the times you might want to get in touch with Deidre. For me, it was reassurance. After having talked with Deidre, I could tell myself that things are okay, it has always been okay, the leaves are singing and the sky is blue, and we are all vibrating, transforming, including you and me, filled with love and joy. Hope you get to see that, recall that as well, if you feel like you are confused and lost." - Aika, journalist

Your life will never be the same

Dear Deidre, I am still flying from my work with you. The sessions I did were both life changing for me. They were vital to my spiritual growth. You are blessings in this universe, and I feel so fortunate to have them share their healing and guidance. Your life will never be the same once you have a session with them. My spirit is soaring with the ravens! - Tina McCarty, Tuscon, AZ

Finally-hope in a desperate situation

Hi Deidre, Thank you for all of your support, guidance and I came across a miracle over the past couple of days... so thank you so much for helping me. I am doing a milion times better. For the first time in over a year and a half I finally feel like I have some hope in all this desparate situation which is like unbelievable and you definitely helped me get there so thank you.  - R.G., L.A.

Karen Olson-Leonard - client comments testimonials - Deidre MadsenTotally divine and helpful

Dearest Deidre, How honored I am to have received such a beautiful reading from you! How totally divine and helpful it was/is for me on my journey. What a wonderful gift you have of seeing and receiving information for others! Thank you so much for your talent. I thank you, your guides, my guides and all guides involved in our session. Much love and light to you. - Karen Olson-Leonard

Working thru childhood issues towards self-empowerment

Intuitive Reading yesterday.  It was really great to talk with you.  I realized a lot of things during our conversation that I needed to work on. Thank you for helping me to see that I needed to take charge and "say what I needed to say" for me. A lot of my suspicions arise from my childhood. I also know that I need to work thru this to get to the other side. Thank you for your supportive and calming session as I know it has already helped me.  You are a blessing to your clients. Thank you again! - Rhonda J

You really uplifted me... shed light on many different issues

❦  Dearest Deidre, Thanks so much for spending time with me yesterday and for being so incredibly insightful! You are a beautiful, amazing lady and I really feel that our paths will be crossing again in the near future - for a higher purpose. Yesterday was just the beginning. All I feel that I want to say is "thank you" - you really uplifted me yesterday and shed light on many different issues. You made a huge difference in my life and I wish you health, happiness, wealth, peace and everything else you with yourself.  "I think a hero is any person really intent on making this a better place for all people." - Maya Angelou I am so grateful that you came into my life and have lit it up in so many ways. You are really are a beautiful, special person and I am so happy to be part of your "Sister Circle". I love being part of your family. Thanks always for everything.  "When you learn, teach. When you get, give." - Maya Angelou You are generous with your time, your talents, and your self... Thank You for sharing your gifts with the world. This really describes "you". You are so very, very special. Thanks always for all your advice, time, support, blessings and love.  Lots of Love, Michelle M., Newport Beach, CA

The degree of correlation of your insight is truly amazing... you were batting between 850 and 1000

DearDeidre ... Thanks again for helping us with my wife's spiritual journey. The degree of correlation of your insight into her past lives with the karma in her present one is truly amazing. To use a sports analogy, I'd say you were batting between 850 and 1000.The audio tapes generated during the session indicate amazing levels of insight gained during the session. The increasing levels of detail in the insights was also very impressive. When she was spaced out from being in a state of comatose in the ICU in January, she was concerned about the following appliances: refrigerator, washer, and dryer, which seems to correlate with the Egyptian laborer lifetime insights. She said that she "needed 3D", which we later figured out was that she needed more space when the family was crowding around her bed, another correlation with one of your insights. Her strength of character, compassion, practicality, and sense of fair play all correlate well with the Nun lifetime insights. In my opinion, your emphasis on "being" vs "doing"  goals are very appropriate for her at this time. - Warm regards. A Happy Husband, Tuscon, AZ

I am totally amazed with Deidre and her intuitive abilities

On August 29, 2012 I had my first intuitive reading with Deidre. I have been waiting a while for my answer on my divorce ruling I decided to ask her during the reading. My question was when would I have my answer. She first said 14 came up but then number four was stronger. So she said 4 weeks was the answer. I received my divorce ruling on September 26, 2012 exactly 4 weeks from the time of my reading and the date the divorce ruling was signed with September 14, 2012. I am totally amazed with Deidre and her intuitive abilities. I can't wait to see what happens with the other time frames she provided to me on my other questions. - Trin

Elaine Ohm client comments testimonials - Deidre Madsen

Most accurate of any intuitive

I had an Intuitive Reading with Deidre... her reading has proven the most accurate of any intuitive I've encountered so far. I'm still in awe of how accurate things you spoke of have unfolded for me. It's weird how what's been happening to me lately is so intertwined with what you saw in the reading. Many Blessings, Elaine

She immediately was so "on" about what was going on with me and extremely helpful

 Deidre is one of the most intuitive, wonderful, giving and spiritually special people I have ever met. From the minute I met her and I did my first Reading with her she immediately was so "on" about what was going on with me and extremely helpful.Every time I interact with Deidre I leave with such a beautiful feeling of peace, calm and tranquility in my inner being. I have referred many people to her and as I tell each one of them "she is truly a gift to all of us." - Michelle M., Newport Beach, CA


Mary Green-Noland client comments testimonials - Deidre MadsenWith Deidre I could help my deceased mother with her transition in the afterlife

 I felt an immediate bond. I learned through my session with Deidre that I could help my deceased mother with her transition in the afterlife with some very specific work on behalf of myself and my seven siblings. I also learned that a tumultuous and painful relationship from which I was emerging at that time was, in fact, the Divine counterpart to a very spiritual and unusually gifted relationship with my twin flame whom I would be meeting in approximately 8-12 months. I also felt strongly the awareness of positive results for my mother when they were realized by her. I then met my wonderful man, 9-1/2 months later, unexpectedly, as I was focusing, as instructed, on other areas of my life. He is all I ever dreamed of. Thank you, Deidre, for holding this mirror up for me so that I could see more clearly where best to focus my energies. than you, most importantly, for encouraging me to stay on my path and to stay faithful. I have tried my best, and been rewarded beyond hopes. Please keep up your selfless giving work, and encourage others like me to stay their courses and believe. - Very Best Regards, Mary, Phoenix, AZ



imagination happily inner after TGI Transformational Guided Imagery Sessions - Deidre MadsenTransformational Guided Imagery (TGI)


Healing Developmental Disabilities - Mental Retardation, Sensory Integration Dysfunction, Poor Motor Coordination, Hyper Sensitive Hearing, Speech and Language Deficits and Social Emotional Regulation

Hello Deidre, Thank you for the Transformational Guided Imagery, TGI work you have been doing with Scotty.  It has been 24 years since he acquired his brain injuries from low oxygen saturations, infantile stroke and cerebral atrophy all resulting from a heart defect at birth.

Scott has participated since the age of two in many traditional forms of therapy to assist him with his developmental disability including mental retardation, sensory integration dysfunction, poor motor coordination, hyper sensitive hearing, speech and language deficits and his struggles with social emotional regulation. 

All of these therapies brought Scott very far over the years. We have had what I know to be some of the nations best therapists to whom we are forever grateful. 

We can now add you Deidre Madsen to this list of highly qualified professionals.Thank you.

In the short time that you have been assisting Scott in TGI sessions he has very quickly improved in what our pychologist, Beth Anne Martin, PhD at Cleveland Clinic Foundation calls Theory Of Mind, the ability to think about ones own thinking. This higher level of thought has been observed not only by myself and family members but by Scott's programing director at his work site who is a specialist for the emotionally challenged population. 

We all see Scott having increased helpfulness with his peers due to his ability to access the areas in his brain that provide him with empathy for others, improved focus and attention and an ability to stay in the "here and now".

Additionally,  Scott shows us increased flexibility, faster processing of information and feelings. Scott healed past emotional wounds with his father who has been in hospice and is now spontaneous with sincere emotional interactions with his Dad. He is no longer fearful of his Dad's impending passing due to your Transformational Guided Imagery work. 

We are blessed to know you and your unique work.  It is my hope that you can assist others with developmental disabilities to more fully experience the outer world by acessing the right and left hemispheres of their brains to activate their own internal psyche to be more of who they can be.

Sincere Regards,

Billie Erickson,
Mother to Scott 
4/11/2016 | ORDER

Overcoming insecurities

Hi Deidre, I wanted to let you know I experienced a big shift last evening when I was out in public with my boyfriend. I also felt empowered to speak to him directly about my needs, without feeling needy. Many thanks for sharing your wisdom. We shall see where this goes, but I feel like I am coming from a more grounded place. Sharing your personal story of how you access your inner male was very helpful, as I sometimes need things to be spelled out:) And, as we were in a bar filled with younger people, I found myself blessing other women who appeared insecure to me and wishing them that they know their worth. - With Love, VT | ORDER


Ayshica Andrews - Transformational Guided Imagery (TGI) client - Deidre MadsenI cannot thank God enough for leading me to you

My Dear Deidre,  I cannot thank God enough for leading me to you and I cannot thank you enough for helping me [Intuitive Reading] in this journey of life as I find myself, who I am and why I am here. [Also] your Articles have been very helpful for me. May you continue to share your love and light with all those in need of it. - Your friend, Ayeshah | ORDER

TGI skips right past all the excuses, defenses and surface issue

I have known Deidre for a few years. I had several TGI sessions with her in 2003 and 1 session about a month ago. I am amazed at how TGI gives me direct access to my emotions and how I am feeling in the moment.I went to the last session to explore a drawing I made of a dream. During the session I discovered that my drawing was connected to my emotional issues at the time. Deidre made a few suggestions which helped me to heal and release these issues. I find that TGI goes straight to the core issue(s); it skips right past the excuses and defenses and surface issues. TGI also gives me confidence in my dreams and visions. I feel very good about Deidre and TGI sessions and their ability to bring up my emotions for healing and release. - Daniel Maddux, Sedona, AZ | ORDER

A Little Bird Lived in a Cage

A little bird lived in a cage
And didn't know how to rend his rage
  For being confined in a tiny space
There were mental bars all over the place
  Along came Deidre Madsen and
what did she do?
  She opened the door and showed
the bird through
  Freedom was only a hop away
It was the most amazing display
  I'll tell you this, I am that bird
And truly you can take my word
  I can now fly very far and wide
Then come back home where I abide.
- Jeanette Hamilton, Sedona, AZ | ORDER

Aurora Annette Spuhler - Transformational Guided Imagery (TGI) client - Deidre MadsenOne of the most powerful ways to get to the core with your issues

I had never heard of TGI before I met Deidre but I immediately got interested when she explained to me what it was all about. Since that I have had quite a few sessions and this is one of the most powerful ways I can think of to get to the core with your issues. Its usefulness has no limits, only your fantasy. I deeply recommend to take a journey with Deidre to your inner room and meet your guides, healers and even the janitor in your inner maintenance room! And the best of all you can do it on yourself after your first session. TGI works on both the physical, emotional and mental levels. It's a very exciting journey through your different layers.If you feel like you're not a visual person and wish you were TGI is the choice for you. And if you have physical and emotional pain that you are ready to let go of, try TGI. Thank you Deidre for introducing me to the most fascinating modality that I've experienced so far. - Aurora Spuhler, Sedona, AZ | ORDER


Charlie Bear Comes to Tea

Charlie Bear has come to me
To travel into infinity
  He moves through space like Superman
And holds me by his other hand.
  We soar and soar through outer space
Looking for a sacred place
  To alight so I might see
Some of what's out there waiting for me.
  To experience first hand so I might know
There are infinite places where I can go
  To see the splendor of other domains
From mountain tops to grassy plains.
  We can go beneath the sea
Oh, my, such splendor do I see
  And then if I so choose to go
Way into space he'll also show.
  That there are places far and wide
That welcome me to go inside
  And laugh and love and just be me
A soul as free as one can be.
  There are no rights, there are no wrongs
Life can be such happy songs
  And then returning back to earth
I ground myself to my place of birth.
- Jeanette Hamilton, Sedona, AZ | ORDER

Patrick Brack - Transformational Guided Imagery (TGI) client - Deidre MadsenA complete experience 

I've known Deidre since 1998. I am an energy worker and she and I developed patterns for healing that engage spontaneous emotions and some very sharp visualizations. She rocks! Over this time she has developed a way for her clients to reach a good and healthy and life extending way of understanding their issues. I especially like the agreement that she has drawn up to help affirm that the mission in their sessions has been accomplished. TGI work with Deidre is a complete experience. - Patrick Brack, St. Louis, MO | ORDER


Raven Butler - Transformational Guided Imagery (TGI) client - Deidre MadsenWhat an angel - I have a safe place to go in my mind

Deidre is now my sister. I love her more than words can ever say. I came here a broken, depressed mess and am leaving with hope and a renewed sense of love and joy. I will keep in contact because she has put me on the path to healing and spiritual enlightenment. What an angel. I have a safe place to go in my mind; inner guidance and had the experiences of a lifetime at the vortex of beauty with a Spiritual [Nature] Vortex Ceremony and TGI [session]. She has released me from a prison of hell. - Aho! Raven, Douglasville, GA | ORDER

Jeff Allen, Tokyo - Transformational Guided Imagery (TGI) client - Deidre MadsenI noticed immediate results

I received a healing session with Deidre this week, and it was amazing! She gently led me on a guided journey through my inner psyche, helping me to explore and change my inner world as I desired. The session was fun, relaxing, and I noticed immediate results from the changes I made. Thanks Deidre! - Jeff Allen, Sedona, AZ | ORDER


500 Stars

I could use all the words I know to tell you just how amazing of a reader you are... but those words could never begin to express how grateful I am... so next time we chat... please listen to my heart. 500 stars could not express the impact Deeeeeeee has had in my life. I have been doing readings with her for almost a year and ALL of her predictions have been correct. She also has helped to develop a plan [TGI] as how to achieve the goals I had set for myself .Her patience and understanding surpass her years... as she understands the desires of your heart and truly wants to help you achieve them. - Woody, lowville, NY


couples retreat - clients comments - couples and singles conscious happily inner after signature retreatHappily Inner After Signature Retreat


You have a beautiful gift

  Deidre has made our stay more complete as a couple through her guided visualizations - connecting to my spirit guides and my husband's ancestors and elders. She helped my husband see he needs more fun and play in his life and for me the beginning of generations of healing old ways. Thank you Deidre - you have a beautiful gift. - Sharon & Gary, New Mexico | ORDER


I walked away with a newness I have needed for a long time

  Although at times it is hard emotionally to deal with the "stuff" that comes up, it is well worth the release and change. This is not an easy process, you must be ready and wanting change. I have made changes and the process started for me about 3 weeks before I arrived. I wrote my intentions and they started to manifest by the time I arrived, I left my home (18 yrs then) and bought and moved to another city - all unexpected but needed, I walk away from here with a newness I have needed for a long time. - Meg Affinito, Fernely, NV USA | ORDER

Ayshica Andrews - Transformational Guided Imagery (TGI) client - Deidre MadsenI feel calmer, courageous and empowered

Hi Deidre, I wanted to again thank you for all you did for both Sam and myself this weekend. I feel calmer, courageous and empowered. I spent more time that evening doing the gazing work and I have also been reading more of your articles. The chakra clearing work  really appeals to me and I have started doing it every evening. I have realized that I need more than anything to clarify what it is that I really want, and then I need to set out in that direction. You have helped me gain some sense of balance again when I felt as though I was totally sinking. Now I don't know where I  go from here, but I do know that I can trust  I will find the answer. I truly do believe that our spiritual teaches come to us as we are ready to graduate to the next level of lessons and at this time I feel you are that chosen teacher right now. I know that I  will be looking to your guidance and knowledge as I continue to grow. I also must make mention of how beautiful I thought your flute playing was. I wanted to tell you that day, but to much was happening and it was never expressed. You should consider doing a meditational  or prayer cd with your music. - Love and Blessings, Ayshica | ORDER


Kimberly Furbish Curless - client comments testimonial Happily Inner After Signature Retreat - Deidre MadsenYou are an angel

Deidre, I could write word after word expressing my gratitude, however, I will do my best to keep it simple. You are an angel. An angel of strength, an angel of love and an angel of teaching. You came to me bearing gifts that I never imagined I'd receive in this lifetime.Your guidance allowed me to re ignite and reintroduce myself to my spirit within. And I must say, it's been a pleasure meeting her again. I see myself as a source of empowerment and as a woman who has numerous gifts to give to those around me.My spirit shines bright and my head is held high. Forever I will be grateful to you and for you, the first of many angels that I have been blessed enough to meet! - My Love and Gratitude, Kim C., Portland, ME| ORDER

Lisa Strasser Lamour - client comments testimonial Happily Inner After Signature Retreat - Deidre MadsenHelped me get over my "stuff"

Deidre, Thanks for the memorable and fantastic healing retreat. You are an angel! Thank you for your wonderful spiritual retreat that helped me get over my 'stuff' and get to this glorious place! Hope you are well and enjoying sunshine and warmth in Arizona! - Peace and love, Lisa Strasser Lamour, Portland, ME | ORDER


Deidre is calm in her guidance and very loving

My extensive retreat experience resulted in a greater knowledge and stepping into of my authentic self. I connected with gifts of a past life, feel freer with much clearing and cleansing, and was challenged to reach beyond my perceived limitations. All of this with the extremely caring support of the staff and practitioners. I leave Sedona with many more tools in my personal spiritual tool belt. Amazingly simple technique with powerful results. Deidre is calm in her guidance and very loving. - Lianne, Oakville, ON Canada| ORDER

Deidre Madsen Book Signing Event


On a very cold and wintery December 8th, in the lobby of the beautiful and historic Collinsville Memorial Public Library, Deidre Madsen held her first official book signing of her AWARD-WINNING Happily Inner After, which was a huge success. The library was celebrating its 100th birthday. Ms. Madsen donated copies of her book to the Library in support of their centennial birthday celebration. This was an especially significant event in that this was also her hometown. She had fond memories of this library as a child and was extremely proud to have been a part of their 100th celebration.

Photos Courtesy: Brian Munoz, Studio 51 Locations: Collinsville Memorial Public Library and historic Blum House

 Deidre Madsen Award-winning author of Happily Inner After

Featured Media & Articles


DNA ACTIVATION:  FROM 3D - 5D:  Ascension Symptoms - Are You Suffering from R.A.M. (Rapid Ascension Movement)? If so you may be experiencing some of the following ascension symptoms. These symptoms are indicative of rapid DNA shifts as we and all of creation move into a higher consciousness both physically and psychologically.

Just remember you are not alone. Most everyone is experiencing these RAM symptoms to a degree. Very few it seems are gliding through Mother Earth's ascension into the fourth and fifth dimensions with ease and joy.

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universal mind quantum consciousness

Gaining Your Strength to Reach Your Limitless Potential's Mid-Point Heaven. The stroke of midnight is here. Prepare yourselves for a quantum leap in consciousness.....Yes, we are seeing and feeling incredible changes in the Schumann Resonances and the collective global consciousness is shifting dramatically; every day we are experiencing a new level of cosmic awakening on the planet.

What is next for us cosmically? Get ready for the great wheels in the sky. The Crop Circles will become Sky Circles and Sky Spheres. We will be seeing and hearing numerous symbolic messages in the sky! Now that the Mayan shift of 2012 has definitely left us with something to think about, but is anyone really aware of just what that shift filled with subtle nuances entails? How do we identify with anything subtle in this not-so-subtle world?

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Creation is Speeding Up. Hold onto your hats. We are in the time of the colossal "Shift Happens" as humanity and the planets experience the Great Awakening. This is a very good thing, right? Along with things that appear to be bad comes a plethora of GOOD as well. Learn How to Orient Our Consciousness to the Flow of Creation.

Our mind is not built for speed - creation is going too fast/faster/fastest. We are going outside our mind or... out of our mind - Ian Xel Lungold

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Happily Inner After Book

Deidre Madsen's Happily Inner After Book - self-helpHappily Inner After is a Self-Help Guide for Couples & Singles to Center, Heal & Grow,
Reconnect, Reinvigorate & Replenish

A Self-help Spiritual Road Map

Gain body, mind and spirit transformation with Deidre's lush, evocative and fun mindful meditation exercises for drastic yet effective changes in your life. Guaranteed!

Book includes:

  • 15 TGI Imagery Exercises

  • 27 Keys to the Kingdom of the King and Queen


Deidre Madsen's Beverly Hills 2015 FINALIST AWARD-WINNING Happily Inner After - A Guide to Getting and Keeping Your Knight in Shining Amour, Balboa Press, a Division of Hay House Publishing

Award-winning Happily Inner After - A Guide to Getting and Keeping Your Knight in Shining Amouris the Camelot version of Men Are from Mars Women Are from Venus. Your wildest dreams of experiencing a magical life of love can now come true!



READ A SAMPLE Intro & Chapter Click Here


HOW? ALL ANSWERS ARE IN THIS BOOK:  Getting the love you want, and keeping the love you have, are two entirely different things. For many of us, being able to first and foremost attract Mr. Right into our lives can be insurmountable. Once attracted, often the next daunting hurdle is keeping love alive and well, without sabotaging our happiness.

Happily Inner After is a complete system of easy-to-do exploratory exercises using lucid imagination and internal archetypes. Your wildest dreams of having a fulfilling love life can now come true.

Deidre Madsen can help you find and keep the love of your life. Like a song from the Jane Austen-inspired, Hindi Cinema “Bollywood” film, "Bride and Prejudice", Anu Malik’s romantic lyrics suggest:

“Show Me the Way! Take Me to Love!”



Author Deidre Madsen
Publisher Balboa Press A Division of Hay House 1663 Liberty Dr Bloomington IN 47403 877-407-4847
ISBN 978-1-5043-3653-6 (sc); 978-1-5043-3655-0 (hc); 978-1-5043-3654-3 (e)
Language English

Order Your Copy at BALBOA PRESS Today!

Happily Inner After - A Guide to Getting and Keeping Your Knight in Shining Amour by Deidre MadsenExcerpt

Once upon a time, I dreamed of having it all — the perfect life, husband, home and beautiful family. Like an idyllic Norman Rockwell painting meets Pleasantville. I wanted my own private happily ever after.

Acculturated by fairy tale fantasies most of our lives, many women like me have dreamed of our someday handsome prince within a halcyon, tranquil vision of our dreams coming true.

If you have tried to find and keep the love of your life to no avail, the mission of Happily Inner After is to not only help you to that love, but to have fun along the way. If you are ready to take the next significant step towards attracting your Mr. Right, or strengthening the existing relationship with your loved one, then take back the power in your life and watch miracles happen. Show me the way! Take me to love!

The Spark of a Magical Moment

Dear Friends,

Happily Inner After book by Deidre MadsenHave you ever seen the look on a groom's face when he sees his beautiful bride for the first time? This is exactly what the experience of Happily Inner After creates; something magical and powerful.  I see this in the faces of my clients every single time. I guess that's why I love sharing this work with everyone. It's within that moment that I feel privileged to witness in my sessions. It's like trying to capture a dew drop before it forms on a leaf. Elusive, yet so very real when it is discovered deep in a misty forest morning. That's this work and that is why it feels sometimes like I have to use a thousand words to explain the inexplicable. Thus, I deem this work... experiential with the Divine. Enjoy the ride!

Many Blessings,


© 2023 Deidre Madsen. All rights reserved.

Order Your Copy at AMAZON Today!

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Happily Inner After Healing Retreat Intensive

Happily Inner After Retreat

"... and they lived Happily Inner After."

The sacred marriage of the inner male and female archetypes...
Embrace your soul's "Shangri-La" with a personal or couples retreat

Signature Happily Inner After couples retreat, group retreat womens retreat, maarriage retreat - Deidre Madsen

"A simultaneous trauma/drama release plus an embrace of inner beauty and peace.
Happily Inner After (HIA) is quickly becoming the most direct path to "growing in love" ever!"

Getting the love you want, and keeping the love you have, are two entirely different things. For many of us, being able to first and foremost attract Mr. Right into our lives can be insurmountable. Once attracted, often the next daunting hurdle is keeping love alive and well, without sabotaging our happiness.

Author and your Retreat Facilitator and Coordinator, Deidre Madsen, offers her signature holistic wellness and healing Happily Inner After (HIA) Retreat. Based in Los Angeles or Sedona, this HIA retreat is a complete system of exploratory exercises using lucid imagination and internal archetypes surrounded by plenty of customizable pampering and nurturing spa sessions. Your wildest dreams of having a fulfilling love life can now come true. If you're ready to take the next significant step with your loved one to heal the deepest parts of your relationship, take control together, and watch miracles happen in your life! A golden crown of bliss is found in the secret chambers of the high heart ♛❤


A great step for Conscious Couples building a pre-wedding foundation


Level 1 | HIA Beginner Gentle Retreat

A Three-Day One-on-One Gentle Retreat for individuals, small to medium size groups and couples.

Our gentle beginner's retreat journey provides clarity and focus, sets your doable goals, opens your body channels for focused healing and energy flow, heals and nurtures you, balances your masculine and feminine archetypes, incorporates deep releasing and healing, reunites you with your inner joy and deep inner guidance for peace and harmony which will bring you to a blissful state of connective and whole sense of self.

3 Days Retreat, 7.5 Hours Total Session Time*

Interested in our gentle Beginner's Retreat?

Enquire for details and costs here

*In addition to the prearranged retreat sessions, groups can incorporate some of the following options: Outings, hikes, boat and ferry rides, trail rides, movie and popcorn night, wine and craft night.

Level 2 | HIA Advanced Intense Retreat

A Three-Day One-on-One Advanced Retreat for individuals, small to medium size groups and couples.

Our intense advanced retreat journey offers deep and indepth treatments and sessions including deep clarity, focus and immediate and future goals, healing, nurturing opening the body's channels for clear energy flow, sacred land journeys to open to true self-mastery, flow of the masculine and feminine archetypes through sacred union healing, quantum expansion, energy clearing and rebalancing of the bodies, and healing integration.

3 Days Retreat, 8 Hours Total Session Time*

Interested in our intense Advanced Retreat?

Enquire for details and costs here

*In addition to the prearranged retreat sessions, groups can incorporate some of the following options: Outings, hikes, boat and ferry rides, trail rides, movie and popcorn night, wine and craft night.



Healing Sessions & Retreats

Life Coaching Session

readings love psychic intu8itive readings career lifepath past life love romance relationships - Deidre MadsenIt's time for you to feel cherished and supported in life with a personalized Intuitive Life Coaching and Spiritual Healing Session. Deidre assists you through accurate wisdom and compassionate session for restorative heart-healing. She is a Certified Parapsychological Specialist (4th Generation), and Ordained Interfaith Minister. Love & Romance; Career, Finance & Life Path; Health & Medical; and Lineage Healing.

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Imagery Session

imagination happily inner after TGI Transformational Guided Imagery Sessions - Deidre MadsenPersonalized Transformational Guided Imagery (TGI) Assessment PLUS Life Coaching. This is a time-honored, proven technique of in-depth treatments utilizing lucid imagery plus intuitive guidance and succor for subtle body support to maximize your functionality in life and love.

Reverse Limiting Behaviors and Addictions
Emotional Release, Lineage Clearing
Heal Repeating Patterns

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Healing Retreat

Happily Inner After signature retreat couples retreat individual retreat girlfriend getaways pre-wedding retreat - Deidre MadsenBased on the signature teachings from Deidre Madsen's Happily Inner After, this beautiful 3-day retreat truly honors the sacred inner marriage of the masculine and feminine archetypes. Retreat can be a one-on-one personal retreat as well as a couples retreat. If you are ready to take the next significant step with your loved one to heal and love the deepest parts of your relationship, then take control of your life together … and watch miracles happen!

A great step for Conscious Couples building a pre-wedding foundation

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Laws to Shift from 3D-5D Universal Living

⏱️ 59 Minute Read | Also see Ascension 101 | Ascension Symptoms | Quantum Consciousness | Balancing the Hemispheres

The Universal Laws and Conditions of Third Dimension Living: How to Shift Consciously from 3D to 5D Universal Living

 Laws to Shift from 3D-5D Universal Living - galaxyWe truly are here to live in the art of miraculous living. Our natural ability to close down, is not nearly as strong as our ability to open up to higher consciousness and embrace the gnosis of the Universal connection to the All That Is All and reach for the Highest Heavens (Shamayim) of YHWH, our Divine Father.

Living within each of us is a recorder cell that contains the divine blueprint of our ability to BE the change we want in our world. This transition has been known as shifting from 3D to 4D; however, I propose we shift straight from 3D to 5D, as it is my experience 4D still expresses dualism. Some are calling this transition a 3D awareness shifting into 5D living. The following 105 Laws of the Universe will help us to shift our molecules, our DNA and our energy re-patterned to a new blueprint. This blueprint informs us that time and space are one and in the NOW and that we are powerful co-creators of reality. You already have everything right within you - the tools, understanding and abilities to work and grow in this new beingness.

Much of the way that we can access this new reality is through subtle shifts in our gaze (focus) and in our awareness. By relaxing our focus we become aware of things happening on the edge of vision - catching it out of the corner of our eye.  The more we practice this the more we realize the limitless potential within every moment, as I like to say, we could write volumes gleaned from each moment in our lives. Trusting ourselves towards our divine sovereignity becomes the Holy Grail of our existence propelling us forward into a miraculous new reality and allowing old beliefs and programs telling us it is not possible or that we are unworthy to fall away.

The musical duo, of Heart and their song, "Dog and Butterfly" is a sweet reminder that, like the dog blissfully, perpetually chasing the butterfly - because he can - we also contain an inherent, natural force within us to continue to ascend through our lower shields of karma and become at ease with and within all our multiple realities. Trust yourself and your quantum senses and soon miraculous spaces will begin to reveal themselves to you. So continue catching the joyfilled butterflies of higher consciousness.

"The lips of wisdom are closed,
except to the ears of understanding."



Complete List of 105 Universal Laws & Conditions, of Third Dimension Living

  1. The Law of Abundance (aka The Law of Opulence or Success): By creating visualizations of abundance in our lives we draw this energy of success into our reality. Success or abundance does not only apply to money. There is success in communication, spirituality, relationships and so on. When creating the abundance of financial in remember to be IN this world, but not OF this world. We are not the sum total of your possessions.

  2. The Law of Action: No matter what we feel or know, no matter what our potential gifts or talents, only action brings them to life. Those of us who think we understand concepts, such as commitment, courage, and love, one day discover that we only create knowingness when we act; doing becomes understanding. Every aspirant is a focal point of energy and should be a conscious focal point. In the midst of the whirl and storm (of the chaos of third dimension) s/he should make his/her presence felt.

  3. The Law of Akasha: A great cosmic law which is the principle of the intelligence of substance.

  4. The Law of Analogy: Although this is a definite condition of third dimension existence, no analogy is ever exact in detail but only in certain broad basic correspondences. There will be found unchangeable points of resemblance, but in using analogy viewing creation, no two details are exact. Using analogy in trying to mentally explain the unexplainable, one attempts to convey understanding, in a broad sense.  

  5. The Law of Ascension: This law defines the high vibrational frequency which the soul of an incarnational being is resonating. When a personality looses the illusion of separation from it's god self, the vibration of that person raises to the point of ascension. No longer does this mean that the incarnational personality leaves the earth plane to live a finer existence. We are meant to bring our loving energies to our every day existence, becoming an example or role model for others to emulate. We can recognize this vibrational frequency in others by the degree to which they are a magnet to others.

  6. The Law of Attraction: This is the basic law of all manifestation, the Love Aspect, and it governs the Soul aspect. One of the Three Major Laws, and it has 11 subsidiary laws. Fundamentally, this law describes the compelling force of attraction that holds our solar system to the Sirian. It holds our planets revolving around our central unit, the sun. It holds the lesser systems of atomic and molecular matter circulating around a center in the planet, and that of the subtle bodies co-ordinated around their microcosmic center. It is the primary law of man. The law of synthesis is beginning to be felt.

  7. The Law of Balance or Equipoise (Fair Exchange): This is elaboration and continuation of the law of equalities. The law of balance is a universal law that supersedes all of man's laws, creating stability for all third dimension manifestation. Each thought must be balanced by whomever creates it. This is divine wisdom. Allow all viewpoints without feeling you must defend your own. Allow no one to tell you what your journey must reflect or what your reality is. Do not give your power away so easily, but give your love unconditionally. Any messages communicated in love validates equality. Low self esteem is just as non productive as a puffed up sense of self esteem. They both deny equality. Another manifestation of the imbalance of this law is addiction.  

  8. The Law of Challenge: We have the right to ask of another his or her intent, identity, and whatever pertinent information we feel we require when encountering a disembodied being. Those who come to us in the roll of information givers to channelers don't mind being challenged. Ask the entity your questions three times (using the same words each time) and you will be given the correct information.

  9. The Law of Chemical Affinity: This law governs the soul aspect in the mineral kingdom. It concerns the marriage of the atoms, and the romance of the elements. It serves to perpetuate the life of the mineral kingdom and to preserve its integrity. It is the cause of the immetalisation of the Monad.

  10. The Law of Cohesion: One of the seven laws of our solar system, under the three major laws. On the second plane cohesion is first apparent. It is the first molecular plane of the system, and is the home of the Monad. Divine coherency is demonstrated.

  11. The Law of Color: All colors are centers of attraction, and are complementary or are antipathetic to each other. Color is healing and impacts the physical, emotional, mental and human body profoundly. Man is partially composed of color in the aura (we are color, tone, symbols and speed of vibration, or light). When intense rays of one or more colors are sent to a specific area of the body, change results.

  12. The Law of Common Ground: This is viewed as a problem solving approach and is an area where two or more can gather to blend differences. It demands that the area be cleansed of previous energy left by others who historically have passed through, or lived on the spot. This is done by two or more sending loving energy to the area for a specified period of time. Cage the area with a gold net and it will stay cleansed of other's energy. You will leave your energy, but that can be cleansed once you have used this space and are leaving.

  13. The Law of Consciousness: As consciousness expands, the space for events increases and therefore the dimensions in which man congizes good and evil, opportunity and possibilities, past-present-future enlarge to reveal the outstanding needs in this present world cycle.

  14. The Law of Continuity of Consciousness: The Universe is in a continuous and endless process of creation. Cosmic consciousness is a reality, and everything in creation is connected to everything else. The medium for the 'implicate order' of this relationship is consciousness. The fusion of individual consciousness and the universal consciousness (the building of the antahkarana) results in the development of universal knowledge, of omniscience (all science/all knowledge). Continuity of consciousness is achieved by us after the soul has been acknowledged, awakened, liberated and identified with the Whole (enlightenment). A step to achieve enlightenment is to be aware of our thoughts, emotions and actions, the faculty that enables us to be vigilant, observant or to know.

  15. The Law of Cycles: The world of nature exists within a larger pattern of cycles, such as day and night and the passing of the seasons. The seasons do not push one another. Neither do clouds race the wind across the sky. All things happen in good time. Everything as a time to rise, and a time to fall. Whatever rises, falls and whatever falls shall rise again. That is the principle of cycles.

  16. The Law of Cyclic Return: Otherwise known as the wheel of reincarnation, once a soul qualifies for an incarnation to third dimension, there is an understanding that it must be completed. Reincarnation is that process by which the 'consciousness of the permanent atom' manifests in another body through the human birthing process. (This accounts for the fact of genius in the very young.) All karma must be cleared or forgiven and certain aspects of soul growth accomplished before this entire episode of reincarnational growth is considered finished.

  17. The Law or Right to Decree (Divine Invocation): This particular law exists for those working in service to others. Self serving beings will find this law ineffective. This law allows the ascended realms to move from the confines of the Law of Non-Intervention to act on our behalf. Add the phrase to your decree, "Under the Law of Grace" as this is an 'out' clause which will not allow us to manifest or invoke anything which would be detrimental to our existence or not of the highest interest for all, and remain karmic free. In order for your decree to work it must be invoked three times. An example:  "By Divine Decree, in the name of (Yahweh, God, Jesus, Ascend Masters, Healing Angels, Mother Mary, My I AM self, etc.) and under the Law of Grace, I ask for ________. It is done, and I thank you." Say the entire request three times, then let it go - trust it is in higher hands.

  18. The Law of Discipline: By practicing discipline, one expands the entity to a greater degree than almost any other action. Discipline is the surest means to greater freedom and independence. It provides the focus to achieve the skill level and depth of knowledge that translates into more options in life. Commitment involves discipline over a specific period of time. Discipline and commitment provide the bridge between here and our goals.

  19. The Law of Disintegration: One of the seven laws of our solar system, under the three major laws. On the third plane comes the final casting-off, the ultimate shedding of the sheaths, of the five-fold superman. A Chohan of the sixth Initiation discards all the sheaths beneath the monadic vehicle, from the atmic to the physical.

  20. The Law of Divine Flow: By living in the moment, centering ourselves in love and being in service to others (as opposed to service to self), we live in the law of divine flow. We stay in the moment-by-moment flowing of our higher self, creating actions which reflect love and allowingness. When we are able to do this, we notice how we say just the right things, do what is best for all, and refrain from doing that which we previously disliked in ourselves or others. We maintain a stronger connection to our God self. The more we do this, the more we are able to do this. To a degree, the deliberate letting go of this flow is the allowing of our spiritual integrity to be compromised.

  21. The Law of Divine Love and Oneness: This Law concerns the ability of an entity to complete a round of reincarnation, develop such soul growth that the vibrational speed of the being qualifies him/her to merge with God. We then become a soul extension of God and among our choices many we have the ability to live in the liquid light which flows in and from God, or reincarnate as an avatar in third dimensional existence with the purpose of aiding mankind.

  22. The Law of Economy: The Brahma aspect of the Logos is characterized by that method in the wide distribution of matter, the scattering of the atoms of matter and their dissociation from one another, vibratory rhythm, heterogeneity and quality and their inherent rotary action. This Law of Economy causes matter always to follow the line of least resistance, and is the basis of the separative action of atomic matter. It governs matter, the opposite pole of spirit. Initiates must master this law before they can achieve liberation, or enlightenment.

  23. The Law of Economy of Force: One of the Three Major Laws. The Activity Aspect. This is the law which adjusts all that concerns the material and spiritual evolution of the cosmos to the best possible advantage and with the least expenditure of force. It is the law of the physical atom, and makes perfect each atom of time and each eternal period and carries all onward and upward and through, with the least possible effort with the proper adjustment of equilibrium and with the necessary rate of rate of rhythm. Unevenness of rhythm is really an illusion of time, and does not exist in the cosmic center. We need to ponder on this, for it holds the secret of peace, and we need to grasp the significance of that word through, for it describes the next racial expansion of consciousness, and has a hidden meaning. The person who aims at providing a point of contact between conditions of chaos and Those Who work for constructive ends and order, should likewise use that most necessary factor of common-sense in all that s/he does. This involves always obedience to the law of economy of force, due to discrimination, and a true sense of values. Where these are present, time will be economized, energy will be wisely distributed, excessive zeal will be eliminated, and the Great Ones will be able to depend upon an aspirant's sagacity and thus find a helper.

  24. The Law of Equalities (or Analogy) aka The Principle of Correspondence or Essential Divinity:  "As above, so below; as below, so above." The major linking agent in the universe is the energy of love-wisdom, and the purpose of analogy is to lead the mind back toward the sense of oneness (enlightenment). The thoughts and images we hold in our conscious and subconscious minds will manifest their mirror likenesses in our external circumstances. Our outer world is a mirror of our inner world. Earth is a school for practicing these laws of mind control. There is a Correspondence between the Laws and Phenomena of the various planes of Being and Life. This principle enables the phenomenon of Discernment, Intuition, Hunches, etc. and that which is called remote viewing or out-of-body experience. Correspondence enables that which is normally unknowable, to become known to the individual who learns and knows how to use this principle. Some use it in a conscious and deliberate manner while others may not even be aware that they are using this principle. When used knowingly, it will enhance the clarity of vision and enable the mind to penetrate the most secret of secrets [the mysteries], and can shed light on many a dark paradox.  Correspondence establishes the interconnectedness between all things in the universe and keeps all things relative to each other. Known to the adepts and masters of ancient Egypt as the substance of the ethereal, the spirit substance or web that pervades and interpenetrates the universe. This substance acts as a medium for the transmission of light, heat, electricity, gravity. It is non-material in nature. Also known as the un-created substance, or universal substance. The substance in which all suns, worlds, and galaxies are suspended in space, time, and change. All of us are intimately connected to all of the above mentioned events, and to each other, whether or not it is realized. The ethers are where spirit substance is manifesting the beginning of matter. Science refers to this substance as "dark matter" that cannot be seen, touched, smelled, or weighed. Dark matter does not absorb or reflect light and is therefore invisible. It is considered to be a non-material substance. It was first discovered on Earth while doing research with the Hubble space telescope. The planes of Correspondence in the order of manifestation are: The Great Spiritual Plane; The Great Mental Plane; The Great Physical Plane; or the Trinity (the ascending scale of life and being).

  25. The Law of Expansion: This law of a gradual evolutionary expansion of the consciousness indwelling every form is the cause of the spheroidal form of every life in the entire solar system. It is a fact in nature that all that is in existence dwells within a sphere. The sphere requires two types of force - rotary and spiral-cyclic to produce its own internal activity. The law of relativity, or the relation between all atoms, which produces that which is called Light, and which in its aggregated phenomena, forms that composite sphere, a solar system. It is also known as the law of expansive response, and its symbol is the flaming rosy sun with a sign in the center, a sign symbolizing the union of fire and water. The ray energy is expansive energy of the 3rd ray, the adapting factor.

  26. The Law of Expectation: Energy follows thought; we move toward but not beyond what we can imagine. What we assume, expect or believe colors and creates our experience. By changing our expectations, we change our experience of every aspect of life.

  27. The Law of Faith: The Law of Faith is founded upon the recognition that we know more than we have read, heard, or studied. We Know more because we Are a part of the ALL. We have a direct link to universal wisdom. We only have to look within, listen, discern, then trust. We need to develop more trust in our own deepest intuition and wisdom as the final arbiter and source of our decisions.

  28. The Law of Fixation: One of the seven laws of our solar system, under the three major laws. Governs the time of an individual's rebirth. This is the governing law on the mental plane, finding its greater correspondence in the Law of Karma on cosmic mental levels, and has a close connection with manas, the fifth principle. 'As a man thinks, so is he,' according to his thoughts are his desires and acts, and so results the future. The mind controls and stabilizes, and coherency is the result.

  29. The Law of Flexibility: This law involves a pragmatic acceptance of the present moment. We accept ourselves, others and current circumstances rather than a rigid resistance of the moment. It requires an alert and expansive state of awareness, and embracing and making constructive use of the moment. Stumbling blocks become stepping stones and problems become opportunities. Everything serves our highest good if we make good use of it. The serenity prayer used by Alcoholics Anonymous and other twelve step programs reflects this law. "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." This prayer was drawn from Buddha's writings.

  30. The Law of Forgiveness: This law works with the energy of allowingness, and seeing all as love, so one may dispense with the unnatural feeling of getting even. The old energy of an eye for an eye keeps the vibrations of a person very low. To forgive, to release old anger, allows the law of grace to intercede and dispense with amounts of karma an individual has stored in his or her akasha. Non-violence is the natural outgrowth of the law of forgiveness and love. All good comes from forgiveness. It is a truth that the continuation of the human species is due to man's being forgiving. Forgiveness is holiness. By forgiveness the universe is held together. Forgiveness is the might of the mighty; forgiveness is quiet of mind. Forgiveness and gentleness are the qualities of the self-possessed, and represent eternal virtue.

  31. The Law of Free Will, or the Law of Choice: We in third dimension have the right to expand or contract, to bring our creative and expressive energies out into the world in positive or negative ways. This is our ultimate decision. Not all of existence lives with this law as it carries with it both the possibility of great soul growth and the ability to loose soul growth and create evil or negativity. No matter what our circumstances, we have the power to choose our direction. We also choose to be under the influence of others or choose to be an example for others. We do it with a hundred actions which lead to the circumstances we find ourselves in today. Thoughts are things and the mind is the builder. The free will we use to create mixes with our ability to love profoundly, and therefore this path reflects the duration of the time spent in attempt to merge with the Great Soul of all Creation. Jesus Christ warned of that which could destroy the soul (not Spirit) so there is always a possibility that a soul entity on its journey could become a God-hater with diminished light and be absorbed back into the Spirit of God to become just spirit and no longer a soul with separate awareness. A goal of our higher selves is to voluntarily and willingly surrender our egos to be a perfected spirit, hanging up the Soul-Overcoat of manifestation regardless of how many lifetimes it takes.

  32. The Law of Gender: This law embodies the Truth that gender is manifested in everything - the masculine and feminine law is ever at work on all planes of causation. Gender manifests on all three planes of causation which are the great spiritual plane, the great mental plane, and the great physical plane. The law is always the same on all planes, but on the higher planes, it takes higher forms of manifestation. This law works in the direction of generation, regeneration, and creation. All life forms contain the two elements of gender - masculine and feminine. On the great physical plane, the sexes of all species are manifested as male and female and the role they play in sexual reproduction. On the great mental plane, gender manifests as masculine and feminine energies that exist within each and every person. Every male has its female element, and every female has its male element. On the great spiritual plane, gender manifests as the Father-Mother principle of the Infinite Omnipresent God in whose mind the universe is conceived and firmly held. It is written, "We all live, move, and have our being within God. When balance and learning reach a critical mass, the personality achieves the merger of God, and see self as neither male or female, but as one blended self.

  33. The Law of Good Will: Knowledge of this law will help those who have feelings of futility when thinking about the course of world events. By viewing life in terms of energy, we understand that our higher self coupled with our thought/mind action creates, and our actions/energy solidifies this thought into matter or results. In an energy relationship there is always a positive, creating side and a negative, receiving side of that creative relation. This is simply how the world works. The will-to-good is the positive, creative impetus, which, when received, makes the manifestation of goodwill possible. We are either mentally polarized or emotionally polarized, and only those who are mentally polarized can begin to appropriate this energy through will on the mental plane. When this is fully comprehended, we begin to realize why the manifestation of goodwill is not more widespread. Djwhal Khul states that "It is absolutely essential that the will-to-good be unfolded by the disciples of the world, so that goodwill can be expressed by the rank and file of mankind. The will-to-good of the world knowers is the magnetic seed of the future." From Rays and the Initiations. p. 110. Our mental capacity today readily contacts those ideas which constitute the purpose behind the form. We have the ability to mentally construct a happening, and see it through to completion. This is will-to-good. The desire of one to create a loving scenario is 'goodwill', another but related action. The will-to-good is always an education process where the recipients are left free to receive the idea or not. The responsibility for expanding the amount of goodwill in the world directly lays on the shoulders of the intelligentsia of the world. In the goodwill process it is the creative/idea/problem solving individuals who are directly responsible for creating goodwill. The "rank and file" of humanity simply do not yet possess the mental capability to evoke the process yet, even though many are able to participate in the process. This knowledge should fill the responsible group with a greater amount of hope and assurance, because they have the power to generate goodwill in their every day routine solving of problems. Djwhal Khul says in Esoteric Healing, p. 545, "When the majority of the inhabitants of the earth are being rapidly oriented towards good, towards righteousness, as the Bible expresses it, and when the bulk of human beings are inclined towards goodwill 'then ill health will persistently, even if only gradually, disappear and die out and finally become nonexistent. Slowly, very slowly this is already happening'".

  34. The Law of Grace: This can waive the Law of Karma. When applied, this law allows a person to receive more than one deserves or works for if it is in the highest good for all. When called upon, this law allows the person to send another a healing, to do soul talk, use divine decree, etc. and not suffer the consequences of karma incurrence, or interfere with the receiver's soul plan. The wording to insert in the request is "Under the Law of Grace." Another aspect of this law is to be of higher vibration to consistently live in grace (i.e., a loving person who works diligently sending world healing to Mother Earth and all on her body, and focusing so much on this activity, while shopping she forgets her car meter has expired. In all probability her car will not receive a ticket for this expiration.). This condition can not be abused or it will leave.

  35. The Law of Group Endeavor: This law defines the multiplying of energy one creates when acting with like minded individuals to form a group effort to pray, manifest, do lightwork, or even to create degrees of control which we define as evil or black magic. Where the efforts of an individual may equal one unit, the efforts of two praying or healing for a common goal with equal energy will effect the energy of twenty units instead of the sum total of two. With three, the resultant energy explodes further. The longer pure thought (the exclusion of any other thought) of one's desired goal is held in the mind, the more powerful the result. Holding a pure thought for an increment of time is the beginning lesson of manifestation.

  36. The Law of Group Life: Not only must man fulfill in love his family and national obligations, but he must think in the wider terms of humanity itself, and so bring the Law of Brotherhood into expression. Brotherhood is a group quality. Questions of self such as "Will my action tend to the group good? Will the group suffer or hurt if I do this action?" Abiding by these actions will gradually become part of our racial consciousness, and our civilization will adjust itself to these new conditions. All aspects of life of God are interdependent, and when one proceeds to fuller expression, all of the group benefit.

  37. The Law of Group Progress: This law is also known as the law of elevation. The symbol is the mountain and the goat standing at the summit with the astrological sign of Capricorn. (All hard places can be surmounted and the summit reached by the Divine Goat - a symbol meaning group effort.) The ray energy is progressive energy of the 7th ray, the evolving factor.

  38. The Law of Healing: This law concerns the ability of one to channel energy (prana - chi - holy spirit) which radiates from the Source we call God. The purpose of this channeled energy is to either improve self or another by removing blockages or instilling the sacred energy which pulsates from the Source of God. With intent or technique we may send this energy to the past, present, or future. Hands-on healers who are effective in healing have brain waves at 7.8 Hz - the same as the earth's pulse beat. Their brain waves are in sync with the earth's at the time the healing is performed. Another aspect of this law is the ability of one in third dimension to heal self by that which triggers a leap in faith.

  39. The Law of Higher Will: From the viewpoint of our separate self and smaller will, it's normal to act on the basis of our own desires and preferences. When we surrender our smaller self and will to the guidance of a higher will and dedicate our actions for the highest good of ALL concerned, we feel an inspired glow at the center of our life.

  40. The Law of Honesty: Recognizing, accepting and expressing our authentic interior reality lies at the heart of honesty. Only when we are honest with ourselves can we speak or act honestly with anyone else. In the sense of integrity, honesty entails acting in line with higher laws despite negative impulses to the contrary. We don't need to be punished for breaking spiritual law or higher laws. The act itself is the punishment and sets into motion subtle forces whose natural consequences we cannot escape any more than we are able to escape the force of gravity. When we let fear stop us from expressing our true feelings and needs, we are being dishonest with ourselves and it costs us a sense of energy and spirit.

  41. The Law of Identity: This law pertains to the individual right of all to create one's own beingness. It applies to the time spent between incarnations as well as third dimension incarnational experiences. When an entity merges with the Great Central Sun/God, the entity still may separate to accomplish something, and will possess his/her individual identity.

  42. The Law of Intention: When a person's intention is held in the mind and action of the physical effort does not follow, people create false impressions of self. He or she thinks self is good or better than actions prove. Energy must follow intention for that which is perceived as good to happen. When an act of kindness is performed and intention is such that one wishes to be recognized for goodness, or has underlying motivation which is not of the higher order, higher rewards will not be forthcoming. Intention and effort must be of the higher vibration to gain or create spiritual accomplishment and reward. If a person gives a promise to another to do something and has an intention to do so, but does not follow through with action, this becomes a lie, a breaking of one's word, and creates karma.

  43. The Law of Intuition: We can only get in touch with our own source of intuition and wisdom when we no longer depend upon others' opinions for our sense of identity or worth. Do we value and trust our own intuition, or do we value and transfer authority to the opinions of others over our own inner feelings? Our intuition becomes more profound when we claim our own sacred identity.

  44. The Law of Inverse Proportions. (Longevity): One need not die if the pranic life force is not lost but increased, and drawn from the Cosmic source, conquering death and fate. The span of life is related to the rate of breathing. If the span of life is 120 years and the normal person breathed 21,600 times per day, that is 15 respirations per minute. If the rate of breathing is 18 per minute, however, the span of life will be about 96 years. If because of poor living habits and needless expenditure of energy the average rate of breathing is 30 per minute, the life span will be only 60 years. If the rate is slowed through yogic practices and self control to an average of only 5 respirations per minute the life span will be 360 years. If it is one per minute, the life span will increase to 1,800 years. If the rate of breathing is reduced to zero, the life span becomes infinity. The secret of longevity lies in the technique of diverting the breathing to the subtle channels and centers.

  45. The Law of Justice: This law upholds creation's farthest swinging orb. The functioning of this law is instantaneous for people of God-realization. They have banished forever all thwarting crosscurrents of ego. The universe conspires for retribution.

  46. The Law of Karma: This is the natural principle of cause and effect. Every cause has its' effect; every effect has its cause. Everything happens according to law. Chance is but a name for law not recognized. There are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law. It is ever at work with chains of causations and effects that govern all of life and manifested matter. If a person was to follow each chain link of causation, it will be found that it has its beginning and endings in the non material realm, the realm of spirit. It affects the throwing of dice on a gambling table or a rock slide that is caused by rain and wind. Each can be followed and understood to the observing mind which sees the cycles in all things, and realizes that all things follow the Great Law. The law itself is illusive and cannot be proven other than observed with the mind and is used to determine the causations and effects of any event. When this law is used with conscious effort, desired results can be produced in a person's life by steering him or herself along definite paths of causation. When the law is used in an unconscious and haphazard mind, the effects could become potentially disastrous for the individual or group of individuals. So called "accidents" could occur without warning to individuals who toil through life without awareness. We are responsible for the very thoughts that we produce and the final result of our own mental alchemy. Fear is one of the most dangerous mental causation that prevents a person from thinking and acting as the higher self would prefer. The cause of fear is the result of a lack of knowledge about the unknown God which should be the most important educational journey in a person's life. The causation of fear can only be removed through knowledge, wisdom, and understanding Universal Law, the reality that we live in order to produce the desired effects in our lives. The greatest evil under the sun according to Hermes/Thoth, is Not knowing God. In every minute thought, action, and deed that is performed, a person sets into motion unseen chains of causations and effects which will vibrate from the mental plane throughout the entire cellular structure of body, out into the environment, and finally into the cosmos. Eventually the vibratory energy returns to its originator upon the return swing of the pendulum. All this in less time than the twinkling of an eye. Because there are seven dimensions of reality in which causations can occur, we remain unaware of many reasons for effects. By understanding Universal laws we can learn to operate in grace instead of accumulating karma (restrictive). This law is mechanically or mathematically operative; its workings may be scientifically manipulated by men and women of divine wisdom (fully realized). The karmic law requires that every human wish find ultimate fulfillment. Therefore, desire is the chain that binds man to the reincarnational wheel. Karma is attracted only where the magnet of the personal ego still exists. An understanding of karma as the law of justice underlying life's inequalities serves to free the human mind from resentment against God and man.

  47. The Law of Knowledge: This law concerns the fact that all knowledge concerns energy, its application, and its use or misuse. Much information is withheld from a person until s/he is a disciple, and still more until he is a pledged initiate. Information is not as necessary to the training of the disciple or initiate as is the proper use of thought energy (i.e. Full Mindfulness). Knowledge is the right apprehension of the laws of energy, of the conservation of force, of the sources of energy, of its qualities, its types and its vibrations.

  48. The Law of the Lotus: This refers to the egoic lotus or the 'Flowering of Self' and includes knowledge, love and sacrifice.

  49. The Law of Love: One of the seven laws of our solar system, under the three major laws. This is the law of the astral plane. It aims at the transmutation of the desire nature (love in the personality), and links it up with the greater magnetism of the love aspect on the buddhic plane (love in the Triad), and the Monads of Love. These three points mark periods of completion, and starting points for fresh endeavor in the life of the evolving Monad - from the personality to the Triad, from the Triad to the Monad, from the Monad back again to its Source. Love limits itself by desire.

  50. The Law of the Lower Four: This law is also known as the law of etheric union, and its symbol is a male and female form, placed back to back. The male figure is holding above his head a shield or tray of silver, a great reflector, while the female form holds aloft an urn full of oil. Below this sign is another hieroglyphic which contains the secret of the astral plane, which has to be dominated by the mental. The ray energy is fiery energy of the 5th ray, the vitalizing factor.

  51. The Law of Magnetic Control: One of the seven laws of our solar system, under the three major laws. Paramountly, this holds on the buddhic plane, and in the development of the control of this law lies hid the control of the personality by the Monad via the egoic body. A second description on a very physical/man level, is that every thought we have creates a match that comes back to us like a boomerang.

  52. The Law of Magnetic Impulse: Also known as the first step towards marriage, or the law of the polar union. It results in an eventual union between the man or atom and the group which produces harmonious group relations. It is also known as the law of the polar union, and the symbol is two fiery balls united by a triangle of fire, thus picturing the triple interplay between all atomic structures. The ray energy is radiatory energy of the 2nd ray. Manifesting factor.

  53. The Law of Magnetism: This is the law which produces the unifying of a personality, and though it is an expression of lunar force, is of a higher order than the law of physical sex. The three aspects are the stage of high intellectuality, or of artistic attainment. Second is the stage of discipleship. Third is the stage of treading the Path.

  54. The Law of Manifestation: There are actions, sounds, techniques, mental energy and symbols which when understood, will enable one to manifest first energy (love, more joy, peace, etc.) into one's aura, then with practice and increased love held in the heart and emotional body - physical objects. Thought is a force, even as electricity or gravitation. The human mind is a spark of the almighty consciousness of God. Whatever the powerful mind (holding a pure thought - that which excludes any other thought) believes very intensely will instantly come to pass.

  55. The Law of Mantras: Each mantra is a linkage to a certain aspect of the absolute, a certain manifestation of Divinity. In true mantra practice, one forgets the fact that the self is chanting, becomes the mantra itself, and attains the state where nothing but the mantra exists. One's being then connects with the higher being the mantra represents if it is the name of a Master Being, or connects with the ray of light emanating from God if it is a sound (aum or om, hu, etc.). The practice of chanting mantras is profoundly beneficial in raising the vibration of self.

  56. The Law of Meditation: This law is defined as a current of unified thought. It is a continuum of mental effort to assimilate the object of meditation, free from any other effort to assimilate other objects. The very least that may happen is the calming of self. When meditating on God, the most profound happening will bring a merging of the two, or enlightenment, as Buddhists call this occurrence.

  57. The Law of Mentalism: "THE ALL is MIND" The All is substantial reality underlying all the outward manifestations and appearances which we know as empirical. The material universe, phenomena, matter, energy and all that is apparent to our material senses. It is spirit undefinable, unknowable, and thought of as a universal, infinite, living mind. This Law explains the true nature of energy, power and matter. The Universe is mental in nature, and mental transmutation is the art of changing the conditions of the universe, along the lines of matter, force, and mind. The atom of matter, the unit of force, the mind of man, and the being of the arch-angel are all but degrees in one scale, and all fundamentally the same. The difference is solely a matter of degree and rate of vibration. All are creations of the All, and have their existence solely within the Infinite Mind of the All.

  58. The Law of Miracles: This law is operable by any person who has realized that the essence of creation is light. A master is able to employ his/her divine knowledge of light phenomena to project instantly into perceptible manifestation the ubiquitous light atoms. The actual form of the projection (whatever it is, water into wine, medicine, a human body) is determined by the master's wish and by his/her powers of will and visualization. All events in our precisely adjusted universe are lawfully wrought and lawfully explicable. The so-called miraculous powers of a great master are a natural accompaniment to his/her exact understanding of subtle laws that operate in the inner cosmos of consciousness. Nothing is a miracle except in the profound sense that everything is a miracle. Is anything more miraculous than that each of us is encased in an intricately organized body, and is set upon on earth whirling through space among the stars?

  59. The Law of Monadic Return: This law concerns the 'force of evolution' and is the sum total of three influences. The strength of vibrations from the seven stars of the Great Bear depend upon the closeness of the connection and the accuracy of the alignment between any particular Heavenly Man and His Prototype. Second is the Seven Sisters, or the Pleiades. Third is the sun Sirius. It is the appearance or the disappearance of these waves of life-force which sweeps into incarnation the divine pilgrims, and which brings about the cyclic manifestation of such great Lives as the 'Silent Watcher' and the 'Great Sacrifice.' Within limits, man is the controller of his destiny, wielding forces and energies, manipulating lesser lives and controlling lesser centers of energy, and as time passes, his radius of control becomes eve more extensive.

  60. The Law of No Judgments: The Universal Spirit does not judge us; judgments are human inventions, a means to compare, contrast and control as we judge ourselves against artificial, and often idealistic standards of perfection, morality or truth. Under the law of equalities, our judgments attract judgment to us in equal measure.  The life/karmic review conducted by yourself after death is a condition of living in duality/third dimension.

  61. The Law of Non-Attachment: Attachment to the self creates karma. Non-attachment to the self dissolves karma. This non-attachment to the self is made possible through the realization that the ultimate nature of the self is Empty. The self does not exist as a separate entity. A full conceptual understanding needs to occur, but mere conceptual understanding does not lead to liberation. Many methods have been devised to help human beings attain this realization, and usually fall into two categories. The first is 'non-attached behavior' and the other is called 'spiritual practice.' Through diligent application of these methods, an individual can free him or herself from the confines of karmically determined existence. Enlightenment is real and attainable.

  62. The Law of Non-Intervention: This law concerns the individual rights of people and society situations to serve self rather than live in the vibration of service to others. This law prevents physical beings and non physical beings from intervening or correcting what they see as wrong or harmful. If this law is violated, there is great karma incurring. Another aspect of this law is that spirit is not permitted to channel material to a recipient that would force a change in the evolution of the person. There is an exception when the channeler is willing to undergo a trance, and the consciousness leaves the body for another consciousness to enter and impart knowledge that was previously unknown to the individual.

  63. The Law of One: The Lord is ONE. All that is, is His - of self, of the universe, of the activities in the earth. All moves and has its being in Him. So it is in self. Life itself is the consciousness, the awareness of that Oneness of that Universal Consciousness in the earth.

  64. The Law of Order of Creation: The beginning of law carries all the way through. And that which comes or begins first is conceived in spirit, grows in the mental and manifests in the material. First it was the means and source or manner by which the powers that be made the centralization for making known to the children of men, and children of God, the directing forces or powers. Man eventually turned this into that channel for destructive forces. While man developed in this direction for many centuries, humans are leaning toward light. We are reaching toward the critical point of more in the light than in darkness.

  65. The Law of Patience: Luke said, "In your patience possess ye your souls." Patience involves spiritual, mental and physical thought and action. Through it, we learn to know our self, to measure and test our ideals, to use faith and to seek understanding through all the other virtues. Patience allows all other virtues to manifest more profoundly. Patiently we realize that any fault we see in another is one we have personal knowledge of from prior experience. Patiently we seek true understanding, not just knowledge, as we realize that every soul is totally unique and will come to its enlightenment in its own time.

  66. The Law of Patterns: Any habit or pattern, whether we call it good or bad, tends to reassert itself over time unless we break that pattern by doing something different. If it is good, we can reinforce the pattern with small self rewards. We have the power of spontaneous action, doing old things in new ways, changing and restructuring our lives and our behavior. Some of our change ability is dictated by the ways we learned when we were young. We learned to make sense of the world by observing patterns, and this has survival value. We can correct the patterns we see as dysfunctional, negative or destructive by doing something different that will have sufficient impact to interrupt the old pattern.

  67. The Law of Perfection: This law concerns the absolute perfection of the process of our unfolding. From a transcendental perspective, everyone and everything is unconditionally perfect. From a conventional viewpoint, perfection doesn't exist. Excellence is the best we can achieve, and achieving it takes time and practice. When we understand the larger picture, we understand our role and responsibility in helping the world we live in to become more loving, giving, kinder and gentler. When we live up to this responsibility, we expand into the perfection of our higher selves.

  68. The Law of Periodicity: Training for the aspirant will by cyclic, and will have its ebb and flow, as all else in nature. Times of activity succeed times of pralaya, and periods of registered contact alternate with periods of apparent silence. If the student develops as desired, each pralayic period is succeeded by one of greater activity, and of more potent achievement. Rhythm, ebb and flow, and the measured beat of the pulsating life are ever the law of the universe. In learning to respond to the vibration of the high Places, this rhythmic periodicity must be borne in mind.

  69. The Law of Planetary Affinity: This law is concerned with the connection of the interaction of the planets with each other and their eventual marriage.

  70. The Law of Polarity: Everything is Dual. Everything has poles. Everything has its pair of opposites. Like and unlike are the same. Opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree. All paradoxes may be reconciled. The evidence of this principle is observed in the polarity of planets and the various celestial bodies that includes our earth, solar system, and galaxy. Everything has polarity. Without the law of polarity - light, gravity and electricity would not be possible. On the mental plane, this principle manifests itself in the heart center of each person as the enlightened or dark mind. The Principle of Polarity makes possible the choices we make on the scale of life between good and evil, right and wrong, generosity and greed, love and fear, truth and lies. The law of cause and effect is closely connected to polarity and holds us true to the choices and actions we make by returning to us what we have measured out to others. Like the swing of the pendulum, it always returns where it began. In biblical terms it is expressed as, "Whatsoever a man sows, so shall he reap." "Do unto others, as you would have them to you." This principle establishes the paradox or the dual aspects of reality. "Everything that is, has its double." Positive and negative, light and darkness, hot and cold, Love and fear, mortality and Immortality.

  71. The Law of Prayer and Meditation: Prayer is a conscious concerted effort to commune with the Consciousness of Life and its Creator and thus we speak to God. Prayer is also an aligning, cleansing process opening up our inner-selves to the Source of all life and demonstrating that we are anxious for enlightenment and guidance. In prayer we speak to God but so often we do not wait for a reply. Meditation is the freeing and emptying of ourselves of obstacles that hinder communication and allow us to channel the God-Force, spiritually, mentally and physically. Meditation is likened to God speaking to us, and is the attunement of our physical and mental bodies to their spiritual Source. "Be still and know that I am God." In meditation, correctly aligned and unobstructed, the Creative Forces of God can rise along spiritual and physical channels in our bodies and be disseminated through sensitive spiritual chakras. Prayer is the precursor of meditation. Meditate regularly as we meet the Living God within the temple of our own body, cleansed and consecrated. Read more

  72. The Law of the Present Moment: Time does not exist. What we refer to as past and future, have no reality except in our own mental constructs. The idea of time is a convention of thought and language, a social agreement. In truth, we only have this moment. When we hold regret for an occurrence in the past we keep the regret alive with pictures and feelings we conjure up. When we feel anxiety about the future, we keep the anxiety alive with the pictures we imagine. Time is the abstract concept. When we practice remembering that the here and now is all we have, our present moments improve.

  73. The Law of Process:  This law is an awareness that we have things to accomplish in our life. If we wish to reach a certain goal, we must set a direction (create order), prepare well and proceed in small but sure steps. Any achievement can be managed in increments. Skipping a single step or taking a shortcut often results in failure. Also included in this law is the knowing to appreciate the accomplishment of a step toward a goal.

  74. The Law of Progress: It is the basis of the phenomenon of sensation, which is the key to this solar system of love, our system being a 'Son of Necessity' or desire. This law is the working out into manifestation of the informing consciousness of a part of the deva kingdom, and of certain pranic energies.

  75. The Law of Prophecy: The only true future that exists is the desire or will of the Source of all Creation that none shall be lost and that the future is happening, unfolding in the I AM, now. Sacred geometry is an aspect, a manifestation of God's love. People who are able to tune into the Akashic records and into the Universal Consciousness are sometimes using sacred geometry to draw a line from the supposed past, present and then to the future. The ability to use sacred geometry comes with the raising of vibration to such a degree, the personality gains the right to assess Akasha for the good of another or self. When reading the energy going to the future of people on earth one must keep in mind that this energy changes from moment to moment. While those powerful prophets of old were correct in their time and some of what they said has held to present day, much of their prophecies have lost relevancy. Just by hearing prediction, we change the outcome to some degree.

  76. The Law of Radiation: This expression of Divine Activity is one of the most practical utility. Understanding radiatory, or emanatory condition of all substances as a specific point in evolution allows one to approach Reality. It is the outer effect produced by all forms in all kingdoms when their internal activity has reached such a stage of vibratory activity that the confining walls of the form no longer form a prison, but permit the liberation of the subjective essence. Liberation means the ability of any conscious atom to pass out of one sphere of energized influence into another of a higher vibration of a larger and wider expanse of conscious realization.

  77. The Law of Rebirth: Each life is an assuming of ancient obligations, a recovery of old relations, an opportunity for the paying of old indebtedness, a chance to make restitution and progress, an awakening of deep-seated qualities, a recognition of old friends and enemies, the solution of revolting injustices and the explanation of that which conditions the man and makes him what he is. This law, when understood, will do much to solve the problems of sex and marriage. It will create a person who treads more carefully on the path of life.

  78. The Law of Rebound: The law of rebound concerns the right of one to come out of a negative situation stronger and bolder and with more soul growth than previously experienced. This has been used as an example in stories since the beginning of mankind. Traumatic situations create the need for rebound, and the soul often seeks these negative occurrences to give self and observers a leap in faith.

  79. The Law of Repulse: This is also known as the law of all destroying angels, and its symbol is an angel with a flaming sword, turning in all directions. It is the Angel guarding the treasure, driving man forth in search of another way of entrance, thus forcing him through the cycle of rebirth until he finds the portal of initiation. The ray energy is rejecting energy of 1st ray, the dispersing factor.

  80. The Law of Responsibility: It was God's idea to separate, to give our soul existence. It was our idea to go away from God into materiality with the original purpose of profound and speedy soul growth. There are some souls who have experienced, to some degree, soul loss. God is responsible for us through love and we are responsible to become or reclaim this divine love. Once we establish the limits and boundaries of our responsibility, we can take full charge of that which is our duty and let go of that which is not. We find more enjoyment supporting others as we create more harmonious co-operative relationships by understanding that which falls within our realm of responsibility. Under this law we understand a person's need to over co-operate to such an extent that one becomes codependent - the condition which is obsessive focus on other people's lives. This law reminds us to respect our internal values and find our own point of balance.

  81. The Law of Rhythm: Everything flows, out and in; everything has its' tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates. This principle, on the Physical Plane, is the most visible of all principles and its power is observed within the forces of nature which move the waves and tides of our oceans and the continuous changes of the seasons. It is observed in the continuous cycles of life, death, and the rebirth of all things, a rise and fall of governments and nations, a constant creation and destruction of suns, worlds, and galaxies. On the plane of energy it is observed in the behavior of the alternating current wave of electricity, light, and heat as it vibrates between the positive and negative pole. Rhythm on the mental plane is experienced as the wide mood swings displayed in human nature. It can be experienced as extreme happiness, and then swing to extreme sadness - from a gentle behavior to an extremely violent behavior at the blink of an eye. Rhythm is the law of compensation and maintains the equilibrium in all things. It returns to us what we measure out in life. The return swing of the pendulum is assured without fail and there is no escape from the effects of this immutable law. This law holds us true to what we believe, or not believe, and compensates us accordingly. All of nature follows this law. Rhythm perpetuates the phenomenon of time. The pendulum-like swing of rhythm is immutable and we can only counteract its backward swing by mentally polarizing ourselves in a desirable position on the scale of life. It requires a dedicated personal commitment to cultivate the unknown within all of us in order to cause a quantum leap in the evolutionary process of life with all its aches and pains. This is a mental art that is known to hierophants, adepts, and masters of all ages. We will fulfill the law one way or another. Either use the law to our advantage, or become its subject. The door of universal law swings in all directions. The final result depends what we have chosen to believe and whether or not our belief system allows us to see the truth as it really is. If we do not want to know or do not care, then we will evolve through the standard process of evolution. Nothing can, or is allowed to stand still. All manifestation is the result of active energy producing certain results, and expenditure of energy in any one direction will necessitate an equal expenditure in an opposite direction.

  82. The Law of Right Human Relations: This law helps us define limits of behavioral control with others in third dimension. Let no one assume to forcibly teach, counsel or guide, for we all have the greatest of these we could hope for already within us. While each teacher is in a manner a director, the individual person may only be a means - not - a way of life. A strong action may promote refusal and achieve rejection, or it may encourage one to become dependent on another's will. By not searching for excellence within, one refuses the gifts already there but not recognized or realized. In our relationships we achieve greater results with others by our own fine example and also listening. People answer their own questions if given enough opportunity. The only real control we ever have and need is with self.

  83. The Law of Right to One's Own Space: This is an aspect of free will, but another law of its own. Everyone is entitled to make career decisions for self, decide the belief system one feels comfortable with, and generally create the life that will allow one to fulfill his or her own birth vision. This is the right to one's own space, the right to live one's own life (allowing for parental direction in the developing young person). Overprotective or controlling parents, friends and even dictators have impeded this law and right since almost the inception of mankind.

  84. The Law of Sacrifice (and Death): One of the seven laws of our solar system, under the three major laws. This is the controlling factor on the physical plane. The destruction of the form, in order that the evolving life may progress, is one of the fundamental methods in evolution. This is crucifixion, the basic law of all group work, the governing principle which results in each human unit eventually becoming a Savior. It is also known as the Law of those who choose to die. The symbol is a rosy cross with a golden bird hovering above it. The ray energy is out-pouring 4th ray. At-one-ing factor.

  85. The Law of Schools (The Law of Love and Light): This is a mysterious term used to cover the law as it affects the expansions of consciousness which an initiate undergoes, and his ability to attract to himself through knowledge: 1 - his own Higher Self, so as to produce alignment and illumination, 2 - his Guru/Teacher/Shamen/Guide, 3 - that which he seeks to know, 4 - that which he can utilize in his work of service, 5 - other souls with whom he can work. This law applies to the initiate who has transcended the stage of self-consciousness.

  86. The Law of Service: The law or science of service grows naturally out of the successful application of the sciences of the antahkarana and meditation, and is the governing law of the future. With the linking of soul and personality the light of the soul pours into the brain consciousness, resulting in the subordination of the lower to the higher. This identification produces a corresponding activity in the personal life and the activity we call service. Therein lies the growth through the service of the race, and through a cultivated self-forgetfulness. Service is the true science of creation and is a scientific method of establishing continuity. This is also known as the law of water and of fishes. The symbol is a pitcher on the head of a man who stands in the form of a cross. This law is the governing factor of the age of Aquarius. The ray energy is out-going energy of the 6th ray, vivifying factor. If the evasion of this law is a conscious action, there are karmic penalties. This work requires so much sacrifice of time and personal interest, requiring deliberate effort, conscious wisdom and the ability to work without attachment.

  87. The Law of Sex: This is the term applied to the force which brings about the physical merging of the two poles in connection with the animal kingdom, and of man, viewing him as responsive to the call of his/her animal nature. It concerns itself with the due guarding of the form in this particular cycle and its perpetuation. It is only powerful during the period of the duality of the sexes and their separation and, in the case of man, will be offset by a higher expression of the law when man is again androgynous.

  88. The Law of Solar Evolution: This law is the sum total of all the lesser activities.

  89. The Law of Solar Union: When the interplay of the Suns is being dealt with from the material aspect and from the consciousness aspect, this term is occultly used. It is not possible to enlarge upon it.

  90. The Law of Sound: Every living thing in existence has a sound. Through this knowledge changes will be brought about and new forms developed through its medium. The release of energy in the atom is linked to the science of sound. Healing with sound is profoundly effective (vocal sounds - tuning forks - music). Sound has the power to restore people to their harmonic patterns. Chanting specific sounds and mantras brings about great healing and raising of vibration, and produces virtually unimaginable results when done with group mantric chanting. The most powerful mantram known to present man is 'Om mani padme hum'.

  91. The Law of Spiritual Approach: This law depicts the conscious act of a personality to create with its every thought, word and deed the ability to be the reflection of its god self. Every action is a prayer to the Creator of All. When this is done with success, the personality becomes a mirror or reflection of the god self for others to learn from and emulate. This is a walking, talking example of becoming our higher self.

  92. The Law of Spiritual Awakening: A basic level of self-control and stability is required to maintain the degree of effort required for the awakening of other states of awareness. Because such awakening brings with it higher forms of perception and power, self-centered misuse of the greater perception and power bears proportionally graver karmic consequence. Spiritual Awakening brings with it the need for moral impeccability.

  93. The Law of Summons: Otherwise known as soul talk, one can learn how to lift the soul from the physical body and summon another soul, to have a soul to soul talk. This is most powerful because there is no conscious ego present. The message of love and or explanation, or plea is received in a most profound manner.

  94. The Law of Surrender: Because people so cherish the self, surrendering is a very frightening experience. A person may experience the surrender as a leap into an abyss or as death. This may be perceived because s/he has not yet attained a complete trust and faith in God, the complete assurance that once the self is abandoned, the being automatically merges with a higher stage of existence which is necessarily ready and waiting to accept it. There is no chance for the process not to function. At the instant of surrender, the entire being of the individual merges into the specific higher manifestation of reality that it is in relation to at that point in its development. God streams into the soul that has managed to negate the self. This is the surrender of the idea of i.

  95. The Law of Synthesis: The Will aspect. One of the three major laws. Although this law is almost impossible for any but the buddhic faculty to understand the scope of this law, it demonstrates the fact that all things - abstract and concrete - exist as one. It is a unit of His thought, a thought form in its entirety, a concrete whole, and not the differentiated process that we feel our evolving system to be. It is the sum total, the center and the periphery, and the circle of manifestation regarded as a unit. It is the primary law of a Heavenly Man. The law of attraction has full sway. The law of economy is transcended.

  96. The Law of Teaching: This law concerns the responsibility people have to pass on that which they learn, for the continuation of the human race to benefit by this information, if it is in the higher interest of people to learn the acquired information.

  97. The Law of Telepathy: The will, projected from the point between the eyebrows, is known as the broadcasting apparatus of thought. When the feeling is calmly concentrated on the heart, it acts as a mental radio, and can receive the messages of others from far or near. In telepathy the fine vibrations of thoughts in one person's mind are transmitted through the subtle vibrations of astral ether and then through the grosser earthly ether, creating electrical waves which, in turn, translate themselves into thought waves in the mind of another person.

  98. The Law of Three Requests: Whenever we pray or request a higher power to assist, we bring stronger energy to the effort by repeating our request/prayer three times.

  99. The Law of Time: The only moment we have is now. This is where we create. What we have done is done and that moment in history exists only as a record or energy trace in time and space. The consequences of past actions are atoned through karma, and can be rewritten to a degree. The FUTURE only ever happens in and from the present tense and is built of today's thoughts, dressed by emotion and driven by action. Activity is the key. Third dimension living has more rigid structure of time than fourth dimension existence. There are those who can slip into 'no time' but these are people who have raised their personal vibration (demonstrating many virtues, dispensed a great deal of karma and much killing of the ego) and accessed the information to create the ability. Third dimension linear time was created for those living under this veil of forgetfulness to center in the moment and perceive a sense of order without the remembrance of burdens of past lives.

  100. The Law of Unconditional Love: This is a condition as well as a law of third dimension living. Loving ourselves and other people as they are, is honoring self and another's self and soul path. It is loving without judgment or reservation, an awareness we are all part of God or the All. When we love without condition or restraint we connect in a profound manner with our own higher self. We notice that we say the right things at the right time in our communication with others while loving unconditionally. Life and events seem to flow to us in a more joyous and agreeable manner. Everything seems easy when living in unconditional love.

  101. The Law of Unity: We are all connected, all bearing the seed of Divinity. This is the way we start, and the way we develop into eternity. It is only while in third dimension physical form, and because of the greater separation of our higher self from the personality, we experience the illusion that we stand alone. Fear enters our emotional body because of this illusion and begins to close more profoundly our connection to the Source. Also, when we experience great soul growth, in some small but profound manner, all benefit. All substance in this Universe flows to us and through us. We are All.

  102. The Law of Universal Sympathy: This law concerns a yogic power which allows a Yogi (a person who is devoid of the ego-principle) to transfer information, or influence others' minds.

  103. The Law of Vibration: One of the seven laws of our solar system, under the three major laws. This is the basis of manifestation, starting on the first plane, the beginning of the work of the Logos. This is the atomic law of the system, in the same sense that on each of our planes the first subplane is the atomic plane. Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates. This is the law of progress, of movement and of rotation. This Principle explains that the differences between manifestations of matter, energy, mind and spirit, result largely from varying rates in vibration. All that exists, is in constant vibration and motion. Atoms always vibrate with such great rapidity that they seem motionless to the physical eye. At the other end of the scale are things that vibrate so slowly that they also appear to be motionless or non-existent. In between are the various vibrations of living entities which range from consciousness all the way down to the lowly dust particle that plays an important role in the food chain. Still there are things even lower then dust. If we were to follow the scale of life all the way down to the utmost regions of the negative pole (undifferentiated matter), we again would find ourselves in the realm of spirit - the Alpha, and the Omega. All that is, begins in spirit and ends in spirit completing a single cycle of evolution that will be repeated countless numbers of times through eternity.

  104. The Law of Will of God: The creators of our world carry out their work of form-building under this law. God's working has to do with things free from change and movement - things divine. It is God's will that what is human should be divine, and therefore all creation pushes forth to the God Light. God is all good, and it is by reason of the Good that all other things exist.

  105. The Law of Will Power: This law concerns the individual drive within a soul extension/personality which is projected from the complete entity. The individual developing soul extension differs in degree of will power from its other entity extensions/soul family members. Depending on the conditions of an incarnational experience and the incoming will of this extension, the personality can possess a drive to accomplish something that may seem overwhelming to others in the soul family and/or other incarnational personalities (friends). This law depicts the right and condition of each personality or soul extension to generate it's own degree of will power.

All creation is governed by law. The principles that operate in the outer universe, discoverable by scientists, are called natural laws. But there are subtler laws that rule the hidden spiritual planes and the inner realm of consciousness. Contained within these laws (or conditions) is the true nature of matter. Knowledge of these laws has an effect upon the mental urges. Mind is the builder. Stay in full mindfulness of the application of Universal Law as related to self and to others, and know that in love all life is given, in love all things move. In giving one attains. In giving one acquires. In giving, love becomes the fulfillment of desire, guided and directed in the ways that bring the more perfect knowledge of self as related to the universal, all powerful, all guiding, all divine influence in life. Love IS life.

When we go back, merge with the God Source, in some infinitesimal but profound way, we expand the Mind of God. Our God and higher self always points the best and most perfect way and it is ours to listen and choose or reject what we hear. God does not blame, but patiently tries again to show the perfect way, the loving way. All of creation pushes forth. We are ever becoming. Identity ever remains!

Scribe's Note

Please use this information as consideration for your thoughts, but do not build a citadel which becomes impregnable to inquiry, the very life of spirituality. The parameters within which we work are as expansive as we make them. It is almost impossible to resolve abstractions into the terms of speech and not loose the inner sense on the process, and therefore in the nomenclature of these laws much is lost. The laws and their definitions have been retrieved from many sources and may not be copyrighted as these copyrights already exist. This information is for your personal use only.

Source: From the archives of and from Deidre Madsen's personal experiences.

Life Principles of the Sovereign Integral

⏱️ 58 Minute Read | Also see Physical Proof of Ascension | Evaluating Our Heroes - Becoming a Type 1 Civilization

Chamber 22 - Philosophy

by The Wingmakers

wingmakers sun angel Life Principles of the Sovereign IndividualSPECIAL NOTE: This material is from the Ancient Arrow Project and the Wingmakers' website from the year 1999; it is possible that now much of their original or critical content is lost. Many individuals will find the Wingmakers Light Beings were adept at encoding or encrypting specific trigger information into their art, music and literature. You will reap the benefits of what the Wingmakers originally wanted us to receive. And it may be possible that these beings are the Elohim (Elohistic Lords of Light) or quite possibly the Ophanim. [Website]

The entity model of expression is designed to explore new fields of vibration through biological instruments and transform through this process of discovery to a new level of understanding and expression as a Sovereign Integral. The Sovereign Integral is the fullest expression of the entity model within the time-space universes, and most closely exemplifies Source Intelligence's capabilities therein. It is also the natural state of existence of the entity that has transformed beyond the evolution/saviorship model of existence and has removed itself from the controlling aspects of the Hierarchy through the complete activation of its embedded Source Codes. This is the level of capability that was "seeded" within the entity model of expression when it was initially conceived by Prime Creator. All entities within the time-space universes are in various stages of the transformational experience and each are destined to achieve the Sovereign Integral level as their Source Codes become fully activated.

The transformational experience is the realization that the entity model of expression is capable of direct access to Source Intelligence information, and that the information of Prime Creator is discovered within the entity level of the Sovereign Integral. In other words, the human instrument, complete with its biological, emotional, and mental capabilities, is not the repository of the entity's Source Codes. Nor is the human instrument able to reach out and gather in this liberating information--this glorious freedom to access All That Is. It is the entity that is both the harbor of, and instrument of access to, the Source Coding activation that permits the transformational experience to manifest through the integration of the human instrument and the sovereign entity.

The transformational experience consists of the realization that perceived reality is Source Reality personified in the form of individual preferences. Thus, Source Reality and sovereign reality become inseparable as the wind and air. This confluence is realized only through the transformational experience, which is unlike anything known within the time-space universes.

There have been those upon terra-earth who have experienced a shallow breath of wind from this powerful tempest. Some have called it ascension, others have attributed names like illumination, vision, enlightenment, nirvana, and cosmic consciousness. While these experiences are profound in human standards, they are only the initial stirrings of the Sovereign Integral, as it becomes increasingly adept at touching and awakening the remote edges of its existence. What most species define as the ultimate bliss is merely the impression of the Sovereign Integral whispering to its outposts of form and nudging them to look within to their roots of existence and unite with this formless and limitless intelligence that pervades all.

The transformational experience is far beyond the calibration of the human drama much like the stars in the sky are beyond the touch of terra-earth. You can observe the stars with your human eyes, but you will never touch them with your human hands. Similarly, you can dimly foresee the transformational experience with the human instrument, but you cannot experience it through the human instrument. It is only accessed through the wholeness of the entity, for it is only in wholeness that the Source Codes and their residual effects of Source Reality perception can exist. And truly, this wholeness is only obtained when the individual consciousness is separated from time and is able to view its existence in timelessness.

Nevertheless, the human instrument is critical in facilitating the transformational experience and causing it to trigger--like a metamorphosis--the integration of the formful identities into the Sovereign Integral. This is the next stage of perception and expression for the entity model, and it is activated when the entity designs its reality from life principles that are symbolic of Source Reality, as opposed to the reality of an external source that is bound to the evolution/saviorship model of existence.

These life principles are Source Intelligence templates of creation. They are designed to create reality from the perspective of the Sovereign Integral and hasten its manifestation within the fields of vibration that has thus far repelled it. They are principles that construct opportunities for the integration of the entity's formless and formful identities. They are bridges that the human instrument--with all of its componentry intact--can experience the Sovereign Integral perception of wholeness.

As the human instrument becomes increasingly responsive to Source Intelligence it will gravitate to life principles that symbolically express the formative principles of prime creation. There are wide ranges of expressions that can induce the transformational experience of the Sovereign Integral and liberate the entity from time-space conditioning and external controls. Inasmuch as the expression can vary, the intent of the expression is quite narrowly defined as the intent to expand into a state of integration whereby the human instrument becomes increasingly aligned with the Sovereign Integral perspective.

There are three particular life principles that accelerate the transformational experience and help to align the human instrument with the Sovereign Integral perspective. They are:

  1. Universe relationship through gratitude

  2. Observance of Source in all things

  3. Nuturence of life


When the individual applies these principles, their life experience reveals a deeper meaning to its
apparently random events -- both in the universal and personal contexts.



Wingmakers Chamber 22

Universal Relationship Through Gratitude

This is the principle that the Universe of Wholeness represents a collective intelligence that can be personalized as a single Universal Entity. Thus, in this model of inference, there are only two entities in the entire cosmos: the individual entity and the Universal Entity. Inasmuch as the individual is impressionable and constantly changing to adapt to new information, so is the Universal Entity, which is a dynamic and living template of potential energies and experiences that are coherent and as knowable as a friend's personality and behavior.

The Universal Entity is responsive to the individual and its perceptions and expressions. It is like a composite omni-personality that is imbued with Source Intelligence and responds to the perceptions of the individual like a pool of water mirrors the image that overshadows it. Everyone in a human instrument is indeed, at their innermost core, a sovereign entity that can transform the human instrument into an instrument of the Sovereign Integral. However, this transformation is dependent on whether the individual chooses to project an image of a Sovereign Integral upon the "mirror" of the Universal Entity, or project a lesser image that is a distortion of its true state of being.

The principle of universe relationship through gratitude is primarily concerned with consciously designing one's self image through an appreciation of the Universal Entity's supportive "mirror". In other words, the Universal Entity is a partner in shaping reality's expression in one's life. Reality is an internal process of creation that is utterly free of external controls and conditions if the individual projects a sovereign image upon the mirror of the Universal Entity.

This process is an interchange of supportive energy from the individual to the Universal Entity, and this energy is best applied through an appreciation of how perfect and exacting the interchange occurs in every moment of life. If the individual is aware (or at least interested in having the awareness) of how perfect the Universal Entity supports the individual's sovereign reality, there is a powerful and natural sense of gratitude that flows from the individual to the Universal Entity. It is this wellspring of gratitude that opens the channel of support from the Universal Entity to the individual and establishes a collaboration of purpose to transform the human instrument into an expression of the Sovereign Integral.

It is principally gratitude--which translates to an appreciation of how the inter-relationship of the individual and the Universal Entity operates--that opens the human instrument to its connection to the sovereign entity and its eventual transformation into the Sovereign Integral state of perception and expression. The relationship of the individual with the Universal Entity is essential to cultivate and nurture, because it, more than anything else, determines how accepting the individual is to life's myriad forms and manifestations.

When the individual accepts changes in sovereign reality as the shifting persona of the Universal Entity, they live in greater harmony with life itself. Life becomes an exchange of energy between the individual and the Universal Entity that is allowed to play out without judgment and experienced without fear. This is the underlying meaning of unconditional love: to experience life in all its manifestations as a single, unified intelligence that responds perfectly to the projected image of the human instrument.

It is for this reason that when the human instrument projects gratitude to the Universal Entity, regardless of circumstance or condition, life becomes increasingly supportive in opening the human instrument to activate its Source Codes and live life within the framework of the synthesis model of expression. The feeling of gratitude coupled with the mental concept of appreciation is expressed like an invisible message in all directions and at all times. In this particular context, gratitude to the Universal Entity is the overarching motive behind all forms of expression that the human instrument aspires to.

Every breath, every word, every touch, every thought, every thing is centered on expressing this sense of gratitude. A gratitude that the individual is sovereign and supported by a Universal Entity that expresses itself through all forms and manifestations of intelligence with the sole objective of creating the ideal reality to activate the individual's Source Codes and transform the human instrument and entity in to the Sovereign Integral. It is this specific form of gratitude that accelerates the activation of the Source Codes and their peculiar ability to integrate the disparate componentry of the human instrument and the entity, and transform them to the state of perception and expression of the Sovereign Integral.

Time is the only factor that distorts this otherwise clear connection between the individual and Universal Entity. Time intervenes and creates pockets of despair, hopelessness, and abandonment. However, it is these very "pockets" that often activate the Source Codes of the entity and establish a more intimate and harmonious relationship with the Universal Entity. Time establishes separation of experience and this creates doubt in the Universal Entityís system of fairness and overarching purpose. In turn, this creates fear that the universe is not a mirror but rather a chaotic, whimsical energy.

When the human instrument is aligned with the Sovereign Integral and lives from this perspective as a developing reality, it attracts a natural state of harmony. This does not necessarily mean that the human instrument is without problems or discomforts, rather it signifies a perception that there is an integral purpose in what life reveals. In other words, natural harmony perceives that life experience is meaningful to the extent you are aligned with the Sovereign Integral, and that your personal reality must flow from this strata of the multidimensional universe in order to create lasting joy and inner peace.

Gratitude is a critical facet of love that opens the human instrument to acknowledge the role of the Universal Entity and redefine its purpose as a supportive extension of sovereign reality, rather than the whimsical outreach of fate or the exacting reaction of a mechanical, detached universe. Establishing a relationship with the Universal Entity through the outflow of gratitude also attracts life experience that is transformative. Experience that is richly devoted to uncovering life's deepest meaning and most formative purpose.


Observance of Source in All Things

This is the principle that Prime Creator is present in all realities through all manifestations of energy. IT is interwoven in all things like a mosaic whose pieces adhere to the same wall, and are thus, unified. However, it is not the picture that unifies the mosaic, but the wall upon which its pieces adhere. Similarly, Prime Creator paints a picture so diverse and apparently unrelated that there appears to be no unification. Yet it is not the outward manifestations that unify, it is the inward center of energy upon which the pieces of diversity are layered that unifies all manifestations.

This centerpiece of energy is the collective storehouse of all life in all fields of vibration within the Universe of Wholeness. It is Prime Creator who divests ITSELF in all forms through the projection of ITS Source Intelligence in to all fragments of life. Thus, Source Intelligence--acting as an extension of Prime Creator--is the unifying energy that is the "wall" upon which all the pieces of life's mosaic adhere. Life flows from one energy Source that links all to All and one to One.

Observance of Source in All Things is the principle that all manifestations of life convey an expression of Prime Creator. It does not matter how far the unifying energy has been distorted or perverted; the Source can be observed. It is the action of perceiving the unification of energy even when the outward manifestations appear random, distorted, unrelated, or chaotic.

When all manifestations of life are genuinely perceived as fragmentary expressions of Prime Creator, the vibration of equality that underlies all life-forms becomes perceptible to the human instrument. Life initially emerges as an extension of Source Reality, and then, as an individuated energy frequency invested within a form. It vibrates, in its pure, timeless state, precisely the same for all manifestations of life. This is the common ground that all life shares. This is the tone-vibration of equality that can be observed within all life forms that unifies all expressions of diversity to the foundation of existence known as Prime Creator. If an individual is able to look upon any form of life with the outlook of equality, then they are observing Source in all things.

While this may seem like an abstract concept, it is actualized through the practice of looking for the outward and inward manifestations of Prime Creator. In a very real sense, the individual expects to observe the workings of Source Intelligence in every facet of their experience. It is the unassailable expectation that everything is in its rightful position, performing its optimal function, and serving its purpose to activate the fullest expression of its life in the present moment. It is the outlook that all life is in a state of optimal realization and experience regardless of condition or circumstance. It is the perception that life is perfect in its expression because it flows from perfection, and that no matter how divergent its manifestations are, life is an extension of Source Reality.

In light of the obvious turmoil and apparent destruction that accompanies life on terra-earth, this is an outlook or perception that seems naive. How can life--in all its forms and expressions--be perceived as optimal or perfect? This is the great paradox of life, and it cannot be reconciled with the human instrument's mental or emotional capabilities. It can only be understood in the context of the entity, which is deathless, limitless, timeless, and sovereign. Paradoxes exist because the human drama is too limited in scope and scale to allow a perception of wholeness to intervene and illuminate how the pieces of the puzzle are unified in perfect relation.

The human drama is circumscribed by the dimensions of time and space and the elements of energy and matter. It is played out upon the stages of survival and dysfunctional behavior because of the Hierarchy's methods of controlling information and manipulating conditions. The entity within the human instrument is largely unexpressed and under-utilized in the human drama, and therefore, life's apparent perversions and imperfections are seen in isolation as impediments to perfection rather than perfection itself.

Life is perfect in its resolve to expand and express an intelligence that is limitless. This is the fundamental purpose of life in all its diverse manifestations, and this is the presence of Prime Creator--expressing ITSELF as a vibration of equality--that can be observed in all things. Sensory input derived from the human instrument is limited to frequencies in specific ranges that only convey an echo of this Source vibration. The true frequency is understood through deliberate and focused contemplation of equality inherent in all things, and the ability to penetrate beyond the picture of a thing to the origin of the picture.

These insights require a new sensory system beyond the five-senses that rule the human world in your time. These new senses are the outgrowth of the Source Code activation, and represent the first stage of the transformation experience. With this new perceptual ability, the human instrument will be capable of sensing not only the presence of Prime Creator, but also the timeless essence within all life that is individualized and uniquely separate from Prime Creator.

Calling forth the perceptions of the entity within the human instrument is the ideal method to access a lasting sensitivity to the Source vibration. This is how an individual can develop the ability to observe Source in all things. It is not only that Prime Creator is within every individual manifestation of energy, but is also the wholeness of life itself. Thus, the principle requires an observance of Source in all ITS diverse forms of manifestation, as well as in the wholeness of life.


angel2Nurturence of Life

Life, in this definition, is an individual's sovereign reality. It is subjective and impressionable to the human instrument. Life is the wholeness of experience flowing past the individual's field of perception in the dimension of nowness. There is never a closure to life or final chapter written. It is eternal, but not in the abstract sense of never ending or beginning, but rather in the real sense that life is ever expanding in order to express Source Intelligence in all fields of vibration within the Universe of Wholeness.

The nurturence of life is the principle that an individual is in alignment with the natural expansion of intelligence inherent within all life. This is an alignment that enhances the life-energy that flows past the individual with the clear intent of gentle support. It is the action of identifying the highest motive in all energy forms and supporting the flow of this energy towards its ultimate expression. In so doing, the action is performed without judgment, analysis, or attachment to outcome. It is simply nurturing the energy that flows from all manifestations and supporting its expression of life.

This is a departure from the normal perception that nurturing support can only be granted when energy is in alignment with personal will. However, when the individual can view life as an integrated energy flowing in the expression of expanding intelligence, life is honored as an extension of Prime Creator. In this context, there is no energy that is mis-directed or unworthy of support and nurturence. While this may seem contrary to the evidence of abusive energy upon terra-earth, even energy that is laden with "evil intent" is nevertheless energy that is flowing outward in search of a higher expression.

All forms of energy can be nurtured and supported to their highest expression, and this is the fundamental action of this principle. It requires the ability to perceive the causal motive and ultimate expression of life-energy as it passes through the individual's sovereign reality. Energy is an element of life that is so subtly interwoven with form that it is one; in much the same manner as space and time are inextricably linked in union. Energy is a motive. It is intelligent beyond the mind's ability to reason. While it is a force that can be subject to human applications that deny its highest expression, energy is always imbuing life with the motive to expand and evolve.

Life-energy is always in a state of becoming. It is never static or regressive in its natural state. The human instrument is very capable of nurturing this natural expansion of energy to forge new channels of expression and experience. In fact, it is the primary purpose of the human instrument to expand the life-energy that encircles its sovereign reality within physical existence and transform it to new levels of expression that more accurately reflect the perspective of the Sovereign Integral.

There are many specific actions that can be taken to nurture life. Each entity is, in a sense, programmed within its Source Codes to transmute energy through a tremendous variety of means. Working through the human instrument, the entity is able to collect and store energy within the human instrument and re-direct its purpose or application. The transmutation of energy can occur on either the personal or universal levels of expression. That is, within the sovereign reality of an individual, energy can be transmuted to conform to a vision of personal welfare, or aligned with a vision of universal welfare and goodwill.

One of the best methods to transmute energy is through one's belief system. All beliefs have energy systems that act like birthing chambers for the manifestation of the belief. Within these energy systems are currents that direct life experience. The human instrument is aware of these currents either consciously or unconsciously, and allows them to carry it into the realm of experience that exemplifies its true belief system.

By cultivating beliefs that expand and transform energy, the human instrument is able to engage energy systems that are nurturing to life in all its myriad forms. When beliefs are clearly defined as preferred states of being, the energy system is engaged in nowness--not in some future time. Now. The energy system becomes inseparable from the human instrument and woven into its spirit like a thread of light. Clarity of belief is essential to engaging the energy system of the belief, and allowing the nurturence of life to prevail in all activities.

So again, the nurturence of life is critical to both personal and universal realities within the Universe of Wholeness which contains all the fields of vibration that are interlinked like threads of an infinitely expanding fabric. Thus, as the individual awakens to their creative power to transmute energy and enhance it with the clear intent of gentle support, they become transmitters of Source Reality and architects of the synthesis model of existence.

Through the ongoing application of these life principles, Source Intelligence increasingly becomes the identity of the entity, and the entity becomes the identity of the human instrument. Thus, identity is transformed, and in the wake of this transformation, the Sovereign Integral unifies the human instrument with the entity, and the entity with Source Intelligence. It is this unification and shifts of identity that is the explicit purpose in expressing the life principles of the Sovereign Integral. If there is any other intention or objective these principles will remain misunderstood and their catalytic powers dormant.

It is the perspective of the Sovereign Integral that all life is pure love in its fullest expression, and that in this single concept, all life is conceived and forever exists. This becomes the core belief from which all other beliefs arise, and by their extension, one's belief system emerges with a clear intent of supporting this fundamental perspective. Of nurturing, observing, and appreciating the Universe of Wholeness as the cradle from which all life is created, evolves, and ultimately acknowledges.

These life principles are merely symbols represented in words and served to the human instrument as a potential recipe to stir awake the embers of light that tirelessly burn within. There are no specific techniques or rituals that are required to invoke the power of these principles. They are simply perspectives. In a real sense, they are intentions that attract experience that expand consciousness. They do not provide quick fixes or instant realizations. They are amplifiers of personal will and intention that clarify how one lives. Their transformative power is contained exclusively in the intent of their application.

Through these life principles of the Sovereign Integral, the individual can become a master of unlimiting the Self. Boundaries are set, veils are pulled down, and one's light is subdued, simply because external, hierarchical controls create fear of the unknown and mystical practices of a sovereign being. In these life principles, if they are truly applied with proper intent, are the tools to accelerate the emergence of the Sovereign Integral and feel its perspective, its insights, and its empowered abilities to create new realities and shape them as learning adventures that liberate and expand consciousness. This is the underlying purpose of the principles and perhaps the best reason to explore them.

The Shifting Model of Existence

The consciousness of the Sovereign Integral is the destination that beckons the human instrument inward into the reality of Prime Creator. In all of the wanderings of the human consciousness from Source Reality, it has eliminated the compelling features of Source Reality through the application of the logical mind and the persistent belief in the language of limitation that flows from the external controls of the hierarchy.

Source Reality, hidden behind language, has gradually become "illuminated" by the prophets of your world, and has thus, taken on the image of language, rather than the expression of its compelling features. Language is the purveyor of limitation. It is the pawn of tyranny and entrapment. Virtually all entities within the time-space universe desire to preserve a dependence upon a hierarchy that stretches between the individual and the compelling features of Source Reality. It is the hierarchy that utilizes language as a form of structural limitation, though in relative terms, it can appear to be liberating and empowering.

Source Reality is the dwelling place of Prime Creator, and it dances outside of the constructs of any language. It is complete within itself, and has a singular purpose of demonstrating the collective potential of all species within the Universe of Wholeness. It is the archetype of perfection. It is the standard bearer of each entity's innate design and ultimate destiny. ITS essence is so far beyond conception, that the human instrument's tendency is to resort to the language of externals--and ultimately the hierarchy--to define Source Reality.

The hierarchy, through the purveyance of an evolution/saviorship model of existence, has attempted to guide the development of all entities throughout the Universe of Wholeness. The connection between the individual and the Source is subtly undermined through the layers of language, belief system manipulation, and ritual controls designed by the hierarchy to intervene between the spiritual essence of entities and their source, Prime Creator.

Each individual must know themselves to be free of all forms of external reliance. This is not to imply that one should not trust others or band together in alliances of friendship and community. It is simply a warning that relative truth is constantly shifting in the hands of those who desire to control, and even though their motives may be of good will, it is still a form of control. When the hierarchy withholds information, the interpretive centers for relative truth are positioned to acquire and maintain power rather than dispensing the empowerment of Source equality.

There are so many layers of relative truth that if you listen to the language of externals, you will most likely abandon your own power in favor of the proclamation of language. Language is seductive to the ego's drive for power and control, as well as the mind's inclination to surrender to, and believe in, the language of externals. It can lure the unsuspecting into believing images and ideas--real or imagined--for the sake of holding individuals in bondage to a lesser truth, or keep individuals supporting the hierarchy when it no longer serves a purpose. The time is fast approaching when the veils of control at all levels of the hierarchy will be rendered obsolete by entities who are destined to pull down the veils and allow sovereign power to prevail over hierarchical power.

There are entities who have woven their future existence with terra-earth and are destined to demonstrate the truth of Source equality among all entities at all levels of expression. It will become the fundamental purpose of the hierarchy to slowly remove these barriers to equality in such a way that the hierarchy appears to be the savior of consciousness rather than the guard of consciousness. There are those present who will ensure that the curtain falls swiftly for those who are ready to be equal with their Source, are willing to skirt the hierarchy's tangled pathways, and embrace their divinity as sovereign expressions of Source Reality.

The hierarchy represents diverse interests, perceptions of reality, and motives of action. It is this diversity that causes the hierarchy to become ineffective in leading individuals to their equal status with Prime Creator. However, this diversity is also what permits the hierarchy to attract and initially awaken such a breadth of individuals to their spiritual energies and intuitive centers. Nevertheless, the hierarchy has trapped itself in diversity and vested specialization that prevents it from evolving from an arduous ladder of evolution to a joyous river of Light that is aligned with the purpose of empowering entities to Source equality.

The saviorship concept results from the feelings of inadequacy that constantly surge within the mass consciousness of humanity through the genetic mind. These feelings are related to the fragmentation of the human instrument and its inability--while fragmented--to fully grasp its wholeness perspective and reach into its divine origins and accept itself as equal with Prime Creator. Thus ensues the seemingly endless search to be saved from the inadequacy and insecurity that result from the fragmentation of the human instrument.

The motive to evolve consciousness derives from the feeling of being less than whole. And in particular, the feeling of being disconnected from Prime Creator due to imperfect judgment caused by the fragmentation of the human instrument. It is through these feelings that the fragmentation perpetuates itself for the entire species and is passed into the genetic mind which is the shared foundation of the human instrument. The genetic mind of the human species is the single most powerful component of the hierarchy and it is formed by the very conditions of the human instrument living in a three-dimensional, five-sensory context that is all-consuming.

When the entity initially enters a human instrument at birth, it is immediately fragmented into a physical, emotional, and mental spectrum of perception and expression. From that day forward the entity is carefully conditioned to adapt into, and navigate within, the three-dimensional, five-sensory context of terra-earth. In effect, the entity purposely fragments its consciousness in order to experience separation from wholeness.

In this state of separation, the entity has handicapped itself for the purpose of new experience and a deeper understanding of the Primal Blueprint or grand vision of Prime Creator. Through this deeper understanding, the entity can, through the human instrument, transform the three-dimensional context into a self-aware, integrated component of the Universe of Wholeness. This magnificent and purposeful endeavor produces the urge within the human instrument to seek out its wholeness and re-experience its divine connection to Prime Creator.

This search, in large measure, is the fuel that drives the individual to seek out and explore the evolution/saviorship model of existence. It provides the individual with the motivation to seek help and guidance from a specific subgroup of the hierarchy, and in so doing, develop a sense of belonging and unity. It is this very same sense of belonging and unity that helps to catalyze a growing awareness of the underlying union between the human instrument, the Entity Consciousness, the Universe of Wholeness, Source Intelligence, and Prime Creator.

This is why the evolution/saviorship model is so critical as a component to the Grand Experiment. It is the stage whereby the human instrument develops a sense of unity and belonging. A sense of relationship to some grand and encompassing vision. This is why the hierarchy nurtures saviors. It is also why the feelings of inadequacy and insecurity are developed and nurtured by the hierarchy. It actually hastens the unification of humanity, which in turn, will hasten and lead to the unification of humanity with the Universe of Wholeness.

Spiritual leaders are able to peer deeply beneath the surface reality of life and experience how intricately connected every life form is, and how this composite of life is intelligent far beyond the human instrument's capability to both perceive and express. It is because of this condition that spiritual leaders can only interpret reality through their personal abilities to perceive and express life's dimensional depth and limitless intelligence. No one is able to articulate life's dimensional depth and breadth with the tools of language. They can only, at best, describe their interpretation or their impressions.

Every human is able, in varying degrees, to peer beneath the surface reality of life and perceive and express their personal interpretations of the Universe of Wholeness. They require only the time and intention to develop their own interpretations. And this is precisely what all the great spiritual leaders have taught. Life's deeper meaning is not an absolute to be experienced by the chosen few, but an evolving, dynamic intelligence that wears as many faces as there are life forms. No life form or species has the exclusive portal into the Universe of Wholeness in which Prime Creator expresses ITSELF in all ITS majesty. The portal is shared with all because Prime Creator is within all things.

The great spiritual leaders of terra-earth have all, in their own way, interpreted the Universe of Wholeness and humanity's role therein. In so doing, their interpretations, because they were articulated with authority and depth of insight, became a target of debate among various subgroups of the hierarchy. This debate and inquiry process creates a polarity of belief. A sympathetic constituency will emerge to defend and embellish their particular leader's interpretation, while everyone else will hold it in contempt of previously held beliefs.

This peculiar method of creating a religion that is fixated on a savior's or prophet's interpretation of the Universe of Wholeness is unique to a species that is exploring the evolution/saviorship model of existence. The spiritual leaders that are recognized as great prophets or saviors have produced a vision of the Universe of Wholeness beyond what was currently defined by the hierarchy. They created a new portal into the Universe of Wholeness and were willing to share their vision at the expense of debate and probable ridicule.

These men and women were the gateways for humanity to explore new facets of itself. To engage a part of its oversoul or universal consciousness that was essential at that particular time in its evolutionary cycle. But the leader's interpretations too often become interpreted by the followers who desire to create a religion or sect, and the vision quietly recedes into the hands of the hierarchy where it becomes de-vitalized by the very fact that it is connected to a massive structure that both protects and promotes it.

Prime Creator is connected to individuals not organizations. Thus, the hierarchy is unconnected to the Source in a vital and dynamic way. The hierarchy is more connected to its own collective desire to help, to serve, to perform a function that allows the use of power to drive toward the vision of its leaders. In itself, this is not wrong or misguided. It is all part of the Primal Blueprint that orchestrates the unfoldment of consciousness from Prime Source to entity, and entity to Collective Source. This is the spiral of integration that breeds wholeness and cascading beauty within Source Intelligence.

What the hierarchy has loosely labeled as Spirit comes as close as any word to the symbol of Source Intelligence. Source Intelligence inhabits all fields of vibration as an extension of the Source. It is the emissary of Prime Creator that interweaves with the hierarchy as its counter-balance. Source Intelligence is the factor of integrity and alignment, which ensures that the hierarchy is serving its purpose within the Primal Blueprint. Source Intelligence is, in effect, the "scientist" who oversees the Grand Experiment and establishes the criteria, selects the variables, monitors the results, and evaluates the alternative outcomes in the laboratory of time and space.

The Grand Experiment is the ongoing transformation and expansion of Source Intelligence through all entities in all dimensions of existence. It is the purpose of the Grand Experiment to test alternative models of existence to determine, with some certainty, the model that is best able to unify consciousness without impinging on the sovereignty of the entity and Prime Creator. The Grand Experiment is composed of many distinct stages that interlink, leading to the Great Mystery. Most of these different stages are being simultaneously played out within the time-space universe in order to prepare the universe for the impending expansion of Source Reality into all dimensions of existence.

In the case of terra-earth, this is the stage of existence that promotes the clear connection of individual consciousness to the compelling features of Source Reality without the intervention of a hierarchy of any kind. This is when the fables and myths of history step into the light and become known as they truly are and have been. This is the time when language will be transmuted into a new form of communication that exhibits the compelling features of Source Reality in an artistry of energy and vibration that break down all barriers of control.

It is time to recognize that the hierarchy extends throughout the cosmos to the very borders of discovery. It has branches that extend from every star system, every known dimension; and virtually all life forms are "leaves" of this vast cosmological tree. This constitutes the grand indoctrination of species, spirits, planets, and stars as they each evolve through the branches of the tree. Thus, the hierarchy is an assemblage of externals that desire to invest their energies in support of a sub-group that has nested somewhere within the greatest of all structures--the hierarchy. Service is the operational motive of the hierarchy, and in most cases, this translates into the concept of saviorship and the teacher/student ordering of the universe.

The hierarchy is composed of all entities of all motives that have linked their energies into sub-groups. These sub-groups are independent branches of the vast, cosmological tree that encompasses all things outside of Source Reality. The roots of the tree are bound in the soil of genetic memory and subconscious instincts. At the base of the tree the first branches sprout and they are the oldest, representing the native religions of the species. The middle branches are the orthodox religions and institutions, while the upper branches represent the contemporary belief systems that are newly emerging throughout the universe. The whole tree, in this definition, is the hierarchy, and its seed was initially conceived, planted, and nurtured by Source Intelligence for the purpose of stimulating the Grand Experiment.

This is the experiment of transformation verses evolution. Evolution is the arduous and ongoing process of shifting positions within the hierarchy--always assessing your present position in relation to a new one that beckons you. Transformation is simply the recognition that there are accelerated pathways that bypass the hierarchy leading to sovereign mastership rather than interdependent saviorship, and that these new pathways can be accessed through direct experience of the equality tone-vibration that is present within all entities.

This tone vibration is not what is more commonly referred to as the music of the spheres or the vibration of spirit moving through the universe in resonance to Source intention. It is a vibration that holds together the three principles of the transformational experience: Universe relationship through gratitude, observance of Source in all things, and the nuturance of life. The application of these life-principles in a specific equation of conduct de-couples an entity from the controlling elements of the hierarchy.

How can the hierarchy act in the role of an interpretive center of truth without manipulating entities, and thus, obscuring their free will? The Grand Experiment was designed with free will as its primary method of obtaining authentic information that can be used to expand Source Reality to all dimensions of existence. Free will is the thread of authenticity that imbues value in the various tests within the Grand Experiment. The hierarchy or any other external structure never jeopardizes free will. Only the entity can choose their reality, and this is the fundamental principle of free will.

Free will is not obscured simply because an entity is presented with alternative realities or relative truths that delay its realization of Source equality. It is the choice of the entity to invest itself in external accounts of reality instead of delving within its own resources and creating a reality that is sovereign. The value of free will is always expanding as you move towards sovereignty, and in like manner, is always diminishing as you move towards external dependence. The choice between sovereignty or external dependence is the basis of free will, and there is no structure or external source that can eliminate this basic choice. It is an inward choice that, regardless of outward circumstance, is incapable of being denied by anything external.

The Universe of Wholeness encompasses all dimensions (including Source Reality), and therefore, all realities are contained therein. In this incomprehensible diversity, each entity is provided a structure that defines their free will in terms of its relation Source Reality. Each of these structures varies in latitude of choice, but each is connected into the superstructure of the hierarchy. The structureless reality of Source Reality is where free will was initially conceived, and when the principle expanded into the time-space universe as the thread of authenticity, it became increasingly dependent upon the entity's recognition of its wholeness in relation to Source Intelligence.

If the entity was fragmented into its component parts, its comprehension of free will was limited to that which the hierarchy circumscribed. If the entity is a conscious collective, realizing its sovereign wholeness, the principle of free will was a form of structure that was unnecessary, like a fire in a summer's day. When entities are unknowing of their wholeness, structure will occur as a form of self-imposed security. Through this ongoing development of a structured and ordered universe, entities defined their borders--their limits--through the expression of their insecurity. They gradually became pieces of their wholeness, and like shards of glass from a beautiful vase they bear little resemblance to their aggregate beauty.

If you were to perceive the origin of your existence, you would undoubtedly see how vast the entity is. If you could pierce through the veils that cover your destiny, you would understand how much vaster you will become. Between these two points of existence--origin and destiny--the entity is always the vibrant container of Source Intelligence. It has willingly allowed itself to explore the time-space universes as an outpost of Prime Creator. Therefore, while the hierarchy may obscure the entity's comprehension of its wholeness, it is the entity who has surrendered, by choice, to listen to the language of limitation, the proclamations of externals, and become seduced by the model of evolution/saviorship.

Why has the hierarchy not provided the alternative model of transformation/mastership and enabled the entity to make a choice, and in so doing, truly exercise its free will? It is because the hierarchy, like most entities, is not aware of its wholeness. Its fragments, or subgroups, are completely devoted to boundaries. Where there are boundaries that define and limit, there is also structure. Where there is deeply ingrained structure there is a pervasive belief that transformation is impossible. Naturally, the time-space universe conforms to the matrix of belief projection, and the very concept of transformation is removed from the hierarchy's reality.

Thus, the hierarchy is unable to even conceptualize the model of transformation/mastership with any precision, let alone inform the entity that alternatives exist which issue from Source Intelligence. The hierarchy is not responsible for this condition, each entity is. The dominant model of Source Intelligence is primal. It existed before the hierarchy. It is the entity that has chosen to explore the hierarchy's model of existence for the purpose of participating in the Grand Experiment and assisting in the emergence of the synthesis model of existence. The hierarchy is quite benign as a manipulative force, and merely represents a key ingredient to the recipe of wholeness that is transforming the entity to reach beyond its role as a vibrant container of Source Intelligence, and become the bridgeway in the expansion of Source Reality into the time-space universes.

There is an ancient belief, born of the hierarchy, that the time-space universes will ascend into Source Reality and the human instrument of love will accompany this ascension process. However, it is Source Reality that is expanding to encompass the time-space universes with the purpose of aligning all entities to the synthesis model of existence. Source Intelligence is stripping away the veils that hide the true meaning of the entity model of expression in the time-space universes. When this occurs, the entity will possess Source equality in all dimensions and fields of vibration, and its componentry will be united for the full expression of its sovereign perspective.

This transformation of the entity is the pathway into wholeness and the recognition that the entity model of expression is a composite of forms and the formless that is unified in one energy, one consciousness. When the fragments are aligned and inter-connected, the entity becomes the instrument that facilitates Source Reality expansion. Thus, the entity does not ascend from the time-space universes, but rather coalesces into a state of wholeness whereby its sovereign expression can assist in the expansion, or in a different context, the descent, of Source Reality into the time-space universes.

Ascension is often construed as the natural outcome of evolution. That all planetary systems and species are evolving to the point where they ascend from limitation, and that eventually, the time-space universes will somehow fold into Source Reality and cease to exist as fields of vibration. It is actually quite the opposite. Source Reality is descending. It is inclusive of all things, and it is the Source intention to expand, not retreat. The entity transforms to wholeness within the cradle of the time-space universe, and, in so doing, becomes the accessory of Source Reality's intention to expand.

Can you see the perfection of this Primal Blueprint? Can you feel the shifting of the matrix from which your reality is cast? Can you not also understand that you, the human instrument, consist of a componentry that is individuated as a single point of pure energy, yet live in many places on many dimensions simultaneously? Only within the entity is the place of transformation discovered, where the formless Self can enter and commune with its various outposts of form. The formless is the Eternal Watcher who lives behind the veil of form and comprehension, and draws forth the wisdom of time from the well of planets. It is the point of origination from whence Source Intelligence flows.

The Eternal Watcher is the only real interpretive center for the entity. It is the only stable guidance system that can propel the entity to its wholeness. Thus, the entity is composed of both the formless identity of Source Intelligence and the formful identity of densified energy. While the formless is one, the formful is divested in many fragments of expression that isolate its consciousness as islands of perception and expression. This condition results in the entity's denial of its vast and glorious nature of existence.

In the human instrument, the entity, for the most part, is silent and unmoving. It appears like a fleeting whisper of gladness that touches you like a mountain wind. It is quiet like a deep ocean. Yet, the entity is coming forward into the time-space universe as a harbinger of Source Reality expansion. It is beginning to make itself known as it truly is. Many feel the shadow of their entity as it approaches. They consign all forms of definition to this "shadow", seldom believing it to be the torchbearer of their total selfhood. Here is where all the vows of faithfulness, all the ceremonies of love, and all the feelings of hope should be centered and given over to the sovereign entity that we each are.

The primary reason that the hierarchy's model of evolution/saviorship is so compelling is because the entity has become fragmented in how it perceives its total selfhood. The Eternal Watcher that lives through the human instrument is illusive to the time-space conditioned mind, yet it is the mind that attempts to reach out and touch this subtle vibration of Source equality that is forever kindled by Source Intelligence. However, the mind is too conditioned and disempowered to realize the total scope of the entity that exists beyond the shadows of intuition. It is for this reason that the species is exploring the evolution/saviorship model of existence. They have little or no conception of their wholeness, and require a savior and the acclimation process of evolution, to bring them security and happiness.

It is a natural condition of an evolving species to have a desire, implanted by the hierarchy, to be saved and to be a savior. This condition results in the teacher/student ordering of the universe, and it is a building block of evolution and the very essence of the hierarchy's structural existence. While some species resort to the drama of survival to catalyze their evolutionary progress, other species resort to the drama of being saved and being a savior. The saviorship drama is an expression of sovereign entities that are preoccupied with the evolutionary process, and it is not confined to a religious context, but indeed applies to all facets of one's life.

As there are relative truths, there are relative freedoms. If you are evolving through the hierarchical process you gain an ever-increasing sense of freedom, yet you are still controlled by the vibration of externals through languages, thought forms, frequencies of color and sound, and the seemingly indelible artifacts of the genetic mind. Each of these elements can cause the human instrument to rely upon the hierarchy as it overlays a sense of inequality between you and your Source. The underlying equation of the evolutionary process is human instrument + Hierarchy = God connection. In the case of the transformational process, it is Entity + Source Intelligence = Prime Source equality.

Source Intelligence, though it generally manifests as the vibration of equality, is subject to the will of Prime Creator, and as the Source intention changes through the various stages of the Grand Experiment, Source Intelligence is also changing its form of manifestation. This change is occurring now within the worlds of time and space because Prime Creator is beginning to set the stage for the integration of the two primary models of existence (evolution/saviorship and transformation/mastership) within the Grand Experiment.

The time has come to integrate the dominant model of the hierarchy (evolution/saviorship) with the dominant model of Source Intelligence (transformation/mastership). This integration can only be achieved at the level of the entity. It cannot occur within the context of a human instrument or an aspect of the hierarchy. Only the entity--the wholeness of inter-dimensional sovereignty imbued with Source Intelligence--can facilitate and fully experience the integration of these two models of existence.

This form of integration occurs when the entity fully explores the two models and develops a synthesis model that positions saviorship as an internal role of the entity to "save" itself, and not rely upon externals to perform this liberating task. This act of self-sufficiency begins to integrate the saviorship idea with the mastership realization. The next step is to integrate the time-based incremental progress of the evolutionary model with the realization-based acceptance of the transformation model. This is done when the entity is thoroughly convinced that experience and utilization of its wholeness can only occur when it is completely detached from the various structures of the hierarchy.

While the entity assumes its role of personal liberation, it does not mean that the hierarchy is to be shunned or avoided. The hierarchy is a wondrous instrument. It is symbolic of the body of Prime Creator, enabling IT to submerge within the time-space universes similar to how the human instrument allows the entity to function outside of Source Reality. The hierarchy is a vehicle of transformation even when it acts to suppress information and keep species in obedience to its controlling hand. It is part of the ancient formula that prepares a new universe for the synthesis model of existence and membership in the Universe of Wholeness.

The combination of self-saviorship and detachment from the hierarchy initiates the synthesis model into manifestation. The synthesis model is the next outcome of the Grand Experiment, and in certain vibrational fields of the multidimensional universe, there are entities who are indeed experiencing this stage of the experiment as forerunners of the entity model of Source individuation.

These entities are specifically designed to transmit this future experience into communication symbols and life principles that facilitate the bridging of the two models of existence. Beyond the initial design and construction of these "bridges", these entities will remain largely unknown. If they were to do anything more, they would rapidly become a fixture of the hierarchy and their missions would become compromised.

These Sovereign Entities are not present in the time-space universe to be formal teachers. They are present to be catalysts and designers. They are present to ensure that Source Intelligence is allowed to balance the dominant force of the hierarchy and its model of evolution/saviorship. They will not create a new belief system. Instead, they will focus on developing new communication symbols through various art forms that facilitate the entity's detachment from the controlling aspects of the hierarchy. The Sovereign Entities will also demonstrate the natural ease of interweaving the two primary strands of existence into a synthesis model.

In the advancing epoch of human development, entities will collectively design new pathways beyond the synthesis model of existence so that a new hierarchy can be constructed that is fashioned from Source Intelligence information. This new hierarchy will be cast from the knowledge gained from the Grand Experiments of the time-space universes, and the cosmic cycle will regenerate itself into a new field of vibration and existence. This new model of existence resists definition, and word-symbols are completely inadequate to describe even the shadowy outlines of this new form of existence that is emerging from out of the synthesis model in your future time.

The WingMakers are a small team of Sovereign Entities that have designed time capsules that are catalytic in forming a Sovereign Integral perspective. Each time capsule is, in actuality, a selection system that attracts specific entities to utilize their human instrument in wholeness. This develops their sixth and seventh sense, which enables them to learn how to step out of time and the hierarchy's control. When they can do this, they can design the synthesis model of existence within terra-earth's hierarchical system.

These entities will be transforming time-space universes from ladders of consciousness to inclusions of Source Reality. In other words, Source Reality will be extended into time-space universes, and all life forms therein will experience this extension through a new hierarchical structure that is completely aligned with Source Intelligence. What some call "heaven on earth" is merely an echo-realization of this impending future time. What is truly bearing down on the time-space universes is the expansion of Source Reality through the accessibility of Source Intelligence information to all entities regardless of form or structure.

When this accessibility is complete and the Source Coding is fully activated, all entities will be part of a new cosmological structure. This new structure will invoke the next model of existence, which is already being developed within Source Reality by Source Intelligence and the Sovereign Entities. What is being activated now upon this time-space universe is the initial preparations for these shifts in the models of existence. More specifically, upon terra-earth, these models of existence will be simultaneously played out over the next epoch of time. As always, it will be the choice of the entity as to which model they embrace as reality.

These various models of existence will generally occur in a pre-determined sequence, but not necessarily in a pre-determined timeframe. The sequence of Source Reality expansion is: Source Intelligence creation of new fields of vibration; the ongoing development of an entity constructed hierarchy to act as the superstructure of the new creation; the emergence from the hierarchy of a dominant model of existence, in this case, the evolution/saviorship model; the introduction of the Source Intelligence model of existence, in this case, the transformation/ mastership model; the intermixing of these two models to form a synthesis model of Source equality; and finally, Source Reality expansion to the inclusion of all dimensions and entities.

When this sequencing of the Primal Blueprint is achieved, the process, with all that has been learned by Source Intelligence, will be reconfigured and a new element of the Primal Blueprint will be revealed that is unknown at this stage even by Source Intelligence. The time required to fulfill the complete cycle is undetermined, but it is reasonable to expect that its completion is yet so distant in time that to attach measurement is simply a feeble attempt at estimating the unknowable.

Let there be no mistake, however, that the fulfillment of the Primal Blueprint is indeed the direction all entities are traveling. While entities of all levels are bestowed free will within their own realities, they are not, as aspects of Source Reality, given free will to choose their ultimate destiny. The origin of entities is Source Intelligence, and it is Source Intelligence that determines destiny as well as origin. Still, entities are provided tremendous latitude of choices to propel themselves from origin to destiny and re-emerge into an expanded version of Source Reality with a renewed vision of their identity.

All of the highest imaginings of the human instrument are yet unaware of the deepest foundation of the Primal Blueprint. They have sought the upper reaches of the building, and remain unaware of the foundation's design. It is here, at the very bottom of existence that Prime Creator is bursting forth with ITS energy and is retreating with ITS equality of sovereign mastership. It is here that equality is realized, not in the lofty places of relative truth lodged in the hierarchy, but in the deepest part of the foundational plan of life's origins and destiny, where time rejoins itself into timelessness. The origin and destiny of existence is the tone of equality in life. Listen for this tone--this frequency of vibration--and follow it back into the very foundation from whence all things arise and return.

This frequency of the tone-vibration of equality is only heard with the seventh sense by the entity who is enveloped in a human instrument. The seventh sense can be developed by the time capsules' and will lead certain entities to their innermost or core expression. The core expression is what activates the seventh sense. Thus, before one can hear the tone-vibration of equality, they must gain access tot heir core expression. There is encoded in each of the time capsules, a system of languages that can lead the individual to their core expression. It is hidden because it is so powerful. And we will only lead the worthy to this power.

Consider these words as symbols only. Remember that language is a tool of limitation. Feeling is an antidote of limitation that permits the human instrument to leap over the boundaries of the logical mind and witness first hand the wordless power of collective energy individuated. Feel the truth that stands behind the symbols, and tap into this energy-force that reaches out for you. Know it as a tone-vibration--a resonance that waits for you around every corner in which your life will turn. It is the beacon of the Source Vibration gathering itself into the form of language in order to usher you to the place from which you can experience the formless tone of equality. The bypass of limitation. The Primal Language of Source Intelligence that bestows to you the freedom to generate your deepest beauty in the expression of the highest truth.

22nd Chamber - Philosophy

Source: An amazing story of the discovery of a time capsule stored deep inside a canyon wall in northern New Mexico for over a millennium. The WingMakers left behind 23 chambers of artifacts consisting of paintings, poetry, music, philosophy, and enigmatic technologies that the most powerful organization on earth cannot decipher or activate. Known as: The Ancient Arrow Project.


Magical Weight Loss

 7 Minute Read |PDF download PDF Download this Article | Also see Overweight & Angry | Physical Proof of Ascension | Ascension Symptoms | Ascension 101 | Quantum Consciousness | Order a TGI Imagery Session

Shedding Toxic Waste from Your Waist by Healing from Toxic Relationships

Are you trying to lose weight? Have you let yourself go and have gone up a few too many dress sizes? Have you tried every fad diet and exercise to no avail?

What You Don't Have To Do...

  • No need for dieting
  • No exercise required
  • No fancy foods to buy
  • No meetings to attend
  • No books to purchase
  • No supplements needed
  • No risky diet pills to take
  • No expensive surgery

Could your weight be on your shoulders or a noose around your neck? Well, I have been shedding the same ten pounds for years now and without much success until now.

I began to wonder if maybe it is more than physical... maybe it's etheric or mental or astral weight. Granted, ten pounds is not much in the grand scheme of things but those last ten pounds have become quite an ordeal.

Part of losing this weight is discovering why I want to lose it in the first place. Being clear on the goal of the weight loss is important because much of this has to do with your mind and how your brain thinks about weight.

Our External World Directly Correlates to How We Feel Inside.In order to get rid of those "last ten pounds", we have inner work to do. Inner work is one of many transcending ways to heal. When we do the inner work it reflects in our external world. In other words, our external world directly correlates to how we feel inside.We must detach ourselves and heal from harmful patterns. We exist in a macrocosm and a microcosm environment... the Many and the One.

Magical Weight Loss - Deidre Madsen

Today you will discover one of the most important ways to lose those unwanted pounds.

What You Will Gain...

Hint: It won't be more weight

  • Peace of mind
  • A sincere feeling of freedom
  • Gain a steady balance in life
  • Start dropping emotional baggage
  • Eliminate guilty feelings
  • Learn self-value, self-love and self-worth
  • Like what you see in the mirror of your life
  • Gain personal power to proceed life's path
  • And, inches off your waisteline!

We are taught by our inner (and outer) elders and sages that we must be free flowing within. We must move into a delta state and "be there" the larger percentage of our lives if we are to sustain ourselves in life, in our relationships and through planetary shifts.

Coping skills - now, add myriad toxic exposure to chemicals, EMF, drinking water, food, air, or emotionally in our sometimes-roller-coaster-ride-type relationships. Dramatic earth changes are happening even now and are yet ahead of us. How are we going to cope?

Living a balanced life includesstriving for compassionate hearts and learning forgiveness in life, love and relationships. This includes healing and compassion. Emotional weight loss includes inner healing and release work that will help you shed those pounds.

Toxic Relationships are a key component in weight gain. This is different than "love weight", where couples are comfortable with one another. Toxic relationships can cause anxiety, depression and medical issues because FEAR IS IMMUNE-SUPPRESSIVE. So, let's get healthy!


Toxic Relationships

Let's begin with toxic relationships because within this one topic we can uncover enormous value in understanding projections, masks, triggers and emotional breaking points. And, if we can work through clearing and healing our toxic relationships we will free vast amounts of our energy and move into an inner state of harmony and balance.

First, we need to identify whether you are in a toxic relationship. Toxic relationships take many forms - partners, parents, children, coworkers, bosses, and friends. First you have to recognize that you are in one and realize that the weight gain is due to the stress and anxiety of a toxic relationship. Being balanced and in a state of harmony requires not only cleaning up our eating habits, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, it also includes the relationships we have around us.


  1. The Skinny: Identifying Toxic Clues, Traits & Projections
  2. The Projections
  3. The Four Core Feelings
  4. Recognizing a Toxic Individual: Masks of All Shapes and Sizes
  5. The Masks
  6. Mental Abuse: Secret's Secret Secret
  7. Mental Abuse Identifers
  8. The Shame and Blame Game - Shame vs. Guilt
  9. Mask's Off! Take Back Your Power!
  10. Real-time Assessment - Our Personal Event Horizon Exercise #1
  11. Face In The Mirror - Face The Music Exercise #2
  12. Are We Victims or Volunteers?
  13. Being My Authentic Self
  14. Unhealthy Minds Think Alike - Separate the Wheat from the Chaff
  15. Healing's Next Step
  16. The Way of the Compassionate Healer
  17. Healing With Grace - We Are Our Brother's Keeper
  18. Making It Personal: Eat to Live in Lieu of Live to Eat


emotion weightloss get the skinny Magical Weight Loss - Deidre Madsen

The Skinny: Identifying Toxic Clues, Traits & Projections

Answering these simple questions may lead you to identify the toxic relationships you have in your life.

Are you in a relationship where s/he speaks to you in such a way that you react with either guilt, shame or fear?

Are you...talked to rather than talked with, feeling like a small child in someone's presence, feel very small inside, helpless, or angered when you are away from that person and recreate the episode?

Do you... feel safe and secure around him/her or do you feel worried and anxious?

Do you... feel there is a general balance between the natural give and take between the relationship? Or do you feel you are walking on eggshells and are always the giver?

Do you... find you and your partner go through dramatic periods or episodes of drama and angst or extreme mood swings leaving you feeling worried and stressed?

Often caused by an abuse of power, selfishness, narcissism, insecurity, deep-seated fear, distrust, dishonesty, jealousy, demeaningness, holding grudges, controlling.

Caring, loving, healing, balancing, calm and uplifting, empowering, considerate, honoring, safe, fun, respectful and secure.

Though sensitive subjects, if we explore them in greater detail, we can begin to take back our power, reclaim our lost selves and release the toxic waste we have accumulated and be free.

The Projections

Projections can be oftentimes subtle and challenging to detect. Like a detective, let’s begin sniffing out the three most crucial clues that can lead us to that ever-important path back to balance.

Magnifying glass Magical Weight Loss - Deidre MadsenClue #1 Judgment

Judgements and assumptions are used to control or manage you through (sub)conscious manipulation often from their innate fears of inadequacy and lack of self-worth.

We will use “unsolicited advice” as an example:  Say you are in a conversation and suddenly you have become the target of someone's unwanted unasked-for advice. You are told you are doing something wrong, you are not good enough, you are on the wrong path, you are behaving irrationally, poorly, or wrongly.

They are using their judgement of you from the outside looking in and assuming you are unaware, not knowing, or blind to yourself. You are being judged by them to be incomplete, inferior, or wrong because they are subconsciously trying to fix you instead of fixing the problem within themselves.

Magnifying glass Magical Weight Loss - Deidre MadsenClue #2 Comparison

You are unwittingly being judged and compared and do not fit into their idea of tribal or social mindset or behavior, because they do not want (or are not ready) to face themselves. Whatever the "advice" is, it is always to put you in your place. The place of the child. The place of the underling. You feel like they are treating you like a child.

Sometimes these toxic moments can cut us so deeply we almost literally feel it within. And really, we do feel it within our hearts because our hearts and minds respond on some level to all external stimuli. Breaking free of the tribal mindset of comparison is critical for your (and their) next steps toward self-acceptance, self-love and healing.

Magnifying glass Magical Weight Loss - Deidre MadsenClue #3 Accusation (Where Anger is Often the Result)

When we leave a toxic conversation, hang up the phone, go back home, or get in our cars, we find we could have said something different or should have responded with such-n-such come-back phrase. If it is really toxic, they may have become angry with us for not listening to them, heeding their advice.

We also become angry; angry at them for projecting onto us, and angry at ourselves for not defending ourselves from their unwanted advice which heaps on further negativity. Instead, they insist on telling us what is wrong with us ad nauseum. This anger is the outcome of the projections (on both sides).


FEELING THINGS DEEPLY. Can you sense the almost palpable feeling of either nausea, disgust or helplessness when feeling their projections? Energy is palpable. Negative energy is harmfully palpable. Enduring this type of environment can make our ever-observant inner child feel fearful and abandoned.


The Four Core Feelings

Going deeper into feelings, all feelings are derived from four core states of feeling. To break through the confusion and to help you identify and be clear about how you are feeling or understand where someone else is coming from in their feeling state, it is helpful to know the core feeling. Knowing the core feeling within ourselves, we are then able to communicate more clearly.











venetian-masks Magical Weight Loss - Deidre Madsen Recognizing a Toxic Individual - Masks of All Shapes & Sizes

We all wear masks from time to time; however, some are such excellent game players and disguisers others cannot see behind their mask. We have either seen people wearing one or all these masks.

Often, especially in narcissists, they interchange their masks like a chameleon.

Natural empaths or clairsentients can sense or feel the truth that lies behind their masks; however, for those who cannot sense as easily here are some identifiers.


REMEMBER: While discovering these counterfeit camouflaging clues, all masks are clues and our own mirrors. You spot it, you got it.



The Masks

mask1smThe Bravado Mask - The Warrior's Shadow - These individuals claim to be honorable and truthful to the core. They might be the model parent, coworker, spouse in public, or philanthropist. They are all about being the "warrior." Unfortunately, the inner warrior archetype has run amuck, and really, they are miserable inside. It is all a cover for a lot of inner pain, rage and anger making them walking time bombs. A walking time bomb can manufacture incidents where they can vent their frustration and rage albeit inappropriately, ultimately they must find an outlet or they will burst. You can sense this easily by imaging how they would respond if you told them Your Truth. Could you do this easily? Could you really and truly share deep truths from within to them? How would they respond? Could you trust the relationship to be completely supporting and nurturing? If not, then you have recognized the Bravado Mask!

mask1smThe Two-Faced or Two-Sided Mask - The Magician's Shadow- These individuals talk out both sides of their mouths. Meaning, they say one thing to one person and another to another... about the same belief. How do you know you are in the company of a person wearing this mask? If you sit back quietly and listen to their conversation with others they may suddenly appear phony or give out a different version of the story they just told you the other day, embellishing or tweaking it to suit present company. Physically, their behavior leaves an indelible, sickening feeling in the pit of your stomach. Plus, you may find them negatively talking about others often. You may begin asking yourself this question, "Gee, if s/he talks about so-and-so like this, I wonder what s/he says about ME when I'm gone!" This is a huge clue. And now, you are beginning to act upon your intuition, recognizing something is not kosher or copacetic with this person. Excellent, you have found the Two-Faced Mask!

mask1smThe Perfection Mask - The King/Queen's Shadow- You will find this mask on someone who appears to know-it-all. They are the authority on life. They are perfect in every way and let you know it. They tell you all about themselves, they give you unwarranted and un requested advice, and they do it unsolicited. You may even hear them announce they Are Perfect and Have No Flaws. What tools do they use to control their reality? They try and guilt or shame you into submission, finding the tiniest speck of flaw to pull on, like a loose thread on a knit sweater, they will tug and pull until they have nearly unraveled you. Truly, these actions reflect a deep, inner pain of self-loathing buried so deeply they cannot consciously tap it. If you find yourself avoiding wanting to share private, personal information with a Perfectionist, then... Congratulations, you have identified the Perfection Mask!

mask1smThe Helpless Victim Mask - The Child/Lover's Shadow- These people are the ones who run around like Chicken Little acting like their world is caving in on them. Everyone is out to get them. You may hear "there is no end to my suffering" types of statements. Or, "I cannot seem to get ahead [in life, at my job, with my love life, etc.]" from them. For many these experiences come in waves of frustration for once they seem to get their proverbial "poop in a group" the bottom falls out, the rug gets pulled out from underneath them, and the other shoe drops.

So many times they have emergencies of great importance. If you look around and see who is helping them in this their newest crisis you may find that you are the only one there. Why? Because (perhaps) the rest of their friends have figured out this not-so-mellow-drama of theirs and do not wish to perpetuate another one. The Helpless Victim's attitude is as if they are waiting for the other shoe to drop, the sky to fall, and so forth... believe me this is exactly what they will experience. The bottom line with these folks is that you feel like you have to help them and that you are the only one who can. You might feel suddenly responsible for their emotional health and well-being.

If you can dislodge yourself from their embrace long enough you can begin to see how the conversation always centered on them. They rarely cared about you and your emotional needs. And they subtly coerced situations to their advantage (often at others' expense). Sometimes these symptoms are difficult to detect in a Helpless Victim because we can get so caught up in their drama we adopt it as our own. If our ego is pumped up enough we will think we are "saving them" and "helping them as the shiny knight on the white horse." In truth, we are falling into a dangerous trap and ultimately not assisting anyone's mental health and inner spiritual growth. An experienced ear can detect the woe cry of a Helpless Victim and reach a level of compassion but the road to get to that point can be difficult. If you find you are afraid to hurt their feelings by saying "No" to them?... Congratulations, you have identified the Helpless Victim Mask!


Mental Abuse - Secret's Secret Secret

venetian masks Magical Weight Loss - Deidre Madsen

Mental Abuse. This subject is quite sensitive for a few reasons. First, not many are willing to categorize degrees and levels of mental manipulation as abuse.

You will find from some violently abused victims a belief that mental abuse doesn't qualify because no one got hurt physically or no act of sexual abuse was committed. No act of physical violence was committed, i.e., no bruises were visible and/or no broken limbs were found. It is very difficult to prove this type of abuse to the police after hurriedly dialing 911 after yet another verbally violent argument with your spouse.

For the longest time, mental abuse was pushed in the background in lieu of the violence and extreme negative behaviors associated with sexual and physical abuse. It seems domestic violence issues were of greater concern at the time and police were dispatched regularly to questionable homes to investigate. Yet, hundreds of thousands of men, women and children endure silent abuse every single day and no one does a thing about it. It is still abuse though just better hidden.

However, valid and identifiable, mental abuse is probably one of the most hidden secrets in regards to what constitutes abuse. And it is making its way into the spotlight as a way for people to recognize abuse, even without physical proof. Victims feel they are crazy or mad because they cannot find a way out of a situation that feels controlled; they have a great amount of fear and anxiety from their mate, boss, parent, etc. as well.

What about the physically abused? What do they think? Why do some disregard mental/emotional abuse as being valid? They have been so horribly abused physically their own mental health has been compromised thus they have less capability in recognizing even the slightest mark of mental/emotional abuse and to them, these derisive comments or slurs are normal and 'no big deal.' However, recognizing you are in a toxic relationship is critical and toxic individuals will don any of the above referenced masks and often apply one of the following mental and emotional abusive phrases:

Mental Abuse Identifiers

Demeaning Phrases

When you are in a mentally abusive relationship your spouse, parent, or partner will use name calling and derisive comments as a way to demean you. You may hear:

  • "You're so fat and lazy no man/woman will ever want you."
  • "You can't do anything right."
  • "You are so stupid, I just can't believe it!" or "Wow, how stupid can you be?"
  • "You'll never amount to anything."
  • "You will never be a good wife/mother/parent (husband/father/parent)."
  • "You know that dress will look much nicer on someone prettier (younger, sweeter, fairer)."
  • "You couldn't hit that ball if you tried."
  • Or you may be cursed at and called names that this website will not print.

Fear-Inducing Phrases

If you find your spouse, parent, or significant other manipulating you with fear-inducing threats, you may hear statements like:
  • "You will get custody of our child over my dead body."
  • "If you do such-n-such I will leave you and then where will you be?"
  • "Don't even think about it."
  • "Over my dead body!"
  • "And where do you think you're going?"

If you feel you have compromised yourself, your ideals, dreams, goals and visions, your standards and morals and are afraid to speak your truth, then you may be the victim of mental/emotional abuse. Your self-esteem is at stake here. And they will take your energy, destroy your self-image, and demoralize you.

When we love ourselves more, we will not allow abuses to occur.



The Shame and Blame Game - Pick a card, any card

Shame vs. Guilt - The Tools in the War of the Roses

Echoing the theme of the dark side of the masculine and feminine, let’s look at a Warren Adler film, The War of Roses. In The War of Roses, a wealthy couple uses two prime types of power to manipulate and sabotage their seemingly idyllic lives ending in a bitter divorce. That powerful tale expertly expresses the dark shadows or saboteur aspects of our inner masculine and feminine. The two main tools used in the story are shame and guilt. *

Often in our very own lives, we fall back on these two tools as our go-to weapons of destruction, either consciously or subconsciously. Recognizing where they originate from within ourselves provides a depth of empowerment through understanding. It also helps us identify these malicious weapons with a conscious ear of awareness. It enables us to navigate through our lives with purpose, outstanding balance and mastered power. *

The Difference Between Guilt and Shame

Based on the research I have done and the research of others around guilt and shame, following is an understanding of the simple components of each. What is the difference between guilt and shame? Imagine you have two playing cards laid before you:

  • The Guilt Card ~ Represents what you do (Actions, Masculine, Yang)
  • The Shame Card ~ Represents who you are (Being, Feminine, Yin)

In the game of life, if you are dealt the guilt card, you find ways to feel bad about what you have done in life. These often-unconscious choices can affect your world significantly. You are suffering the consequences of something you did wrong. Guilt is about the outcome of those choices you have made in life.

If you are dealt the shame card, you find ways to feel bad about who you are. This occurs when you truly believe that you are an innately bad person who does horrible things. Shame is about self-judgment regarding who you think you are, based on your choices in life. Note that it is possible to deal either the shame or guilt card to yourself or give it to someone else. *

*For more in depth study and exercises on shame vs. guilt, please read
Happily Inner After: A Guide to Getting and Keeping Your Knight in Shining Amour by Deidre Madsen

venetian-masks Magical Weight Loss - Deidre MadsenMask's Off! Take Back Your Power!

Once you have reached the point of (1) identifying toxic relationships, (2) picked out specific mask-wearing individuals in your life, and (3) (ruling out the obvious physical abuses) identifying some of the subtleties hidden in unpleasant mental/emotional abuse, now you are ready to take back your power.

Q. What? I'm not sure about this? I don't want to rock the boat or cause disruptions in my family's home. Besides, my grandma was abused by her husband, but she kept quiet for the sake of our family!

Don't fall into
the River of Denial

Sometimes becoming accustomed to toxicity can lead to false security and false comfort. You become comfortably numb. Your fears are valid to you of course and it is difficult conveying them to others.

You may be suffering from Stockholm Syndrome which is worth checking out as it is where the abused falls in love with their abusor as a sort of self protection safety measure. Your fears are valid, however, as it is not easy taking a stand for yourself. Even now you may be talking yourself out of doing anything to change your reality. You want to go back to where things were before, kind of safe, kind of okay, you can deal with the trauma and toxicity in your own way, right or wrong. Okay. Then if that is your choice... that is your choice. No hard feelings. If, however, your curiosity is piqued and if there is a hurt little inner child within screaming "NO! Keep reading!", please read on.

Denial is a tough one. Why, when things were going so well, would I mention denial now? In this case, denial is when we refuse to be open to the possibility of problems (opportunities) in our lives. When we are in denial we really feel that the other person is at fault and they are the cause of our pain and suffering, e.g., "If only so-and-so would stop drinking, stop smoking, stop screaming, stop beating me... then my life would be great." Granted, it sure looks like it's them, sure feels like it's their fists in our face and their high-pitched voice screaming in our ears, but really, it's not.  It is us.  If others tend to walking all over you or use you as their Door Mat or Punching Bag, then I dare say you are allowing all of it to happen. And that can be a tough pill to swallow.

In order to take back our power we must let go of our own masks. If we don't... we will end up wearing the Helpless Victim mask ourselves.



Real-Time Assessment - Our Personal Event Horizon

Real-time assessment of our own "stuff" is critical in taking back our personal power and moving forward into encompassing compassion. Recognizing/identifying our own masks we now recapitulate our life and safely observe from an external space, our own event horizon.

ExercisesEXERCISE #1 Get a large sheet of paper, draw a timeline and mark | with dates/years of each major event throughout your life preferably in chronological order. You will relive and remember both happy and unpleasant moments in your life you though you had forgotten. This exercise jogs your memory and at once reminds you of the pleasures you found within even some of the darkest of relationships. You will you will also discover a timeline filled with God's blessings that had been helping you along the way. This exercise will assist you in identifying how you yourself have donned one or more of the above-mentioned masks and perpetuated its existence in your relationships.



face-in-the-mirror-at-the-carnevale-in-venice Magical Weight Loss - Deidre MadsenFace in the Mirror- Face the Music

This exercise works so well it helps reveal your deepest and darkest of all secrets.  When you Face the Music of your life, your symphony may sound like a cacophony of dissonant chords... or... it may sound like the sweet music of the spheres of Light.

ExercisesEXERCISE #2 Now is the hour where you face the next choice, to judge yourself or not. If you choose to judge your past actions you will fall back into mask wearing and lose your sense of authenticity. If you wish to go the other direction and not judge your past actions then you may be looking at ways to forgive yourself. Stop and pray. Ask for forgiveness from yourself to yourself. Talk to your body if there was physical manipulation or abuse and let your body know how much you really do love it and wish to be whole again. Show your inner child how much you really do love him/her by hugging yourself, visualizing you and your inner child together giving comfort and support to them. Now would be a great time to begin any number of physical alternative therapies such as massage, reflexology of the hands and/or feet, jin shin jyutsu, and reiki to name a few.

Understand that forgiving your past means you are allowing yourself to heal. Forgiving something that you were unaware of, a way of living, a better paradigm of life, a better way to love or be love. You simply did not know.

Q. What if I did know better and still chose poorly?

Sometimes these can be real blocks in our spiritual growth. If we do something we know we should not have done and several years later still feel terrible about it... we have been beating ourselves up for far too long and need to really let go of these old experiences. Remember we should show and tell ourselves how much we still love ourselves no matter what happened in the past. This way cellular memories are being shown love... and forgiveness can commence.

Are We Victims or Volunteers?

In order to be authentic we must take responsibility for every single event in our lives. And yes, I mean every one including when we were infants and children. When we forgive ourselves and others we are telling the Universe that we are taking back our responsibility 100%. That is what the forgiveness aspect of healing is all about.

hamster with mask Magical Weight Loss - Deidre MadsenGet Me Off This Karmic Hamster Wheel!

Squeak, squeak, squeak. When you are ready to embrace your new you and forgive your past you are ready to embrace your Authentic Self. Get me off this roller coaster! Getting off the Karmic Wheel of Life is as easy as choosing to do so.








Q. Why do we mentally and emotionally hurt others?

We mentally/emotionally hurt others, whether consciously or unconscioulsy because we hurt inside. We adopt this behavior from our childhood's response to our world of possibly abusive parents who themselves were living in fear and inner pain and turmoil. We are here to break this unhealthy cyclical program.




pexels руслан кальницкий 7195776Being My Authentic Self

What does it mean to be my authentic self?  Being authentic represents the realness of who you are, the core you, the deepest aspects of you coming to the fore.

Have you been denying your Authentic Self?  Have you denied who you are and/or allowed others to dictate to you who you must be? This is what many of us face and again I say it is time to forgive yourself for not being true to you. It is okay. You are reading this (and hopefully other helpful/supporting material) and are ready to take back your autonomy... your self.

How to reclaim your Authentic Self. Your dreams and visions of long ago, the ones that have stuck with you through thick and thin, are a part of your authentic self. This is the area where, as you recapitulate your life in Exercise #2 (above), you will discover a pattern and a beautiful picture of who you are will come forward to greet you... Your Authentic Self.

If you recognize those closest to you that balk at your 'becoming authentic', there is a high probability that what you are projecting forth is your Authentic Self. We do not have to be boxed in to a way of being here on this 3D Earth. We can go outside of the box and explore the big ?????'s beyond... the great unknown, the mystery. It can be safe. It can be fun! Far more fun and adventuresome wouldn't you say?

Being authentic, your authentic actions could threaten some who respond by becoming uncomfortable and may try to change you back into what they feel you should be. Recognize you are mirroring to them how they must themselves be... Authentic! We are all teachers and students. This leads me to my next tip...



Unhealthy Minds Think Alike (Separate the Wheat from the Chaff)

When you are really doing it, becoming authentic you may discover the mask-wearers like to ban together in groups to support one another's distorted, unhealthy (games) realities carefully crafted to meet their comfort level in life; even to the point of dishonoring their closest family relations in order to preserve and maintain their façade.

With any change comes upheaval and until things settle down... be prepared that your choices may upset the ole' apple cart.

When we grow strong enough inside we can break free of their control over our lives. We can ourselves become free. When you begin to take back your life, you will find very few will come to your side for support, choosing rather to stay in the comfort zone no matter the consequences. I myself lost dear friends and family members along the way, but these too have been replaced with wonderful friends (my spiritual family, my Ammi Shaddai) who support me in every way and understand the importance of integrity to self. In this way you are not only creating a balanced support system, you are now beginning to understand the importance of going beyond unhealthy relationships; you transcend the lower 3D relationships and move into more healthy higher and more divine relationships recognizing the need for these to replace the lower thought form paradigm of the need for physical bonding with parents and loved ones, etc.

As we move into a more divine state of being ourselves we then recognize those around us that carry like resonance and the ones that carry lower resonance will no longer be attracted to our vibration and will naturally gravitate to those of like vibration, i.e., the Universal Law:  Like attracts like.

Be thankful for this universal law for in it you will find your soul grouping, soul family, or spiritual family; a welcomed change from those that wish to dominate you and bend you into the lower belief system of "family module" or tribal mindset.


venetian-masks Magical Weight Loss - Deidre Madsen

Healing's Next Step

Congratulations on braving it out and being true to your authentic self! We are now faced with the real possibility that our choices of supporting ourselves for the first time, in lieu of supporting those that wish to hurt us intentionally (or not), have left us in a different state, i.e., we may now have no family, spouse, children, and/or friends. Do not be alarmed, let us now look at it differently. Instead of looking at the cup half empty, how about looking at the cup half full and we are filled with possibilities...


Surround yourself with goodness and light. - Deidre Madsen


Now... in our cup of life there is room for Light and Love, Harmony and Compassion, without compromise; for in the Light of Love, compromise is not considered, it is a no-thing. It is at this moment where we should take stock in what IS there as opposed to what IS NOT there anymore. If you have to, make a list of positives; insist on seeing the good that your choices have created and changed. We will also want to surround ourselves with those that are helpful... not harmful... to our path. Saying "No" to someone whom you know has a hurtful, abusive agenda will self-empower you. And, your inner child will finally begin to trust your actions, choices and decisions.


mask5The Way of the Compassionate Healer

When you are inwardly empty and quiet, while outwardly detached from perception, you naturally attain penetrating experience of monminding, which means that even if everything happens at once, that cannot disturb your spirit, and even though all kinds of troubles face you, that does not affect your thoughts." - Zen Essence, The Science of Freedom

"Holy love is the only true love.  There is no love the same or better for you than your own love." - The Psychic Children Speak to the World, by James F. Twyman

When looking at transcending the lower ways of being vs. the higher mind and heart, we can look at what we have experienced as "our past" and view it in a different Light altogether.

We can forgive our ancestors, our lineage, our past, our children, our parents and siblings, our ex-spouses and current ones, our old friends and foes and come to one single point... time to forgive it all. At this point, we realize that no thing really matters except our connection with God/dess/All That Is. That is the still small voice within and outside of that there is nothing left between us and Source.

Once here in this moment, we realize that after everything, nothing really matters but this anyway. It took a long road to get here but wow it was worth it. And so here we are in this moment ready to embrace Love Divine and realizing we had to let go of everything to get it.

Some things we may never experience again but when we put it all in the hands of the Divine Light, it really doesn't matter anyway in the end. For there is no stronger love than the love we feel from our Divine Father/Mother Abba.

Now here in this moment, we recognize we too can be a catalyst for others to heal themselves and their lineages. How profound a revelation. We can be wayshowers and lights to others helping them find their way in the dark. And all we had to do was forgive and have compassion. Let go and Love. Forgive them and yourself.

Q. If we are so "Loving" why can't we mend past relationships?

It is not up to us to lead other's lives. We must only lead our own and if others wish to be with us and join us along the way, then it will be so. If they wish to join with others along their path, it will be so. We cannot claim those around us to be with us. We can only claim our birthright with our true Source Creator. That is all.

We can, however, hold these past relationships in our hearts and keep them in our prayers, continually in forgiveness mode. And whatever path they are on, it is all in the Divine Plan. And through it all you find you have not only shed toxic waste from your life, but by really letting go... you've shed a few unwanted pounds along the way!

It is possible to transcend our inner hurts and heal ourselves, in turn we heal our lineage.


venetian-masks Magical Weight Loss - Deidre MadsenWe Are Our Brother's Keeper: Healing With Grace

What does this mean? We are our brother's keeper. Well, in my assessment it means we are responsible for our brothers and sisters well-being in that if we do not we are not being authentic to yourself and as we heal within, we heal our surrounding relationships. This is more like a Tao tenet or Zen-ist interpretation.

Good walking, leaves no track behind it;
Good speech leaves no mark to be picked at;
Good calculation makes no use of bolt and bar,
And yet nobody can undo it;
Good tying makes no use of rope and knot,
And yet nobody can untie it.
Hence, the Sage is always good at saving men,
And therefore nobody is abandoned;
Always good at saving things,
And therefore nothing is wasted.
This is called "Following the guidance of the Inner Light."
Hence, good men are teachers of bad men,
While bad men are the charge of good men.
Not to revere one's teacher,
Not to cherish one's charge,
Is to be on the wrong road, however intelligent one may be.
This is an essential tenet of the Tao.
- Lao Tzu, Tao Teh Ching

Can you see we have to do all this wonderful inner work but do it with grace. I have not been very good at that because I responded with fear to so many of my own obstacles. You can learn from my mistakes and see that it can be all done in a smooth and gentle way.

"When you are inwardly empty and quiet, while outwardly detached from perception, you naturally attrain penetrating experience of non-minding, which means that even if everything happens at once, that cannot disturb your spirit, and even though all kinds of troubles face you, that does not affect your thoughts." - Zen Master Yuan-Wu, Linji master, the Pi Yen Lu (English: Blue Cliff Record; Japanese: Hekiganroku) is a collection of zen koans compiled by the Song dynasty Ch'an master Hsueh tou Ch'ung Hsien (980 - 1052).


Be in the world, not of it. - Jesus Christ


venetian-masks Magical Weight Loss - Deidre MadsenMaking it Personal:
Eat to Live in Lieu of Live to Eat

How do we incorporate these tenets into our personal healing experience? We vibrate more holistically now as we have become more authentic to our true divine nature and will then automatically begin to heal those that are closest to us for we ourselves see them with compassion and in that moment we heal our very natures and theirs within us.

I may have bumbled through my own family and friends and have done a less-than-adequate job of patching things up but I have done the majority of the work. Perhaps it is my mission to heal this way and show others a better way not through me but through themselves and their own higher divine missions here on earth. For if we all go by just one person's way, it no longer becomes autonomy of soul and spirit it becomes their dream and vision. We are not here to experience life through someone else's eyes, but our own sovereign soul.

The enigma of forgiveness and redemption exists in that the follower of Light or seeker of Light comes forward and embraces the Light's glow wholeheartedly (surrenders to it) and all else fades away. It is our own personal divine experience with the Light that moves us to our own personal ascension path. When we grow in the Light so also do our brothers and sisters of humanity for we are all one.

Weight loss or weight lost is the weight lifted from our being. We become lighter with every breath we take that is not affected by our need for attaching ourselves to another's pain or trauma. We grow in our unaffected and pure light. And we switch from 'living to eat' to 'eating to live' and watch those last 10+ pounds disappear. Pure miracles!

Blessed Be In Service and Love and True Light,

Deidre Madsen



Media Kit

Quick Bio

Award-winning author, Deidre Madsen, is a lecturer, instructor, spiritual counselor and life coach as a self styled quantum activist, following the theories of monistic idealism and tenured as a Supraconsciousness Imagery Guide supported by quantum energetics and phenomenology. She has been working toward publication for several years while developing TGI, her own healing modality, for the past 20 years. She is the founder of “Transformational Guided Imagery (TGI),” a time-honored, proven technique of in-depth deep-diving treatments utilizing lucid imagery plus intuitive guidance and succor for subtle body support to maximize your functionality in life and love.


Award-winning “Happily Inner After is the “Camelot” version of “Men Are from Mars Women Are from Venus”. Your wildest dreams of experiencing a magical life of love can now come true!"

"Camelot meets Men Are From Mars!”


Author Deidre Madsen
Publisher Balboa Press A Division of Hay House 1663 Liberty Dr Bloomington IN 47403 877-407-4847
ISBN 978-1-5043-3653-6 (sc); 978-1-5043-3655-0 (hc); 978-1-5043-3654-3 (e)
Language English
Pages 244



Once upon a time, I dreamed of having it all — the perfect life, husband, home and beautiful family. Like an idyllic Norman Rockwell painting meets Pleasantville. I wanted my own private happily ever after.

Acculturated by fairy tale fantasies most of our lives, many women like me have dreamed of our someday handsome prince within a halcyon, tranquil vision of our dreams coming true.

If you have tried to find and keep the love of your life to no avail, the mission of Happily Inner After is to not only help you to that love, but to have fun along the way. If you are ready to take the next significant step towards attracting your Mr. Right, or strengthening the existing relationship with your loved one, then take back the power in your life and watch miracles happen. Show me the way! Take me to love!


Dr Stephan B. Poulter, PhD, author of nine books including his recent through Hay House Publishing, "The Art of Successful Failure; It’s Your Life Journey", said: "Deidre has created from her own personal journey, an incredible spiritual map for awakening and having the Love life you have always desired but didn’t know how to find. This is a very powerful transformational book for any and all souls seeking a deeper Love!"

Rev. Elizabeth O'Day, Co-founder of SoulWorks, an integrated program for living your breakthrough. Centers for Spiritual Living, had this to say: "In clear heartfelt story and step by step instructions Deidre Madsen gives each of us a ticket to our freedom. Using Transformational Guided Imagery, and the five senses to create our inner landscape of love and joy, she provides a program that works. The exercises are lush, evocative and fun. And very effective. In the vast library of self help books, Deidre's stands out in its beauty, wisdom and simple but effective tools. She gives away the esoteric secrets of the ages with the ease and grace of a master, a queen. I couldn't stop reading because her personal voice was so sweetly clear, innocently vulnerable and deeply wise."


Madsen is available for interviews and appearances. For booking presentations, media appearances, interviews, and/or book-signings contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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Multiple Universes & Parallel Realities

⏱️ 19 Minute Read | Also see Physical Proof of Ascension | Ascension Symptoms | Ascension 101 | Balancing the Hemispheres | Quantum Consciousness

Living in this day and age where there are so many obvious changes and shifts on the planet through the weather upheavals, occupy movements, continual wars throughout the globe, coupled with the emotional instability of many in the nation, it is also true that many of us are waking up to something greater within ourselves. Perhaps you, too, have had unexplained experiences with the paranormal, time travel, out of body experiences, and the like and wish there was a place to get some answers. Following is a brief story and explanation of what is called a "parallel" reality. It is my hope that this article and others on my site help you understand the strange and mysterious.

West Side Story's Many Sides

West Side Story Multiple Universes Parallel Realities -Deidre MadsenWhen I was around 12 years old, the movie premiere of the critically acclaimed theatrical production of "West Side Story" with Natalie Wood, Richard Beymer, Russ Tamblyn, and Rita Moreno, was set to air on one of the local TV stations for the very first time. (This must have been in the mid 60's as the true USA premiere was in 1961 in New York City.) My parents wanted the whole family to sit and watch the premiere together. They were so excited, telling the five of us how much we will love this movie, how wonderful it is, and 'we are in for a treat.' We were planning one of our movie nights, sitting together on the dense wool carpeted floor of our living room with our snacks of chips and cookies. My parents and the household overall kept the momentum throughout the day in preparation for this major event with one exception. Me.

Earlier in the day, floods of memories and total recall that we had already viewed this film began to fuel a strange dance between my parents and myself. Strangely, as I stood there arguing with my parents this fact, I could recall the entire movie's plot line, visuals, story and dancing routines. Never having been to New York City in my life to see the theatrical version, it was impossible for me to have known this level of detail from the film. My parents were growing angrier and angrier at my insistence and I was growing more and more irate and angry at their lack of memory at their young ages. Truly, the concept that we had not seen the film did not occur to me at the time. I only knew what was real and true in my reality to me. The simple fact that they failed to remember this 'monumental event' was not my concern at the age of 12. After hearing over and over the words "that's impossible this is the world premiere" and "what is wrong with you?", the argumentative conversation finally dwindled to me succumbing to their belief that I was completely wrong.

Years later I wondered if they thought I was going insane at that time of my life. During the movie, after settling down and 'behaving' once again, I heard their minced oath, "Thank Goodness you have stopped all this nonsense." This showed me they feared something within me - perhaps a simple fear of the unknown - nonetheless I knew it was not a safe place in which to explore these deeper inner mysteries and it took several years before I came up with answers.

Tribe Mind Multiple Universes Parallel Realities -Deidre MadsenIt is time to cease caving into the limited tribal mindset around the paranormal world, and phenomena i.e., parallel dimensional realities, time travel, remote viewing, out-of-body experiences (OBE) and bi-location...IT'S REAL!

Telling Time

During that same time period I had a mental block around being able to tell analog time. (Digital clocks were non-existent in everyday households.) Coincidentally, during this same period of time, after dinner Mom would clear the plates and I was made to remain at the table and tell the time on the clock, a clock with only four digits showing and carved out of a large strangely shaped lump of wood covered with tons of glossy shellac. During this ritual I was repeatedly asked to report the time in which I stammered and could not answer correctly. My inability to tell the time was a growing concern for them as well.

To this day I still have difficulty looking at an analog clock and telling the time. If someone asks me "What time is it?" I freeze up and look down at my watch and if its analog I take this long pause before giving the time, and sometimes I am incorrect.

Relative Questions

What has had me wondering over the years, are two things:

  1. Why couldn't I tell the time correctly, what was the block there?
  2. How could I have known about West Side Story before viewing it on TV?

These questions created more questions:

  1. Could it be that I was connecting with a parallel universe or reality?
  2. Is it possible that I was not wrong?
  3. Is it possible that I could not accurately "tell time" because time and space are relative and somehow I knew that?

Zone of Consciousness

Regarding time in and of itself (which by the way, is an interesting concept - time in and of itself), could time be relative to which you-niverse we choose to exist in at one time singularity? Is there such a thing as a time singularity or present-tense? Let alone a past-tense or future-tense? And if so, is it a type of zone of consciousness, i.e., a time zone of consciousness, that we choose to accept as our reality in the moment? And if no one else is there in the forest when a tree falls, does it make a sound? An illuminating discourse is presented through Mr. Michael Lockwood entitled The Labyrinth of Time: Introducing the Universe where he states:

many worlds Multiple Universes Parallel Realities -Deidre Madsen"When looking up the subject of multiple universes I came upon the explanation: Multiverse: The multiverse (or meta-universe (metaverse)) is the hypothetical set of multiple possible universes (including our universe) that together comprise all of reality. The different universes within the multiverse are sometimes called parallel universes. The structure of the multiverse, the nature of each universe within it and the relationship between the various constituent universes, depend on the specific multiverse hypothesis considered." Source

Parallel universes really do exist, according to a mathematical discovery by Oxford scientists that sweeps away one of the key objections to the mind boggling and controversial idea. Science fiction looks closer to becoming science fact, reports Roger Highfield.

"The work has wider implications since the idea of parallel universes sidesteps one of the key problems with time travel. Ever since it was given serious lab cred in 1949 by the great logician Kurt Gödel, many eminent physicists have argued against time travel because it undermines ideas of cause and effect to create paradoxes: a time traveller could go back to kill his grandfather so that he is never born in the first place.

But the existence of parallel worlds offers a way around these troublesome paradoxes, according to David Deutsch of Oxford University (whom I would love to meet one day), a highly respected proponent of quantum theory, the deeply mathematical, successful and baffling theory of the atomic world.

He argues that time travel shifts between different branches of reality, basing his claim on parallel universes, the so-called "many-worlds" formulation of quantum theory.

The new work bolsters his claim that quantum theory does not forbid time travel. "It does sidestep it. You go into another universe," he said yesterday, though he admits that there is still a way to go to find schemes to manipulate space and time in a way that makes time hops possible.**

"Many sci-fi authors suggested time travel paradoxes would be solved by parallel universes but in my work, that conclusion is deduced from quantum theory itself", Dr Deutsch said, referring to his work on many worlds.

The mathematical idea of parallel worlds was first glimpsed by the great quantum pioneer, Erwin Schrodinger, but actually published in 1957 by Hugh Everett III, when wrestling with the problem of what actually happens when an observation is made of something of interest - such as an electron or an atom - with the intention of measuring its position or its speed.

In the traditional brand of quantum mechanics, a mathematical object called a wave function, which contains all possible outcomes of a measurement experiment, "collapses" to give a single real outcome.

"... the universe is constantly and infinitely splitting,
so that no collapse takes place."

Fractal Multiple Universes Parallel Realities -Deidre MadsenEverett came up with a more audacious interpretation: the universe is constantly and infinitely splitting, so that no collapse takes place. Every possible outcome of an experimental measurement occurs, each one in a parallel universe.

If one accepts Everett's interpretation, our universe is embedded in an infinitely larger and more complex structure called the multiverse, which as a good approximation can be regarded as an ever-multiplying mass of parallel universes.

Every time there is an event at the quantum level - a radioactive atom decaying, for example, or a particle of light impinging on your retina - the universe is supposed to "split" into different universes.

A motorist who has a near miss, for instance, might feel relieved at his lucky escape. But in a parallel universe, another version of the same driver will have been killed. Yet another universe will see the motorist recover after treatment in hospital. The number of alternative scenarios is endless.

In this way, the "many worlds" interpretation of quantum mechanics allows a time traveller to alter the past without producing problems such as the notorious grandfather paradox.

But the "many worlds" idea has been attacked, with one theoretician joking that it is "cheap on assumptions but expensive on universes" and others that it is "repugnant to common sense." ["Common sense"[?] or perhaps "Divine Sense" as in, "there is infinite structure in what appears to be chaos" i.e., chaos does not exist, as there is only Zinteger (or the Z - ion (particle)... to me, this is the most simplest and most elegant of all explanations. This, in my opinion, fits with Max Tegmark's explanation of the law of parsimony, or Occam's Razor as it relates to multiple universes.]

"...there is infinite structure in what appears to be chaos."

Now new research confirms Prof Deutsch's ideas and suggests that Dr Everett, who was a Phd student at Princeton University when he came up with the theory, was on the right track.

Commenting in New Scientist magazine, Prof. Andy Albrecht, a physicist at the University of California, Davis, said of the link between probability and many worlds: "This work will go down as one of the most important developments in the history of science."

Quantum mechanics describes the strange things that happen in the subatomic world - such as the way photons and electrons behave both as particles and waves. By one interpretation, nothing at the subatomic scale can really be said to exist until it is observed.

Until then, particles occupy nebulous "superposition" states, in which they can have simultaneous "up" and "down" spins, or appear to be in different places at the same time.

According to quantum mechanics, unobserved particles are described by "wave functions" representing a set of multiple "probable" states. When an observer makes a measurement, the particle then settles down into one of these multiple options.

But the many worlds idea offers an alternative view. Dr Deutsch showed mathematically that the bush-like branching structure created by the universe splitting into parallel versions of itself can explain the probabilistic nature of quantum outcomes. This work was attacked but it has now had rigorous confirmation by David Wallace and Simon Saunders, also at Oxford.

Dr Saunders, who presented the work with Wallace at the Many Worlds at 50 conference at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Canada, told New Scientist: "We've cleared up the obscurities and come up with a pretty clear verdict that Everett works. It's a dramatic turnaround and it means that people now have to discuss Everett seriously."

Dr Deutsch added that the work addresses a three-century-old problem with the idea of probability itself, described by one philosopher, Prof David Papineau, as a scandal. "We didn't really know what probability means," said Dr Deutsch.

There's a convention that it's rational to treat it for most purposes as if we knew it was going to happen even though we actually know it need not. But this does not capture the reality, not least the 0.1 per cent chance something will not happen.

"So," said Dr Deutsch, "the problems of probability, which were until recently considered the principal objection to the otherwise extremely elegant theory of Everett (which removes every element of mysticism and double-talk that have crept into quantum theory over the decades) have now turned into its principal selling point." Source: Telegraph UK

Occam's Razor

Occam Razor Multiple Universes Parallel Realities -Deidre Madsen

Critics argue that to postulate usually unobservable universes just to explain our universe seems contrary to Occam's razor.

Tegmark answers: "A skeptic worries about all the information necessary to specify all those unseen worlds. But an entire ensemble is often much simpler than one of its members. This principle can be stated more formally using the notion of algorithmic information content. The algorithmic information content in a number is, roughly speaking, the length of the shortest computer program that will produce that number as output. For example, consider the set of all integers. Which is simpler, the whole set or just one number? Naively, you might think that a single number is simpler, but the entire set can be generated by quite a trivial computer program, whereas a single number can be hugely long. Therefore, the whole set is actually simpler. Similarly, the set of all solutions to Einstein's field equationsis simpler than a specific solution. The former is described by a few equations, whereas the latter requires the specification of vast amounts of initial data on some hypersurface.

"The lesson is that complexity increases when we restrict our attention to one particular element in an ensemble, thereby losing the symmetry and simplicity that were inherent in the totality of all the elements taken together. In this sense, the higher-level multiverses are simpler. Going from our universe to the Level I multiverse eliminates the need to specify initial conditions, upgrading to Level II eliminates the need to specify physical constants, and the Level IV multiverse eliminates the need to specify anything at all." He continues "A common feature of all four multiverse levels is that the simplest and arguably most elegant theory involves parallel universes by default. To deny the existence of those universes, one needs to complicate the theory by adding experimentally unsupported processes and ad hoc postulates: finite space, wave function collapseand ontological asymmetry. Our judgment therefore comes down to which we find more wasteful and inelegant: many worlds or many words. Perhaps we will gradually get used to the weird ways of our cosmos and find its strangeness to be part of its charm." Source

Relating to West Side Story and Time Itself

With this understanding, then I indeed went through to a parallel universe or dimensional space/time reality that had already happened a mere few minutes, hours, days or weeks prior to the space/time event of the world premiere event of our family watching West Side Story. In bringing back in to my current reality the full memory recall of the different reality I was attempting to understand the underpinnings of each reality I found myself connecting to and living within.

Clearly my experience be'tween both worlds (just two of multiversal probabilities) left me with many more questions for many years afterwards. Questions I am gaining insight and answers to through my spiritual quest and path. What my family ended up concluding about their reality-challenged daughter remains a mystery. Perhaps they have had similar experiences and have thought about the West Side Story experience.

... in every equation you will discover one constant
red [blood - coding] thread and that is YOU.

Rectangular Hyperbola Multiple Universes Parallel Realities -Deidre Madsen

The reciprocal function, exhibiting hyperbolic growth.

Perhaps a way to look at how to traverse through realities is by looking at finite-time singularity.

**A FINITE-TIME SINGULARITY occurs when one input variable is time, and an output variable increases towards infinite at a finite time. These are important in kinematics and PDEs – infinites do not occur physically, but the behavior near the singularity is often of interest. Mathematically the simplest finite-time singularities are power laws for various exponents, x^{-\alpha}, of which the simplest is hyperbolic growth, where the exponent is (negative) 1: x^{-1}. More precisely, in order to get a singularity at positive time as time advances (so the output grows to infinity), one instead uses (t_0-t)^{-\alpha} (using t for time, reversing direction to -t so time increases to infinity, and shifting the singularity forward from 0 to a fixed time t_0).

By looking at the diagram, it reminds me of how we make a plus sign... +, by drawing a vertical line and then a horizontal line through the middle. What if that is incorrect and we must instead be drawing two 90° angles that may/may not intersect in the middle? What if that is the correct pattern and the shift comes in the center / zeropoint where we stop time/space and push it outward infinitely until we shift the zero point "output" to where we wish for it to be. Isn't this the same thing that is written in the above example? If so then perhaps in addition to manifesting our wildest dreams isn't it quite possible that we can also find the solution to Dr. Deutsch's quest to discover how to hop time?

Whether you believe in multiple universes, realities, realms, or dimensional options... in every equation you will discover one constant red [blood-coding] thread and that is YOU. And it is the discovery of YOU which can make use of this information to further your own accelerated change towards super-intelligence and allow the true Holy Grail to occur within your mind as it fires off new neural net pathways creating an Arc of the Covenant from within. Achieving this space while remaining calm, grounded and centered throughout your spiritual path and life creations, in the end, is where we must gain our ground... for when we let go and let God... the how, when and where manifests themselves to perfection. 

In Service,

Deidre Madsen



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