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The Only Journey is the Journey Within
Support for Your Awakening, Self-Mastery & Healing

For today's conscious seekers, Happily Inner After is key to living the art of love and light. Go beyond conventional healing therapies for mindful balance through holistic integrative approaches which address the body, mind and spirit in restoring health and well-being, building relationships, and living harmoniously. Set yourself free with lush, evocative and practical (yet fun) meditations and ascension tools, found in Deidre Madsen's spiritual healing book, Happily Inner After, and TGI Imagery healing sessions; both will yield drastic yet effective changes in your life. Guaranteed!

TGI Imagery Healing Benefits

Award-winning relationship coach, life coach and stress practioner Deidre Madsen's innovative model, lies at the forefront of this evolution in healthcare with a quantum-based healing modality, Transformational Guided Imagery "TGI" combining the best of conventional modalities, traditional indigenous medicine and expanded healing techniques. Her signature sessions and retreats will take you to love.

  • Center and Reconnect


    Center and Reconnect from Within. Discover your tranquil healing oasis and gain authentic healing guidance and live in alignment with your soul's truth. Let go and let God in the simplest and easiest way.

  • Heal Childhood Trauma

    Inner Child

    Healing the inner child creates room in your life for more joy and happiness.  Your inner child is extremely powerful and invariably leads you into repeating patterns time and again in order to get your attention.  It's time to turn around and embrace your inner child, teach them to feel safe with you and your choices. Life then becomes much brighter. Self-parent your inner child and be free!

  • Healing Relationships


    There is a freedom in the comfort of healthy relationships and commitment. When you have looked inward and dealt with your projections and fears, you can come to a new level in your maturing relationship. Building trust and safety creates a vast sense of freedom.

  • Discover your inner physician inner healer

    Deep Healing

    Discover your inner physician / inner healer who assists with guiding a full body, mind and spirit healing including the teletransportation of toxins and negative energies.

  • Awaken and shift your perspective


    Find an Easy Way to Shift Your Perspective from Negative to Positive and awaken from a sleeping state of being to become more fully realized than ever.

  • Activate the inner reset button


    Have you ever wanted to just hit the big reset button in your life and start all over in relationships, career, and life in general? There is a way to do just that and begin anew. >RESET SAFELY.

  • Inner Organization

    Inner Organization

    Remove and clear all trauma programming, mental, emotional, physical and spiritual, which have been installed and embedded in our DNA, and access the higher DNA programs for full self-mastery and development.

  • Gain self-mastery


    Navigate and advance with great strides towards Self-Mastery and make a clear active commitment to exist in a top down/bottom up 'axis mundi' (Hebrew Sephirot: Mayyimto Malkut - many heavens to our roots).

  • Centering Centering
  • Inner Child Inner Child
  • Relationships Relationships
  • Inner Physician Deep Healing
  • Awaken Awaken
  • Reset Reset
  • Organize Organize
  • Self-Mastery Self-Mastery


Deidre Madsen Happily Inner After BookHappily Inner After Book 

Are you are ready to transform your life and live Happily Inner After? Order Deidre Madsen's Beverly Hills award-winning Happily Inner After - A Guide to Getting and Keeping Your Knight in Shining Amour, Balboa Press, a Division of Hay House Publishing.


  • 15 TGI Imagery Exercises
  • 27 Keys to the Kingdom of the King and Queen



Trust me to guide you safely to lead the most positive life full of joy, love and inner peace. Through my sessions, books, retreats and seminars, you can finally get the help you need. So, if you are ready to experience deep truth and healing, allow me to help you find what you seek and give you ANSWERS & RELIEF. In the words of Anu Malik, "Show me the way ... take me to ❤️ LOVE!"

Thank you and bless your sacred path.

Deidre Madsen


Wellness Affiliates for Optimal Living

Here are Deidre Madsen's highly recommended affiliates designed to rebuild and protect you and your loved ones (including pets) from harmful exposure to environmental toxins in our air (chemtrails and pollution), 5G EMF technology, the shots, food and water supply, medicines, and more. Wonderful Ascension and Awakening support for body/mind/spirit wellness and reopening/protecting your pineal gland. Take back your body's health!

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TGI Imagery Sessions with Deidre Madsen

TGI Imagery Session

"A powerful voice for the Still Small Voice within." Transform your life through the imagination and explore healing your relationships, expanding your career, following your true life path, gain clarity, focus and peace of mind

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Deidre Madsen Happily Inner After Book ad1

Deidre's Self-Help Book

A Self-Help Guide for Couples & Singles to Center & Reconnect ~ Heal & Grow ~ Reinvigorate & Replish. Includes: 15 TGI Imagery Exercises and 27 Keys to the Kingdom of the King and Queen.

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  • btn grflower2
    “Who, being loved, is poor?” – Oscar Wilde
  • btn grflower2“Where there is love there is life.” – Mahatma Gandhi
  • btn grflower2 "You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." – Dr. Seuss
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     “A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.” – Mignon McLaughlin

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    “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” – Lao Tzu

  • btn grflower2“There is no more lovely, friendly, and charming relationship, communion or company than a good marriage.” – Martin Luther
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    “There is no remedy for love but to love more.” – Henry David Thoreau

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    “When you trip over love, it is easy to get up. But when you fall in love, it is impossible to stand again.” – Albert Einstein
  • btn grflower2 "Show me the way, take me to love." – Anu Malik, Bride & Prejudice
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    “Live Your Truth, Be Your Being & Create Your Self” – Deidre Madsen

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