The Age of Miracles to the 9th Degree

Written by Deidre Madsen.

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⏱️ 8.7 Minute Read | Also See Soulmates & Twin Rays | Mayan Calendar Creation Speeding Up | Physical Proofs of Ascension

From Dark to Light Twin Hearts Unite

Hello and Welcome to YOU Ya!

The Twins are coming together to Unite the world into a whole-minded world of Light and Peace. Twins come in the form of relationships with divine partners and/or the balance between hemispheres where the masculine/feminine two sides of the brain and the mind-heart unite into a whole-minded whole-being supra consciousness.

Prepare to experience even higher highs and lower lows as we traverse this teething phase. As the downfall of the protective systems previously put in place and the veil is lifted; we will experience a spiraling economy touching everyone's pockets, large corporations and small businesses closing their doors for good, those in power stepping down, and the darkness revealed. Those that are in alignment with the understanding that they have choice; that they are the "Masters of their Own YOUniverse" will see the stepping off point, or launching point, in their lives where the experience of co-creating and manifesting their dreams and wishes aka Light vibrations, coming true ... becomes very palpable ... very real.

Now we see that as everything materialistic potentially falls away, we are left with ourselves, at long last. Let's rejoice in this time to come for we are entering the advent of ourselves, our True Selves. And it is a grand and glorious time. As the darkness of the night is cast off, we are now immersed within the light of day and the Age of Aquarius full speed ahead, we see there is no limit to our potential, no limit to our thinking, no limit to our Light! Sit with the potential and reality of this thought for a moment. And breathe.

ticktockBeyond the Great Precession of the Equinox, the Cosmic journey back to God/Source/Great Creator/Divine Father. As John Hogue has reminded us, the proverbial clock that has been TICKING for the past four decades, has just  T O C K E D. We have officially moved past the half-way mark be'tween the overlapping Piscean Age into Age of Aquarius, the Age of Enlightenment and Reason. The Age of the Piscean fundamental belief structure and its predominant Piscean icon - the Church - is drawing to a close. We are feeling the rebalancing of the Yin/Yang Principal and are now fully immersed in another 36 year cycle.

We are beginning to see in earnest the telltale markings of the "the Age of Aquarius" as Piscean Age of Faith or Faith-Based religion (Latin Religio = To Bind) struggles with innovation. Aquarius Age is Age of Science and Enlightenment, and the "existential tasting and experiencing of life".*

As I have said before, we are beginning to see with our two physical eyes, what I call "Extreme Spirituality" realizing our own innate potential and seeing now that we really are the ones we have been waiting for. [Ref. Deidre's Article: WHO ARE OUR HEROS] We are the heroes of NOW to set the stage and raise the bar for more of the magical and profound same.

Worldwide, people are feel first stirrings of wanting "to know" something is true, first hand, about themselves, their world and the mystery of existence.

"A revolutionary understanding and practice of meditation will begin in Cosmic Night. It will give birth to the inner new human in hundreds of millions of people around the world. Their flowering of consciousness [golden flower of life] can tip the scales of fate toward a golden future in the next 36 years. Out of our transformation will come an end to fear, and a celebration of heaven and earth meeting in blissful union inside each of us. ~ John Hogue's, Long Cosmic Day's Journey Into Cosmic Night Predictions*

Ongoing social and cultural indicators markers of trends reveal our conscious and subconscious co-evolution that are vastly influencing our world. Balancing our (male/female) hemispheres will become at once pertinent for everyone who is waking to their own inner divinity and seeking ... AND for the rest of the sleepers, becomes a marked "problem" (opportunity) in society as we see so many individuals who have not gathered their proverbial ducks now swimming in a sea of fear and doubt as never before; and it will manifest in even greater swings of the inner pendulum between the outer and the inner planes - more of the dark shadows in people will emerge and it will become even more clear that something needs to be done - on a global consciousness level. [Interest to Note: Making the sign of the cross across your breast and heart is yet another example of the subconscious desire and action to balance ourselves body, mind and spirit.]

As stated above as one tiny example, there is so much more Light infusion streaming into the planet now it is inevitable that it will affect everyone and everything. For some it will bring about internal cataclysmic shifts ... notice I said cataclysmic? cat·a·clysm n. A violent upheaval that causes great destruction or brings about a fundamental change. Keep in mind, this is a good thing ... sometimes we require ourselves to experience a shaking up from within ... God speaks to us all the time, All the Time, and many aren't listening preferring to preoccupy themselves.

Two Worlds, A Minimum Of

Ah, so much doom and gloom. Seems like it doesn't it? Well, let's keep in mind that this dualistic planet is about to be considerably shaken to its root. What is to be done? How can we cope? Don't be the frog in the pot of boiling water.

I invite you to consider that what many people will SEE will be what I just described - darkness, destruction, despair. And then, there will be those who won't see (experience) the darkness or negativity at all. What will they see then? They will see prosperity, joy, abundance, good health, beauty, balance, calm, peace, harmony, wealth and love.

Tho I mention the potential for two worlds, there are actually limitless amounts of realities available to us at any given time. Science is beginning to tap into this deeper understanding and is finally able to reveal the "dark matter" of our local universe; and have finally learned how to view it correctly (like a kaleidoscope), similarly with our "junk DNA" which will one day reveal the super storage of our multiple realities and life cycles.

So many predictions about the two worlds have been written and shared for ages and eons by native elders, and wise sages throughout time. I will reiterate one:

The Hopi Prophecy

hopination"You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour.
Now you must go back and tell the people that this is the Hour.
And there are things to be considered:
Where are you living? What are you doing?
What are your relationships? Are you in right relation?
Where is your water? Know your garden. [Figuratively, water = Divine Feminine Holy Spirit; Garden = your I AM Divine Gifts and Attributes; what you reap so shall you sow.]

It is time to speak your Truth.
Create your community.
Be good to each other. [Everyone and everything is our mirror]
And do not look outside yourself for the leader. [You are the one you have been waiting for!]
This could be a good time! [Choose wisely]
There is a river flowing now very fast. [River = Light Stream]
It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid.
They will try to hold on to the shore.
They will feel they are being torn apart, and they will suffer greatly. [Inner cataclysm]
Know the river has its destination. [A higher plan/purpose]
The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of
the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water. [Be flow]
See who is in there with you and celebrate.
At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally.
Least of all, ourselves. [Who I AM and What I Do have nothing to do with one another]
For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.
The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves!
Banish the word struggle from your attitude and your vocabulary.
All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration. [Notice the word "All"]
We are the ones we've been waiting for." [Aho!]
~ The Elders, Orabi, Arizona Hopi Nation"

People who are on board with their I AM will be the ones in the MIDDLE OF THE RIVER helping the others to let go of the shoreline and come join them in the flow! IT'S ALL ABOUT CHOICE. There are many ways of letting go of the river bank.

Each of the following is a practice, ceremony and/or ritual that helps remind us of who we really are:

We have several things working in our favor to experience Joy, Peace, Harmony, Abundance and Love which will support and uplift us without repeating old patterns (backsliding into our fears and shadows).

  1. Since we are in the Age of Aquarius and have finally released the dogmatically positioned Piscean Age, we have greater opportunities on our side for forward thinking, positive flow. Falling into old patterns will be met with intellect and awareness (i.e., the ability to be aware that we need to be aware ) these are the KEY ELEMENTS that will hold us more firmly to our cosmic center in the balanced space be'tween all.
  2. In this 36 year phase, this is the time where the goddess is strongest, supportively nurturing, where the masculine gets a rest and receives nurturing from the feminine.As I mentioned, you can choose to allow the feminine to take this role or you can choose to allow the shadows of your inner Queen/Goddess to rule as a tyrant queen where the masculine finds no rest or safety. Allow the Goddess/Queen to share her love!!! Now that the masculine can relax ... his true purpose to her of supporting and uplifting the inner divine feminine power of creativity and flow can spring forth and assist in a healthy, right-relationship manner ... she can now release (let go of) her inner warrior and allow him to do his job, she now feels safe, too. Congratulations are in order!
  3. According to the Mayan Calendar, we have entered the time of All Creation happening at once. Creation is be speeding up ... and no, it is not time that is speeding up ... it's creation! Darkness can now fall away, signs of deeply repressed shadows are overcome by the Light of Day, when the sun comes out to play in our lives we feel more positive and share a sense of bright future possibilities in our lives. We are more optimistic in the daytime. | READ MORE: MAYAN CALENDAR, CREATION SPEEDING UP

"I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live up to what Light I have."
~ Abraham Lincoln

We all have our purpose and mission on the planet. Do you know your mission? We have all been preparing for our missions here for aeons. As we see the evidence of our awakening to support the planet, it is our higher destiny to bring heaven to earth. Relax and enjoy the coming year's amazing forward motion. Recognize you are being supported by myriad Angelic Kingdoms awaiting your bidding. Do your part to invoke the greatest consciousness possible.

Just as the Fibonacci Sequence in nature affords us the ability to look back historically so that we can learn and evolve into our future, we see clearly that we have the choice to fling open the doors to our soul, our heart and our connection within and without to I AM ... and bring forth the sweet music of our inner spheres of Light I AM ... we SEND FORTH the call, Our Call, Vay-Yik-Ra! (Hebrew "The Call into Holiness") and through these actions and intentions our genetic DNA spiral will express limitlessly through myriad sacred geometries. We can take the strengths and lessons of the past 36 year Cosmic Day cycle and marry that with the Cosmic Night and step up to All That Is!

Aho and Ose Ahava Shalom!


Deidre Madsen 2015Deidre Madsen
Imagery Consultant
Award-Winning Author and Writer
Lecturer and Speaker
Life Coach


Happily Inner After by Deidre Madsen
As a tenured Imagery Consultant, Deidre works body, mind and spirit

whole-brained holistic sessions with clients worldwide and assists in
opening to your spirit-supra-consciousness and succor
Order her Award-Winning Book Happily Inner After
paperback, kindle, hardbound, Amazon | Balboa Press

*Credit John Hogue for excerpts in this article


Tags: Mayan calendar earth changes awakening junk DNA masculine feminine archetypes Hopi Prophecy Twin Hearts Tick Tock Cosmic journey Age of Aquarius Age of Enlightenment Piscean Age age of miracles extreme spirituality waking evolution John Hogue Long Cosmic Day's Journey Into Cosmic Night Predictions